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“Wipe you?” I asked.

Yeah, SpookyErind said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Now, I don’t know the first thing about Adumbrae culture, but you just don’t go up to people and ask for them to wipe you. That’s just weird.

Wait a minute. I imagine Adumbrae culture mainly focuses on taking over humans and causing destruction. So, there is not much culture there.

Two things, SpookyErind said, holding up two fingers. Number one, I’m you, so this shouldn’t matter at all. Number two, I’m not an Adumbrae, I’m a Corebring.

“I’m not sure the 2nd part is true,” I replied, poking her cheek again. It was very pokeable. Is that even a real word? I wasn’t sure but I think I was annoying SpookyErind.

Because the next thing she did was grabbing my finger. It’s not kind to poke yourself.

“Well if it’s my body, then I should be able to poke it all I want,” I said indignantly. “Have any problem with that?” I tried removing my finger, but her grip was too strong.

No, but that should mean you should have no problem wiping me, she said.

“How about you just unsummon yourself, and I’ll take a shower,” I proposed. 

Nah, she said. I want you to wipe me.

Why did she want me to wipe her?

Because I want you to show that you love me, she said. And the best way to do that is by cleaning me.

“I don’t think cleaning other people is a sign of love,” I said. It’s definitely not popular in any of the shows or books I’ve seen. 

Mom cleaned us when we were little, SpookyErind pointed out.

“She says that, but I have very little memory of it,” I said. And the parts I do, I disliked. Mom would apparently shower me when I was very young. My memory of it was pretty hazy, but that probably sparked the spirit of the strong independent woman inside of me. Which I was happily doing right now by leeching off of Deen.

I preferred if I could shower and clean myself. Something was just wrong leaving it in the hands of others. I should be the one in control of my life.

One way to be in control is to clean me, SpookyErind grinned. She was still holding my hand.

“Do I really have to clean you?,” I asked.

Please? She pleaded.

“It’s not like I have much of choice,” I pouted. She was still holding my hand. 

Yay! She cheered. Let’s go get a towel!

That’s the most enthusiastic I’ve ever seen someone over a towel. 

I’m just so glad you are going to clean me, she said.

We walked back all the way over to my room. Thankfully, Deen was no where to be spotted. I was already with one annoying bitch. I didn’t need two.

Hey, watch your language, SpookyErind chided me.

“Language?” I snorted. “Are you sure you’re really me? I don’t have problems with cursing.” I also am not enthusiastic about towels. Of course, since SpookyErind was an Adumbrae, I didn’t expect her to have many things in common with me.

What would Mom think about you cursing? She asked.

“First of all, Mom isn’t here,” I pointed out. “Second, even if she was, I was cursing in my mind. So I’m still playing the role of the perfect daughter.”

But what if she could read your mind? she asked.

If Mom could read my mind? Hard to know what I’d do. How does one even control the thoughts in their mind? A lot of random thoughts just pop into my head. Hopefully, Mom would be understanding of that. Although, if she could read my mind, there are a lot more concerning things than cussing.

Like being an Adumbrae. How would Mom react to that? Actually, if she could read my mind than she’d probably be an Adumbrae too. 

Adumbrae Mom, SpookyErind commented. Actually, she kind of was like an Adumbrae version of my Mom. Quite shorter than her though. But Mom was always the one to try and make me ‘a good person’. SpookyErind was sorta trying to do that too. Unfortunately for her, I wasn’t going to stop cussing in my mind.

She smirked as we walked into my room. Whatever.

My 2nd clone was studying with some flash cards. I had finished using her to study my law notes. Now, with nothing better left to do, may as well play some games on her phone. It’s actually kind of wild that I’ve been playing more games on my phone. Like, I’m a law student. I usually don’t get so much free time. 

One of the perks of being a Corebring, SpookyErind said.

Yeah. I guess my power does give me more free time. My 2nd clone had been studying while Deen and I were driving home, so she basically covered everything. Maybe my GPA might go up.

We should play some more games together, SpookyErind.

“Maybe not anything competitive though,” I said. I shivered as I thought of what happened last time.

But you won, she said.

“You didn’t need to lick me afterwards,” I said. “That was just so gross.”

Gross? But you seemed to like it.

“I did not like it!”

She giggled as we walked into the bathroom. 

“Maybe we could do something with a co-op mode,” I said. “Maybe like Air Boy and Stone Girl?” The good thing about co-op games was that if she messed with me, she would be hurting herself since she would be harming her partner. Hopefully, she won’t lick me afterwards. 

Sure, she said as she grabbed a towel and handed it to me. I’d be glad to-

I began wiping her lips. I nearly chuckled when she got shut up by the towel. Moving the towel to the left, I could see her face had turn into a frown.

