Chapter 18: Shampoo, Soap, Toothpaste
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(Leila's Point of view)

Leila was a maid serving the Sraffa family. And their third son who just became the Baronet. He used to be arrogant, lazy and enjoyed trampling over others. During that time, Leila was just a normal peasant girl in the village who had been molested by him a couple of times.

In the past, he would shout and throw things at the serfs. He would jump lustfully at her. 

No. He used to be like that. 

Now, after becoming the lord of the territory, he changed. When he brought her to his manor to be his maid, she was worried. Unexpectedly, she was treated kindly. She became a live-in maid who helped in general affairs of the territory.

Her lord's eyes were different now. The current lord had a clear gaze. Furthermore, he has started reading in the library every day and practiced sword fighting with the knights.

What surprised her even more was how knowledgeable he had become in the affairs of the territory.

His mind seemed to work faster than those familiar in that field. He had made changes to the territory management.

There was another new maid taken from the village, hired before her. She was slightly older than Leila, Jane who was married. Jane lived here but returned to her husband's home from time to time. Jane also helped in general affairs. 

Leila kept this a secret as she sometimes found Jane having an adult relationship with the lord behind her husband's back. However, Lord Piero has not touched her yet.

Last night, we brought in three female mercenaries from Aysgarth Town. They were given rooms in the manor and became live-in mercenaries for the lord. 

Leila was the one who scouted them and the lord whole-heartedly thanked her. He could not hide his happiness. He must be delighted the mercenaries were pretty young women.

They received bizarre but very useful gifts from her lord. Apparently Jane and Leila also received the same gifts.

One of the gifts was an item called "Shampoo", a bottle containing liquid which we applied to our hair. She remembered with a gentle twist of the cap, she released the fragrance that transported her to a fragrant garden in full bloom. The scent was a harmonious blend of fresh, dew-kissed petals and zesty citrus notes, a sensory indulgence that instantly lifted her spirits.

As she poured a small amount into her palm, the shampoo felt like liquid silk, its opulent texture promising to cradle her hair in luxury. With each massaging motion, the rich lather formed effortlessly, embracing her locks in a delicate embrace. It was as if nature itself had conspired to create this elixir for her hair.

Rinsing it away, Leila could feel the renewed vitality in her strands.

This "shampoo" had transformed her shower into a daily ritual of pampering and rejuvenation, leaving her hair not just cleansed but also nourished, as if it had been kissed by the very essence of the natural world.

Another item was "anti-germ soap". She usually poured a small amount onto her palm and began to lather it over her body. She felt a sense of calm wash over her as she imagined the soap working its magic, banishing itchiness and odour from her skin. With each gentle scrub, Leila could almost envision the dirt and itchiness being washed away. After her bath, Leila felt refreshed and invigorated.

The final gifts were in  pairs, called "toothpaste" and "toothbrush". The lord taught them to use these 3 times per day; upon waking up, after lunch and after dinner. She would squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto her toothbrush. The toothpaste had a refreshing flavor. She scrubbed her teeth diligently, making sure to reach every nook and cranny. 

She took a little extra care to brush gently, not wanting to damage her enamel. She also made sure to floss, removing any stray bits of food that might have hidden between her teeth.

As she spit out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth, she couldn't help but admire her own reflection. Her teeth gleamed, and her breath was refreshing. Jane taught her. She also taught the three female newcomers.

Leila's thoughts were consumed by the shampoo, anti-germ liquid soap, toothpaste, and toothbrush graciously provided by her lord. Lost in contemplation, she strolled absentmindedly through the grand corridors of the manor, each step taking her closer to the dining hall.

In the bustling manor, the head maid, Mari, was conspicuously absent, most likely sharing a meal with her son, Mauro, the valiant knight residing in their house just behind the lord's opulent residence.

Leila's reverie was interrupted when a cheerful voice called out, "Hey, Leila! Join us for breakfast!" It was Mireille, a fiery red-haired woman with an athletic build. She gestured with her spoon, inviting Leila to join their table. Ninya and Daciana, two other formidable female mercenaries, were already seated, ready to enjoy their morning meal. Jane, the young maid, was also partaking in the lively gathering.

Lord Piero Sraffa, a figure of authority and kindness, noticed Leila's arrival. He waved warmly, beckoning her to share breakfast in his company.

Leila's life had taken a remarkable turn, from a difficult past to a more promising present. As she sat down to breakfast with the new friends she had made in the manor, she couldn't help but appreciate the kindness and positive changes brought about by Lord Piero. It was a stark contrast to the hardships she had faced as a peasant girl. The simple meal of bread, wheat porridge, and cheese now held a special significance, symbolizing the improvements in her life.

Upon completion of breakfast, Jane passed the lord several pieces of paper. He read for a while, "Good job. Finally, in just two weeks of census, we get the names in every household in my territory. You even segregate the households of Bulnes village from Eldham Village."

Leila's eyes were sparkling as she was amazed of her senior maid, Jane.

Leila couldn't help but admire Jane's efficiency and dedication to her duties. Lord Piero's acknowledgment of their hard work filled her with pride and gratitude. 

Leila felt a sense of purpose and contentment in her role as a maid in the manor, far removed from the hardships of her previous life as a peasant girl.

Jane added, "The village chiefs had already distributed the farming equipment you purchased in Aysgarth Town to the farmers. They believe that should be enough for now."

Lord Piero said, "That'd better be enough, I have spent the whole money from selling our goods yesterday."

Daciana hesitantly interrupted, "Mm.. forgive me, my lord. We are grateful for everything you gave us. Could we start our job today?"

He leaned on his chair and exhaled.

"No. Not today. I will bring you to tour the two villages in my territory. You haven't met the militias and knights. Then, you will meet the chief of Bulnes village, Matta. He would be the one accompanying you to explore the forest."

Leila listened attentively to the conversation, feeling a growing sense of respect and admiration for Lord Piero's responsible and caring approach to managing the territory. She was pleased to see how the lord valued their contributions and was willing to involve the newcomers in the community.

As they discussed their plans for the day, Leila felt a sense of anticipation and excitement about the upcoming tour and the opportunity to meet the villagers and explore the forest. The positive changes in her life continued to amaze her, and she was grateful for the chance to be a part of it all.