Chapter 6: A second brawl
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~Moxxie is trying to shoot a picture of a family, while Axel is holding it~

In the office lobby, Loona and Millie watch as Moxxie uses a crossbow to shoot pictures held up by Axel for target practice. Unfortunately, Moxxie is shaking terribly.

"Moxxie, stop shaking!" Millie scolds. "You're gonna shoot our newest hellhound!" She gestures over to Axel, who lies on a grey couch while holding up the family picture in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Wow, I feel soooo loved here," Axel sarcastically remarks. Loona glances up at him and stifles a quiet chuckle.

Millie turns back to her husband. "Just take a deep breath." She inhales. "And let it out."

"But... it's a family!" Moxxie protested. "Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?"

"I mean, if that's what the client wants." Millie shrugged.

"Maybe like a shitty dad. Or a mob family." Moxxie continued. "That's understandable." He said in an Italian accent. "But to eradicate an entire innocent - seemingly, in this instance - upper middle class family bloodline?

Axel sits up and looks at the picture as he thinks for a moment. "Hey! You don't know they're innocent!" He calls out to Moxxie. "This kid probably sets dogs on fire, maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online, and this guy...? This guy definitely watches."

"Exactly!" Millie reassured Moxxie. "Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here!"


Moxxie is swiftly interrupted. "Guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox." She cups his head in her hands. "Killin' who we're paid to. Is. Our. Business." She then plants a kiss on his cheek. "Shoot the target."

Moxxie sighed, before readying his crossbow once more. " I just think it's a bit excessive, and we could be a bit more...selective, is all."

Moxxie aims his crossbow. Just as he was ready to fire, Blitzo barges into the room followed by pinkish coloured sinner.

"Guys! l want you to meet-"

Blitz's sudden announcement startles Moxxie, causing him to release the trigger prematurely. The arrow ricochets around the room, smashing the computer monitor at Loona's desk, while Millie jumps into Moxxie's arms. The arrow then pierces through the picture Axel was holding, leaving a hole. It rebounds off one of the legs of a large electric eel tank, only to be deftly caught by Blitz just as it's about to hit the sinner.

"...our newest client!" Blitz continues. The fish tank topples over, spilling water and electric eels onto the floor. The eels burst into a spectacular display of electricity, igniting a small fire that quickly spreads. "Dammit, Moxxie! I just bought those eels!" Blitz complaines.

Everyone quickly run out of the office as the fire spreads.

Outside, Blitz is seen to be waving of the pinking coloured sinner as she gets into a taxi. 

"Byyyyye!" Blitz called out. "And, don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is freee!" Blitz waves as the cab speeds off. 

"When did we start implementing that deal?" Moxxie askes. Blitz turns to Moxxie and grabs his face.

"When you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT, YOU FUCKIN' DICKSHIT!" He then slammed Moxxie into the wall of the building. "Now someone PLEASE tell me that fancy book is still intact!" Loona turns to him while still holding her phone.

"You mean... our only ticket to the other side?" She says as she pulls out a fany book. "Yeah. Got it." Blitz smiles at her. 

"And that's why you're my favorite, Loonie. You get a tweat, now!" He holds up a dog biscuit to Loona as she looks at it with disgust.

"Ew. Stop." She grimaces.

Blitz throws the treat into the air and catches it with his tongue like a frog. He pulls it into his mouth, eating the treat, causing both the hellhounds to recoil in disgust. 

"You're so gross!" Said Axel and Loona together. Blitz simply rolls his eyes.

"Awwww, stop it. I get enough of that from my therapist."

Millie then draws a pentagram with chalk on the side of the building. It glows red, creating a portal to the living world.

Blitz then turns to the two hellhounds. "Do you guys think that you could clean up the office a bit? We kinda' left it burning."

Axel sighed. "But I wanted to some with youuuuu..." He groaned. Blitz simply shook his head.

"Sorry rookie, bosses orders. Now let's go lick some ass!"

"The expression is 'kick some ass'... Blitz." Millie replied, as she stepped through the portal.

"Mine's better." Blitz deadpanned, following her into the living world. 

Once Blitz is through, Moxxie steps up. "Aww, fuuuck..." he groans, then enters the portal after Blitz.

Loona and Axel exchange glances, then shrug and head back toward the office.


Jeez, I'm surprised that half of this shit even survived. Axel thought, as he rearranged the fallen cabinets. He stood back proudly, admiring his handiwork.

"Hey asshole!" A voice called out to him, prompting Axel to turn around.

"Remember when I said it wasn't over?" Loona smirked, before getting into a fighting stance.

"Ohhhh yeah! I do remember that. " Axel said sarcastically, before mimicking the same move as her.

