Chapter 4: The Road to Hogwarts.
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Ariel stood at the precipice of a new chapter, his heart beating with both excitement and a touch of apprehension. The admission letter to Hogwarts had arrived, an invitation into a world where magic would shape his destiny. With every word on the parchment, his dreams seemed to stretch their wings, and the promise of Hogwarts beckoned like a beacon of wonder.

The day of preparation was a whirlwind of anticipation and activity. Ariel found himself amidst the vibrant enchantment of Diagon Alley, a place where the essence of magic permeated the very air. The cobbled streets were lined with shops that held secrets and treasures, each one a gateway to a different facet of the wizarding realm.

His shopping list guided him through the labyrinthine lanes, each store offering a glimpse into the enchanting life he was about to lead. Books from Flourish and Blotts whispered secrets of knowledge, while robes from Madam Malkin's held the promise of a new identity. Ariel's eyes widened at the array of magical creatures in Eeylops Owl Emporium, but he passed by without choosing a companion—he was a solitary spirit, after all.

Yet, it was the entrance to Ollivanders that held an aura of mystery and allure, much like Ariel’s aesthetic. The bell above the door tinkled as Ariel stepped inside, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation. Rows upon rows of wands stood like sentinels, each one poised to reveal its secrets.

Ariel approached the counter, where a wizened figure with piercing eyes regarded him. "Ah, a young wizard in search of his wand," Ollivander remarked, his voice as timeless as the stories his shop held.

The wand maker’s hands danced gracefully across the counter, producing a wand box with an almost theatrical flourish. "Let us see if we can find the perfect match for you. A wand is an intricate thing—a blend of magic and destiny."

Ariel extended his hand as Ollivander placed the wand within his palm. The wood was smooth, the touch electric, and a wave of power surged through him as if the wand recognized him.

"Willow wood," Ollivander observed, his eyes sharp as they studied Ariel's reaction. "Thirteen and a half inches. Dragon heartstring core."

“While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for its healing powers and advanced non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow."

With a swish and a flourish, Ariel waved the wand, and a burst of blue sparks erupted, illuminating the shop with an otherworldly glow. The air seemed to crackle with a potent energy, and Ariel's heart quickened. The wand felt like an extension of himself—an instrument of power and precision.


Yet, Ariel's journey to find the perfect wand was not without its moments of trial. Several wands, each with its unique combination of wood and core, had yielded unsatisfying results—erratic sparks, minor misfires. But Ariel's confidence remained unshaken. He exuded an aura of suave determination, his essence a reflection of the man he was becoming.

The scene transitioned, skipping over the trial-and-error process of wand selection. Ariel now stood outside Ollivanders, his newly acquired wand safely secured within his wrist holster. He felt a sense of exhilaration—the power of magic at his fingertips, the promise of Hogwarts on the horizon.


The scene shifted once more, this time to the ancient halls of Hogwarts. The Great Hall buzzed with energy, a mixture of nervous anticipation and eager excitement. Ariel's gaze swept across the room, taking in the sea of faces and robes. Amidst the crowd, he caught sight of a familiar figure—a figure that radiated strength and warmth.

Minerva McGonagall stood at the front of the Great Hall, her presence a blend of stern authority and unwavering care. Her eyes met Ariel's, a silent exchange that conveyed a depth of understanding and connection. A reassuring smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and Ariel felt a surge of gratitude—a reminder that he was not alone in this journey.

As the first years gathered, Ariel sensed a camaraderie—a shared venture into the unknown. The chapter of his life that was Hogwarts had begun, and he was ready to face whatever challenges, magic, and adventures awaited him.