Loving couple – 7. In charge
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Florence got woken up by a familiar clicking sound. Surprisingly, the sun was already out, and the shutters were open. She realized she was lying on her back, still naked in bed, with her hands cuffed above her head.

“Hi, Love! Did you sleep well?” asked Vincent, sitting next to her. He had a surprisingly large smile.

“Babe? What’s going on? What time is it? Why did you -” she asked, trying to get free.

Vincent jumped and knelt on her. “Cuff you to the bed? Calm down! Don’t worry! We’ve done that before, remember? I won’t hurt you!” he said, kissing her. “It’s past 8 am already. So, how did you sleep?”

“Hum…” she hesitated. “I don’t think I ever slept so well. You?”

“I didn’t sleep much, to be honest. But it doesn’t matter. Do you remember what you told me last night, just before falling asleep?”

“Uh, yeah? That I owed you?”

“Exactly,” said Vincent, excited. “Which is why I cuffed you, to help you hold your word. Is it too tight? Is it hurting you?” Florence shook her head.

“Are you ready to let me be in charge, then? And do you still want a baby?” She nodded twice.

“Then just trust me and let me do my thing,” he said, grabbing a piece of fabric to gag her.

In silence, she complied, still half worried about what was about to happen. Not for long.

Vincent kissed her everywhere, as usual, from her mouth to her cock. Delicately, he grabbed it and licked it a bit, like a tease.

“So,” he said, “what would you think of a blowjob to start the day?” Florence’s eyes widened as she eagerly moved her head up and down.

Vincent sucked her cock until it was hard and wet, then knelt back on her. His slit was just sitting on her shaft, which he used to slowly rub against his clit. “Ok, lady, here are the rules. One, no talking. And two, I decide how and when you cum. Agreed?” She nodded. “Then, you don’t need this anymore since you won’t be talking, right?” he said, removing her gag and replacing it with another piece of fabric to blindfold her.

He stuck her cock in his dripping wet vagina. Contrarily to Florence, Vincent immediately and quickly pushed her all the way in.

“Oh!” gasped Florence.

“Did I hurt you, Love?” asked Vincent. She shook her head vigorously.

On that, he didn’t waste a second and started pounding. He bent over his future wife, resting his head next to hers, and slid a hand between his legs to masturbate as he kept impaling himself on her big dick.

“Oh, Babe! Your pussy feels so good!” said Florence.

“Shhhh, no talking!” reminded Vincent, surprised that his girlfriend used that word.

“Yeah, but… Oooooh! I think it’s…”

Vincent immediately stopped moving. “Oh no, please!” she begged.

“Already? No, no, no! Don’t be so selfish! Today, you’re not coming before me!” he said, clenching his legs and letting all his weight fall onto her to prevent her from sneakily rocking her hips.

Vincent kept masturbating and resumed fucking her at a slower, gentler pace. Regularly, he gave one hard thrust or a fiery kiss to keep her full attention.

“Oh, you’re so big… So deep…” Vincent said as a warm feeling built up in his womb. He bit his lover’s neck as he came hard for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he was satisfied. Nearly satisfied.

“That’s it? You came? That sounded so sexy,” said Florence.

“Yeah,” he said, panting. “And that was my best one so far! My legs keep shaking!”

“Yeah, and I could feel you cumming inside… It was so cool! My turn, now!”

“I said no talking, and I will decide when you cum!” commanded Vincent.

“Sorry,” whispered Florence.

After recovering from that overwhelming pleasure, he resumed fucking her fast enough to get her back to the edge quickly. He could hear his fiancée’s breath accelerate and intensify, her soft moans becoming louder. That’s when he decided to stop, gently slap her face, and grab her jaw with his big hand.

“What?” said Florence, disturbed, feeling like a deer in the headlights.

“Not yet! I decide when you cum!” He reminded her.

“Oh, please!” she screamed before Vincent resumed fucking her. “Oh yeah, thank you! Thank you!” she shouted again.

But Vincent stopped once more and got up, walking away from the bed.

“Babe? Are you hurt?” asked Florence, still blindfolded. “What’s going on? Why are you running away? I can’t see anything!”

Vincent came back after a minute. “I was thirsty, so I drank a glass of water,” he said. “Do you want some water too?”

“I don’t understand…” she said.

“Shhhhh,” said Vincent. “No talking.” Slowly, he caressed her now flaccid cock, and started sucking it again.

“Babe?” asked Florence. “What are you doing?” He ignored her, sucking faster and harder. “Ah! You’re getting very good at this! You know?” she cooed.

As soon as she was hard enough, Vincent climbed on her and slid her whole length inside him again.

“Are you ready?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yasssss!” she shouted, wiggling.

“Because I’m going to play with you like this all day!”

“Wait, what? Nooooo!”

“What do you mean, no? Don’t you like it?” he asked ironically.

“Oh, wait! Wait! I think I get it! That’s revenge for yesterday? Is that it?” she asked, still wiggling her hips as much as she could for extra stimulation.

“Hmmm… You think?” replied Vincent, slowly moving up and down.

“I’m sorry, Babe! I’ll never do that again, I swear! I’ll do whatever you want, but please! Please let me finish!”

“You swear you won’t ever leave me frustrated like you did yesterday?” he asked.

“Yes, I swea-”

“Good girl,” he said, interrupting her by fucking her harder than ever.

“Omagad! Omagad! Omagad!” she kept repeating, her body getting roughly shaken in all directions. “Slow… down… or… I’ll –”

“I decide when you cum!” interrupted Vincent again. “And you’re going to cum NOW!” he added, giving her everything he had.

“Aaaaaah!” she shouted, her whole body tensing up and convulsing again.

Witnessing her girl so eager to cum was a delight to Vincent. He closed his eyes, focusing on the throbbing of her cock, and that hot feeling deep inside of him.

“Baby, check!” he whispered in his girlfriend’s ear. “So, was it better than the blowjob?” he added, slowly massaging her cock with his vagina.

Florence was lying there, motionless, occasionally crossed by spasms. Vincent took it as a yes. He removed her blindfold, then grabbed his keys and uncuffed her. She immediately hugged her policeman.

“I think I’m going to fall asleep again!” was the first thing she said after her climax.

“Well, then. I can’t guarantee you won’t be cuffed again when you wake up.”

“Fine by me!” she giggled.

“So, what will you tell your friends?” asked Vincent.

“That I have a massive cock, and that sex is the most amazing thing ever!” she said, already starting to doze off a bit. “And I have the best husband in the world, of course! What about you?”

Vincent smiled. “Well, let me see… My vagina feels very sore. Hmmm… I could be pregnant. Sex is way more difficult and frustrating. But before the swap, I would have given everything I had to get you more into sex and to see you enjoy it like you did. And I have to say this whole situation is still super hot to me! So, yeah! Overall, I’d say this swap is alright so far!”

“Then I guess we really are a good fit,” said Florence, falling asleep in her boyfriend’s arms – and vagina.