Chapter 7 : Mana Hot Spring
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Chapter 7: Mana Hot Spring

We were quickly shown to the guest quarters after the grilling from the Elders. Compared to the experience in that chamber, the room felt like a sanctuary. It was a cozy space, carved into one of the larger trees, furnished with wooden furniture that seemed to grow naturally from the floor and walls. The room was lit by glowing orbs that floated gently in the air, casting a soft, ethereal light.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Akari said, as she jumped onto the bed and buried her face into the soft embrace of the mattress.


"It's peaceful," I agreed, struggling to keep my enthusiasm in check. As Elara guided us to the guest quarters, I had been half-listening to her chatter and caught mention of a hot spring. 

I can finally indulge in one of the things I've been craving since I arrived in this world —a much-needed bath.


After a few moments of settling in, Akari and I exchanged glances. "Hot spring?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.


"Absolutely," I replied, grabbing a towel from the wooden rack.


We exited our guest quarters, locking the door behind us. Elara had mentioned earlier that the hot springs were well-signposted, so we had no trouble navigating the winding paths of Axol Village. Intricately carved wooden signposts guided us through the labyrinthine network of tree-root pathways, each one illuminated by the same kind of glowing orbs that lit our room. On our way, we had strange looks, but the gemstone seemed to sway any thoughts of suspicion. I guess this gem is a big deal.

Finally, we arrived at a secluded area surrounded by lush greenery. At its center was a natural hot spring, its steamy water shimmering under the moonlight. The air was filled with the scent of minerals and earth, and I could hear the distant sound of a waterfall.


Akari was the first to dip her toes into the water, letting out a sigh of contentment. "This is so nice," she declared, sinking further into the warm embrace of the spring. Witnessing Akari savor these new experiences for the first time filled my heart with warmth along with the hot spring.

While resting I pulled up my status page.

Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 29 / 100 (+50/day)

HP: 100/ 100 

Mana: 400 / 400 (+200)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX) (Passive)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 1)]  •  [Heal (LV. 2)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 3]  •  [Appraisal (LV. 6] 



  • None


  • Rock x49 


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari

Yup, still weak.

Curious about the specifics of my own abilities, I find myself wishing for a way to better understand them. Then it hits me—I've been leveling up my Appraisal skill but haven't yet used it on my own skills. I stare at the ability "Mana Absorption," and activate my skill.

Why is nothing happening? Now I’m just clueless as ever, just show me what [Mana Absoprtion] does already.

As if in a mocking response, a new screen materializes before my eyes, providing a detailed description:


[Mana Absorption] - A special trait inherent to homunculi, allowing them to draw mana from various sources. 


  • Excess mana is automatically converted into Experience Points.
  • Current sources (Mana Hot Spring)

Really this whole time…

Well, that explains why this hotspring felt so incredible; it's infused with mana, which I've been absorbing to boost my experience gain. So as long as I sit here in this hot spring I can get more powerful. I feel a bit more thankful that I was reborn as a homunculus. I look down the list of my skills to see what else I have.


[Eternal Youth] - Homunculi are fashioned in the likeness of the eternal goddess, granting them perpetual youthfulness.


[Arcane Link (LV. Max)] - A unique skill that allows the user to establish a magical connection with other beings or magical constructs.

  • Enables the sharing of mana, skills, or information over the link.


[Mana Mastery (LV. Max)] - A unique skill that grants the user complete control over their own mana flow and manipulation allowing for a superior understanding of all things related to mana.


  • Allows for more efficient use of spells and abilities, reducing mana consumption by up to 50%.

[Spatial Inventory LV. 1] - A unique skill that allows the user to rip a hole in the fabric of space to store your items in a pocket dimension. 


  • Within this space, you can stow away items as long as they adhere to the dimensions
    • Current space: 2m³


[Heal LV.2] - A unique skill that allows you to channel mana to reverse damage.


  • Currently restores a small area and takes a large amount of mana to cast.

Wow, was I secretly powerful this whole time?

Closing the status screen, I let out a sigh of relief—my skills aren't as bad as I feared. I notice Akari up ahead, looking all confused about why I'm giving her the stare-down. She's frozen in her tracks, probably worried she's in trouble or something. I chuckle before wondering what skills Akari has.

"Hey, Akari, could you check your status page?" I ask.

“Sta-tus - pai-gee?” she pronounces the words slowly while confused. 


"You mean you don't see anything?" I ask genuine surprise in my tone.

Interesting I guess I might be the only person that can really see their own status page like this. I use [Appraisal] on Akari to see what it has to offer me.

Name: Akari

Class: Fire Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 25 / 100

HP: 100/ 100 

Mana: 200 / 200



[Fire Mana Mastery]   •   [Firebreath]   •   [Mental Resistance]   •   [Fire Resistance]

[Appraisal] has somewhat improved I guess now that it actually begins to show me useful information. Something catches my eye, [Firebreath].

“Wait, Akari you can breath fire?!?” I yelp in surprise.

Akari looks taken aback, “You can’t?”

I watch in astonishment as she opens her mouth, tilts her head backward, and releases a burst of flames into the air. A 2-meter spray of fire shoots out from her small mouth, instantly heating up the air around the hot spring. She turns to me, looking as though she's waiting for a compliment. It's hard to believe she's been keeping this hidden all this time. 


What hits me even harder is that Akari seems to possess a skill that's more powerful than anything I've got. A small pout forms on my face, a sense of embarrassment washing over me. I had this feeling I was being all protective when all along, she was probably more capable than me.
I sink my face into the hot spring and blow bubbles as Akari moves closer to me and hugs me. 


"I'm sorry," Akari begins hesitantly, "I didn't know you couldn't breathe fire. I'm sure you'll learn how to do it too. Please don't be mad." She pauses her expression a mix of genuine remorse and guilt. I glance at her and let out a chuckle before explaining, "You're silly, Akari. I'm not upset with you. But don't worry, I'm sure I'll figure it out too."

A sudden realization strikes me, and I remember my own skill, [Arcane Link]. Could I possibly learn firebreathing from Akari using this skill?


"Hey, Akari, do you want to try something? Maybe you can teach me how to breathe fire," I suggest with an eager smile.


"Of course!" Akari responds, her eyes lighting up with excitement.


"Great, then hold my hand," I say, focusing as I activate [Arcane Link].

As I grasp Akari's hand, a sensation of mana flowing between us becomes palpable. It's as if our mana is intertwining, creating a connection. In that moment, I sense something distinct entering my mind—a surge of knowledge.


[New Skill! You have learned Fire Breathing (LV. 1)]


My astonishment at the successful connection prompts an involuntary exclamation. Turning my gaze toward Akari, I grin and utter, "We did it! Now watch this, Akari." With playful determination, I mimic her earlier gesture, leaning backward slightly. Focusing, I channel the newly acquired knowledge and activate [Fire Breath]. A small flame, reminiscent of a lighter's size, emerges from my mouth before dissipating into the air. The moment hangs in silence, and then Akari breaks into enthusiastic applause.


Please just let me pass away in peace.

We soak for a bit longer before heading back to our room.

  I've edited some skills so they make a bit more sense Mana Reservoir --> Mana Absorption, Mana understanding --> Mana Mastery, and I changed the mana stat so it reflects properly the buffs she receives.

Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 49 / 100 (+10/day)

HP: 100/ 100 

Mana: 400 / 400 (+200)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX) (Passive)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 1)]  •  [Heal (LV. 2)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 3]  •  [Appraisal (LV. 6]  •  [Fire Breathing (LV. 1)] New!



  • Simple Elven Robe


  • Rock x49 


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari