Chapter 8: A Promise
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Chapter 8: A promise

One week had passed since our arrival in Axol Village, and life had taken on a soothing rhythm. The guest quarters had become our haven, our sanctuary away from the mysteries and challenges of this magical world. The cozy space carved into the ancient tree had provided comfort beyond measure. Each day brought us closer to the heart of this mystical place, a heart that pulsed with the ethereal light of glowing orbs.


In that week, I had found my haven within the embrace of the hot spring. The steamy water had become my refuge, and the mana-infused atmosphere had become my source of power. I immersed myself in the rejuvenating waters, allowing the mana to seep into my very being. It was as if the essence of the tree and the warmth of the earth had converged to bestow their blessings upon me. 


As days turned into nights and nights into days, I could feel the changes deep within me. My body hummed with newfound energy, and my connection to the mana around me had become profound. With each soak, my mana capacity expanded, and my understanding of magic deepened. The constant absorption of mana had boosted my experience, and my status page now displayed my growth:

Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 300 / 450 (+10/day)

HP: 220 / 220

Mana: 600/600 (+300)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX) (Passive)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 3)]  •  [Heal (LV. 3)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 3]  •  [Appraisal (LV. 6]  •  [Fire Breathing (LV. 4)] 



  • Simple Elven Robe


  • Bread x32
  • Water bottle x 4
  • Mana stones x 15


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari


The mana within me had become a wellspring of power. I marveled at the harmony between my abilities and the mana that flowed through my veins. My mana costs were significantly reduced thanks to [Mana Mastery], allowing me to practice abilities as often as I wanted to, along with my large mana pool and regeneration.


My [Fire Breathing] had become more powerful as well. With each attempt, my fire breath grew more potent and controlled. However, I felt like I had reached a wall and just practice wasn’t making it any stronger so I focused on my other skills. As I nurtured my skills, my connection with Akari deepened further. We practiced together, pushing each other to new heights. In that time I learned that Akari’s fire manipulation was stronger than mine and she learned more abilities like [Fireball] and [Fireshield]. I tried using [Arcane Link] again with her but her mana wasn’t as cooperative as the first time. I wonder if there was a cooldown for using the ability. Despite leveling up to level 6 I hadn’t acquired any new skills.

I also learned that [Spatial Inventory] expanded in size every time and now was at a whopping 10m3. I threw out the rocks that I had before and I have been storing extra essentials whenever possible just in case. I also found a couple of stones lying around the mana hot spring that seemed to have mana stored inside them. When I appraised it they came up as mana stones, and everyone around me seemingly didn’t care for them so I packed some up just in case.

For the past week, the village was a whirlwind of activity, bustling with preparation and purpose. An undercurrent of tension filled the air, and it was clear that something significant was on the horizon. The mystery of the encampment at the forest's edge and the disappearance of the skilled scouts hung over Axol Village like a dark cloud. Even Elara hadn’t found the time to talk with us despite us being assigned to her. She was busy overseeing many of the preparations that they were doing.

The villagers had initially kept their distance from Akari and me but kept their eyes on us while we did our activities. However, the current urgency of their preparations had consumed their attention entirely, leaving no room for even a passing glance in our direction. 


This morning though, as we emerged from our guest quarters, we noticed that the once-bustling village had fallen into an eerie silence. The usual chatter of villagers and the sounds of daily life were absent. Instead, a solemn hush settled over the tree-root pathways.


"Something's not right," I muttered to Akari, my senses on high alert. Akari nods in agreement.


As we ventured deeper into the village, we noticed groups of villagers gathered in clusters, their faces etched with worry. We approached one such group, where one of the elders we saw previously was spreading the word.

"...three of our scouts haven't returned," one of the villagers whispered, eyes downcast. "And two more went missing just last night."


Akari and I exchanged somber glances. It was a stark reminder that something ominous was lurking in the forest. The mystery of the encampment at the forest's edge seemed to be claiming lives from Axol Village itself.

At the center of the village, beneath the roots of the mysterious branches, gathered the elders. Their faces bore the weight of concern, and it was evident that something of great significance was about to be addressed. Among them stood Illydra, her long, silvery hair flowing like a river of wisdom, her countenance marked by solemnity.

