03 Unnecessary Bickering
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Activating the device, it transformed into what looked like a key; a wary expression waving upon her face plate, the fembot took few steps forwards.

"Uhm... Hi there..." Russell let out, for Bumblebee approached her slowly. A servos upon her chassis, her frame shivered slightly; she scanned her surroundings, her optics swiftly locking onto Russell.

"Should, she be standing up like that?" Denny muttered, as he snuck his way behind his son, hands on his shoulders. Russell shook his head in response, his eyes on the white bot.

"She has just woken up, lieutenant." Fixit stated. "Her condition is much butter – batter – better, as you can see."

"My name is Bumblebee." The bot spoke calmly, before introducing the others; a passive approach was the most prudent. "These are my fellow Autobots: Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock. Her optics wandered between the bots. "What’s your name?" He asked, for she didn't answer right away.

"... Vitae." She eventually responded, as a wave of uneasiness spreads across the Scrapyard. Remaining suspicion of the unfamiliar bot, Strongarm stood readied, and on guards.

"Vitae... that's a catchy name!" Sideswipe let out, oblivious to the potential threat she may be.

"Not catchy enough to be in any database, you dim-bot." Strongarm replied in an over authoritative manner. "For all we know, she could be a Decepticon-"

"Ah come on!" The hot red bot let out, as he gave her a teasing pat. "Just relax... No need to blow gaskets."

"Sideswipe… I'm only gonna say this once: Don't - make - my - circuits - sizzle." She muttered, her optics shut; her servos in a fist, her annoyance and irritation had reached far beyond boiling point.

"Uh oh!!" Grimlock let out, as he stepped away for cover. "Someone needs to shift gears here!"

"Guys come on! Now's REALLY not the time!" Bumblebee uttered, as he tried cooling down the atmosphere; oblivious to their leader's plea, the bickering duo continued on. Following Grimlock's smart retrieval, Denny and Russell proceed out of the area, and back to the dinner, shortly followed by Fixit.

"Guys seriously!!" Bumblebee insisted. “Guys… guys..!” He shut his optics, before momentarily stepping in, thus breaking up the pointless quarrel. "That's ENOUGH!!!" Unwilling to come to any reconciliation, the squabbling duo parted ways, leaving behind an exasperated leader.

"I must apologize..." Vitae said, as she approached him. "My presence here seems to be causing quite a dispute." A defeated look waved across his face plate.

"No- no... It's not..." He replied. " It's not just you... there's more to it than that..." He sighed in discouragement.

"Perhaps this could shed some light on the matter at hand... and put this Strongarm at ease." She commented, as she handed him the key device. "I retrieved this item sometimes during my travels."

"Your travels?" Bumblebee wondered.

"I’ve been traveling across space, in search for something, when I found myself caught in some kind of Warp Hole." She explained. "And then… I was suddenly attacked by something… I don’t know whom or what attacked me, but I can tell you it was very powerful. My injuries halted my ability to fly, resulting in myself crashing on this strange world."

"What were you looking for?" He inquired.

"The purpose for my awakening." She answered truthfully. "I have been in stasis for as long as I can remember, but for unknown reasons, I was awakened many stellar cycles ago… I’ve been seeking understanding, the purpose for my return ever since… I’m sorry if I’m unable to give you more details."

"No need for apologies- it’s not your fault. My fellow Autobots will understand." Bumblebee replied, for she nodded in appreciation. "Let's check out this device, and see what we can learn from it." On their way to the command center, the duo was quickly joined by Fixit.

"Planning on analyzing the device?" The Minibot guessed right, as Bumblebee nodded in response. "I will go with you; it's best keeping an optics on Vitae, after the injuries she’s been inflicted."