Chapter 7: “Newcomer”
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Chapter 7: “Newcomer”



            The next morning Sarah came by to reschedule things with Sam.  The shops were all closed until noon, and she would be busy the rest of the day.  Sam decided to spend the day at home.  It was mostly uneventful aside from some calls and texts from a handful of close friends who found out through the grapevine what had happened to Sam.  Outside, the city rested as well.  At noon her father came home, and he explained to Sam what the city walls were and how they worked when she asked.  He also mentioned a service that they would attend together for the defenders who had fallen in defense of their city in the morning.



It was perhaps an hour past sunrise as Sam stood shoulder to shoulder with her brother Michael.  Feeling the mid-morning sun caressing her hair.  She had her hair done in a loose braid that her father had shown her how to do.  Her mom had forced him to learn so that she could have him help her with her hair when she felt lazy.  John smiled as he told her that story.

Sam was wearing an old black dress she’d been lucky to find, while Michael was dressed in a formal black shirt and matching dress pants.  They were separated from their father by the crowd of black-clad attendees as he held rank with the other defenders who fought that day.  There was no uniform for their city, instead each member dressing their best.  They had no accolades or medals, but they did have tradition.


Every defender’s name was inscribed on their wall of remembrance, both living and dead.  Some names glowed faintly, and others didn’t as those who they belonged to had been interred back into the earth.

A man stepped forward from the Defenders’ ranks; who stood in a large circular shaped formation made from thirty-six blocks of men with their backs facing the center.  In the middle of their formation sat an ornate stone slab upon which sat a single Urn.  The urn was symbolic, as between the beasts and the walls there hadn’t been any bodies to bring home. 


He ascended a small podium, tall enough to stand above the gathered crowd.  He wore simple clothes, but they were neat and well kept.  


“Ladies and gentlemen.  Good people of Storm rock.  I beseech you today to take a moment, and reflect on the road you’ve walked, ask yourself if that path will make you happy.  Its never too late to make a change.”

“It is however, for these fine young men and women.  These ninety-four brave souls gave their lives in defense of these walls, a sacrifice they made unwillingly – but readily.  Standing their ground and holding the line.  A choice they would have made again and again.  I know because I would.  Someday I might.  I take pride in defending these walls, just like the men and woman before you.  Just like they did.”

“So, offer prayer, keep them in your thoughts, it matters little how you choose to remember us.  Only that you live a life that makes you proud.  That’s what they fought to defend in the end.  They fought for you.”


His magically assisted voice echoed out across the crowd, and they had the desired effect it seemed.  Many people bowed their heads, while some let small streamers with loved ones’ names drift up into the sky from their outstretched hands.  The streamers contained hopeful messages for their lost ones, things they wanted to tell them but couldn’t anymore.  Guided by magic, they would drift upwards until they reached through the clouds where they would break into golden motes.

Magic can be beautiful sometimes.


The speech wasn’t long, but what was important to everyone was that they had all come together.  As the service ended, and the crowd slowly began to disperse, Sam’s father and the other defenders remained in formation.  They would stay until everyone except family left before interring the urn into the earth.


Sam was walking with Michael through the crowd, making their way towards the archway that led into the large remembrance area, when she noticed a familiar figure making his way towards them.  As he drew closer, Sam recognized his face.


Liam walked up to them and greeted Michael before turning to Sam and taking a good look at her.  “Where’d you steal her from?”  Liam asked incredulously as he turned back to face Michael.  “There’s no way someone this pretty would be dating you willingly.”

Liam turned towards her again.  “Miss, are you in trouble, do you need help?”


Michael and Sam gave each other a look before they laughed lightly, still mindful of where they were.  Sam decided to end the misunderstanding, though hearing Liam call her pretty made her heart flutter slightly.

Clearing her throat, Sam reintroduced herself.  “Hi Liam.  Thank you for the taco seasoning.  It’s me, Sam.”


The look of shock on his face was priceless, but also somewhat confusing.  “I’m surprised you didn’t know, some of our other friends had sent me texts yesterday asking to hang out if it ‘wouldn’t be weird now that I’m a girl.’”

Liam scratched his neck sheepishly, “I uh, lost my phone actually.  I’ll tell you about it later.”


Liam decided to join them on their walk home, since his street was near theirs.  But as they were leaving, Sam’s sensitive ears caught a hushed conversation not too far away.   “Look at her, flirting with two men.”  “Mhm, those mutts are slaves to their instincts.” Another chimed in, snickering.  But try as she might, she couldn’t make out who said it from the crowd as it dispersed.  Her ears swiveled again, catching another searing comment, making her eyes sting.  I didn’t know people had this much hate.  They’re only parts of me, damnit!

