Chapter 39 – Crossing Mages
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Ambra draped her cloak over her shoulders, the fabric heavy but comforting, like a warm hug that promised protection. She adjusted the clasp, a small silver moon that matched her silver hair, and smiled, readying herself.

"Ready for a new day?" Lune floated by her side, her light flickering in excitement.

"As ready as one can be," Ambra said, her eyes meeting Lune's beautiful glow. "New day, new possibilities, right?"

"Exactly!" Lune chirped. "And breakfast! Don't forget breakfast!"

Together, they descended the creaking staircase to the first floor of the Aegis' lodging. The comforting scent of freshly baked pastries and brewed tea wafted through the air as they made their way down. It was an aroma that always made Ambra feel as though she was wrapped in a warm blanket of some semblance of home, even when she was far from it.

As they reached the first floor, the sight that greeted them was a scene of chaotic familial warmth. Grant stood near the hearth, tightening the straps of his powerful armor and shield while chatting with Emil, who was also getting ready. Meanwhile, Laura was slumped over the table, eyes barely open, as she listlessly chewed on a pastry.

"Ah, there you are!" Grant boomed, turning towards Ambra with a hearty smile. "I was worried you'd sleep the day away, but here you are, bright and early!"

"Laura, on the other hand," he chuckled, glancing at his sleep-deprived sister-in-arms, "needed a little... coaxing."

Laura responded with a mere grumble, her eyes narrowed as she took another bite of her pastry. "Books wait for no one, unlike some people."

Grant laughed, unfazed. "Aye, but you need to be up, or else you'll miss work!"

"Just like how your shield will miss its protection if you don't keep practicing," Laura shot back, but her tone was more teasing than annoyed.

Lune floated over to the spread of breakfast foods and grabbed a small pastry for herself. "These look delicious!" she declared before munching away.

Ambra settled into her seat and gently cradled the cup of fruity tea that Grant's mother had prepared. As the sweet scent filled her senses, she took a whiff and felt the flavors bloom on her nostrils.

"So, Ambra," Emil began, wiping his mouth with a cloth after a hearty bite of bread, "how did the meeting with Lady Camila go?"

"Oh, it actually went quite well," Ambra replied, putting down her cup. "She's a very nice girl. We had a good conversation.

Laura, who had been quietly listening, rolled her eyes, looking more tired than ever. "Nice? Camila? The same girl who acted like an absolute brat at the reception?"

Ambra chuckled wryly. "Well, people can surprise you. She's not at all what I expected for a princess of Altura."

"Which is?" Laura pressed, taking another sleepy bite of her pastry.

"I guess I expected a more... conceited child? Someone wrapped up in the illusions of grandeur that come with the title," Ambra explained. "But Lady Camila was different. She seemed acutely aware of her own situation and what needs to be done to ensure her safety, even if she's a bit misguided in how to go about it."

Emil looked pensively at his cup as he swirled the remaining liquid. "It's interesting that you mention that. Lady Camila doesn't really hold much political or social weight in Altura. She's the last heir, and, from what I've heard, she doesn't even have a close relationship with her own family. That's somewhat unorthodox for Alturan royalty."

Both Lune and Ambra looked intrigued. "Really?" Lune floated a bit closer to Emil, her light flickering like a candle flame in the wind.

"Yeah," Emil nodded. "So, most people tend to write her off. But every person has a role to play, even if it's not obvious at first."

Ambra felt an ephemeral sense of empathy for Camila. It was one thing to stand alone, but another to do so without the backing of family or title. "That's... actually quite sad," she mused, her voice tinged with pity.

Laura chuckled, still only half awake. "Serves her right for acting so high and mighty."

Ambra turned to Laura, her eyes meeting Laura's tired but sharp gaze. "You don't really mean that, do you?"

Laura shrugged, finishing off her pastry. "Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes, our circumstances shape us, but they don't excuse us."

A momentary silence hung over the table, each absorbed in their own thoughts.

Grant broke the silence, getting up from his chair and stretching. "Aye, well, talk of royalty and politics is all well and good, but we've got a Duke's estate to get to, and it's not going to visit itself!"

With a round of nods and a collective gathering of belongings, the group prepared to set out.


The Duke's estate was grand—a sprawling mansion framed by alabaster pillars and walls that shimmered in the afternoon light. Ornate gates stood tall, separating the estate from the rest of the world.