As the villagers huddled around, anticipation hung in the air, and a hush fell over the assembly. Illydra, known for her deep connection with the village's magical defenses, stepped forward. Her voice, though gentle, carried the weight of authority as she began to address the gathered crowd.

"My fellow villagers," she began, her voice echoing through the ancient tree's roots. "As you all know, we have faced troubling times. Our scouts have not returned, and two more have gone missing under the cover of night. It is no coincidence that these events have transpired since the encampment of the humans at the forest's edge."


A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd. It was clear that the villagers shared her suspicions.


Illydra continued, "Our scouts that have returned reported that the humans have been expanding their presence, clearing the forest for their own purposes. This encroachment threatens not only our way of life but also the delicate balance of magic that sustains Axol Village."


The tension in the air thickened as the villagers absorbed her words. Akari and I exchanged worried glances; it seemed the situation was even more dire than we had initially thought.

Illydra's gaze remained steady as she addressed the crowd, "We cannot allow the humans to continue unchecked. We must protect our home and the ancient tree that shelters us. But we must do so wisely and with care."


The villagers nodded in agreement, their determination growing with each passing moment.

"Together," Illydra declared, "we shall prepare for what may come, I have already sent messages to other villages and the capitol.”

Illydra took a momentary pause, her gaze focused in the direction where we saw the mysterious elven statue held. "For the time being," she resumed, her voice filled with a note of reassurance, "our mist barrier should provide us with ample protection, as long as our ancestral artifact continues to function."


Illydra's expression grew solemn as she continued, "The centuries-long treaty has been broken by the humans and we will not sit by, prepare yourselves."

In the wake of Illydra's resolute declaration, a wave of determination swept through the villagers. Their once-solemn faces now bore the fiery spark of resolve.

Akari and I exchanged glances once more, our hearts heavy with the weight of the impending conflict. It was clear that we had become an integral part of this village's defense, and we would stand alongside them in the face of the encroaching threat.


Illydra's voice remained unwavering as she spoke the following words, her gaze unwavering. "We will marshal our strength and resources, and we will defend what is rightfully ours. Together, we shall face this challenge head-on."


Aeris, the warrior elf with his intimidating figure, crossed his arms over his chest and uttered a solemn phrase that resonated with the elves':


"By the roots of Yggdrasil, the mana of Aurinna, and the wisdom of our ancestors, I swear to protect our legacy."

In response, those gathered around began to mimic his gestures and echoed the phrase in unison. The air seemed to crackle with newfound determination, and a resolute fire burned in their eyes as they pledged to defend their home and heritage. Everyone shortly dispersed from the square and returned to their homes, seemingly to prepare for the attack. 

Once the square had emptied, Illydra approached Akari and me. Her silvery hair shimmered with an otherworldly glow in the dim light of the village.


"Thank you both for standing with us," she said, her tone earnest. "But I would like to have a more private discussion with you two. Please, follow me."


With a shared nod, Akari and I fell in step behind Illydra as she led us through the village. The once-familiar pathways had taken on a different hue, filled with an air of urgency and determination. Illydra guided us through the labyrinthine pathways of the ancient tree that made up Axol Village. The village seemed quieter now, with most of its inhabitants either preparing for the imminent threat or already engaged in various defense-related tasks.


We arrived at Illydra's home, a dwelling nestled among the colossal roots of the tree. Wow, is that all? Her home was tiny and minimalist, unlike her status. She had a simple wooden table and 4 chairs, along with a bed and a desk with another ornate chair. 


Illydra gestured for us to sit, and we settled into the wooden seat on top of the cushion made from woven leaves, facing her with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. She looks towards us with her fingers interwoven together and begins to speak.

Illydra's words hung in the air, and her concern was palpable. She continued, "I'm sorry that we haven't been able to give you both much attention, but I hope that everything has been alright for you this past week."


We nodded in understanding, assuring her that we had adapted well to life in Axol Village.

She then delivered the unsettling news about the humans. "Our scouts who returned reported several girls at the forefront of the human camp, wielding skills that are far superior to any humans we have ever seen." Illydra paused for a moment, her expression troubled. "What's even more concerning is that they have similar appearances as your kind holds."

A shiver of unease coursed through us as we grasped the full gravity of her words. It became evident that these enigmatic girls shared a connection to our very origins, and their mere presence not only endangered the village but also disrupted the delicate harmony of magic in the forest. What struck us even more was that Illydra had referred to them as "your kind" rather than humans, indicating a deeper understanding likely gleaned through her magical insights.


