Ch 54. The hope of dawn’s break
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Just as he promised, Valerian met us at the doorstep of the inn. It was the earliest time of the morning, and at best I could see a faint shimmering of the first rays of light appearing in the sky.

The city was still asleep, and few people could be seen outside: a few sleepy guards enduring the last hours of the night shift, a few sleepy peasants dragging some sacks towards the market square, and a half-asleep innkeeper who stood by the doorstep.

“Is everyone ready? Amelia, are you alright?” Valerian flicked his fingers in front of me, when I distracted at the sleeping city’s streets.

Uhm.” I hummed unenthusiastically.

But, the next thing that happened after my customary dismissive attitude was a sudden feel of warmness on my cheek.

I stared in shock at the young man’s hand caressing my cheek with a gentle expression on his face.

Ah…?” I squeaked.

“Fret not, Amelia. When you get tired, I can give you a piggyback ride.” Valerian smiled. His hand then left my face, and only heat remained. I could not tell whether it was his hand’s warmth, or my face becoming hotter than the Sun. The others’ sly grins were not helping me either with the flush of embarrassment.

All while the perpetrator was completely oblivious of what he did, innocently briefing the party of the planned route and the stops expected. Meanwhile, I was continuing to look around, absolutely uninterested in the pleasant low voice of the man, nor in his handsome face. I was glancing back and forth between the standing asleep innkeeper, and the dead-silent streets.

During one of such glances, my field of vision cut across the party, and it just so happened to do while Jeanne was looking my way. The girl immediately made a fox-like grimace, and whispered.

Go for him~. The best groom in the kingdom~.’ This undesired reminder rekindled the embarrassment I've forgotten just a few minutes ago. And judging from her facial expression, the mage wished to tease me for longer, but Valerian called for her.

“Jeanne, can you please leave the girl talks for when we are busy with walking and have nothing to do.” He scolded.

Kya~! How rude~! Don’t you feel any shame, listening in on girls' chatting~?” Jeanne dramatically squealed and covered her face with palms, as if she was embarrassed.

I felt ashamed just from watching this drama queen pretending, so I started walking away from the party.

I don’t know about you lot, but I’m heading out.” I waved dismissively and without even glancing back. No more than a few seconds passed when I heard Erbrun’s callout.

Amy!” (E)

I’m sick and tired of this useless lecture!” I dismissed the call.

Ok! But the gate’s the opposite way!” And just as I planned, I turned around and walked past the party with puffed up chest.

My demarche actually had its impact, and silently the party followed me. I led the way, all while the rest of the party cheerfully chatted about this and that. I felt like a lone wolf, and that was not exactly the cool feeling I anticipated. Rather, a lonesome one.

At this point I wondered whether I actually hate dealing with this kind of people: rowdy chatterboxes that keep on getting on one’s nerves because of their friendliness.

In my ‘previous’ life I felt somewhat annoyed by their familiarity and pushy friendship, but, after dealing with silent murderous creatures that acted on my nerves because of their wild instincts, I felt like being surrounded with friendly idiots is a billion times better.

My steps slowed down, until I was in the middle of the rowdy bunch, hissing left and right at the undesirable fraternity. But a hundred meters later I was already behind the main crowd.

And not because of my detestment of their chatter.

Jacka**es. Can’t even try walking slower for us.” Jeanne grumbled.

All better for us, I guess?” I sighed, relieved of their loud voices.

“Truly right you are.” Jeanne chirped approvingly.

Time for those talks~. So~… Val is quite a…” The girl’s head leaned closer to me, and I knew it immediately, I am in for a wild discussion…

I’m all ears…” I copied her grin, and leaned in.