As the Aegis and their companions approached the gates, the lead guard looked up from his post. His eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of the hooded figure beside them. Then, recognition flashed in his eyes and a small, smug smile appeared on his face.

"So, you weren't lying; you are associated with the Aegis," he said, the fake surprise in his voice poorly masked.

Ambra chuckled ironically. "Uh-huh."

The lead guard seemed to relax, his smile broadening. "You know, I really would've been in hot water if you'd turned out to be someone suspicious. Good thing my hunch paid off." With a wave of his hand, he signaled to the other guards, who quickly began to unlock and pull open the towering gates.

"Thank you," Grant said, nodding to the guard as he led the way.

As they walked up the main path, the mansion loomed larger and more imposing, casting a long shadow over the gardens. Ambra couldn't help but be drawn to a particular clearing— the same one she had noticed yesterday filled with young guards. It had been a scene of structured practice; young guards-in-training had been sparring under the watchful eyes of their instructors.

Today, however, the atmosphere was different. There was a sense of weird urgency, a palpable tension in the air that manifested in the way the circle of young guards had formed. At the center of it all was a red-haired figure, agile and fierce, clashing swords with multiple opponents in rapid succession.

"What's going on there?" Lune floated closer to Ambra, her light dimming slightly as if in curiosity.

"I think I may have a clue, but it's definitely not the regular practice I saw yesterday. I can already begin to imagine what's going on" Ambra said, her eyes narrowing as she watched the red-haired figure execute a particularly complex maneuver, disarming one opponent before swiftly blocking a strike from another.

Laura, who had also been watching the scene, muttered, "Looks like they've got their hands full training that one."

As they stood at the threshold of the mansion, Emil suddenly spoke up, "You may want to hold off on walking straight to the mansion for a moment. See the red-haired figure in the clearing? That's Lady Camila, our charge."

Ambra's eyes widened slightly before she broke into a wry smile, "So it's her. She must've wanted to train with the young guards to get stronger, but it seems to have turned into a free-for-all."

Laura, standing beside Ambra, smirked as she watched the scene unfold. "Hope she gets punched in the face."

Lune cast a disapproving glance at Laura, clearly unimpressed by the lack of empathy. She then turned her gaze to Ambra. "Is that really Lady Camila?"

Ambra raised an eyebrow, still watching the clearing intently. "Yep, that seems to be her."

Just as she said it, Lady Camila began to chant, her voice carrying across the distance. A flicker of flame appeared at the tip of her fingers—small and harmless. Her sparring opponent hesitated, confused by the weak spell. Seizing the opportunity, Camila lunged forward and delivered a powerful kick to his abdomen. The young guard stumbled backward, losing his balance and falling to the ground with a thud.

"Ha!" Grant let out a boisterous laugh, "Seems like she knows a thing or two about fighting dirty. I like it!"

Emil shook his head but couldn't hide a small smile. "The tactics may be unorthodox, but they're effective. It fits with what I know of her so far."

Laura rolled her eyes but seemed to be quietly reconsidering her initial harsh judgment of the young lady. "Fine, she's got some spunk. Still wouldn't mind seeing her take a hit or two for humility's sake."

Lune floated closer to Ambra, her light dimming in thought. "She may be skilled, but that's not organized training. She could get hurt."

Ambra nodded. "I agree. And if she's our charge, ensuring her safety is our priority. Maybe it's time for us to step in?"

As the group watched, Lady Camila stood in a stance again and was readying herself for another round. The young guards seemed more organized now, their initial underestimation of her clearly replaced by a seething frustration of losing against the damsel in distress they're supposed to protect.

"Time to make our introduction, I suppose," Grant said, cracking his knuckles.

"Yes, but let's approach her respectfully. Despite her unconventional ways, she's still nobility and our client," Emil added, beginning to lead the way toward the clearing.

Just as Emil was about to lead them toward the clearing, Grant let out an audible, "Oh no."

They all turned to see Laura, who had somehow silently detached herself from the group, now standing in the clearing. With a wand in her hand and a smug expression on her face, she locked eyes with Lady Camila.

"I'll be your opponent now," Laura declared, brandishing her wand with flair.

Lady Camila eyed her for a moment before letting out a small chuckle. "Quite the protection detail, no?"

Laura grinned, a note of venom hiding beneath her words. "You'll be a lot easier to protect if you can't move for a few days," she laughed with tired yet fervent eyes.

