Chapter 133: Gold Core Tribulation
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As the storm clouds gathered above her, Meng Lin remained deep in her meditative state, unaware of the impending thunderstorm.

The atmosphere around her began to change, the air growing heavy with electricity and the sound of thunder drawing closer.

Unbeknownst to her, Meng Lin's breakthrough was imminent, and the storm seemed to be a symbol of the power that was about to surge through her.

The combination of the natural energy from the surroundings and her own cultivation had created the perfect conditions for her to advance to the next level.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the darkened sky, illuminating the entire area. Meng Lin's eyes snapped open, her sense of danger heightened and she raised her palm to the sky.


Her palm met the bolt of lightning head-on and a clash of forces broke out, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding areas.


Meng Lin’s eyes held suprise as she finally became aware of her situation and her surroundings as she realized that there was the outline of a hollow gold core within her dantian.


Thunder rumbled overhead, echoing through the air as if the very heavens were warning Meng Lin of the imminent danger she would be facing, she only then realized that she was going through her Lighting Tribulation.


Meng Lin felt slight discomfort and looked at the palm that she raised up, only to find that it was charred and blackened from the collision with the lightning bolt.

She clenched her fist, determination flashing in her eyes, and whispered, "it seems this will be really troublesome”


From overhead came another bolt of lightning even more powerful than before, tearing through the darkened sky with a resounding sound.

The lighting traveled fast and within moments it appeared before Meng Lin who held a cold glint in her eyes.


Suddenly from out of nowhere, a sword light stretched across the sky and tore through the incoming lighting as if it were mere paper.


The slashing from the sword light cut through the lightning and created a blinding explosion, scattering sparks in all directions.

Within the sparks was Meng Lin who stood with a raised sword that illuminated the area as if the gleam of the moon.

It was the high grade spirit weapon that she had not used ever since she purchased it from the sect market.

With the Mystic Lunar Sword in her hand, Meng Lin felt a surge of power flowing through her body. The sword resonated with her, amplifying her own cultivation and allowing her to wield more energy within her dantian.


As another bolt of lightning descended, Meng Lin swung the sword with precision, slicing through the electrified air and effortlessly dispersing the powerful bolt once more.

The lightning tribulation continued, each bolt met with the sharp edge of the Mystic Lunar Sword, Meng Lin moved with grace and agility, her movements being a dance of sheer mastery.


The 5th bolt of Lightning decended and Meng Lin raised her eyebrows to a small detail about it, noticing that this particular bolt seemed different from the rest.

It’s color was the same but more vibrant, radiating a fierce energy that seemed to be just like the pure energy of her brute qi physique.

“Waterfall slash”

Noticing the difference from before Meng Lin didn’t hesitate to call out one of her techniques as she raised her sword which channeled more qi within.


As she executed the Waterfall Slash technique, Meng Lin's sword glowed with a brilliant blue light, resembling the cascading waters of a majestic waterfall. With a swift and precise movement, she sliced through the incoming bolt of lightning, causing it to shatter into countless fragments.

The explosion of fragmented lightning illuminated the area, creating a mesmerizing display of sparks and energy. Meng Lin stood at the center, her figure bathed in the vibrant glow of her own power.

But the lightning tribulation was far from over. The storm grew fiercer, and the bolts of lightning intensified, becoming more vibrant and powerful with each lightning that descended.

“Phew” After the 7th Lightning struck, Meng Lin felt drained as the consumption of spiritual qi from her dantian with the Mystic Luner Sword was becoming apparent.

Meng Lin raised her head and looked up at the swirling mass of dark clouds above her, the storm seemed endless as it rumbled with even more powerful force.


Suddenly a blue bolt decended from the cloud and reached Meng Lin whose face became visibly darker as she realized the power behind the bolt, as she raised her hand to utilize a technique she suddenly felt a big tug to her soul and her complexion turned ugly.


A giant impact shook the ground as Meng Lin didn’t block the lighting bolt in time.

A giant crater appeared beneath her feet and Meng Lin could feel her body being jolted with an unimaginable force, causing her bones to ache and her muscles to scream in protest.

“Caugh caugh” within the smoke and dust, Meng Lin struggled to catch her breath. Her body felt heavy and battered, but her spirit remained unyielding.

With great effort, she pushed herself up from the ground and looked up at the stormy sky. Confusion burned in her eyes as she suddenly thought about something.

“Damn it” she cursed under her breath, realizing that it had something to do with the earring that she had refined before.

She felt her spiritual consciousness that was still on it and it was as if someone was trying to attack her through it.

It was what caused her to feel absent minded for a moment which got her hurt.


Meng Lin turned her attention back to the present as the thunderstorm above raged with intensity as it prepared its last attack.

A vibrant white lighting bolt emerged from the thunderstorm and headed down towards Meng Lin with a swift motion.



As soon as Meng Lin's blade connected with the vibrant bolt of lightning, a surge of raw power exploded from the impact, creating a shockwave that sent Meng Lin flying back with the ground beneath her cracking from the force, sending debris flying in all directions.


Meng Lin felt lightheaded and her surroundings looked blurred for a moment before her vision cleared and she realized that she had been tossed into the pond.

The cool water provided a jolt of refreshment as Meng Lin slowly began to make her way to the surface.

She resurfaced and took a deep breath and, wiping the water from her eyes as she surveyed her surroundings.

As Meng Lin emerged from the pond, she could feel a renewed sense of energy coursing through her veins.

A brilliant flash of light engulfed Meng Lin, illuminating the area and casting her in an ethereal glow. The lightning tribulation had come to an end.

As the storm clouds dispersed, the pond returned to its serene state, and Meng Lin sat crossed legged next to it, with her body covered with scorched marks.

Her eyes were closed and a small smile formed on her lips, within her body was transformations that were taking place and her aura was rising.

Within her Dantian was no longer a raging sea of qi but rather a hollow golden core that slowly seemed to glow as if awaking from a mighty sleep.

Around her, qi began to gather and swirl, forming a cyclone of energy. The raw power was palpable and crackling in the air as it encircled her.

Meng Lin's body absorbed the swirling cyclone of energy, and within her, the golden core began to grow and expand, radiating a brilliant light. The rise in her realm was evident as her cultivation soared to new heights.

With each breath she took, Meng Lin could feel the power coursing through her, fueling her every movement and thought. Her senses sharpened, her mind became clearer, and her body felt lighter and more agile.

As the golden core continued to grow, Meng Lin's aura expanded, encompassing the entire area. The energy around her seemed to vibrate in harmony with her newfound power, creating a sense of awe and reverence.

With her cultivation breakthrough complete, Meng Lin opened her eyes, revealing a newfound confidence and serenity. She stood up, her body radiating with a golden glow around her.

All the scorched marks and other injuries began to slowly fade away and her body regenerated at an astonishing rate.

The residual pain from her previous battles melted away, as her revitalized body embraced the healing power of her elevated cultivation.

She smiled at the fact as she trailed her finger over her eye to her ear to realize that the wound there had healed, she was about to continue to marvel when she suddenly felt a strange gaze upon her.

As soon as she felt the gaze upon her she felt a presence behind her and she instantly jumped to turn around.

As she turned she saw that standing there was a figure cloaked in a black robe with a demonic head behind him.
