Chapter 1: Preparations
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The Luciferis mansion loomed like a shadowy citadel within the heart of Hell's ninth floor's infernal landscape. A sprawling edifice of obsidian and onyx, its towering spires seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality. Carved archways adorned with intricate demonic glyphs lined the grand entrance, where colossal doors made of charred wood and gleaming metal stood sentinel. The mansion exuded an air of dark majesty, a fusion of power and heritage that mirrored the noble lineage it housed.

As one ventured deeper into the mansion's labyrinthine corridors, they would encounter vast chambers adorned with ornate tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and infernal conquests. Sinuous candelabras cast flickering shadows against walls adorned with hellish artworks, capturing the essence of the abyss in strokes of vivid crimson and obsidian. The infernal light danced upon the polished stone floors, creating an eerie interplay of shadows and gleaming reflections.

In the heart of the Luciferis mansion, within an opulent office adorned with ancient tomes and infernal artifacts, Ignarius Luciferis sat behind his grand desk. The dim glow of infernal light cast a reddish hue across the chamber, the dancing shadows playing upon the dark tapestries that adorned the walls.

"You are allowing him to do what?" A sharp, surprised voice rang out.

Seated before the grand desk was Celestria Luciferis, Ignarius's daughter and Vaelion's elder sister. The surprise on Celestria's face was evident as she looked at her father, both surprised that her father would allow her younger brother to break tradition so easily and horrified at the idea of him leaving home so young.

Celestria's presence was marked by an ethereal elegance. Her long, flowing hair cascaded like a river of moonlight, each strand radiating a silvery luminescence akin to the pale gleam of starlight within the depths of the abyss. Her eyes shimmered with the intensity of a deep violet hue, a reflection of her innate power inherited from her mother's Beelzarian lineage. Radiant energy swirled faintly around her, a manifestation of her connection to life forces, a characteristic prominent in her maternal family.

Ignarius looked like he was about to speak, but he was interrupted by Celestria as she spoke up again, "How could you allow him to leave so early? He is not ready!" She exclaimed, her voice seething and her expression betraying her worry.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Ignarius's lips as he regarded his daughter's passionate outburst. He saw a glimmer of his mother in Celestria's fervent protectiveness over Vaelion. Ignarius shook his head at his daughter's words as he held back an exasperated sigh. 'Maybe I should have just done it myself?' He thought, thinking it probably would have saved him a headache from dealing with this overprotective sister.

But he knew it was too late now, plus he had too much work to deal with now considering his wife was visiting another floor of Hell.

"Vaelion will be fine, Celestria. He is a genius. If he cannot survive this, then it is fate," he said coolly. Though his words were cold, he believed in his son.

Celestria narrowed her eyes at her father's words as her expression grew more intense, a storm of emotions brewing within her. Her very presence seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, the air around her crackling with her determination. "Father, I will not allow this..." she said ominously, her voice edged with a resolve that sent a palpable chill through the room.

Ignarius chuckled, his amusement evident even in the face of his daughter's intensity. "Put away your aura, Celestria. We both know it doesn't affect me," he said nonchalantly, his tone carrying a note of playful dismissal.

With a huff, Celestria dismissed her power, her aura receding and the room returning to its previous state. As the tension lifted, any trace of an otherworldly glow or energy on her skin dissipated, leaving her appearance unchanged. "Why, father?" Celestria's voice carried a weight of earnestness, her gaze unwavering as she sought answers from Ignarius.

Ignarius let out a short sigh at her words. "He needs this, Celestria. You know he does. He cannot help it. It's in his blood."

Celestria turned her gaze at her father's words, her eyes reflecting a mixture of realization and concern. "I know what you mean," she murmured softly, her mind working to decipher the layers of meaning in his words. "It's not just about talent, is it? His bloodlines..." Her voice trailed off, the unspoken implications hanging in the air.

"I know, I just..." Celestria's expression shifted through a complex array of emotions, a contemplative shadow crossing her features before she finally spoke, her words weighted with acceptance, "Fine, I will do it." Celestria relented, her tone carrying a blend of determination and resignation.

