* Chapter 9: “Taken pt.2” *
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Chapter 9: “Taken pt.2”






            Liam woke with a start, his breaths coming quickly.  Shaking his head, Liam felt alertness return to him.   The remnants of the nightmare he’d just escaped from, filled with the sound of wolves and snapping teeth, helped to rouse him.  “Hoh.  My head, what did we get up to last night?”

With a start, Liam realized he wasn’t in the darkness of his room.  Looking around he could see the afternoon light streaming through the faded and rusted metal walls of the box he was in.  Still high on adrenaline from his dream Liam figured out quickly what he should do.


With a grunt, Liam kicked against the metal panel of the dumpster he’d found himself in until it gave way with a gritty dull snapping sound.  Liam held his breath as he shimmied through the hole he’d kicked open, avoiding the rust dust.  Vaccines weren’t really a thing anymore.  Healing magic helped, but it could only do so much to alleviate symptoms – your body still needed to fight the infection.

A common metaphor for how spells handled things like infection was that the spells would rebuild the ‘infrastructure’ in your body, but the ‘population’ still had to fight off any invaders.


Liam stood in the alleyway he’d been walking down with Sam earlier, he was wearing his favorite pair of jeans and an orange shirt.  Thankfully, in Storm Rock, nobody used the trash bins.  Either things got melted down and reused, burnt, or rent into fertilizer for the earth again.  Nothing was left to rot like in the old days.  Even old clothes had a recycling process, and turning in clothes at most shops would let you walk out with a new outfit or an item.  Magic allowed them to unravel clothes without breaking any threads.


Liam refocused, giving his head a shake to clear the rest of whatever he’d been injected with.  Speaking ofwhy am I alive?  After thinking about it, it made sense, taking a person and leaving one partial witness, who didn’t really know anything, was better than pissing off a commander of the Special forces because you stole his only son.

Liam searched around for their bags, only finding his own – in the dumpster he woke up in.  It had gone unnoticed in the darkness and haze from whatever he’d been dosed with.  Liam reached into his bag looking for his phone before he kicked himself, remembering how it was back at the makeshift camp they’d pitched a couple nights ago.  “Of all the times to need and not have…”  He sighed before looking around again, spotting nothing out of the ordinary. 


Liam wore his bag before making his way towards the Mist house as fast as his legs could carry him.  As he ran, he attracted strange looks, but he didn’t care – he’d only just gotten his friend back, he was going to find her.  He thought about stopping along the way to ask for help or tell the occasional guardsmen, but didn’t know who he could trust.





            Liam was panting as the brick building finally came into view, legs heavy as he ran through their open garage door and let himself inside.  Michael was there, as he ran inside, panting.  Liam looked relieved that he’d managed to make it – he was worried that perhaps there was only one assailant and that they’d stored him in the dumpster hoping to come back and get him.

“Hey, Liam, everything okay?  Where’s Sam?”  Michael said as he got up, and peered around Liam searching for Sam behind him.  He was wearing his signature look of Jeans and a flannel button-up.  On the table sat a steaming mug of his mushroom tea.  With a start Liam realized that much more time had passed than he realized.

Instead of answering Michael, he countered his questions with one of his own.  “Crap what time is it?  Shit! Michael.  Sam was taken.  I- It was almost noon when it happened, we were coming back for lunch after a spar and we got knocked out.  When I woke up Sammie was gone and so was her bag.”

Michael glanced at the clock on the wall and Liam followed his eyes, his breath catching a little in his throat as he looked.  It’d been four hours. 


Michael looked panicked before he pulled out his phone and called his dad.  After a quick conversation he hung up before turning back to face Liam.  “Alright.  Sit down, take that bag off and catch your breath.  Let me get you some food while we wait for my dad to get here.  He’s going to want all the details when he gets here so until then – let’s work on getting those toxins out of your system.






            Sam lay in the bed, in a trancelike state brought on from the last four days of laying awake.  She’d had no clocks to gauge the passage of time, nor any sunlight or sky to see as there weren’t any windows in her dark cell.  Sam could tell she was underground but that was all the information she had except for Darius. 

