Chapter 3: A Royal Decision
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As Sebas knocked on the door of the government boardroom, it soon swung open to reveal a diverse assembly of individuals, each with their own unique presence.

Akihiro Kudo: Standing at the forefront, Akihiro exuded an air of wisdom and charisma. His distinctive feature was a cascade of dreadlocks that flowed down his back, framing a face that bore a striking resemblance to Alder from Pokémon. Peter recognized him as the Prime Minister of Makay. Akihiro's calm demeanor suggested years of experience and leadership.

Marcel Russo: Positioned beside Akihiro, Marcel Russo was a relatively young man, his slicked-back black hair and glasses giving him an air of sophistication. His appearance was sharp and well-kept, conveying a sense of professionalism and intelligence. Peter noted that Marcel held the role of Minister of Politics.

Gordon Zuzu: General Gordon Zuzu, a towering figure with a commanding presence, was next in line. His dark skin and imposing stature, standing at least 6 feet 5 inches (195cm), exuded strength and authority. The bold, no-nonsense demeanor suggested a lifetime dedicated to the military and defense of Makay.

Anna Sutera: Anna, the only woman in the room, appeared sweet on the surface, yet her demeanor hinted at a no-nonsense approach. Her authoritative aura brought to mind Peter's strict English teacher from his previous life. Anna held the role of Minister of Social Affairs, and her appearance and demeanor suggested she was well-equipped for the position.

Otto Lee: Peter's gaze then fell on Otto Lee, an older, unassuming man who seemed somewhat out of place among the others. His average height, slightly overweight build, and receding hairline gave him a modest appearance. However, Peter soon realized not to underestimate him, as his impressive résumé hinted at a wealth of experience and skills that belied his unassuming demeanor.

As Peter observed each member of the assembly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and curiosity about the dynamics and discussions that would unfold during this government meeting. Each person brought their own unique qualities and expertise to the table, and Peter was eager to engage with them as the newly crowned King of Makay.

Akihiro Kudo: "Your Highness, the airline company responsible for the plane incident wishes to resolve the matter outside of court. They are willing to offer a settlement to avoid negative publicity."

All eyes turned to Peter, awaiting his response.

Peter: "While personally, I may have wished for a larger compensation, I understand the need for stability in our country. This settlement could not only prevent a protracted legal battle but also potentially benefit our nation, which is still developing."

A collective sense of understanding seemed to fill the room, and the Prime Minister, Akihiro, continued.

Akihiro Kudo: "Your Highness's decision is wise. Pursuing an alternative course could have detrimental consequences during our period of growth. The potential international legal battle could jeopardize our stability and progress."

Next, Peter told them to start the meeting they had planned to let him know the situation Makay is in right now.

Akihiro Kudo commenced his briefing with an overview of Makay's political landscape, offering a more detailed perspective.

Peter: "Prime Minister Kudo, could you elaborate on the diplomatic relations we have with neighboring nations and international partners?"

Akihiro Kudo: "Certainly, Your Highness. Our closest allies include Japan, Germany, and Australia, but at the same time, we hold close cooperation with our neighbors," which include Guam, the Northern Marianas, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau. We've been diligently nurturing positive relations with these nations, forming strong partnerships that extend beyond our Pacific borders. These alliances are pivotal for our continued growth and stability, facilitating trade, cultural exchange, and cooperation in various domains. These countries are also the main source of income for the country right now, as most of them donate hefty sums to us yearly, mostly through the UN and their programs."

General Gordon Zuzu shared insights into the military's role, providing more specific details.

Peter: "General Zuzu, can you provide details about our military composition and its readiness?"

General Gordon Zuzu: "Of course, Your Highness. Our military, numbering 2,700 personnel, comprises a force dedicated to the protection of our nation. This includes 200 Royal Guardsmen responsible for your security, 500 highly trained policemen ensuring internal stability, and the remaining 2,000 personnel serving across our three Army branches, safeguarding our borders and interests. We've maintained a state of readiness to face any challenges that may arise, both domestically and abroad."

Marcel Russo delved into the intricacies of political initiatives.

Peter: "Mr. Russo, what policy initiatives are currently underway to shape our political landscape?"