“Hey Sammie, what’s up?” Michael said while giving her arm a nudge with his elbow.

“I-It’s nothing.  I’m fine.  I’ll tell you guys when we get away from the crowd.”


When they had gotten away, Sam caved under their pestering and told them what she heard in the crowd.

“People can be so cruel.  We literally just came together for a remembrance ceremony.  What the hell.”  Liam said, seething. 

“It’s fine.  Really, I’m okay, it bothered me then, but it is what it is.”  Sam said.

They offered some more consoling words before moving on.


Arriving back at Sam’s house together, Sam and Liam decided to go to ‘Ruth’s Range,’  so she kept Liam waiting with a glass of water in her kitchen while she went upstairs to change out of her black dress.


Sam slipped off clothes, alone in her room, before changing into another pair of gym shorts.  Rolling the waistband this time, she ended up turning her gym-shorts into short-shorts.  But her tail could fit, and that was what mattered to Sam as she slid on an old faded-pink sweatshirt.  One that she found near the bottom of her mom’s clothes basket earlier while looking for something formal.  It might be a tad girly for Sam’s tastes, but it had a cute taco on the back which tipped the scales dramatically.


Sam re-joined Liam at the front door and together they walked down to his place, the Ruth house.  They had a shooting range with wards around it to prevent sound from escaping.  Sam thought they could spend some time there before asking him to go to the plazas with her.


Sam was feeling almost back to normal in terms of how fatigued she originally felt when she woke up.  She couldn’t help but wonder if it had anything to do with her constitution before, or after the changes in herself.  Either way Sam felt thankful to not be feeling lethargic and slow after only two days of recovery. 


During the walk, Liam asked Sam about how She’s handling the changes. 

She took a breath and thought a moment before responding.  “I’m struggling sometimes, I think.  I keep putting on a brave face for everyone, but in reality I’m feeling more lost than I’m letting on.  My senses are stronger, reactions feel quicker, but I’ve also got new thoughts and feelings about things.”  Sam sighed before continuing.  “Honestly, I’m going to be fine.  I have a family and friends who care about me.  It’s just going to take some getting used to.”

Liam nods as they walk, offering her his advice.  “It's okay to be weak sometimes, because through acceptance, you pave the way for transformation and healing.”

“Where’d you come up with that?” Sam said with a giggle.  “Not mine, I read it.”

Sam rolled her eyes somewhat at his words but mulled them over anyways.



They arrive at Liams place, and he welcomes her inside, mentioning that his mother and father are out as he filled a glass of water before handing it to her.  “Thanks” she offered back, before taking a sip.  Watching Liam’s back as he ran up the stairs towards his room.

Sam took a seat at the island and let her tail sway behind her off the barstool.  Liam’s kitchen was much more furnished than their own spartan kitchen.  Sam attributed that to there being an active woman in their lives.


Sam heard the sound of footsteps coming behind her and tossed a glance over her shoulder at Liam demurely.  Liam stood there, struck by her visage.  But Sam mistook his loitering for impatience and hopped out of the chair before walking towards the side door to their back lot.  “Ready?” She tossed at him with a grin.






The range was uneventful, boring even since she left her pistols at home.  They were the only ones there since it was closed for the day, and they had their pick of the rentable firearms.  She’d picked up a rifle after stuffing her ears with some earplugs and began plinking away alongside Liam.  It was a black semi-automatic M4 variant chambered in 5.56.  

When it was Sam's turn to shoot, she could feel Liam's eyes lingering on her ass when she squeezed the trigger.  It was distracting.

As expected though, he wiped the floor with Sam with his precision.  But she beat him out for reaction time.  After they were done, Sam asked him if he would go with her to the plaza while they picked up brass and tossed it into a bucket.  Liam looked happy to spend more time with her and immediately agreed.  After cleaning up, they left.


The walk to the plaza was peaceful.  Sam enjoyed their lazy stroll beneath the noon sun, feeling its warmth on her face and ears.  A gentle breeze blew through the trees that sometimes dotted between the houses, carrying the mixed smells of the city towards Sam.  Liam walked close enough that occasionally she could catch a whiff of his warm scent, sometimes even brushing hands before he took a conscious step away to keep his distance.


Along the way they passed by the Hunter’s Trio again, who immediately ran up to Sam, begging her to let them pet her tail.  She relented, and her tail got thoroughly fondled.  Before long, Sam left three happy children behind as they walked, singing something about how fluffy ears were better than frothy beers.  Sam didn't read into it too much, but she did hope they hadn't had beer yet.



