The Place Unknown
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Allen Stoneheart a NEET was doing nothing but playing games.
He was fired from his job, his project was terminated because he failed to
impress his higher ups. He was working on a game, a Strategy Defence Game. The
game he was creating mainly focused on Creating Dungeon and defending it from invaders.
Most people thought it's theme was outdated thus the sponsor lost interest in


Even in this difficult situation he did not lose his hope.
Without any help from his sponsor he was forced to complete his game with every
little penny he had. Sometimes he even forgot to eat but never forgot to work
on his dream game. Although he was turning into a workaholic he finished his
game and named it dungeon defence, but it came with a price.


Allen was now very weak. He was suffering from malnutrition
as he never bothered about eating during work. Even in this weak conditions he
never once thought about his health and began to test his game. He became the
first beta player. As days passed by he literally became addicted to it. He
cleared many levels and created many boss monster, their minions and placed many traps to
stop the invaders from entering into his dungeon. He gradually played the game
in hellmode, developed the dungeon to its highest peak and rose as the lord of
his Dungeon.

Now it was time to show the world the game he created. And
to do so he was thinking of uploading the game to some online platform. As he
was creating an account on the online platform he was able the hear the thunder
and blowing wind wreaking havoc on his town. He was surprised that electricity
was still functioning on this kind of weather.

The time he completed his setup and finished uploading his
game to the server, his house got stuck by a bolt of lightning. The lightning
didn’t effect him as proper earthing was done to discharge the lightning bolt as it was a modern houses but the lightning triggered something. The computer started
showing fuzzy, disoriented signals and before Allen could react the computer
exploded scattering everything along with Allen in the room.

Helpless on the floor Allen became unconscious he saw broken
glasses scattered everywhere and blood dripping from his body creating a
puddle. As pain became unbearable he closed his eyes and thought about his life
where he didn’t accomplish anything. The scene of afterlife flashed before his
eyes and within seconds his pain was gone.

When he opened his eyes he was in an unfamiliar place. It
was dark place with little bit of light coming from the luminous rocks
scattered here and there. Smell of decaying flesh was filling up the
surrounding but for some reason Allen was not bothered by it. He was also able
to hear the screaming sounds which echoed everywhere.

Looking at the surrounding Allen became sure that he was in Hell. Allen still remember the brutal death he had thus he thinks that he is dead now. Allen
didn’t want to go towards the direction of scream so he went to the opposite
direction and started follow the luminous rocks hoping to meet the lord of Hell
who would judge him. At least that’s what was the proper course of action
according to different books he read when he was alive. On his path he
encountered different monsters, some of which he even recognised. They were
popular monster anyone would know from the videogames and folktales.

Allen was scared of them but he also knew that he is dead
now and no monster could harm a dead man’s spirit, at least not in hell, not
before the judgement. Allen also noticed something peculiar. The monsters were afraid
of him and were running away from him.

As he followed the luminous rocks he came across gigantic
door beautifully designed. Devilish structures were engraved on the doors and
guarding the doors were two giant statues. Their body were humanoid at least
their lower body and in place of human head, they had hound head with Egyptian
nemes crown. They also carried humongous spears ready to attack anyone who
dares trespass them. Watching these two figures Allen remembered the appearance
of Egyptian God Anubis. He also remembered that Anubis was the God of death and
became sure that beyond the door was indeed the lord of Hell waiting for him,
waiting to judge him.

As Allen come near the door the statues made no movement, as
if they were in-active or were waiting for Allen to open the door. Suspicious and
scared to the heart Allen pushed the gigantic door, which was not at all heavy
and opened easily.

Beyond the door was no lord of Hell waiting for him, nor was
it any place of judgement. It was a large chamber with beautiful pillars on
every corner. Centre to the chamber was an orb floating in mid-air and  glowing vigorously. Allen entered into the
chamber, explores it a little bit and starts to doubt his death. For a second
he think he is dreaming and may be having some kind of strange dream. For once
he thinks that he is still alive and hospitalised and everything is happening
inside his unconscious brain but soon he comes to reality when he come in
contact with the glowing orb.

Coming in contact with Allen the orb starts shining, producing
numerous magic circles and within seconds the orb changed its appearance. The shining
mystical energy changed into pitch black darkness and from it came chaos

Allen was unable to grasp the situation and was trying his
level best to remain sane.  But he lost
all his compositions when something pop-up In front of him.



New User Detected.

Transferring the Authority to the User.

User Name: Allen Stoneheart

Race: Ancient

Title: The Dungeon Master

Age: Endless

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

DF: 70

STR: 65

Innate-Class : Ancient Sorcerer

Sub-Class : Summoner
