Chapter 44 – Hygge
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The tension from the library seemed worlds away as Ambra and Lune stood together in their room, lit only by the ethereal glow of the moon and stars. The heavens themselves seemed to have arranged a tableau of celestial beauty, painting the room with dappled silvers and blues that streamed through the window. It was a tranquil backdrop against the lingering turbulence of their emotions.

Lune held a small wooden box in her hands, the craftsmanship so intricate it looked like a miniature treasure chest. She was still uncharacteristically nervous, her usual icy demeanor nowhere to be found under the soft starlight.

"Perhaps I should give this to you tomorrow," Lune said hesitantly, her eyes briefly meeting Ambra's before darting away. Placing the box on the nightstand, she continued, "For now, let's just rest. You've had a long day, and you deserve it."

Ambra remembered Laura's words from earlier: Lune cared for her. Those words echoed in her mind like a distant lullaby, warm and comforting. Slowly, she lowered the hood of her cloak, allowing her silver hair to cascade freely. It shimmered in the starlight, almost as if soaking in the celestial luminescence.

"Lune," Ambra said gently, her eyes meeting Lune's. "Could we do it today?"

After a pause, Lune gave a soft, understanding smile. Carefully, almost reverently, she opened the wooden box. Inside was a necklace—a profound blood-red ruby crystal that seemed to capture the very essence of the night sky. Set in a delicate silver setting, the gem shone brilliantly, its luster almost rivaling the glow of Ambra's own crimson eyes. The gemstone seemed to pulse with an inner light as if holding within it a fragment of the world's hidden beauty.

Ambra's mouth fell open in awe. It was the very necklace she'd been admiring a day ago at the marketplace, a tiny piece of art she'd never thought she'd own. She looked up to find Lune watching her, a trace of vulnerability in her eyes.

"Do you like it?" Lune asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"I love it," Ambra said softly, still unable to take her eyes off the necklace. She felt a surge of emotions: surprise, gratitude, but most of all, a soothing sense of peace that washed over her like a gentle tide. For a moment, all her self-doubt, her anxiety, her inner turmoil—everything seemed to fade away, leaving only the purity of this shared moment between them.

As Lune fastened the necklace around Ambra's neck, their eyes met. It was a brief, yet infinitely meaningful exchange.

"Thank you, Lune," Ambra whispered, touching the gemstone lightly as if reassuring herself of its reality.

"You're welcome, Ambra," Lune replied, her face softening in a rare, genuine smile. "You're more than welcome."

The room fell silent again, but it was a comfortable silence. Outside, the stars continued to shine, as if winking their approval at the two friends below. For this brief moment, all was right in the world.

That night there were no nightmares.


The first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting soft, golden beams across the room. As Ambra's eyes fluttered open, the first thing she saw was Lune, who was already awake, her eyes meeting Ambra's in a moment of serenity. Both of them broke into smiles, a silent continuation of the intimate exchange they had shared the previous night.

For once, Ambra felt refreshed, free from the terrors, namely Lilith, that usually plagued her dreams. She didn't tell Lune about the absence of nightmares, but the lightness in her step and the brightness in her eyes spoke volumes.

They moved through their morning routine with ease, a comfortable silence hanging in the air. Ambra pulled on her cloak, its familiar weight settling around her shoulders like a protective shroud. Her fingers touched the ruby necklace that now adorned her neck, and she felt a warmth that wasn't solely from the gemstone.

They stepped out into the grand hall to find Emil and Grant engaged in an animated discussion, their voices echoing off the marble walls. Upon seeing Ambra and Lune enter, Grant broke off his conversation to greet them.

"Aye, look who's awake! Good morning, you two!"

Emil nodded his greeting, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Laura, however, seemed impervious to Grant's enthusiastic volume. She was fast asleep on one of the couches, a book splayed open and covering her face. Ambra couldn't help but smile wryly at the sight. She had probably stayed up all night in the library.

Just as they began to consider waking her, the grand doors swung open and Lady Camila swept into the room. She was accompanied by two maids who, upon a subtle gesture from their mistress, discreetly retreated, leaving the adventurers alone with the Lady.

"Good morning," Lady Camila greeted, her eyes drifting over each of them before resting on Ambra. For a split second, Ambra felt as if Lady Camila's gaze lingered a little longer on her, but the moment passed and the Lady moved on, resuming her poised demeanor.

