Chapter 9: Origination (4)
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“Besides, maybe being a farmer is just a disguise," he mused, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Like those webnovels I used to read. Perhaps I'll unlock some hidden power, become an overpowered legend in the blink of an eye." But deep down, he knew it was wishful thinking.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he reflected on his past experiences. Life had never been kind to him since the demise of their parents. Setbacks, disappointments, and missed opportunities seemed to follow him like a relentless shadow. He had grown accustomed to the bitter taste of defeat, to the point where it had become an ingrained part of his identity.

But just as Arthur was resigning himself to the idea of a mundane life as a farmer, something stirred within him. A feeling of unease settled in his gut, as if an invisible hand tugged at the back of his mind. It was an instinctual urge, urging him to question, to probe deeper.

With a hint of curiosity, Arthur called out for his status screen, expecting the familiar display to materialize before his eyes. However, to his surprise, instead of his status screen, the previous system notification resurfaced. Its words were etched in blue, demanding his attention once again.


<<System Notification>>

Hello [Arthur],

Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in an extraordinary event. Spin the wheel and discover your destiny. You have one hour to make your choice. No spin, no reward. Remaining time: 30 minutes.

Arthur’s heart stopped in its tracks.

“What. . .the fuck?”

Arthur's brow furrowed in confusion. Has something gone wrong? Was there a glitch in the system?

He read the familiar message once again. The words etched into his mind, echoing with a sense of urgency. How could this be? He had completed the spin, witnessed Lily's transformation into a goddess, and even checked her awe-inspiring status screen. Why was he being presented with the same notification again?

His mind raced with questions, and a flicker of hope emerged from the depths of his heart. Perhaps this turn of events was a sign, an opportunity for him to break free from the constraints that had bound him for so long.

Arthur's heart quickened its pace, a mix of anxiety and curiosity consuming him. He scrutinized the message, his mind racing to make sense of the unexpected turn of events. Was there something he had missed? Was there another choice to be made, a path yet unexplored?

His self-deprecating thoughts were momentarily suspended as a surge of determination coursed through his veins. This was his chance to defy expectations, to prove that his worth extended beyond the limitations of his past and the label of a mere farmer. With every passing second, the remaining time dwindled, urging him to seize the opportunity before it slipped away.

The heaviness in his chest began to lift, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose. Arthur straightened his posture, his eyes gleaming with a mix of anticipation and resolve. It was time to embrace the unknown, to cast aside the doubts that had plagued him for far too long.

He reached deep within himself, drawing upon the flickering ember of hope. The world around him may have been in chaos, but within that chaos, he would carve out his own path. The wheel awaited his touch, beckoning him to spin and discover the destiny that lay hidden beneath the surface.

With a determined stride, Arthur set off, leaving his room behind. His mind buzzed with a mix of apprehension and excitement, his heart beating with newfound courage. The journey ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties, but he was ready to face them head-on.

For once, Arthur dared to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, his story would take an unexpected turn. The wheel of fate awaited his spin, and he was determined to make it count. The time for self-doubt and resignation was over. It was time to redefine his identity, to unravel the hidden potential that lay dormant within him.

Then, he willed the wheel to spin again, and spin it did.

Arthur's heart raced within his chest, anxiety coursing through his veins like a relentless surge. Every fiber of his being felt alive with anticipation as he stood before the wheel once again. The air felt heavy with tension, and his bated breath hung in the air as he prepared himself for the fateful spin.

His body rocked back and forth, a nervous energy emanating from him. The possibilities, the potential outcomes, danced before his eyes like ethereal wisps. Could he dare to hope for a divine status, just like his sister? The mere thought sent a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension coursing through him.

With trembling hands, Arthur didn’t even dare to blink. His heart thudded in his chest as he closed his eyes, focusing all his thoughts and wishes into that singular moment. Time seemed to stand still as the wheel spun, the cogs clicking and turning, the sound reverberating through the room.

As the wheel gradually came to a stop, Arthur's eyes opened, his gaze fixed on the outcome before him. The seconds stretched into eternity as he waited for the revelation of his fate. Would he finally ascend to the realm of gods, or would his fate still be the same?

The tension reached its peak, and then, the moment of truth arrived.


<<System Notification>>

[Congratulations, Alex! You have been designated as a Demi-God.]

Arthur's heart skipped a beat as he read the words that revealed his new designation: Demi-God [Vali - Son of Indra].

A mix of emotions surged within him. Happiness blossomed, a flicker of joy illuminating his features. He had achieved a status beyond that of a mere mortal, a step closer to the realm of gods. Vali, the son of Indra, the mighty king of gods himself.

Yet, amidst the happiness, a tinge of disappointment gnawed at Arthur's heart. He had yearned for a divine status, to stand side by side with his sister, to bask in the radiance of godhood. The achievement of a Demi-God was a remarkable feat, but it fell short of his ultimate aspirations.

Arthur's hand hovered over the screen, ready to accept his new status as a Demi-God. But just as he was about to tap the confirmation button, a flicker of doubt caught his attention. He turned his gaze to the corner of his eyes and realized something was amiss—the wheel still stood there, beckoning him with its infinite possibilities.

Arthur fell onto his bed, finger trembling as he pointed at the screen. “No. .fucking. .way.”

He could spin the wheel again.

A trace of greed crept into Arthur's heart, mingling with his growing sense of curiosity. Could it be possible that, for once in his life, things were finally aligning in his favor? The notion danced tantalizingly in his mind as he pondered the wheel's existence, seemingly unaffected by his previous spin.

A wave of excitement surged through him, fueled by the prospect of reshaping his destiny. The thought took hold of his imagination like wildfire, igniting the spark of possibility. What if he could spin the wheel again and again until he obtained what he truly desired? What if this was his chance to defy the odds and attain the status of a god?



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