10 – Garden Woes
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The palace garden had always been managed to perfection by the Empress. Many differently colored flowers grew with absolute care. Exotic plants and even insects such as butterflies were cultivated. 

The gardeners receive an exorbitant pay from the palace as they follow the Empress's design to a tee and act on her plans regarding the layout and look of the entire greenery within the stretches of the castle.

Being the head gardener in the palace is considered as an extremely high honor due to the fact that the head manages and takes care of all the plants and soil in the entire domain and also has a seat as one of the key advisors of the Empress.

This was Millo Azarolla's job and he had always held himself in confidence for being skilled enough to maintain the whole of the flora in the palace.

This day was probably his most nervous, however. The Empress was kind and nice and made his work a very amicable experience but this time, the merciful Empress was with a witch that not even the most ravenous dragons would dare offend.

His sister.

Roselia was strict. Millo still remembers being scolded for not properly eating his meal and how heavily she reprimanded him. He also remembered the time his sister beat him out of knighthood after he said he was going to join the knights.

His sister was merciless when it came to him, which was annoying because when it came to their little sister, Roselia was far more lenient. He was always the only one she was stern with.

Today he wanted to prove to her how far he has come in this position by making the garden where the Empress and Emperor would meet the Grand Duke and Duchess of Ramirez be as exquisite as ever a garden in heaven.

In a few minutes his sister and her husband, the Duke would arrive, and he was one of the people to greet and point them to the main palace garden. 

His knees were trembling as he waited patiently by the front gate of the Imperial Palace with fellow servants of high standing. He stood next to the Butler, who held the most power amongst the different staff and workers within the castle.

"Raise your chins." The Butler spoke with confidence. "It has been a while since the Grand Duke and Duchess have been in an official audience with his and her Majesty. So be respectful." 

The others straightened their postures and patted down any stray specks of dust off their suits and dresses. 

Soon a carriage covered in gold and adorned with tiger motifs rolled up at the front of the gate. Once the guard let the coachman through, the beautiful carriage slowly halted to a stop. The horse grunted as it stomped on the cobblestone path.

The horse was white with a golden mane. It was armored in expensive leather and golden straps and made it look extremely fashionable, like a fantastical horse from some fairy tale.

The carriage door opened and a woman's foot stepped down first. Millo's palms turned wet with sweat as he stared in fear as his older sister, Duchess Roselia Ramirez, stepped out of the carriage followed by her husband, Duke Joseph Ramirez.

She wore a dark blue dress that had its front skirt opened up to reveal similarly colored pants. A belt was strapped on her waist where a sword hung for security. She wore a glittering top but it was complemented by steel plating and armor, where a design that usually would clash with each other worked very well instead.

She raised her hand to help her husband down, which he gladly took. The Duke looked as grand as ever. His black hair pulled to the back into a ponytail. He wore a black tunic, with a golden cloak, and white tight fitted button jacket over it with golden attachments and a necklace that symbolized the Ramirez family.

"Greetings, Geoffrey." The Duke spoke with gentle confidence towards the butler who bowed his head in accordance with his position.

"It is nice to see you again, Your Grace." Geoffrey, the butler of the imperial palace, smiled.

"It has certainly been a while hasn't it?" The Duchess smiled as well as she curtsied. She turned her head around and noticed her younger brother on the side trying to hide his face. "Millo, I suppose you're doing quite well here in the palace?"

Millo froze on the spot. He was afraid his sister would find out all his inconsistencies and his problems and rub it on his face again. He clenched his fists and looked at her eyes as he answered. "I've been well, Dear Sister."

It wasn't rude to address your family member as your family member even if they held higher rank than you but he knew to Roselia this was a sign of rebellion but he at least wanted to go against her once, before she went ahead and  scolded him to oblivion.

Much to his surprise, Roselia simply smiled and curtsied to him as well. "I've been well too, my Dear Brother."

"O-oh uhh…" Millo did not know how to respond to his usual strict older sister's sudden courtesy and kindness.