He seemed to come about three times a day, to feed her and make sure she was drinking water.  He would ask her the same question every time before he left her alone again.  “Are you ready to submit yet?”

“Fuck you,” Sam whispered back from the bed, keeping her back to him.  Her vocal cords had long since regenerated, but they still felt tender, the memory of screaming herself hoarse still fresh.


“Haha, close.  I’ll give you another day.”  The sound of a metal tray sliding across the wooden floor of her cell filled her ears, but she paid it no mind.  Eventually he walked away, leaving her with her thoughts again.  When she heard the door close again down the hallway Sam rolled over.  She walked over to the tray of food, it had an apple, some bread, cheese slices, a small portion of salted pork, and there was a multi-vitamin.  It was also her dinner for the day.  Not really sparing any expense huh?  Need your product in good condition.


The pill was plain and sugarless, the only medicine that could survive this long were only the most pure and undiluted products.  Things like sugars and oils had degraded in many places, and something sensitive like medicine should probably not be trusted when stabilizing agents have decayed and become… unstable.


Sam ate her meal with disinterest, only eating because she knew she needed it, especially if she was going to escape.  Something she’d still yet to figure out.  The bookshelf proved useless, it was bolted to the stone wall, and the books contained no special knowledge – just erotic stories.  Sam had groaned and threw a book against the wall when she realized what she was reading.  It was still there, in the corner by the sink.


After she’d ate what she cared to Sam pushed the tray under the slat in the door.  It opened enough to pass food through, but not enough to fit through even with her slim form.  She’d tried it on her first night.


Sam took her place back on the bed, and quickly slid back into that trance-like state.  The room warbled at the edges of her vision from her exhaustion, and Sam slowly withdrew into herself.  As she sank deeper, her breathing slowed into a steady rhythm, eventually her eyes fluttered closed.

As soon as her eyes closed, Sam heard a cough next to her as someone cleared their throat.


Sam flinched like she’d been shocked, her eyes snapping open.  On the bed next to her, wearing only a grin, was Liam.  Only it wasn’t.  Everything about him was the same except for his eyes.  They were identical to Sam’s own eyes, one green and one blue.  She reached out to touch him, feeling his warm flesh meeting her hand.  “Liam…?” Sam asked tentatively.  “How’d you get here?”

‘not-Liam’ chuckled lightly and reached out to touch her as well, sending shivers through her as he gently stroked her flank.  “Yes, and no.  We’re also not ‘here.’”

Sam made to sit up but Liam pressed her back down easily, not even moving from his position.  But he didn’t say anything, instead watching Sam patiently.

Feeling powerless, Sam sighed and turned to face ‘not-Liam’ again before asking, “What, or who are you.  And why are you here?”


He grinned.  “I am you, your power, and together we are us.  Only… you’ve yet to embrace me.  Oh, and we’re finally sleeping by the way, you can thank me for that.”


Sam groaned and covered her face.  “Oh god, I’ve lost my mind.”  Not-Liam Smiled and laughed, “Oh stop.  You’re dreaming, and I’m you.  Its not like you’re schizophrenic, when you wake up either you’ll have embraced me and we’ll be one again, or you’ll wake up and I’ll have just gone back to sleep.”


Sam sighed after a few moments, and decided to play along, delusion or not.  “And if you’re me, why have we been separated?  What even are we?”

Not-Liam thought for a moment before replying quietly.  “We are so much more than meets the eye.  We were separated lifetimes ago, and there was not enough mana for me to manifest.  Now, there is, hence our body is back.  And the only thing separating us now is your lack of acceptance.  You need to accept yourself in order to heal.”

Sam mulled over his words, vague answers that only begged more questions.  Eventually she settled on one that she knew he would answer at least.  “How?”  Sam looked at him, determination setting in as she could feel real hope inside her for the first time in days.


“You know.”  He said, as he pulled her against himself.  “Just let go.  I’ll make it easy for us.”  After he said that, his eyes returned to normal, and his demeanor returned to that of Liams. 

“S-Sam? Why are we naked?”  His blue eyes searched hers, at first alarmed at their intimacy, before she began to feel his member press against her thigh.

