Chapter 41 – A Name Like Ambra
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"Lady Camila, we were thinking the mourning ceremony could be held in three days' time," Marquis Julian suggested, pushing up his thin-framed glasses as he perused through a sheaf of papers before him. "In the main plaza of Leviel, to allow as many citizens as possible to pay their respects."

"That sounds perfectly reasonable," Camila said, a touch of eagerness in her voice that did not go unnoticed by those around her. "We can have the plaza cleared and decorated appropriately. What else would you require?"

The Marquis went on to list various specifications—floral arrangements, a specific type of incense from Nuberia, an intricate bier upon which the Hero's coffin would temporarily rest—all of which Camila agreed to, surprising the Aegis with her willingness to fulfill every request. Even Lune was caught off guard, feelings of guilt worming their way into her thoughts as she considered the sham funeral she was actually partaking in.

Ironically, it was pretty funny how she had come to orchestrate a funeral for a Hero who was alive and well, in a certain way. Her eyes lost focus for a moment as she wondered how Ambra must be feeling, hiding away in the living room and grappling with the heavy burden of her own existence. Not even being able to be seen or heard as it may cause issues given her identity. It was truly unfair. It was then she heard her name being called.

"Lune, would you be comfortable delivering your speech at the plaza during the ceremony?" Marquis Julian inquired, his eyes peering over the rim of his glasses.

"Sure," she nodded, rolling her eyes, but not wanting to make a fuss like last time at the Baroness' estate with Deidan... However, it was then that she noticed something—or rather, someone—was missing. "Speaking of arrangements, where's Deidan? Isn't it his job to stick to you like glue? Protecting you is basically his life's work when I'm not around."

The Marquis chuckled, the atmosphere easing up for a moment. "Ah, Deidan did come with me, he's accompanying the Baroness who came alongside as well. I assure you, my safety is still well looked after. But you bring up an interesting point—"

Lune's eyes narrowed at the mention of Deidan and Baroness Elara being in the mansion. Deidan was fiercely loyal but not a man to be trifled with; if he somehow discovered Ambra's presence, things could escalate quickly.  She didn't know how he would react should he find out what Ambra was now.

As for the Baroness, well, there was a certain air about her that never sat right with Lune. Both being in the mansion spelled nothing but trouble.

"Excuse me, I must step out for a moment," Lune suddenly announced, her words tinged with an urgency that betrayed her usual cold demeanor.

"Miss Lune, is everything alright?" Camila asked, her eyebrows knitting in concern.

"Uh, yes, everything's fine," she responded, not wanting to alert Camila to her true fears. Only turning to the Aegis for some quick back up to let her go.

The two Nuberian diplomats who had been quiet until then spoke up in protest. "You can't just leave, Lady Lune. It's crucial that you stay and help us finalize the details for the ceremony. You're a hero and a diplomat; your presence is needed here."

Marquis Julian, sensing Lune's brewing tempest, smiled wryly.

"Listen," Lune shot back, her patience wearing thin, "either you let me go, or you might find yourselves needing a mourning ceremony of your own."

The room fell silent. The two diplomats gulped, exchanging glances as though debating whether she was serious. But the icy look in her eyes gave them their answer.

"As I said, I need to step out. Now," she reinforced, her eyes meeting Julian's. She didn't need to spell it out; he knew she was serious.

With a courteous but pointed nod to the Marquis, and a somewhat apologetic look to Camila, Lune turned on her heel and exited the grand hall, her footsteps echoing with a hurried intensity.

As she left, Marquis Julian sighed, turning to the diplomats. "I would suggest you not antagonize Lady Lune, especially when it comes to matters regarding Ambra."

Camila, hearing that went wide-eyed with surprise, and looked after the retreating figure of Lune. "Ambra?"

Julian adjusted his glasses. "You've no idea of the Hero's name, Your Highness? Her name was Ambra."


Ambra sat alone on the plush couch of the living room, her eyes lingering on the doorway through which Lune, Camila, and the Aegis had exited. Her fingers nervously tapped on her thighs, her thoughts a maelstrom of worry and caution.

"I hope Lune's okay," she muttered, recalling her friend's less-than-amicable history with Nuberian nobility. "She really doesn't do well with them."

Just as she sighed, hoping for a swift return of her friend, a low rumbling voice echoed from the corridor outside. Her ears perked up; the timbre of the voice struck a familiar chord in her memory. For a split second, she contemplated getting up and checking who it was. But then, caution overruled curiosity.

"No," she thought, her eyes narrowing, "that would be a mistake. If it's someone from the Nuberian delegation, running into them could spell disaster."

Ambra knew the risk was too great. As Lune's "friend," her unexplained absence from the negotiating table would be suspicious. Why would she be left behind in Camila's wing? That'd be a hard explanation. And that was the best-case scenario. Worst case, they'd recognize her outright.

She leaned back into the couch, drawing her hands into her lap. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety within her. The footsteps grew louder, accompanied by hushed but discernible conversation, its rumble vibrating the wooden door.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she saw the elongated shadows of three figures slide past the gap under the door. She could sense them pausing as if contemplating entering the room. The shadows milled about before finally moving on, their voices receding until they were swallowed up by the labyrinthine corridors of Duke Altair's estate.