"I shall lead the way to the garden, Your Grace." Geoffrey addressed and bowed his head one more time. "Over this way, please." He gestured towards a direction and walked on ahead, the couple not far behind him.

"It's good to see you all grown, Millo." Roselia muttered as she passed by her brother, who couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He looked on as his once scary and terrifying strict sister has now left him with a farewell compliment. He blinked then smirked. 

There was no way this was real. She was definitely gonna scold him later. He let out a deep sigh. At least he wasn't in trouble right now. That would be for the future him to handle.

He watched as Geoffrey slowly led the Duke and Duchess down a corner and disappearer from the sight of himself and the other servants.

"Alright! Back to your posts everyone!" The head maid clapped her hands and the greeting party began to disassemble and return back to their daily routine and tasks. Millo was one of them but he felt curious about something.

He wondered why only after all this time had Ramirez decided to have an official discussion with the Emperor. What was in the mind of his cunning brother-in-law?

Then he suddenly remembered his niece, then the image of the bloodied prince popped into his mind. "No way." He clenched his fists. Surely there was no way they'd be marrying off Alejandra. His sister isn't the type of person to do that. 

Still, he couldn't help but worry about what's gonna come next. He didn't really meet with Alejandra that much since she rarely visited the palace and had never even stepped foot in the North, but he knew how much of a capable woman his niece had become. Turning her into the Empress wouldn't be bad and would actually likely help the future of the Empire.

On the other hand, a loveless marriage isn't right, no matter the cause. He shook the thoughts off his head. If he knew his sister, she wouldn't allow this to happen without hearing her daughter's own feelings first. Millo doesn't know about Joseph though. He never liked the guy, he always seemed to be the type to do what he feels is right no matter the cost. Although, Millo guesses that's the part of him that his sister fell in love with.

He plucked a red rose from a bush and smelled its fair scent. "Asmodeus, Lady of our Land, let my niece choose her path to her own happiness," He prayed to its crimson petals, "don't let her be led astray by supposed duties and let her prioritize what she truly desires."

He looked onto the distance. Somewhere in the garden he so carefully tended to…

A conversation was being held…

A conversation that may decide the fate of the Ramirez household.

And an arduous path laid bare for his oh so talented niece to walk on.

Well…that path seemed to have already begun at this moment in time.

"Lady Alejandra. I would like to formally extend my hand and offer to be your partner in my Official Return Ball." The Crown Prince smiled, his fingers wrapped around one another and clasped shut, as he sat and leaned in on the table.

Alejandra picked up her tea and sipped it. She then returned his fake smile with one of hers. "In complete fairness, I would like to formally decline your offer, Your Highness." She closed her eyes as she sipped then put down the small teacup. "I am far too unfamiliar with high society to even be considered as someone as high standing as you's partner."

"I'm sure no one would dare insult the daughter of the Grand Duke and future heiress of the duchy...maybe even more." He smiled as Alejandra knew exactly what he was insinuating. "Plus, with me there, no one would be audacious enough to be able to utter any word that hurts the image of the Lady."

"What a kind offer, Your Highness." She kept smiling. "But I shall continue to selfishly turn down your request for fear of my own inadequacy and with the risk of having my ascension as the Grand Duchess be questioned, especially during a time such as this."

"A time such as this?" He raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure you know the Empire is currently winning against the Kingdom?"

Alejandra cursed herself for slipping up but her exterior remained dead calm. "I am sure Your Highness knows this as well as I do. This war is far too one sided to be considered a battle at all."

"Are you suggesting some mischief is afoot?" He seemed even more intrigued as he rested his back at the chair. 

"It's nothing special, It's merely a hunch, Your Highness." Alejandra sipped from her tea once again and looked the prince dead in his eyes. "Please don't wholly believe in the speculations of someone who has yet to even become the Duchess."

"My Lady, You are still a Ramirez, with the blood of an Azarolla flowing through your veins as well. Your educated input would be quite invaluable in these times of war." She was amazing, was all that Ben thought. She had a lot more information that she had let on and it seems like she's even more well connected than he had previously inquired. He couldn't help but feel excited. Once she was in his grasp, he could use her for all her worth in destroying the Delha Kingdom.

