Interlude: Air Force One
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Kaleidoscope City had always been a marvelous view from above, a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, with skyscrapers stretching into the clouds and neon lights outlining the roads like the veins of a living organism. It was a testament to human ingenuity, where technology and magic coexisted in harmonious rhythm, setting the bar for advancements worldwide.

Special Agent Lila Mercer gazed out of the windows, her stoic expression betraying no emotion. But her mind was a maelstrom of memories. She remembered her first assignment in Kaleidoscope City, guarding a high profile tech mogul during a convention. The city was alive with innovation, filled with holograms, flying cars, and AI-controlled establishments. Children who had been scouted to become future Magical Knights played in the parks, their laughter echoing in the air.

She had marveled at the combination of ancient magic and cutting-edge technology, from the ethereal glow of the Magical Knights training in their citadel and Academic District, to the hum of electric vehicles in the streets below. People from all over the world would come to Kaleidoscope City, seeking its knowledge, wealth, and opportunities.

But today, that vibrant symphony was replaced by a cacophony of despair. The once radiant skyline now bore the scars of devastation, with fires raging and buildings reduced to rubble. Lila swore that she could smell the subtle smell of smoke and decay wafting through the filtered ventilation system of Air Force One, high up in the air. Kaleidoscope City was far from the only population center hit. Goodness gracious no. The entire world had more or less come under attack at the same time, but Kaleidoscope City was by far the hardest that had been hit.

Drawing a deep breath, Lila turned her focus back to her duty. She straightened her posture and approached the President's desk, anxiety filling every step.

The President, a vision of authority with his white hair and intense blue eyes, awaited her. He had been watching the devastation below from an open floor screen, a mixture of sorrow and resolve visible on his face.

"Agent Mercer," he greeted, his voice calm yet filled with concern.

"Mr. President," Lila acknowledged with a nod. "Kaleidoscope City... it's almost unrecognizable."

He nodded solemnly. "Report."

Lila handed over a file, her voice steady. "Sir, the situation is dire. We have approximately 40 active members of the Magical Knights Corps still fighting on the ground. Infantry casualties have risen to thirty-thousand in the region. Furthermore, our intelligence estimates around 1.3 million civilian casualties. A significant chunk of them has been… turned into zombies."

The President closed his eyes momentarily, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "Our once shining beacon..." he murmured. "We must act swiftly, Agent Mercer. Every moment counts."

Lila observed the President, noting the lines of tension on his brow. Despite approaching fifty, he barely looked a day over thirty. His youthful countenance often belied the weight of his responsibilities. Lila knew him not just as the President but as a man who took every life lost as a personal blow. His commitment to his people was unparalleled, and she had seen him in the darkest hours, standing firm, unwavering in his duty as the Commander in Chief.

Behind the President stood his honor guard – three of the finest Magical Knights in the world, their very presence exuding power and might.

First, there was Striker, a Class 8 Magical Knight. He emanated a subtle, yet potent, aura of power. He was well-known to command the force of kinetic energy, he could harness motion and manipulate momentum. With a blink, he could turn a seemingly harmless pebble into a lethal weapon or bring a speeding bullet to an absolute halt. His attire was a fusion of metallic grays and electric blues, looking almost like an executioner from medieval legends, complete with a dark blue hood, tunic, and combat boots. His callsign “Blitz" epitomized his ability to strike swiftly and decisively.

Then there was Emberline, another Class 8 Magical Knight. Unlike what most would expect from a fire-based Knight, she drew her magic from the intricate dance of flames in another realm,, where fire was not destructive but protective, weaving barriers and shields that were near impenetrable. Her callsign, "Forge", symbolized her ability to mold and protect, to withstand and endure. She was draped in hues of amber and burnt orange, giving her a fiery yet elegant demeanor. Her flame-like belly dancer attire was covered up in a prim, professional-looking black suit, and her fiery orange hair was tied up in a bun.

The last of the trio was Tesseract, a Class 9 Magical Knight with dark skin, a short curly bob, and thick, silver goggles. She held absolute dominion over spatial dimensions, manipulating and folding space to her will. With a mere gesture, she could teleport or create pockets of isolated dimensions. Her robe shimmered with mercury-like colors that were hard to place, as if reflecting vistas from different dimensions. Her callsign, "Warp," obviously depicted her mastery over the very fabric of space.