Why’d you do that? She pouted. 

“I’m just cleaning you,” I replied smugly. Of course, since she could read my mind, she knew the truth.

If she was going to mess with me so much, I may as well mess with her back. 

That’s just rude, she said as I wiped her forehead. Besides, I wasn’t messing with you - I was just teasing you. 

“Sounds like the same thing to me,” I said.

I was making you feel good before, but now you’re just making me feel bad, she stated. That’s the difference between teasing and messing with someone.

I wasn’t sure if that was true. Pretty sure teasing could also count as bullying. But I didn’t mind bullying SpookyErind. First, this was basically Rule #4. She bothered me, so I’m bothering her back. Second, bullying gave me a feeling of power of SpookyErind. Wasn’t it cool I could bully my Adumbrae.

Not cool at all, she sighed. Also, I’m a Corebring.

“I’m pretty sure you’re not,” I said.

You can pull down my sports bra to check my Core. What? No way I was going to do that. Thankfully, it didn’t feel like her breasts were sweaty. Mine weren’t either. So there was no need for her to wipe me there last time. And I wasn’t going to do it either. I also didn’t want to check if she had an Artificial Core on her. 

I moved down to her neck and then arms. They looked a bit more bigger. Not as big as some of the muscles as my male teammates or even Myra or Deen. But that might just because I was smaller. I wonder what we would like with big biceps? Maybe I should stop before they get too big and unnatural. Although, I do like getting stronger.

I like getting stronger too, she said.

“You should be glad I’m doing all the work then,” I said. It was true. I was the one working out while SpookyErind just sat ontop of me. And here I was cleaning her. Such a freeloader.

I’m very glad, she said. Thank you so much for wiping me.

“You’re welcome,” I said. That was an automatic response. It was hard for me to really understand gratitude and the meaning behind “you’re welcome”. But I knew the it was a custom in society, so I may as well do it. I was just surprised she didn’t get mad at me at the freeloader comment. 

She began humming, as if ignoring me. I held out her arms to wipe her. Imagine if she wasn’t ontop of me when I was working out. I could have saved so much time. But here I was, wiping her. 

Maybe I should charge her next time. Wait a minute, she didn’t have any money. 

I can pay you with our money, she said, no longer humming. 

“What’s the point of that?” I asked. She would just be giving me my money. The point of charging people is to earn money. And I wouldn’t be earning anything here.

She chuckled as I began wiping her stomach. It was very flat. It did seem like the little bit of fat I had dissapeared. Not that I was ever fat. But my stomach was more leaner when I was a cheerleader. 

I wiped the rims of her shorts before going down to her thighs. They were also a bit bigger compared to last week. 

Which part of me do you think is the cutest? She asked me, tilting her head downwards where I was.


“All of it,” I said. She was a clone of me, so all of her was pretty cute. And the nice thing about this power was I got to see both my cute bodies.

I agree, she cheered as I began wiping her thighs. 

A memory came back to me. A vile one. SpookyErind tickled me by quickly rubbing my inner thighs. She was so smug and arrogant that she found out I was ticklish there. I never enacted Rule #4 against her for doing that to me. But now, I had the perfect opportunity.

What are you doing? She asked.

“Just a little payback,” I said.

Payback? That doesn’t sound like something you should do to yourself. I began rubbing her inner left thigh back and forth. Are you trying to tickle me?

“You aren’t ticklish, are you?” I asked.

N-no, she stuttered as I began rubbing a bit faster. I could feel her stomach tying itself into a knot. She definitely wanted it to stop. But I was going to escalate it a bit. 

She squeezed her legs tight. That wasn’t going to work with me. I continued rubbing as she let out a yelp.

“It seems like you’re very ticklish,” I chuckled.

You’re very, very, very, wrong, she said. Her cheeks were heating up. If I had control of her body, I would definitely have tried to stop my main body. 

“Let’s see about that,” I said as I began to rub more quickly.

SpookyErind’s heart began to beat faster and faster. I was going to make her suffer the same thing she did to me. 

Now, time to keep up the ante. My rubs became even faster and harder as if I was trying to remove an annoying stain. It was ironic because SpookyErind was pretty annoying too.

Suddenly, SpookyErind let out a moan. 

What the fuck? Okay maybe I should have thought about doing this. But I was definitely tickling her. 

I stopped rubbing her and looked up.

Her marble-like face had turned so red, a new color would need to be invented to describe how red it was.

“I’ll stop now, oka-” I tried to say as SpookyErind pounced on me again. What the fuck?!!!!

She kissed and hugged me. Eww. I’m all sweaty and on the ground. And now she’s sweaty again too! We went all the way back to step zero. Actually not even zero. This was step negative one!

Thank you so much for turning me on, she beamed.

What the fuck have I done?