Last Act; Strangers to Twins – Age 46; Prologue
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Last Act; Strangers to Twins

Reborn was still staring at the old phone in his hand. Even while he hadn’t talked to her in years.. he still kept the phone.

Normally he discarded phones and numbers regularly just to not be able to get tracked but… he could have never brought it over his heart to get rid of this one… just in case. Just in case something happened…. just… because he hadn’t been able to let go.

She hadn’t tried to contact him in years. back then… years in the past she had sometimes tried to reconnect. Before he got cursed, he himself had reached out a few times.

They had at least messaged each other on their birthday but… after she couldn’t help him with his curse he had just been… he had… he had cut contact.

He never deleted her messages, he even read them. He still had the invitation to her wedding she had sent him… even while he hadn’t replied or attended.

He knew Rosene could help him now. He knew the magical world had growth potions. Back when she was still in school he had sometimes stolen her books and read them. He had even tried to attempt brewing a potion but to no avail. He was still a muggle after all…

He sighed, leaning back, and staring at his toddler hands.

The curse was gone, he could be an adult again… if he just touched this one little button.

To be honest he had no clue if she still kept her phone, after all… she only had kept it for him and he knew that. She had no use for it, never had… so who knows? Maybe she had discarded it…

In a way it was selfish to just call her when he needed her but… she was still Rosene… his twin. Who else could he call than her?

He sighed once more before he hit the call button. Just silently listening to it ringing until the connection cut again.

Why had he assumed that she would pick up? 

They were estranged… they might be twins but he had… he had distanced himself.

He knew he had been immature back then, jealousy ridden. How had he not? She had gotten a letter inviting her to Beauxbatons and then she had gone off. Leaving him alone while she went off to learn magic. He hadn’t just been jealous, she had left him. They had been twins, inseparable, always together and then.. then suddenly she was off. Studying in france and he had stayed back.

Rosene was the reason why he was who he was today. When his flames woke up he had been entranced, it had been the closest he could even have been to catching up with her and he had given his all. It was hard to admit but he had felt inferior back then. 

He had been immature back then and when she hadn’t even been able to free him from his curse… he had lashed out back then. Had Let all his frustration out at her and that had been the last time he talked to her.

His musing got interrupted when the phone started to vibrate and he slowly picked up “Ciaossu.”

There was a moment of silence on the other side before her velvety but still slightly rough voice spoke up “Ren?... I.. i mean Renato?”

“Yes… Rosene?”


“I have a favor to ask of you.”

The silence kept on going for several moments, almost a minute before she spoke again “What do you need?”

“Your world has growth potions, right? Aging potions?”

“We tested it back then. It doesn't work with your curse, nothing has changed.”

“My curse is broken.”


“So… would you bring them for me and my bondmates?”

“They are muggles.”

“Sen” he slipped into her nickname, maybe a bit cruel to get her to comply to his wishes “I…. please. It has been decades. i just…. I want to be an adult again.”

She swallowed hard “I… I guess. I… I have to check. I'm not sure. You are muggles. I don’t know if it has consequences either.”

“I understand that.”

“Where are you staying?”

“Vongola… I… I will send you the details?”

“Alright. I… I will try to hurry this up.”


To be honest Reborn could have said a lot of things right now. He could have apologized, he could have asked how she was doing. if she was still married… if… if she had a job or… anything but… he didn’t.

He… he just hung up.