"Your Highness," Emil spoke up. "We were just discussing our plans for the day. Would you like to join us?"

Lady Camila considered the invitation for a moment before nodding. "I suggest we discuss over breakfast. The day is still just starting, and I doubt any of you have eaten yet"

Grant and Emil exchanged a glance, shrugged in unison, and then looked at Laura who was still enjoying her slumber on the couch.

Lune and Ambra also exchanged a knowing look. "I'll partake in breakfast," Lune confirmed.

"I think I'll pass," Ambra added, careful not to reveal the real reason behind her decision. Eating regular food wasn't really appetizing anymore, after all, who'd enjoy a dirt meal in the morning?

Lady Camila looked at Ambra with a slightly puzzled expression but then smiled graciously. "Very well. I'll wait for you in the dining hall."

Meanwhile, Emil leaned over Laura and gently tried to rouse her. "Laura, wake up, it's morning."

Grant chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, Emil, you're going about this all wrong. Allow me to demonstrate the secret technique of waking Laura."

Both Lune and Ambra turned their attention toward Grant, intrigued. A special technique to wake Laura? Ambra thought, her eyes shining in curiosity.

With exaggerated flair, Grant took a dramatic stance, his body tensing as if preparing for a duel. He drew back his arm in a swift, aggressive motion, aiming it directly at Laura's face. Just when it seemed as if he was about to make contact, he stopped, his hand hovering inches away. Delicately, as if handling a fragile artifact, he lifted the book off Laura's face.

The effect was immediate. Laura's eyes snapped open, her hand instinctively reaching out to grab the book, but Grant deftly pulled it out of her reach. Off balance, Laura tumbled off the couch and onto the floor.

"Ah, what—Grant, you—" Laura sputtered, struggling to find her footing and her words.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Grant beamed, handing her the book as she finally managed to stand.

Emil shook his head, but a smile crept onto his face. "Why does it always work?"

Lune looked somewhat amused, while Ambra couldn't suppress a small chuckle. The whole scene felt so typical of their group—chaotic, perhaps, but also endearing in its own strange way.

Following a servant's guidance, they soon found themselves in the opulent dining hall. The table was resplendent, adorned with an array of sumptuous dishes that filled the room with mouthwatering aromas. Lady Camila sat at the head of the table, awaiting their arrival.

"Please, help yourselves," she gestured toward the feast.

Laura needed no second invitation; she immediately sat and began sampling the spread with excitement. Emil cleared his throat disapprovingly. "Laura, manners—"

Lady Camila cut him off with a wave of her hand. "No, no. Let her eat. Food is meant to be enjoyed."

"See, Emil? That's what I've been saying," Laura said, smirking triumphantly as she took another bite.

Laughter filled the room as Grant and Ambra took their seats, followed by Lune and Emil. Lune chose the seat next to Ambra, who found herself staring at the banquet before her with a sense of hollow yearning. As the others dug in, she could only fantasize about how the food might taste.

Observing Ambra's hesitation, Lady Camila spoke. "You know, Ambra, you're welcome to eat as well. There's no shortage of food here."

"I really shouldn't." Ambra chuckled lightly, evading the question. Briefly wishing she could eat some of the food, a reminder of the delicious-looking cooked rabbit meat tasting like ash made those thoughts go away.

Lady Camila responded with a playful smile. "I assure you, the Duke's cooks are some of the best And I assure you they have never felled a warrior yet."

"Maybe some other time." Ambra laughed wryly.

It was then that Emil, who had been watching Ambra closely, noticed something glittering just below her neckline. "What's that you're wearing, Ambra?"

With a soft smile and a slightly sheepish tone, she revealed the stunning ruby necklace that Lune had given her. "It's a new necklace. A gift."

Laura's eyes widened almost choking on her food as she attempted to swallow and talk at the same time. "You didn't have that before, did you?"

"No, I didn't," Ambra responded, her eyes meeting a coughing Laura's.

Laura's expression shifted from surprise to a knowing grin. She shot Lune a mental thumbs-up, her eyes twinkling with delight.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Grant chimed in.

"Yes, breathtaking," Lady Camila added, her eyes appreciating the fine craftsmanship of the ruby crystal. Lady Camila's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "Was this a gift from Lune?"

