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Meanwhile at the same time, Ha Jinwoo who was already arrived at the technology fair meeting could only ordered his guards to be alert as always even though Kim Mujin also have his own bodyguards.

If something happened to Kim Mujin, Ha Jinwoo didn't know how he should faced  the KW group even with Kang Dowon's help.

"Welcome to the international technology fair Sir. May I take a look at your invitation?" Asked one of the female staff in the reception area.

"Yes, here."

"Mr Ha from XB Universal Tech. welcome to the international technology fair," the receptionist lady confirmed his invitation and gave him an identity card pass that he would wear hanging on his neck.

"Thank you."

The moment Ha Jinwoo wanted to step inside the hall, another man suddenly stood on front of him.

"Nice to meet you Sir Ha. My Boss had long wanted to meet you."

"Your boss?"

"Director Kang Hajin from Kang Consortium."

Kang Consortium was Kang family's main company and the current chairman was Kang Sungman, Kang Dowon's father and Kang Hajin's grandfather.

However, the current act in chairman was Madam Kang due to Kang Sungman's failing health. Madam Kang wasn't Kang Dowon's mother because Kang Dowon's mother was the second wife.

That was the reason why Kang Dowon didn't care much about Kang Consortium and created his own company, DoK. However, Kang Dowon still one of the biggest shareholder in Kang family business since his mother was once Kang Sungman's business partner before they married each other.

Those shares were inherited by Kang Dowon after she died and Kang Dowon also acquired more shares by his own.

Kang Hajin's shares on the other hand couldn't even be considered as one of the main shareholders. Unlike Kang Dowon, Kang Hajin was supported and backed up by his grandmother who always put pressure on Kang Dowon.

"Oh Director Kang. You looked younger than I thought. I've heard about you before," Ha Jinwoo said as sincerely as he could.

Kang Hajin received Ha Jinwoo's handshakes and he could feel the big, warm and callused palm enveloping his.

"I also heard a little bit about you from my uncle, Kang Dowon. You looked better up close," Kang Hajin replied with a smile.

A gleam of interest flashed in his eyes while he released the man's hand.

"Oh really. I never really confident in my look especially when I stand in front of you." Why is this shit head looking at me like that?

Despite his grumblings inside his heart, Ha Jinwoo still smiled amicably towards Kang Hajin.

Ha Jinwoo and Kang Hajin exchanged pleasantries with each other seemingly friendly where one of them felt like he wanted to puke the more he praised the other while the other felt like he got weird feeling blooming inside his heart.

"Let's us enter the hall together. It seems like this is your first time coming to this conference. I will help you," Kang Hajin offered and after he finished talking, one of his hand already landed on Ha Jinwoo's shoulder.

From afar, the other visitors could only see two good looking young men seemingly have a good relationship with each other but Ha Jinwoo's felt disgust all over his body but he couldn't just pushed Kang Hajin away and just slightly distanced themselves.

"Thank you for the offer Director Kang. I really appreciate it," Ha Jinwoo could only agree.

"Sure. You're my uncle's business partner and in the future we might have a cooperation together."

"Yeah sure," that was the only respond Ha Jinwoo managed to utter.

The two of them walked into the hall that already filled with people from different nationalities, talking to each other while they were watching the display all around the area.

XB Universal also had it's own display booth where there were two computer screens with two AI program set on it.

The currently famous AI Ares and Eris.

Ares was an AI with handsome face of a young man in his twenties with red hair while Eris was a pretty and mature looking, wearing glasses, black haired young lady.

Ha Jinwoo decided to let Kang Hajin watched that booth before he tried to find any excuse to escape even for a while.

It was unknown why but Ha Jinwoo felt like he didn't like the way Kang Hajin looked at him. It gave him the feeling like he was going to gauge Kang Hajin's eyes and burn the eyeballs into smithereens, not even a speck of ashes left.

"Jinwoo, you arrived earlier than me," suddenly someone greeted him when he was thinking on how to slip away from Kang Hajin.

Turning around, Ha Jinwoo saw a lady slightly shorter than him but still could be considered tall, standing in front of him, smiling.

"Oh Miss Kim. Pleasure meeting you again," Ha Jinwoo acted like he didn't hear how Kim Mina addressed him earlier.

'Missy, why are you so sure about me that you even addressed me like we are close to each other. Shouldn't you be on guard with me. Such a weird siblings, both looked so eager to suddenly have an older brother popping out of nowhere.'

Although Ha Jinwoo acted like he didn't notice Kim Mina's subtle hints here and there, Kang Hajin was different.

He had been observing Ha Jinwoo since earlier and he noticed the way Ha Jinwoo looking at him was as if he could see beyond his soul. The deep black eyes made him shiver a little bit but he also felt somewhat intrigue.

'What if I can subdue this man? If I can make this man mine, I have a feeling that I can achieve anything with him by my side.'

However when he heard and saw how Kim Mina interacted with Ha Jinwoo, a sudden premonition appeared in his mind, 'This bitch sure is sly. No wonder she rejected my uncle since that man is hard to control and understood. It's easier to understand how the sun can rise from the west rather than understanding Kang Dowon. Did she also have her eyes on Ha Jinwoo?'

"Mina, it's nice seeing you here," Kang Hajin greeted.

'Tsk, this snake is also here. Looking at his face sure is a good way to ruin my day. Fortunately I have Ha Jinwoo to wash it off and make it felt not as bad.'

"Oh it's Hajin. I never expected you're with Ha Jinwoo. Did you guys know each other beforehand?" Kim Mina said trying to look as calm as normal.

However her heart felt like it was going to explode at Kang Hajin who still smiling like the kindest person in the world.