"Perhaps." Alejandra gave him even more of a sly smile. "Although I do believe that the Crown Prince has also turned to realize that there's something more happening in the Empire. After all, the fate of the beloved General, Count Deckard, with his honest mistake and fall in battle. Such an accident was terrible news to all." She touched her cheek with an obvious false showcase of sympathy.

Ben's eyes flew up and found the smirking lady in front of him. How did she know about Count Deckard's execution? 

It was supposed to be spoken of at his official return, and the fact that it would have been covered up simply as him dying in battle…

How had she known this?

What informant could she have?

He covered his mouth to hide his genuine smile. She was the one. Her wits, beauty, and connections make her the perfect tool.

The Red Prince could not be more excited at his prospects.

Ben stares at her calm and relaxed demeanor after she had realized she had the edge over him. "My Lady, you surprise me."

"Do I?" She had called over her maid and asked for more tea while relentlessly smiling towards the Crown Prince.

He knew immediately he must have her…

Own her.

Use her.

To do that, he must get in her good graces. This decision would be the first step in doing so. "If you do truly find it uncomfortable, I will renounce my offer to be your partner in the ball."

Alejandra blinked. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Did the Crown Prince just back down? "Are you for certain, Your Highness?"

Ben grinned. "I am, but under one condition." 

Alejandra groaned in her head but she once again kept her composed outside. "And that would be?"

"I would expect you to still attend the party." He gestured nonchalantly and to be fair, He was being kind with this offer. She only had to attend the ball. Nothing else.

Alejandra knew completely that the Crown Prince wasn't going back down completely, he still had something up his sleeve. Still, refusing this generous offer would be extremely rude and would just place her back two steps. "I accept that offer, Your Highness."

"Since the discussion regarding the ball has ended… I would like to set an appointment with your father." Ben changed gears.

"My father has left the premises and I am reserved as his proxy. Please, refer to me for any concerns regarding the Ramirez name." She calmly spoke.

Ben once again couldn't believe how good she was at maintaining position in a conversation. He looked over at the maid, asking whether her presence would serve as a liability or not. 

"If you worry about Teresa, Your Highness. She is my closest compatriot." Alejandra explained. "Anything you tell me will go through my maid first and foremost."

"I see."

"Then, Your Highness, The Crown Prince. What is it you so wish to discuss with my absent father." She smirked again.

"I would like to stay in this manor, until my official return has been made to the public." Ben smiled, that he knew something she didn't expect.

Alejandra pursed her lips and looked a bit taken aback by his sudden request. An Imperial Family Member staying at one's manor is a great honor but is also of great risk. One wrong move can end with your head on a stake.

Well it's not like she can even deny this offer since she has no reason to. "I understand, I will make immediate preparations and inform my Father about your arrival and stay, in earnest."

"I greet you for your hospitality."

"It is my pleasure to serve the future Sun of the Empire." She stood up and curtsied. "Dear Teresa, please lead His Highness to his temporary room for the next few following nights."

"As you wish, My Lady." She bowed and waited for the Prince to stand up and stand behind her.

Ben grinned and gazed towards the young daughter of the Duchess in front of him. "You truly are an amazing woman. Someone like you would make an amazing Empress."

"Quite so, Your Highness, It is a shame that I will have to become the Grand Duchess instead." She indicated proudly.

Ben looked away as the maid led him back to the manor. "Indeed. It truly is a shame."

Alejandra gave him one final fake smile and bid her farewells. "Glory to the Crimson Dragon." She bowed and the Crown Prince had left.

The moment she was alone she fell to her chair and let out an exhausted yell. "AGGGH!" She slammed the table and a genuine grin formed on her lips. "Is he really sixteen? Hahaha! He's unbelievable!" She looked towards the direction of the mansion. "But I am not gonna fall for your traps, Your Highness. No matter what, I won't become your Empress, because I will for sure be the Grand Duchess of Ramirez."