"Good," Ignarius nodded in approval. "You understand what's at stake." He paused for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the grand tapestries that adorned the chamber's walls. "You will have to prepare the portal by yourself. As you can see, I have been quite busy with the absence of your elder brother and mother," he added, his voice tinged with a slight exhale as he turned his attention back to the multitude of papers on his desk.

"Right," Celestria said simply before quickly making her way out of the room, afraid that he might ask her to help with paperwork when she was done.


Vaelion stood in his dimly lit chamber, the flickering infernal torches lining the walls cast dancing shadows that seemed to mirror the tumultuous thoughts swirling within him.

Several moments had passed since his meeting with his father, and now he stood before an ornate, large mirror. The reflection that gazed back at him was unmistakably his own—a face bearing the same pale red skin, the fiery white streaks adorning his flesh, and the small red horns protruding gracefully from his temples. The pride he harbored, the sin that fueled his insatiable thirst for power, was etched in his fiery eyes.

As he stared at his reflection, the memory of the grand gathering after Vesperia's return from her realmwalk resurfaced. He recalled the tension that had woven through the air on that occasion, a mingling of awe and repulsion that had stirred within him. Even then, her presence had been a stark reminder of her power—power that had ignited a visceral disgust within him. The memory flickered like a shadow within the depths of his thoughts, intertwining with the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions that churned within him.

In that momentous gathering, he had witnessed firsthand the strength that set her apart, a strength he both envied and despised. The memory of the event was etched into his mind, a driving force behind his relentless pursuit of power.

Vaelion's hand clenched into a fist as his eyes bored into his reflection. "I won't be overshadowed," he muttered to himself, his voice carrying the weight of his pride-fueled ambitions. "Not by Vesperia, not by anyone."

Unclenching his hand, his fingers traced the outline of the family crest carved into the mirror's frame—a sigil that embodied their lineage, a legacy forged in the fires of Hell itself. The same flames surged within him, urging him to seek more, to grasp at power beyond his current reach.

Vaelion's gaze shifted from his reflection to the infernal torches that adorned the walls, their flickering dance casting eerie shadows that played along the chamber's obsidian walls. As his thoughts circled around Vesperia and the gathering, his mind wandered to the floors of Hell. The thought of the other eight realms, each ruled by one of the noble families, offered a bittersweet comfort.

"She might be the daughter of Satan," he mused to himself, his voice a low murmur in the dim chamber. "But I have the blood of Lucifer in my veins." He thought trying to quell the turmoil within.

His thoughts then shifted, much like his thoughts often did, to the concept of the realmwalk—an event that held both promise and peril for all noble demons. He had heard stories of the realmwalk since he was a fledgling demon, tales woven by his elders and carried by whispers on the wind. The realmwalk, a sacred tradition among their kind, marked a moment of transition, a pivotal juncture in the life of every young noble demon.

It was a journey that defied the boundaries of time and space, a chance for noble demons to venture beyond the confines of their own realm and into others, where worlds awaited with their own mysteries and challenges. From his father, Vaelion had gleaned cryptic explanations of the realmwalk, the thrill of such an endeavor sent shivers down his spine.

The realmwalk was both a trial and a rite of passage, one that would either forge him into a greater demon, endowed with power and wisdom, or shatter him like fragile glass against the unyielding reality of the unknown.

As his gaze fixated on the infernal torches that adorned the walls, Vaelion's fingers absently traced the intricate carvings on the armrest of a nearby plush couch. In the stillness of his chambers, he pondered the significance of the realmwalk, musing on the demons' age-old agreement with the celestial beings—angels.

The practice was steeped in tradition, a pact forged by necessity. When a fledgling demon reached their first century of life, they would be granted the opportunity to embark on a realmwalk. It was an agreement that transcended the animosity between their races, an acknowledgment that even in their adversarial roles, balance needed to be maintained.