Not-Liam was gone, replaced instead with the more authentic dream version.  As they looked at each other Sam could feel the fire inside her, which had been muffled by some force earlier, engulf her.


Sam tried to reach out to touch his face but before she could, he took her by the wrists, capturing them and pining them above her head as he flipped her onto her back.  Liam leaned down to possess her mouth.

As they kissed Sam could smell his masculine earthy scent, still fresh in her mind from their sparring days ago, and with his other hand he reached down to pinch Sam’s nipple, making her break their lip lock as a moan escaped her lips.  She spread her legs for him as his kisses trailed from her lips, across her cheeks and down into the crook of her neck, tickling her with his warmth. “Hnn… oohh..”

“… Liam…” Sam said breathlessly, as she felt something thick press against her entrance.  She looked up into his eyes as he used his weight to lower himself into her.  Sam’s eyes unfocused slightly, feeling herself being split open by his overwhelming girth.  She moaned in bliss, using her legs to impale herself against him further, relishing the feeling him press down against something deep inside her as he bottomed out.  So full...

“Oh, fuck, Sammie…” Liam said releasing her hands and sliding his arms around her between the mattress and her back.  He breathed into her ear, “You’re so tight, you’re making me feel incredible.”  She shivered and wrapped her arms around him.  Kissing him desperately.

She broke the kiss, a thin strand of saliva connecting them at the mouth as well for a moment before it snapped.  She wiggled her hips slightly against him, relishing the sensations as she stirred his member around inside her.  “Fuck me, Liam.  I want you so badly.”  Sam moaned out.


And Liam complied.  Slowly at first, he began to work his hips with tenderness, showering Sam with kisses across her chest and neck and face, but then with bestial abandon as they lost themselves to their rut.

Liam’s hard member slammed into her repeatedly, wet sounds echoing out as his heavy balls slapped against her ass.  “Hnn, Yeah, you like this baby?”  He taunted out between heavy breaths as he thrust into Sam’s depths. 

Their pace was furious now, reaching a fever pitch as Sam writhed against him.  Meeting his thrusts in time with her own, her passionate mewing echoed out without a care for who might hear. 

“Sam, Sam I’m close.”  Liam said as he began to pull out of her.

Sam’s ears pressed flat against her head, she was so close.  “No,” she pleaded “Give me your seed, please.”  Sam begged, grinding her hips up against him as she pulled him back into her depths with her legs.  Sam felt him lining up with that place inside her.  “Cum inside me Liam, please.  I want you to, I need you to.”

Liam grunted, and kissed Sam passionately.

Sam felt his member swell, impossibly getting larger before it began to spasm.  She could feel how well they lined up, his seed splashing against something deep inside her core.  Sam cooed and gripped him with her pussy while she worked her hips to seat him as deeply as she could manage.  His seed felt amazing, like freezing heat as it surged into her in turgid waves, finally, blissfully sending her over the edge.

Sam came harder than she’d ever had.  Harder than as a man, and harder than anything she’d experienced thus far on this mortal coil.  When it finally ended Sam looked around, finding herself back on her bed in the cell, awake again but satisfied for the first time in days. 


As she looked around Sam noticed dust falling from the ceiling and walls, and something drew her attention from the doorway.  Sam looked and watched as Darius picked himself up, his robes disheveled, and his mask broken in half, exposing a badly burned chin and cheek.


“Y-You!  Just what did you do!  You’re going to pay for that!”


Sam smiled at Darius as she got up off the bed with a hop.  Swaying her hips seductively as she walked towards him.  She could feel an icy flame circulating around her veins, guided by a new instinct.  As she walked, her tail grew longer, and her nails turned into sharp black claws.  Her lips twitched as she felt her teeth become razor sharp and her canines extend slightly. 

He moved to snap his fingers, but Sam was faster, sending her collar to the ground in pieces with a quick swipe of her claws. 


Darius gulped.


Sam could smell his fear.



Sorry for the shorter chapter.  A brief announcement.  Chapter length will be shorter like this one and I might only do one chapter a day for the next week.  I am spending time going over my story board as I finish flushing out the plots I want for volume 1 and the seeds for vol 2.  Thank you for reading, tune in tomorrow to read more!