Ch 5 The First Root
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I sat all the markers for my roots and branches then I use the meditate skill and time go by.

A mouth goes by, and my roots are going great my taproot is already 30 cm deep and the other roots are starting to show.

My tank is almost 40 cm tall as well, but I am not big even to start gowning my branches just yet.

But other than that, nothing happens so I do a nether time skip this time for 2 more mouths.

Drawing the 2 mouth it starts to get hotter as time go on that is when I realize summer is coming and I tried to think of were to help get through the heat.


And I got nothing which suck so here come an anther time skip this time 3 mouth.

It is a hot summer very hot which did not help me as I was just too young to take advantage of the lace amount of sun light.

I was only able to gown at the start and end of summer when it was cooler but at the middle, I dint gown at all which sucks.


 Now a time-skip again 3 mouths but without the summer heat and the large amount of rain coming in I had lot of energy to grow bigger.

I am now 60 cm tall and 80 cm deep not only that, but I have 2 branches coming in and the other 16 roots are 20 cm long now.

Ever thing is going well the only problem is winter is coming.


And here it is winter I was hoping that there would be no slow but just a lot of rain, but I was not so lucked and when that first snowflake hit me, I feel a chill run though my whole body.

Form the top of my leaves to the batten of my roots there was a chill.

As winter set in everything started to slow down ever my own thought and halfway though I stop thinking all together it was not until close to 2 weeks before the end of winter that I come out of it.


(conscious) It’s good to have you back.

What happy.

(conscious) you stop thinking all to together it was a very wide feeding.

I did, that is not a good thing.

(conscious) you’re telling me I am the one who had to live through it.

(conscious) I ever start talking to myself by the wall say hi to pole.

Just who the hell is pole.

(???) hi I’m pole

Please tell me that you’re just fucking with me.

(conscious) I am but it was funny as hell.

Think the heavenly, I was worried that I get ever crazy.

(conscious) don’t worry your still as crazy as you were before.

That’s good, I think.

(conscious) could be worst.

I guess, anywhere we got thought winter so that a good thing.

(conscious) it is now we just need to keep growing.

Hi, I just thought of something where are the other plants and why don’t I feed any other amines.

(conscious) sorry I’m goner need a little more there.

Right mmmm what I mane is where are the other plants like grass, tree or ever mycelium, and where are the leaves eater amines.

(conscious) mmmmmm that is a good question where the hell are the other plant and amine.

I don’t know do you.

(conscious) mmmmm I don’t know but there could be a lot of defend reason for it but that is not important.

How is the fact that we have nothing anywhere not important.

(conscious) ease this is an opportunity think about it there is nothing around you that mean that you can keep gowning without care.

That is a good point, but I am worried that there is nothing.

(conscious) I don’t disagree but what are you going to do about it.

Mmmmmmm Ok good point, let forget about it for a sec how are we mend to gown fester anywhere.

(conscious) that is a good point.

Too bad there is no skill to move all the energy form root to root, now that I think about it why is there not a skill for that.

(conscious) mmmmm becomes if you did move all your water from your leaves there would shrivel up and fall off.

Ture but what about a skill that would let me direct a good part of my energy to my roots not all but enough to make a difference.

(conscious) that would be nice but it’s not like you a just say some skill and you would get it.

New skill acquires nutrients movement control.

(conscious) I stand corrected.

(Nutrients movement control) a skill that lets you control the direction/movement of nutrients to speed up the gown of area with high level of nutrients.

Note: this skill well not like you use 100% of total nutrients to in sow the safety of the used, as well the incense gown will only be a time 2 incense and will decrease the gown of other area by half.


(conscious) this can be very useful.

Mmmmmmm Yes and no if I incense my root growth then my branches will only gown half as fast.

(conscious) yes but what if we get hit by lighting, we can use this skill to get 90% of the nutrients out of that branches and if that branches fall off, we can heal that wound 2 time faster than normal.

Your right oh we can control the nutrient to make big fruits.

(conscious) oh yeah.

Do you think we should use this skill.

(conscious) no were not biggest that we can afford to decrease our growth we should save it for later or if are gown gets to out of balance.

What do you mean.

(conscious) if one branches is too big, we could start to line to one side.

Oh, yeah ok got anything else to say because if not I am going to do some more time skipping.

(conscious) I have nothing.

Aright let go.

 I use the meditate skill again.