Realmwalking was, for the most part, forbidden. Those who dared to traverse the boundaries between realms risked the wrath of the angels, who would hunt down interlopers with relentless determination. Yet, a concession had been made—a fragile accord. In exchange for the privilege of realmwalking, demons agreed to offer the same opportunity to the newborn angels of their celestial counterparts.

It was a delicate equilibrium. The demons gained the chance to explore and devour souls from foreign realms, a means to gain strength and ascend the hierarchy of their society. Some might seek power through conquest, while others might forge alliances or make pacts with otherworldly entities. For the angels, the realmwalk was a way to send their fledgling beings on a voyage of growth and understanding, ensuring that each generation was prepared to face the challenges of the cosmos.

A grin began to spread across Vaelion's face at the thought alone, as his fingers twitched at his sides, his yearning for power matched only by his determination to wield it. He knew that the realmwalk was the crucible through which he would prove himself, the path towards achieving the strength he desired.

Though Vaelion's train of thought was disrupted as a gentle knock echoed through the chamber, pulling him back to the present. The sound reverberated like a distant echo, momentarily breaking the silence that had enveloped his musings. He turned his gaze towards the intricately carved door, his thoughts shifting from the tumultuous swirl within him to the present moment.

"Enter," he called out, his voice carrying the authority that befitted his noble lineage.

The door creaked open, revealing a figure cloaked in the dim light that permeated the corridor beyond. It was one of the mansion's maids, their attire marked by the Luciferis crest—a symbol that bound them to his family's service.

With a respectful bow, the maid stepped into the chamber. Her eyes, a faint fiery hue akin to his own, held a glint of deference as she approached Vaelion. "My Lord," she began, her voice a delicate blend of respect and formality.

Vaelion nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze meeting hers.

"You are here with a purpose, I assume?" Vaelion's voice, measured and tinged with curiosity, invited the maid to share the reason for her presence.

The maid straightened slightly, her demeanor composed and respectful. "Indeed, my Lord," she confirmed. "I bring a message from your father, Lord Ignarius."

'Oh? Interesting.' Vaelion's interest was piqued. He wondered what his father had to convey at this moment.

Though the maid did not speak, she instead extended a small, velvet-lined box towards him, offering it as if it held a weight beyond its physical form.

Vaelion eyed the box for a moment, inspecting it before he accepted it, taking it from the maid's grasp.

His curiosity piqued, he carefully undid the clasp that held it shut. Inside, resting against the velvety lining, was a silver ring adorned with intricate runes that seemed to glow with an ethereal light. His father's personal mark was etched onto the surface.

He momentarily wondered how his father had prepared this ring so quickly, but he quickly realized that his father probably already had it ready for when it was his time for his realmwalk.

A small smile formed on Vaelion's face as he held the ring, his thoughts beginning to swirl once more. The ring was not just an ornament—it was a conduit, a vessel filled with the essentials he might need during his realmwalk. He had many storage rings, but the significance of the gesture was not lost on him. It was a testament to his father's support, a silent encouragement that spoke of both trust and expectation.

Vaelion gently clasped the ring around one of his fingers on his right hand, a hand that already bore several other rings of similar stature.

Vaelion's gaze flicked from the ring to the maid. "Tell my father that I appreciate his consideration," he said, his tone sincere as he acknowledged the unspoken message behind the gift.

The maid dipped into a polite curtsy, her posture conveying a blend of respect and obedience. "I will convey your gratitude, my Lord," she replied with quiet grace.

Vaelion nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes lingering on the ring for a moment longer before he returned his attention to the maid. "Is there anything else, or was the message the sole purpose of your visit?"

The maid's gaze met his, her demeanor unwavering. "That was indeed the primary reason for my presence," she confirmed. "However, should you require anything else, I am at your service."

Vaelion's smile remained, tinged with a hint of amusement. "Thank you. You may go."

With a final respectful nod, the maid turned to leave the chamber, her footsteps echoing faintly as she departed.

The angles and the demons made a deal? That seems sketchy...