Chapter 8: Departure
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Vaelion stood next to Celestria, their arms interlocked, as he examined the complex design of the large circular gate for the portal. The platform beneath their feet was crafted from dark obsidian, and a large pentagon formation was intricately carved into the floor. Its crevices glowed with a faint, ominous crimson light, where it gathered and stored demonic energy, channeling it towards the massive circular gate.

As he gazed upon the portal, Vaelion couldn't help but feel a rush of mixed emotions. The realization that he was about to step into another realm, leaving behind everything he had ever known, sent a shiver down his spine. It was a moment he had been preparing for his entire life, yet the gravity of it all weighed heavily on him now.

Beside him, Celestria's grip tightened on his arm, her own thoughts mirroring his. She had fueled the very sigil that would send her lover away with her very own demonic power. Releasing a breath, she struggled to calm her inner turmoil.

Their parents, standing a few steps away, watched them with a mix of pride and concern. Noctarion and Evelyn, who stood slightly to the side, observed with a blend of curiosity and worry.

Nephrek and Zephyria, the elder generation, stood at the forefront, their expressions a mix of anticipation and nostalgia. For Nephrek, who had witnessed countless realms and battles, this was another chapter in the ever-evolving saga of their family.

"Are you ready, boy?" Nephrek asked, his deep voice resounding throughout the quiet portal chambers, accompanied by the faint sound of humming emanating from the thick demonic energy beneath their feet.

Vaelion gave a resolute nod, letting out a light exhale before he spoke, "I am, Grandfather." He said determinedly, shaking off any last shreds of doubt he had as his gaze met Nephrek's.

Nephrek gave a subtle nod to his words, "Good. There is no room for doubt for where you will be going." He said with a small, almost imperceptible grin, as the portal behind Nephrek and before Vaelion and Celestria lit up and seemingly came alive at their grandfather's words, the previously empty circular portal gate turning into a swirling vortex of crimson and black energy.

Vaelion took a breath as he unlinked his arm from his sister's, turning to face her. "I love you," he said warmly, gently caressing her pale cheek with his hand before leaning in for one final passionate kiss, not even minding the onlookers.

Their tongues intertwined, and their saliva mixed before Vaelion had to break the kiss as it seemed like Celestria had no intention of ever letting him go.

A string of saliva hung between them for a moment before breaking off and landing on Celestria's chin as she licked it off, as if savoring the last traces of him.

Vaelion looked like he was going to move closer towards the portal, but Celestria hurriedly moved as she embraced him in a tight hug. "I love you too," she said affectionately.

Vaelion let out a small chuckle at her actions, gently patting her arms that wrapped around him from behind. After a moment of her tight hug, Celestria let go and spoke again. "You better not take too long," she said, her tone a mixture of longing and love.

Vaelion turned his head slightly to meet her gaze. "Of course not. How could I keep my beloved wife waiting?" he said, his voice a mix of amusement and seriousness.

A large, gentle smile formed on Celestria's face at Vaelion's words, and she subtly nodded at him.

Vaelion approached the swirling vortex of crimson and black demonic energy that encompassed the inside of the gate, his mind clouded with the intensity of the moment, but most of all, with the excitement of exploring a new realm and gaining more power.

A firm pat on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. "Are you ready, son?" Ignarius asked, his tone mixed with slight pride and concern as he stood slightly behind his son.

Vaelion gave a determined nod. "Yes, Father. I have trained my whole life for the day I would someday get to experience battle," he said, a small smile forming on his face as he turned to face his father's gaze, with his mother standing slightly to his side, along with his elder brother and Evelyn.

Ignarius took a breath at Vaelion's words, understanding the truth in them. Vaelion was always the one who took after Nephrek in the way that he yearned and actively sought to ensue chaos in the world.

"Yes, you have been prepared for this day since the moment you were born. But you were supposed to wait until your first century in the world to experience it," Serapha spoke up from the side, her tone slightly filled with concern.

Vaelion nodded at his mother's words. "I will be fine, Mother. Icarus is a good teacher," he said casually, his gaze moving to meet his mother's.

Serapha let out a deep sigh at her son's words. "So you have said," she said worriedly before continuing, "Just be safe."

Vaelion nodded, "Of course, Mother. I don't intend to die anytime soon," he said determinedly as he turned around to face everyone present before saying his final goodbyes.

"I will see you all when I see you," he said with a complicated smile. He had no words to say as he saw his sister's emotional face, so he turned back to face the swirling vortex of the portal.

He heard the goodbyes of his brother and Evelyn behind him before taking his first step into the spiraling crimson energy. It began to suck him inside, and his presence began to disappear from the portal chambers and Hell as a whole.

Celestria stared on as the swirling dark crimson energy of the portal began to fizzle out and dissipate until it ultimately disappeared, returning to its empty circular gate.

"He's... Gone," she murmured, her eyes slightly moist. However, she quickly exhaled a deep breath, attempting to dismiss her inner turmoil. 'He will come back,' she assured herself, giving one final look at the portal formation before she turned around and began to descend the large stairs of the podium.

"I should go look after her," Evelyn said gently, her gaze on Celestria as she let out a light sigh.

Noctarion, standing beside her, gave a subtle nod. "Yes, that is probably a good idea."

Evelyn did not speak any further as she too made her way down the obsidian stairs and out of the large chambers.

"The boy will do well," Nephrek said absentmindedly, a slight smile gracing his words as he looked to where the portal used to be.

Zephyria smiled gently at her husband's words. "Is that why you gave him the Chalice of Pandemonium? Are you truly hoping for another war?" Her voice held a mix of reprimand and amusement.

Nephrek turned his gaze towards his wife, a sly grin on his face. "Dear, I am a respected Demon General of the Sovereign of Hell. I would never do such a thing," he said in mock offense.

"Right," Zephyria scoffed, well aware that among the nine great demon generals, her husband was one of the most bloodthirsty. Well, aside from the general of the Belzeiros family, who literally ruled over blood.

Nephrek chuckled as he saw her expression. "Don't worry, dear. I'll keep the boy out of my mess," he assured her, wrapping an arm around her waist as they began to descend the stairs of the podium.

"Come on, honey. We should leave as well. This is sure to cause me a lot of trouble with the other families," Ignarius said tiredly, taking his wife's hand in his, their fingers interlocking.

Serapha jolted out of her daze and nodded. "Right," she said, following Ignarius as they too left the portal chamber.


I knew gramps was sus. 'Any recommendations for the upcoming chapters?'