Emil couldn't help himself. "Laura! She's the one we're supposed to be protecting! What are you doing?"

Ignoring Emil, Laura sent him a glance—a look that clearly said, "The brat needs to be taken down a peg or two."

Ambra felt a ripple of concern, but before she could say anything, Lune floated closer. "It may be better to let this play out. Look," she gestured toward the encircling guards, who were clearly excited about the impromptu match, "they all seem to be in favor."

Emil sighed, exasperated. He was about to protest again, but Grant laid a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Let it go, mate. Laura's not one to back down once she's got her mind set on something. Best to just watch and see what happens."

With a resigned nod, Emil finally agreed. "You too, Grant? Fine, but we'll need to step in if things get out of hand."

The tension in the clearing was palpable. As both girls readied up, the encircling guards erupted into cheers and jeers, some betting on Lady Camila, others on Laura.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Grant suddenly bellowed, filling the role of a makeshift announcer, "May the best mage win!"

The two girls seemed ready. And as the afternoon quieted down, the first incantation rang out.

With a dramatic flourish of her wand, Laura muttered her first spell. "Aeolus, lend me your breath!"

A swirling gust of wind emanated from the tip of her wand, gaining strength and speed as it raced towards Lady Camila. The guards who had been watching avidly had to shield their faces from the dirt and debris that got caught up in the wind's path.

Lady Camila, however, was unphased. With a swift sidestep, she dodged the wind attack, closing the distance between her and Laura in an instant. As she approached, her hands ignited in a dim red flame.

"Fulmen Ignis!" she shouted.

The flames rushed toward Laura, who deflected them effortlessly with another gust of wind. But as the flames dispersed, Lady Camila was already upon her, aiming a well-placed kick toward her midsection.

Laura managed to put some distance between them using a minor wind spell but winced at the effort it took; her already heavy exhaustion was catching up to her.

"Not bad, princess," Laura gasped, steadying her stance.

"Likewise," Lady Camila responded, her eyes narrowing.

Emil watched, concerned, from the sidelines. Laura's magical strength was terrifying, and if she decided to unleash it fully, Lady Camila could get seriously hurt.

Laura raised her wand once more, this time aiming it skyward. "Tempestas!"

Dark clouds rapidly formed overhead, swirling in a chaotic dance as bolts of lightning arched menacingly within them. With another flick of her wand, Laura sent a bolt crashing down toward the clearing.

Emil's heart leapt into his throat. "Laura, stop! You'll—"

But Lady Camila was quicker. In a display of incredible agility, she dodged the bolt, leaving a smoking crater where she had been standing just a moment before.

As the guards gasped and cheered, Lady Camila grinned. "My turn."

With a series of feints and quick maneuvers, she closed the distance again, this time managing to land a punch squarely on Laura's shoulder. Laura grunted at the impact but quickly steadied herself.

"So, you can throw a punch," Laura said, her voice tinged with approval and also a little surprise.

"And you are a lousy protection detail," Lady Camila responded, her eyes filled with the thrill of the duel.

Both girls were breathing heavily now, but neither was willing to back down. With a decisive movement, Laura mustered heaps of energy and pointed her wand directly at Lady Camila.


A gale-force wind erupted from her wand, so powerful it uprooted small plants and sent loose stones flying. Lady Camila braced herself, her eyes widening as she realized the strength of the spell. She managed to ignite her hands in a desperate attempt to counter it but was ultimately thrown off her feet, tumbling back through the air.

Just as everyone thought it was over, Lady Camila twisted her body agilely in mid-air, landing gracefully on her feet, although clearly affected by Laura's spell.

With a deep breath, Lady Camila once again took up her previous stance, looking Laura directly into her eyes. "Close. Try again, security detail."


And here we are—the 1 month anniversary of this story.

Officially, I have been writing this story for a month, writing the first chapter on August 10th, 2023. Wow, I almost can't believe it. It's really amazing how 31 days later we're at over 80 thousand words and an incredible amount of readers.

I'm deeply thankful to all of you who are reading this. To see other people enjoy this story which I'm having so much fun writing is truly an indescribable feeling. So thank you very much.

There'll be a nice double upload tomorrow, which is almost finished already, I couldn't quite get it done today and have decided to push the chapter for tomorrow to make sure it comes out right.

See you tomorrow!