Ambra let out a sigh of relief so deep it felt like she'd been holding her breath for an eternity. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, thanking the stars for this small mercy.

She opened her eyes, her gaze once again turning to the door through which her friends had left. She clutched her hands together, whispering a quiet prayer for Lune's return. Because for all her powers and bravery, it was moments like these when Ambra felt most vulnerable, trapped by her own identity.

Ambra's eyes widened as the footsteps doubled back, their hurried cadence now distinctly close. "Oh no," she thought, her breath catching in her throat as the doorknob started to turn. The door creaked open, revealing two figures: a petite maid and a towering man in cobalt blue armor. His imposing demeanor instantly struck a chord in Ambra's memory.

"Deidan," she thought, her body stiffening. "Of all the people, why did it have to be Deidan?"

Deidan, the Captain of the Royal Knights of Nuberia, who was also once her pupil—despite being older—had the same rugged visage that she remembered. For a moment, their eyes locked, and Ambra felt like a deer at the end of a sword.

Oblivious to the tension, the maid continued her instructions. "Once the meeting is over in the grand hall, I'll guide the Baroness here, so you may meet with Her Highness separately."

Turning her attention to the room, the maid blinked, obviously surprised to see someone still there. "Oh? I thought all of Lady Camila's security detail had left for the meeting."

Deidan's eyes narrowed, subtly but perceptibly, as he noticed Ambra's familiar cloak. Acting quickly to hide her true identity, Ambra disguised her voice, making it sound slightly hoarser.

"I am also part of her security detail, I jut happened to stay behind to guard Lady Camila's wing," she said, choosing her words carefully. "With so many people coming and going, you can't be too careful about potential intruders who might want to set traps or worse."

Deidan seemed to ponder her words, his gaze intense but inscrutable. The silence in the room felt like a tangible weight, each tick of the clock amplifying the tension.

Finally, Deidan spoke, his voice low and rumbling. "Wise decision. Extra vigilance is always commendable, especially in times like these."

Ambra let out a silent sigh of relief, though her heart was still racing. She'd managed to deflect his suspicion, for now. But being in the same room with someone who knew her past life, and not just any someone but Deidan, added an unexpected layer of danger to an already complicated situation.

Deidan inclined his head respectfully before entering the room. With a gentle bow, the maid closed the door behind her and left. "I'll bring the Baroness over once she is done viewing the gardens."

The door clicked shut behind them, leaving Deidan and Ambra in the room. Ambra was nervous, her fingers tightly clutching the fabric. This is close—too close. And it wasn't just the fear of being recognized; it was the realization that her old life and her new life were on a collision course, whether she liked it or not.

The tense silence filled the air, almost like a fog, as Deidan took a seat in a nearby chair. Ambra felt as if she were walking a tightrope, one false move and she would fall, revealing her true identity.

"So, you're Lune's friend, right?" Deidan finally broke the silence, his voice neutral but tinged with curiosity. "Still following her around?"

Ambra felt a momentary sense of relief; Deidan had recognized her as Lune's friend, which was not surprising. "Yeah," she responded, a wry smile forming on her lips, "I'm just tagging along to protect Her Highness. Extra manpower for the security detail, you could say. Though, I don't think I'm really necessary."

Deidan let out a small laugh, a gesture that seemed to lift a weight off Ambra's shoulders. "Well, if you're still part of the team, even if Lune specially requested it—which I doubt, knowing her—you must be quite capable. What's your name?"

The question hung in the air like a trap, and Ambra scrambled to think of a name that wouldn't raise suspicion. "Manda," she blurted out, hoping it sounded believable.

For a moment, Deidan appeared stunned, his posture slackening as he slumped back into the sofa. "Manda, huh? Nice to meet you, Manda."

Ambra was puzzled by Deidan's sudden shift in demeanor, the way he stared blankly at the ceiling as if lost in thought. It was an unexpected and rather alarming change, one that put her on edge.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, struggling to keep her voice steady. "You seem...distracted. By the way, what's your name?"

Deidan's eyes shifted back to her, his gaze regaining its earlier intensity. "It's Deidan," he said, almost hesitantly. "And nothing's wrong. Your name just... it reminded me of someone I used to know, a long time ago."

The atmosphere in the room turned heavy, loaded with unspoken words and hidden meanings. For a moment, Ambra considered revealing herself, throwing caution to the wind. But she quickly dismissed the thought; the risks were too high, especially now, when so much was at stake.

"Life is full of coincidences," she said, feigning a casual demeanor she did not feel. "Names can have that effect on people, I suppose."

"Yeah," Deidan mumbled, nodding. "Coincidences."

He stared at her for another second, as if trying to see through her disguise, and Ambra held her breath. Finally, he sighed, breaking eye contact and leaning back into the sofa.

"Perhaps you're right," he said, his voice tinged with resignation. "Just coincidences."



Second and last chapter for today. Thank you for waiting~

This is tense! Finally, I wanted to write this scene for quite a long time. It's exciting in my mind, and trust me when I say it gets even better quite soon!

Thanks for reading this far, short AN today, as I feel like I have already written enough of these as it is. Do people even read these though? I do wonder.

Anyways, with that out of the way, thank you very much for reading, I appreciate it immensely!

See you tomorrow!