The camaraderie between the President and his honor guard was palpable. Lila could see the unspoken trust, the shared memories of battles fought and won, and the shared grief of friends lost. Before he was the President, he was their leader, guiding them through some of the most treacherous missions. The bond between them transcended the usual protector and protectee.

They were brothers and sister in arms, their fates intertwined long before the weight of the presidency came upon his shoulders. Magical Knights could not legally hold office unless they relinquished their power to the Guardians — the godlike beings that had announced their presence to humanity a century ago. And while the President was not a Magical Knight, there was something about him, some indefinable quality that allowed him to stand shoulder to shoulder with these legendary figures. The world saw him as a political leader, but to the Magical Knights in the know, he was a strategist, a thinker, and a warrior in his own right who had thwarted countless omega-level threats.

The President's gaze met Lila's, pulling her from her thoughts. "Agent Mercer, while our primary focus remains on saving lives and minimizing civilian casualties, we must also try to ascertain the root cause of these rifts and attempt to seal them. Tell me, are there any anomalies like those we’d detected in Toronto, San Francisco, and the other population center hotspots earlier?"

Lila nodded and produced a tablet, swiping its smooth surface to bring up a series of intricate diagrams. "Yes, sir. We have been monitoring energy readings across Kaleidoscope City, using the newly adapted sensor systems based on the techno-magic hybrids. The data suggests unusual and extreme mana fluctuations emanating from two significant sources."

The President leaned in, examining the shimmering graphics on the screen. They depicted waveforms, peaks and valleys of energy. Two distinct spikes, like twin mountains, towered above the rest. Lila pointed at them, her tone clinical but urgent. "These are the two major mana singularities detected. One is located in the outskirts of the city near a portal that’s been giving the local garrison a mountain of trouble. The other is a smaller one centered at Refuge Zeta in the Academic District."

He looked up at her, comprehension dawning in his eyes. "The Academic District? That's where the vast majority of the world’s magic and tech R&D converge. It's no wonder it's a hotspot. And the outskirts...that's uncharted territory. Could be anything."

"We've had tech-based Magical Knights on the ground there trying to establish what's causing these readings, but the energy interference from the rifts makes communication intermittent at best," Lila explained.

The President pressed his lips together in contemplation. "We must address this, and swiftly. If these singularities are the source or even just a byproduct of these extra dimensional rifts, targeting more of them might give us the intel we need."

Lila nodded in agreement. "Unfortunately, we’re stretched thin right now, and the prognosis and autopsy from the creature dispatched by the Knights in New York is yet to bear fruit. We don’t have any Magical Knights in reserve to deploy to these locations at the moment."

A moment of silence filled the cabin. The President's gaze remained fixed on the tablet, fingers tapping rhythmically on its metallic back. He knew that decisions made now could decide the fate of not just the city, but perhaps the world.

Finally, he stood up, resolute. "Agent Mercer? Please bring me Crocea Mors. And Team, prepare for an airborne insertion."

Lila's eyes widened, her professional demeanor breaking for a split second. "Mr. President, with all due respect, you cannot—"

He interrupted her with a firm gesture. "Agent Mercer, I understand the gravity of the situation. But I also understand my responsibility as the leader of this nation. There's knowledge I possess, and a unique skill set that might prove pivotal at this juncture."

Lila's expression hardened, her duty to protect her charge outweighing everything else. "You're the President. Your place is here, leading, making decisions. You have an entire nation depending on you! We can't risk your safety, not now."

He met her gaze with an intensity that left no room for debate. "I understand that, Agent Mercer. But the city below needs solutions, not just idle decisions. And if I can prevent another child from losing their parents today, then I must act. It's my duty — President Erichthonius Escathos did not earn the title of Paragon from pushing papers alone."

Lila hesitated, biting her lower lip, the weight of the situation bearing down on her. "Very well, Mr. President," she finally replied, her voice low and filled with trepidation. "I'll ensure you have the necessary protection, but remember, the lives of millions are at stake, and to many, you are their beacon of hope."

The President nodded, appreciating her concern. "Thank you, Agent Mercer. Please assemble a science team to follow in after us, and let's address these singularities. And while we're at it, we'll send a message to these invaders — we are not to be trifled with."

As the plane continued to soar above the shattered city, the atmosphere within became a mix of grim, anxious anticipation. The next move was clear, and everyone onboard was ready to play their part.

Humanity was under siege, but it would not go down without a fight.