My heart raced, and I instinctively jumped out of my seat, positioning myself protectively in front of Akari. The urgency of the situation and the knowledge that someone was aware of our true nature sent a jolt of fear and determination coursing through me.


Illydra's gaze softened, and she regarded us with a motherly affection that immediately calmed my racing heart. She continued, her voice filled with warmth, "There is nothing to fear, my child. I have seen Aurinna's grace has blessed you, much like how she has blessed our ancestors of the past."


Her words resonated deeply within us, easing our apprehension. Illydra's understanding and compassion were a balm to our worries. She continued, "Despite what dark arts the humans may have used to create your kind, I know that you are good at heart, simply babies forced into this existence."


A sense of reassurance washed over us, and we realized that in Illydra, we had found not just an ally but also a guardian who understood the complexity of our existence. I also noticed that she doesn’t know of my past from another world. [Mind’s Fortress] must have stopped her from seeing everything.

"Were the others also being controlled by enslavement bracelets?" I asked.


Illydra shook her head, her silvery hair shimmering in the soft light of her home. She responded, "I have gazed into the minds of the surviving scouts, and from what I could see, they had no visible markings to indicate any tier of enslavement runes. A being of that level simply couldn't be held by runes such as those."


They are doing this of their own will…? A shiver ran down my spine as I recalled the chilling look in the eyes of the priest who had created us. He had regarded us as mere commodities, tools to further his own power and position. The memory was a stark reminder of the harsh reality we had escaped. I refused to believe that there was fair play by the humans to treat homunculi with respect.

I pressed on, seeking clarity. "Is there more that you need to share with us by bringing us here?"

"I just wanted to talk about Elara. We haven’t seen eye to eye since her mother passed," she replied patiently, her demeanor calm yet carrying an air of sadness. "It was my decisions that led to her mother's downfall. I chose the clan over her. I don’t want to repeat my mistakes.” She looks up at us with a look of foreboding, “I want you two to promise me to protect her if I am unable to."


Her words struck me with a sense of urgency and concern. I couldn't help but ask, "Is the village in danger?"

A brief pause hung in the air before she continued, her words weighted with the gravity of her wisdom, "With all my years of wisdom, this is the first time I have seen such a case. I hope for the best, but I am not willing to take chances."

Stunned, I blurted out, "We have to do something, we need to evacuate, strengthen our defenses, or maybe we can—"


Illydra interrupted me with a somber tone, "It's too late. The humans have prepared for this moment. I suspect that they will be upon us in 2 days. Our race is much too prideful to simply abandon our village as well." Her words hung heavily in the air.


“Just promise me, that you will protect her for me.” She implores once more.

"I don't think I have the power to do that," I admitted, my voice wavering with uncertainty, "but I'll try my best."

Illydra offered a reassuring smile and gently took hold of both Akari and my hands. "You have the blessings of Aurinna," she said warmly, "great things are planned for you. Don't worry."


She retrieved two items from her belongings, presenting them with a sense of purpose. An intricately carved wooden book that held a dense aura of mana she handed to me, and a pulsing red mana stone offered to Akari.

We can’t accept these… I think to myself as I’m practically drooling at the prospect of learning more magic. I can also see Akari eyeing the mana stone like it's a piece of steak from my periphery.

"Think of these as payment for helping Elara," she said, with a knowing smile on her face. "This is an Elven grimoire of wind and earth, and this is a fire mana stone."


Just as we accepted the gifts, Elara burst into the room, her voice filled with urgency. "Grandma! The Statue of Eldryia has been stolen!"


Illydra rose from her seat, her cane supporting her, her face a portrait of unwavering determination as she spoke in a hushed and resolute tone.


“It is finally my time for redemption.”

Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption


Experience: 300 / 450 (+10/day)

HP: 220 / 220

Mana: 600 / 600 (+300)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX) (Passive)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 3)]  •  [Heal (LV. 3)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 3]  •  [Appraisal (LV. 6]  •  [Fire Breathing (LV. 4)] 



  • Simple Elven Robe


  • Bread x32
  • Water bottle x 4
  • Mana stones x 15


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari