Not in denial……at all
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HOLY SHIT!!!, He said he was dumbledore …. From HOGWARTS!!..... From harry potter……….the boy with glasses … the zoo yesterday….that was him, wasn’t it?!.......and this is the dumbledore himself!!   I know HIM!!(I tend to state the obvious when my brain short circuits) ….wait! he was NOT in dragonball……was he?!......oolong and puar seemed to have studied at a magic school….and don’t get me started on namekians …and then there is babidi and his dad and I’d heard about a guy named moro ……let’s make sure of things first.

“when you say Hogwarts ….you don’t mean the school for wizards do you?” I asked

“Oh!, ….. interesting that you know about it” he said looking at me curiously.

“would you be taking cats and pigs  as students too by any chance?”

“…..interesting idea! But we currently have no such plans” he said with a bemused smile.

Hmm… maybe there’s another one for magic animals that even wizards don’t know about…..Wonder if this guy knows any martial artists…. I should ask.

“I see,….. I apologize for eating your owls……I did not know they were yours and they were not carrying letters when I caught them …..and they were good to eat and helpful for my ki…...i’m  very sorry!”

“Helpful for you ki?” he seems curious.

“Ah yes I’m a martial artist and we have ki like you have magic you see, and the bird was helpful for mine….just a little bit though”

He seems quite confused and is looking straight into my eyes…… hmm? ……… F***!!, that was definitely something trying to get into my mind……THIS F***er is using that leligi ….. legili …..thingy! mind reading on me!!.

“HAI!!” I shouted as I drove him out using pure brute force (the mind force kind) and then took a fighting stance and flared my Ki……..what little I had and prepared to ru-….….hmm…….. the backlash from trying to peep seems to have hurt him a bit! .

I’m quite proficient at protecting my mind from telepaths…..for….. various reasons, in my previous life…..just an outer wall of thinking random things that could affect their probe could throw most of them off their game……even if they are high level telepaths…mostly because they feel annoyed trying to parse random thoughts….not to mention I watched inception and my inner mind shields are quite something indeed but no need to use all that now .

Since I’ve been practicing martial arts my will has been tempered a lot not to mention grandpa gohan had some neat hypnosis techniques that involved mind arts.

“GET OUT OF MY MIND OLD MAN!! Don’t think you can toy with me!. Even if I can’t beat you ……right now,…. I still won’t go down that easy”………Who am I kidding?!, I’m probably  totally screwed if he gets a bit serious!. Just feel guilty and appease me or something old man….please!!

“ah! My apologies child ….. I was a bit unable to understand what you were saying so I just..…I’m sorry, please forgive an old man for his curiosity”.

Good!, It worked!, now play it cool and i may be able to mooch off a bit!

“Hmph! ….whatever….. you can leave now …..don’t bother me anymore….. I won’t eat your owls anymore, I’ll find other things to help my ki……maybe a dragon or something”

He didn’t leave and now he’s looking rather hesitant ……. maybe he’ll give me some dragon meat.

“yes....about that this ki you keep mentioning…..i’m not sure what it is ……I’ve heard something similar from a friend of mine in asia…..but since I met you here and you turned out to be the culprit for my missing owls…. I think I should tell you some things you need to know about yourself…..although you already seem to know a lot that you should……normally not know”

Okay now I’m confused…..what would he know about me?

“you are a wizard!” he said

“No I’m not!” I replied immediately.

“child, …..although I’m not sure how …… you are a wizard! I can feel your magic power……it’s almost at an adult’s level already”

“sigh! , no old man that’s just my ki , although a bit different form normal ki that’s probably coz I’m very talente-…”

“ I knew your parents, and they were both wizards ….and I left you in this place when you were a child “ .

He interrupted me…… how rude!! ….It’s very rude to interrupt people y'know …..especially when they are patiently explaining your misunderstandings to you……yep! It’s totally a misunderstanding….yep….yep!.....

For the last F***ing time!! , It’s ki!! ,  NOT MAGIC  OR CHAKRA OR NEN!!!

…………………..F***!!…….  It’s magic isn’t it….. it’s not a higher level ki or impure ki……or god ki (chuckle!)…..hah!, time to wake up I suppose………That R.O.B screwed me over royally……this ain't no dragon ball world, is it?.....and there are probably no dragon balls here either, so well …..that’s that!.

Hah! Weird! My eyes hurt!!.....i haven’t felt much pain since I started training my ki……not ki …..sigh! this is  probably not my favourite  DB universe either….hah that’s a bit’s cool …’s cool…..learning magic could give me an edge for the future and I can take my time and train to get to a 125 ish power level…… That’s like  prettty strong in harry potterverse…. right?!....i could be like Gandalf……..after all it’s common sense that if you’re a  real mage you should go for melee combat! .

“you okay child?” dumbledore asked

“me?!, oh i’m fine … I’m great! …just stopped ignoring some stuff and woke up to reality and all …...y’know the usual………just processing It all…..i’m good now!”

“I see ……perhaps you should wipe your tears then”

What tears? ……THIS IS SWEAT!!, just sweat!!...…from being under the sun! ……I wiped it on his beard…..he didn’t stop me…..Wow that’s one long white beard…not very fluffy…but not scruffy either….. I’ma just call him whitebeard from now, coz I liked whitebeard but I never understood why oda sensei only gave him a moustache and called him whitebeard anyway…..even if it was a really big moustache.

“So…. My parents …. They’re dead, I suppose”

..…….i don’t remember any wizarding family called dreyar…..not anywhere near here anyway ….. I don’t have fairy tail emblem on my body do I ?!......probably should check it out later.

“they were from abroad , child …very good people…… and I  left you here because, well, I was pretty sure you were a squib….. and those were rather pressing times…” he said.

“how’d they die?” I asked…..i should know this much even if I never met them……quite like my first life…..let’s hope that’s where the similarity between lives end.

He looked kinda sad.. ”They died in a war, there was this person calle..”

“ yeah, yeah! I know about mouldymort, did he kill them?” I interrupted him this time!..... I hold grudges y’know.

“…..mouldymort?!.........guHAHAHAHa!!” wow he switches moods quick …….look at the man laugh……I know he’s loony tunes and quite the manipulator but still……. looks really happy…..he might also be bipolar but hey!, who’m I to judge?!.

“sorry about that ....ha ha!…..I haven’t laughed like that in a while” he said while wiping tears from his eyes ….okay he’s bipolar ..….or those are tears of happiness!....whatever!, i don’t know….meh!, not my problem.

“yes they were killed by him,  they fought bravely… they had secretly resisted him far too many times so he took action personally….and I wasn’t there…..i’m sorry”

“Sigh! It’s fine …just wanted to know….…y’know….”.