Both hellhounds stood still, neither of them moving, as they gazed into each others eyes defiantly. Both gazes held fire and spirit, and not a single muscle was moved. You could hear a pin drop. Axel narrowed his eyes at Loona, before before his face broke into a cocky grin.

"Cute." He said. It took a second for the word to register to her, but when it did, her smirk wavered, and she gained a deep blush on her face.

"...w-what...?" She managed. Axel suddenly leapt forward, taking advantage of her stunned state. He then pushed her into the wall, and and pinned her arms above her head, his body pressing into hers. Loona's heart pounded against her chest as the adrenaline surged through her veins. His closeness sent a mixture of irritation and something undeniably electrifying.

"Axel, you..." Loona began, her voice a mix of frustration and a tinge of uncertainty. His intense gaze held her captive, and her breath caught in her throat.

"You're such a handful," Axel teased, his breath brushing against her ear, making her shiver involuntarily. Loona's cheeks flushed with a combination of embarrassment and a sensation she couldn't quite fathom.

"Get off me, you mutt!" she retorted, her attempts to break free from his hold becoming more determined, yet strangely feeble.

"Mutt, huh?" Axel's lips curled into a sly smile, his voice dripping with amusement. "Is that the best insult you can come up with, Loony?"

The use of her nickname, uttered with a mixture of mockery and familiarity, sent a jolt of conflicting emotions through her. Her frustration grew, and with a sudden surge of strength, Loona managed to free one of her arms and delivered a swift punch to Axel's side. He grunted, momentarily loosening his grip, and she seized the opportunity to break free. Their tussle continued, a flurry of quick movements and sharp retorts.

Loona's tail lashed out, aiming for Axel's legs, but he sidestepped with impressive agility. He countered with a well-aimed kick, but she deflected it with her forearm. Their fight resembled a fierce, chaotic dance, a clash of wills that neither of them was willing to surrender.

Axel managed to grab hold of Loona's wrist and twisted it, attempting to force her to the ground. She countered by using her other leg to sweep his, sending him tumbling to the floor. They rolled and grappled, their bodies twisting and turning in a dynamic struggle for dominance.

Loona's hair fell over her face as she panted, her chest heaving with exertion. Axel's smirk only fuelled her determination more, and she summoned a burst of energy to push him off and regain her footing. She charged at him, delivering a swift series of punches and kicks that he expertly dodged.

As the fight raged on, their movements grew more calculated, their strikes more precise. Each move was met with a countermove. Despite the fierce competition, a strange kind of understanding seemed to develop between them, an unspoken acknowledgment of each other's skills and determination.

With a quick burst of speed, Loona delivered a kick to Axel leg, causing his to momentarily stumble backwards a couple of metres. He quickly regained his footing. Crouching back into a similar fighting stance he had used at the start of their brawl. She mimicked his own stance once more, an exact replica of the start of their fight. As they were just about to engage once more, the company phone began ringing, signalling the end of their challenge. The two hounds looked at the phone, before looking back at each other.

"Saved by the bell," Axel chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood. Loona rolled her eyes at his comment and made her way over to the desk, where the phone continued to ring insistently. Axel, however, couldn't resist a playful tug on the end of her tail.

...f-fuck.." Loona moaned, before slapping a hand over her muzzle. Her face turned a deep shade of red, mortified by her own outburst.

Axel's own face matched the hue of a ripe tomato, his playful demeanour replaced by a stunned awkwardness. The atmosphere between them shifted, and both hellhounds found themselves trapped in a moment of shared embarrassment.

"...u-uh....i-i-i..." Axel stammered, struggling to form a coherent sentence as his mind raced to process the unexpected turn of events. He could only manage a bewildered gaze, his usual quick wit failing him in the face of Loona's flustered state.

The seconds stretched on, each passing moment amplifying the awkwardness that hung in the air. Finally, Axel managed to break free from the stupor that had settled over him. "E-Excuse me," he blurted out, his voice tinged with embarrassment. Without waiting for a response, he hastily retreated, practically sprinting to the break room and slamming the door shut behind him.

In the wake of his hasty exit, Loona was left standing by the desk, her hand still pressed against her mouth as she processed the unexpected exchange. Her heart raced, a mix of confusion and a strange fluttering sensation swirling within her.

Back in the breakroom, Axel leaned against the door, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. His heart pounded in his chest, the rush of adrenaline from their intense fight now mingled with the bewildering encounter that had followed. He couldn't believe how quickly the situation had shifted from a heated battle to an awkward exchange that left both him and Loona flustered.

Running a hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture, Axel tried to make sense of his own emotions. He could still feel the heat on his cheeks and the racing of his heart. The memory of Loona's stunned expression replayed in his mind, and he couldn't shake the unexpected feeling he had of her. The fuck was that? He thought, confused and embarrassed.