When they finally arrived at the plaza, Sam and Liam drifted around from shop to shop; and before Sam could decide between food or clothes first, Liam had already bought them food and entertainment.  He waved some tickets to the media center in front of her face.  “Cmon, lets go get some food.” He said with a smirk. 


It was a place that the adults had built for their children and young adults to play games and watch old movies, it had a low entrance fee and housed a variety of arcade games as well as a few old consoles for cooperative or party games.  The collection was pretty comprehensive.

There were a few places where you could watch movies, and comfortable seating was available.  Sam and Liam sat down in front of a tv in the isolated movie section of the room, away from the more popular and louder arcade and gaming area.  They decided on the movie ‘Gremlins’, which was a mock-horror movie about some fluffballs that shouldn’t get wet on Christmas.  While watching, they ate the food that they got from the building’s food stand.  Sam had a salad and Liam ate a burger. 

After they’d both finished eating, Sam turned the volume down, and faced Liam.


“Soo… I think it’s time you told me how you lost your phone.”  Sam said, giving his shoulder a light punch. 


Liam then went on to provide details about his night out.  He told her about his skirmish at the river crossing, after he’d run for almost an entire day.  Sam nodded occasionally, honestly surprised to be talking to him.

He went on to describe seeing the city walls light up, and the shockwave as it sent him against a boulder, driving away his consciousness until almost noon the following day.  He’d limped his way across the slick mulched fields and through the gates under the astonished gazes of the wall’s guards.  Liam was rather nonchalant in describing his injuries, leaving out most details.  But he let it slip that it took 4 healers until midnight before they let him go home and rest.


Liam shrugged it off, pretending like it was nothing.


Sam decided to share her knowledge about the city walls with him, considering he almost lost his life to them.

“Wow, so they haven’t been used that thing since before we were born.  I can see why, Sam there weren’t even farmhouses left.  NOTHING. Nada.”


After the movie finished up, they went back out to the plaza.  The next destination was something Sam had been putting off for a while, clothes shopping.  Originally, she was going to go with Sarah, but the idea of spending time together so soon after their breakup almost made Sam sick.  Sam wanted Sarah in her life, but the way Sarah wanted to do it, and how quickly she expected Sam to adjust were wild.


“So you’re not gonna beat me, right?” Liam asks tentatively as they walked towards a general clothing store, pulling Sam from her thoughts as they passed a small tavern called ‘Whiskies and Tails.’  “Mom said she would get you to beat me.”


But as Sam was about to reply, the door to the tavern opened, and a pair of hands reached out.  Sam was grabbed, a hand covering her mouth at the same time before pulling her inside and shutting the door quietly.  Sam struggled.

Once inside, however, the hands immediately released her.  Stumbling forward into a crowded room, Sam looked around timidly at the various men and women around the tavern.  Some had beers and sat at tables, and others sat along the bar counter, but all of them stared at her.  Some with kind smiles and others more smiling at her.  But the one thing they all had in common was that they all had animal traits.  There were a few cat girls in the corner, as well as some men that had feline traits.  Wolf-men and women dotted about, some coupled up with each other at various booths.

As she stood back up straight the room erupted in cheers, some joining late as they raised their mugs up. “Welcome, newcomer!”  After the cheers settled, they returned to their own conversations, and a gentle murmur resumed in the tavern.

“Sorry for nabbin’ you like that.  Wanted ta surprise ya.” A voice came from behind Sam somewhat sheepishly.

 Sam turned to see who it was that had grabbed her, a broad-shouldered wolf-man, who’s eyes kept moving from her chest back down to her ass before he realized he was being stared at.  He grinned with no hint of shame at being caught and offered his hand. 


The man had shaggy grey hair and playful brown eyes like a dogs, and he had short grey ears poking out from his head as well.  As Sam looked, she noticed he also had a tail, the same color grey.  He had on a plain brown jacket, and blue jeans.

“I think I’ll pass on that,” Sam said while looking down at his outstretched hand. “I was walking with my friend just now actually.  Think I’ll leave.”


As Sam made to pass by him, he stepped back in front of her, holding his hands up pleadingly.  “Hold on a sec, I’m sorry okay.  It was a bad idea.  We just wanted to tell you you’re not alone in the city – you got friends in this room.  And uhh… Stay safe out there.”  He scratched his head sheepishly before adding, “Cute girls like you, sometimes go missing from Storm Rock.”