'Tsk, this sneaky snake, where are you putting your hand? Why did you put your hand on Ha Jinwoo's shoulder?!'

Ha Jinwoo didn't know if Kim Mina had a good relationship with Kang Hajin but from what he observed, it seems both Kim Mina and Kang Hajin seemed to not have a good feeling towards each other.

Kim Mina was good at controlling her expression and tone but it was far from perfect in Ha Jinwoo's eyes. Kang Hajin was just slightly better than Kim Mina in this regard and his kind smile looked disgusting to Ha Jinwoo.

'If this guy can be considered a nice man, then mother Theressa is an angel. I should have a video call with Dowon after this meeting ended in order to cleanse my eyes.'

"Oh, Sir Ha is Uncle Dowon's business partner so of course we knew each other. But where did you two met?"

"We met at a shopping center. Kim Mujin and my younger brother became friends because both of them liked the sport cars produced by DoK," Ha Jinwoo stepped in and answered.

He didn't want Kang Hajin to know about Ha Jisoo and create more troubles, not until Ha Jisoo recovered.

Kim Mina glanced at Ha Jinwoo slightly and nodded her head, "Yes, Jungwoo and Mujin are around the same age so they bond rather quickly. Ha Jinwoo, I'm sorry if my brother somehow inconvenience your brother."

"No it's ok. Both of them are still kids. I told him to have fun with Mujin today since he just finished his entrance exam."

Listening to them, Kang Hajin didn't sense anything odd with Kim Mina or Ha Jinwoo and from the information he got, Ha Jinwoo did indeed have a younger brother named Ha Jungwoo.

"Then let me go along with you guys since I know no one else here," Kim Mina suggested.

"Of course," Kang Hajin didn't have any reason to reject Kim Mina's suggestion.

The three of them walked together and along the way, Kang Hajin and Kim Mina both introduced the people they knew in the meeting to Ha Jinwoo which was why Ha Jinwoo never thought of walking away from them when he could use them to create a bridge for XB Universal with all these famous businessmen in the tech industry.

"It seems DoK didn't send any representative to attend this year meeting. Too bad my brother like their car the most," Kim Mina muttered.

"Well, uncle Dowon never really care about publicity and a conference like this one. He just did whatever he wanted to," Kang Hajin commented.

"Isn't Sir Ha working with DoK future project? Did you meet with CEO Kang Dowon yourself?" Kim Mina asked.

"I did meet him a few times during the project meeting but I never really know him that much so at first I just thought DoK might send a representative," Ha Jinwoo said calmly but he knew the reason why Kang Dowon didn't send anyone was because Ha Jinwoo was already attending it on behalf of XB Universal so anything he wanted to know he could just ask his lover.

So why bother sending his own employees when he could order them to focus on their current project.

"It's been quite some time since the last time I saw him. Even my father asked if he was ok."

"Uncle has always been like that. He's fine. I just met him last month and have lunch together. Oh talking about lunch, why not we have lunch together after this. I know a good place that I frequent to every time I come here," Kang Hajin said.

'Tsk, what should I do to shoo this guy away and let me be alone with Ha Jinwoo?' Kim Mina thought

However Kim Mina didn't show her displeasure, "Sure. I'm not a picky eater. What about you Sir Ha?"

"I'm fine with anything."

Kang Hajin was satisfied seeing that he managed to change the topic of their conversation swiftly. He didn't like to talk about his young uncle much.

His uncle is only four years older than him and growing up, they had always been compared by outsiders which was inevitable since they couldn't possibly compared Kang Dowon with his older brother which was 22 years older than him.

Thus it was the unlucky Kang Hajin who became the choice of comparison.

Since young, Kang Hajin always felt inferior to Kang Dowon especially when Kang Dowon never acted like normal kids.

Due to that Kang Hajin always tried pestering Kang Dowon in order to see where his bottom line is.

Ruining his books, destroying his things and even burning his favourite clothes, nothing made Kang Dowon glanced or mad at him even once. Kang Dowon just let him do whatever he wants as if he wasn't qualified to waste his time.

Later, Kang Dowon was sent to study abroad and Kang Hajin felt like it was now the time for him to shine. Unfortunately, Kang Dowon was a genius and Kang Hajin couldn't even hold a candle on him.

When he came back to the country, the chairman immediately wanted to put him as the Vice Chairman but Kang Dowon was a step ahead and decided he wanted to create his own business in order to find things he really wanted to do.

The chairman agreed because Kang Dowon never request for anything much growing up and his business, DoK became well known world wide in a mere five years.

This made people even more convinced that Kang Dowon was the perfect heir for the Kang family business. And if his uncle married and have children, so what will Kang Hajin get at the end of it.

Kang Hajin knew he couldn't depend on his grandmother much since at the end, she was just a woman and the one who had the final say was still her husband.

'I should put more people to observe my dear uncle. Even though he didn't look interested with the inheritance, he might changed his mind in the future and his current authority is higher than mine.' Kang Hajin thought while glancing towards Ha Jinwoo.

'Maybe I could use this guy. If I marry him and have XB Universal as my backup, even DoK can't compete with me right? Their technology have a better prospect than most notable tech giants even the KW Group of Kim Mina's family might not be their match in the future.'

At the same time, Ha Jinwoo who acted like he didn't sense Kang Hajin glancing and observing him from time to time felt like he wanted to gauge out those eyes that make him felt naked for some reason.

'Should I act squeamish and seduce Kang Dowon to come here or is it easier to get holy water to cleanse my body and eyes?'

The three people continue interacting with each other amicably but none of them felt thrilled or happy in the slightest.