Marcel Russo: "Your Highness, we have embarked on a multifaceted approach to enhance our political standing. This includes fostering diplomatic ties, particularly with our close allies, to promote cooperation. This includes different exchange programs but isn’t just limited to those. Domestically, we're working on policies to stimulate economic growth and improve governance, ensuring a balanced and prosperous future for Makay. Although we have to find a way to get unemployment down, As this is one of our most serious problems,

Anna Sutera's report on social welfare highlighted the nation's challenges and aspirations.

Peter: "Minister Sutera, could you share more about our efforts to address poverty and enhance healthcare and education?"

Anna Sutera: "Certainly, Your Highness. We are resolutely combating poverty through targeted programs and initiatives aimed at upliftment. Our focus on improving healthcare access and education, particularly in remote areas, is a priority. We aim to create a more inclusive society where every citizen enjoys the benefits of a higher standard of living. Right now, through different projects, we have eliminated homelessness, although this is costing the government a lot of money."

Otto Lee provided a more detailed perspective on the economic situation and opportunities for growth.

Peter: "Mr. Lee, what opportunities do you see for economic growth and diversification in Makay?"

Otto Lee: "Your Highness, while we are currently considered a relatively poor nation, we have immense growth potential. Our primary source of income is fishing, but we see opportunities for diversification. Foreign investments, including eco-tourism and sustainable agriculture ventures, hold the promise of significantly boosting our economy. These initiatives align with our long-term vision for economic prosperity, but we would have to make more concrete plans in the future to find ways to get unemployment down and start different businesses that will affect the economy positively."

With each member of the government offering these detailed insights, Peter gained a deeper understanding of the complex challenges and promising opportunities facing Makay. The commitment to collective progress and development within the government was palpable, reaffirming Peter's confidence in their ability to navigate the intricate path ahead.

During the final moments of the meeting, Peter addressed the matter of the negotiations regarding the plane crash. He made a resolute decision, one that left everyone in the room momentarily stunned.

Peter: "I won't be attending the negotiations concerning the plane crash, for obvious reasons. I urge you all to be as ruthless as possible in securing the highest possible compensation. Every penny we can extract from the situation is crucial."

This declaration sent ripples of surprise through the room, but Peter continued, determined in his decision.

Peter: "Furthermore, I've decided that any funds obtained will be directed to the government rather than the Royal Family. As the sole member of the Ryon Royal Family at the moment, I believe our country needs the financial support more than I do."

Otto, the Minister of Business, couldn't hide his astonishment and felt the need to clarify.

Otto Lee: "Your Highness, are you certain about this decision?"

Peter replied with unwavering resolve.

Peter: "Yes, Otto. It's a choice I've made for the well-being of our nation. Please proceed, and once you secure the funds, they should be directed toward the government's efforts."

Prime Minister Akihiro, deeply moved by Peter's generosity, bowed respectfully.

Akihiro Kudo: "Your Highness, we are profoundly grateful for your selflessness and dedication to our country. We promise to utilize these funds for the betterment of our people."

With this understanding in place, Peter excused himself from the meeting. Accompanied by Sebas and the Royal Guards, he departed for the inner palace, leaving behind a government committed to carrying out his wishes for the greater good of Makay.

As Peter and Sebas walked back to their quarters within the inner palace, Peter couldn't help but contemplate his next steps. His newfound authority and the unique templates he possessed were intriguing, and he knew that eventually he would employ them for the benefit of Makay. However, for the moment, he decided to keep his plans to himself.

While walking through the corridors of the inner palace, Sebas shared a piece of upcoming news.

Sebas: "Your Highness, I wanted to inform you that you've been invited as a special guest to the Royal Basket U-18 training tomorrow."

Peter considered the invitation, and, despite maintaining a calm demeanor, a small smile formed on his lips.

Sebas, noticing the subtle change in Peter's expression, couldn't help but inquire.

Sebas: "Your Highness, you seem pleased. What are your thoughts on this?"

Peter chose to keep his thoughts close to his chest, offering only a cryptic response.

Peter: "For now, Sebas, I'll keep my thoughts to myself. Let's proceed with the plans for tomorrow."

With that, Peter and Sebas continued their walk through the palace, leaving the true nature of Peter's anticipation shrouded in mystery for the time being.