Sam was stunned for a moment – she’d heard no such rumors.  Was this a threat?  She decided to confront him, feeling her ears lay back as she took an aggressive stance, one hand on her hips.

“Is that some kind of sick threat?”  Sam’s tail flourished impatiently behind her, as she poked her finger into his chest.

The man backed up, waving his arms, having lost all of his bravado under her temper.  But the barkeep made her way over to them and intervened.


“Don’t mind him, he does dumb things.  He’s sure as heck not smart enough to make so many girls disappear over the years though.  Not without getting caught or bragging about it first…”  She sighed and held out her hand.  “I’m Janet.  Welcome to the ‘Whiskey and Tails,’ my establishment.  It’s not every day you get to meet another fox-girl.” She let out a polite chortle as Sam shook her hand. 

She was a kitsune like Sam seemed to be, though instead of snow-white hair like Sam’s, she had hair colors more typical of the north American fox.  A rusty brown and black pattern adorned her ears and tail, with her hair being a dark, almost brown, red.  She looked like she was in her late teens, much like how Sam appeared.  She wore a short mini-skirt and a tiny crop top, showing much of her cleavage and skin.


Right about then the door opened, and a troubled Liam poked his head in.  His expression turning into relief as he noticed Sam.  Janet stiffened slightly as he walked over to them, but she said nothing to acknowledge his presence, treating him like he was invisible.  “He with you?” she shrugged in Liams direction.

“Yeah, we were walking the plaza when your buddy grabbed me.”  Sam said.  “Okay, well, you’re welcome any time but he’s not.  So why don’t you come back when you’ve wrapped up your business?” 

“It’s nothing against him personally.  Many of us have had bad interactions with normal people, and we treat this as a safe place.”  She added.


Sam was surprised but wasn’t exactly thrilled to be there to begin with.  She took her leave, grabbing Liam as they walked out.


When they were away, Liam tugged on Sams elbow bringing them to a stop.

“What was that about?  Everyone was staring at me.”

Sam let out a sigh, “I dunno, some kind of anthro’s only bar.  They pulled me in to welcome me into their club and also warn me.”  She shrugged. “Have you heard about any girls going missing?”

Liam thought a moment before he shook his head.  Sam brushed it off and they walked to the clothes store.  She then forced Liam to carry everything she needed as they made their way from shop to shop.  Before too long, Sam had a whole new collection of underwear, several new shirts, a few pants, and… dresses. 


Sam caved.  Some part of her, deep down inside, wanted to be pretty - wanted to be attractive.  It felt taboo at first as she picked out a yellow sun dress with white polka-dots, but the feeling of the fabric was so much softer than some of the other clothes she’d picked.  And after the first dress, the second came much more easily.  She stopped herself at three though, reminding herself she still had some of her mothers’ old dresses to pick through.


Thankfully the art of tailoring hadn’t been lost, it just hadn’t really changed or been innovated, the introduction of magic eventually making up for the loss of machine precision.  But they mostly got their fashion sense from where society had been during the convergence, and so the modern style of dressing was considered the norm when within the city walls.


Done for the day, they eventually returned to Sam’s home, with Liam buried under a pile of bags. 

After helping Sam bring the items to her room Liam sat on her bed, watching as she put things in various drawers while pulling out the clothes that were too ill-fitting to keep.  The discard pile quickly grew.  While Sam worked Liam caught her up on all the training he’d been up to over the month she spent unconscious. 


Sam felt like she was falling further behind him, but for the first time instead of beating herself up over the transformation she had no control over, it manifested as determination, an excitement to get back out and better herself.  To discover and overcome her new limits.  The range exercise today had proven that she could still shoot just fine, all she needed to do now was spar to figure the rest out.

But as she thought about grappling with Liam, Sam could feel a stirring in her loins.  Ugh, what the hell.  I’m not even thinking of anything lewd.  She could feel her face getting warm as she stole a furtive glance at Liam.  He was leaning back on his hands and openly admiring Sam – until he noticed her glance.  He turned his head with a slight blush on his cheeks.


Sam did her best to ignore it and finished putting her clothes away.  “Can we start sparring again tomorrow?  I need to figure out where my new strengths and weaknesses are.”


Liam nodded enthusiastically before replying, “Sure, we’ll do our normal routine every morning.  Like before you passed out.”

Sam smiled.


Sorry for the awkward pacing.  I know it’s not my normal rhythm.  I was feeling a bit trapped on the first day and wanted to break away while also practicing with summary style time-skips.  Next chapter has a much better flow.

As I move forward I’ll learn more patience for scenes and take more time for the world building and details.