"Yes, it was," Ambra confirmed, smiling warmly at Lune who sat next to her.

Lady Camila's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with an understanding warmth. "I'm delighted to see that you two get along so well."

Shifting her gaze to address everyone at the table, she then asked, "So, what are the plans for today?"

Emil took the cue. "No diplomats from Nuberia today, and our meeting with the Baroness is scheduled for tomorrow, so it really could be anything."

Lady Camila's eyes gleamed mischievously as they settled on Ambra. "In that case, could I...go out today?" Her voice carried an air of innocent inquiry that didn't quite mask her true intentions.

Ambra shook her head firmly, swinging her arms in firm rejection. "No, absolutely not."

Lune looked puzzled. "Why not? Are we not capable of protecting Lady Camila outside the estate?"

Slightly flustered, Ambra held her head. "It's not about protection, Lune. She wants to go outside to fight in some alley, most likely."

Lune's eyes widened, and she turned to Lady Camila for confirmation. Lady Camila merely tilted her head, eyes fixed on the ceiling, and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

"Really?" Lune, not one to let things go easily, pressed further. "Against random people? You have guards you can train with, right?"

Lady Camila finally broke her silence. "Training with guards has its limitations. I need more formidable challenges if I want to improve my skills. I can't just stay as weak as I am forever"

A slight tension descended upon the table following Lady Camila's explanation, and the once jovial atmosphere dimmed a notch.

Seizing the opportunity to redirect the conversation, Emil interjected. "How about a rematch between Laura and Lady Camila? A duel, perhaps?"

Laura, who had been fully absorbed in her food, looked up at Emil in surprise, her eyes lighting up. "A duel, you say?"

Lady Camila also seemed intrigued, her eyes meeting Laura's in a silent rivalry. The room's atmosphere suddenly shifted, and despite the early hour, excitement seemed to be building up.

Emil's lips quirked into a wry smile. "Well, this time, it would be a more 'civilized' duel," he said, clearly recalling the last chaotic scuffle between Lady Camila and Laura.

Laura snorted, then burst into sinister laughter. "Ah, a civilized handicap, you say? I'm feeling more worn out than I was back then, anyway. So, if Her Highness loses, she'll have no excuses."

Lady Camila narrowed her eyes, a small but confident smile creeping onto her lips. "Oh, don't worry. I don't intend to lose. I was able to dodge your lightning bolts last time, even though you weren't supposed to use them. Now that I know your magical arsenal, I'll be better prepared."

Laura shook her head, her grin widening into an almost predatory smirk. "Oh, no, no, you don't seem to get it. You're adorable when you make excuses. I'll give you a few seconds to 'practice,' but make no mistake—I'll have you on the ground"

Lady Camila lifted her chin slightly, her eyes glinting with a blaze that Ambra recognized. "We shall see, Laura. We shall see."

The tension between the two girls filled the room, but it was the sort of tension that came before a great bout, charged with anticipation rather than dread. Even Ambra felt a small flicker of excitement stir within her.

Emil turned to Grant, Lune, and Ambra. "I suppose we'll have to prepare an area for this duel. Do you think the arena that they used last time has now been repaired?"

Grant let out a hearty laugh. "Aye, all will be good! Count me in for setting up the battleground."

Lune looked between Ambra and Lady Camila. "This should be interesting," she said, almost as if she were speaking to herself.

Ambra finally broke her silence, catching Lune's eye and offering a small smile. "It's always nice to have something to look forward to, isn't it?"

Lune's lips curled into a small, rare smile.



Hygge (Noun): a quality of coziness and comfortable that a feeling of or well-being

I thought it was a fitting name for this chapter. It's cozy, nice, and fluffy. I am still wondering if it was the right choice to make the first scene of Lune's gift so short. I wanted to be meaningful, and sweet, so I chose to go for the approach that wouldn't drag it too much, and just go with "beautiful descriptions" sort of say.

And on that note... Heart of a Hero is on the top 10 Trending!

It's unbelievable to me. When I saw that I actually just screamed even though I was in public. I wouldn't have been able to achieve this without you all, so thank you so much for enjoying and supporting this story!

Anyway, thank you for reading!

See you tomorrow for a double update!
