CH 24, 200 Years part 2
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It begins first thing to be done is me connecting to all the plants and with my help both the moss and mushrooms increase in number and size, and a few day later I connect the stalactites and stalagmites and started to make the quillworts grow up ways to the roof of the tavern.


Why this is happening I am digging a small tunnel form my pound to the lake the good thing is with my power I can make the pound water level stay the same ever with the hole.

I make the tunnel so that when I open it the koi fish will just fall into the lake, I will only take a few as I don’t want the koi to all die if I can help it.


Next, I have make a small tree in both the bats/spiders home it has no leaves, but it does have flower now because this is something new both the bats/spider try to eat it there do eat some of the flower, but it is see as not worth the trouble and after a few days when the two leaders see the fruits there stop all their ken form eating me.

It takes a few weeks for the two leaders to figure out how to make my flower become fruits when there do there make the small ones of their ken go form flower to flower the spider making a wed around my tree.


As this is going on I am digging my roots into the area beyond the two and about 30 maters behind the spider is a giant cave with nothing in it, and behind the bats about 50 maters is a cave of similar size as the first one.

With this new knowledge I begin my work I start about a mater form the wall them start making the trunnel it needs to be big enough for both there body’s and for their movement method.

So, the tunnel is a two-mater hole it takes some time, but it is done after it is and before I open it, I make a small pound in both of the new cave to act as a water source for them.

But after that is done, I then open the trunnel up, at first there don’t notice anything but after a day both groups find the trunnels and sand some of their members to see what is going on.

After half a day I see both groups start to move as there now have a mash bigger, nicer, and have more food there is no reason not to take over the place, and so both groups both move the top members to the new place and let the lesser members stay there.


For a year everything was calm as with little reason to both the bats and spiders stopped fighting as there was no reason to, but that all change when the ants come.

That is right the ants have finally made their way down here, at first there were only a couple of them but after a few day two things happen one there keep going down and were following my roots and I opened the path that led to the dead end.

After I did there start to make that place their new home as more and more of them come down here and there ever started to dig at the dead-end trunnel.

Which if there keep going straight there will hit a new trunnel which semes to be very lager and have a lot of different plants and beasts in there.

At this time the trunnel form the pound is done and so I do two things one I make new branches under the lake and pounds in the cave system and at the same time I block the path form the lake to the underground pounds so that I can increase the number of fish as I don’t want them all to die because there could not find a mate.


So, I open the flood gate and after about 20 fish go thought I close it again at the same time I make shoe that there is enough water in the trunnel, but on the way down 3 of them die, 2 more when there hit the water, and another 3 get eaten as there are not used to not being able to go to the top of the pound.

Now I am down to 12 koi fish but when there find my branches under the lake there immediately make their home around it and start to pollinate my flower, and in a few mouths there numbers are now at 30 and slowly increasing and in a few more mouth I plan to open the trunnels leading to the two pounds.


When there are 40 of the fish, I open the trunnels it take about a mouth for the fish to find the trunnels and go thought them to find a new place for them and after a few years with me both blocking the trunnels and making the pounds bigger them what there were originally.

I have made the three groups of koi fish that does not recognise each other and now see each other as enemies which I find absolutely fascinating other them that I have been making new trunnels for the fish to go thought although I have not find anything just yer.


By this point the ants have made it thought there trunnel and have now started to explore the cave system these ones are ever lager them what I though and I fear what could be in here, whenever the ants come across something smaller than them or of seamer size there will attack if there thing that something is too big or in to great a number there will then retreat.

So, a new battlefield was open, and the ants were wining at least for now, although there were having problems with some of the unground beast, as those beast have become highly adapted to the environment and the overall power of these beast are not that high.


(conscious) everything is going well.

Yer I am very happy with how everything is going, not only are we growing but so are the ones that protect has.

(???) you’re not wrong but has anyone noticed that the birds, ants, and bees are not growing at the high rate there did before, I mean how long has it been sense there have increase in size.

I think it was like 150 to 200 hundred years ago after that is when there start to change colour.

(conscious) your right and after that the rate that there become bigger slow down.

(???) now here is the question why?

I have no idea, but it could be any number of reasons any we may never know.

(conscious) I think it has that is making them grow at sucks an abnormal rate.

Why is that.

(???) yer why.


(conscious) how do I put this, think of the beasts as plants now with our power we can feed them and help make them grow but what happen if the amount their need is too big or too pacific there would then have to help themselves.

That make sense I gases but how are we doing that?

(conscious) oh I got no fucking idea.

So, you could be wrong about it?

(conscious) of course I could be, or I could be right, you have to be more positive think half full not half empty.


Anyway, other than just continuing what we were doing anyone have any ideas?

(conscious) no.

(???) I got nothing.

Ok then time skip awry.


(conscious) ……

(???) ……