i ate myself full and exploded…..apparently
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“GRYFFINDOR!!” the hat shouted

Huh!........WTF?!........you didn’t even touch my head , let alone probe my mind or talk to me……return all my worries back you bastard!!.......this must be some shady deal by dumbly…..hmph!…whatever.

Still in a bit of a daze…..i walked to the Gryffindor table and got warmly welcomed by a redhead….ah it’s that peter weasley…..or not since he introduced himself as percy and emphasized his prefect status and how I could ask him for any help…….hmm, perhaps I could ask for some duelling lessons…….it will be a while until I can become a good melee mage so until then normal duelling might be of use…and old dumbly said that my magic power is at the level of an adult already…….wonder why he thought I was a squib in the first place?……no idea about my mana quantity yet since I still can’t measure it……gotta work more on that…..my reaction speed and speed should be at superhuman level….for normal humans…….no idea about wizards….damn… should have sneaked into that knockknock alley or whatever before.

Well the sorting is still going on….ooh saviour is on the stool….ha! whitebeard seems more anxious every passing second( not that it is showing up on his face but I can tell)


haah! now he looks relieved……so saviour  training plan is still going full force I guess……the Gringotts thing seems to have gone exactly as per the plot….wonder if dumbly did any changes behind the scenes…… quirrel seems fine and still has his ”I’m a poor coward weakling act going on …so probably not”.

Ok, Whitebeard’s standing up …”Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts!.....blah….blah…….forbidden……..dangerous…painful …nitwit…..tweak”

…YES!! , FREE FOOD!! , Aand unlimited !! , loots of meat ….no more worries during training……I will not waste (munch!...munch!)anything dear house elves, so(munch!...munch!) keep ‘em coming…… miss granger is staring at me eating ….why’s she looking at me ……does she want my grub?….. I am a true believer in gender equality milady, I will punch you if you touch my food….. just eat yours…..ooh! that ghost pulled off his head…..almost pulled it off…..so cool either way!.


Aaah!, I ate a lot…been a while since I was fully ….full?!....my neighbours are staring at my stomach…..i don’t get why …..looks perfectly normal to me…. It hasn’t even bulged up after all that food……wow they are staring really hard… can they see my abs thru my clothes or something?…..i’m not particularly happy about boys looking if that’s the case…..they stopped when I glared at them.

Whitebeard gave another speech of warnings …. Or something….i’m a little sleepy….weird ,since I haven’t really needed to sleep much since I unlocked my ki,…….everyone’s singing….gah! so loud!...i don’t like this song!….. Oh good we can leave…. I followed the rest of the kids up a lot …. and lot more stairs …ah we stopped, are we there yet?!

….. who’s this joker? and why is he juggling in the middle of the corridor?……someone give the man some coins….....F**K did he just throw sticks at me?!!


 …… I might have punched him a bit too hard since he went straight through a wall….hmm this wall is good, it’s not even damaged…..that’s (yawn…) weird…. Or not since we have magic and all…oh right! He must have been a ghost or something……so you can hit them….good to know……why is everyone staring at me?!(yawn!)……”are we there yet?” I asked peter…percy who stepped backward quickly…. Hmm, he looks a bit scared…..what’s got him scared?…. I don’t sense any enemies…… is voldy standing behind me?(yawn..)….. no one’s there…… I looked back at pete-ercy…..

”what’re we waiting for?” I asked him.

”ah no! we’re nearly there … the common room entrance is at the end of the corridor”….he seems to have gotten back into his game….more walking…..i’m feeling a bit woozy…….ooh! that lady is so fat!......fat lady wahahahaha!...…it’s not over until she sings...... I feel more than a bit woozy, not sure why..... ah that couch by the fireplace looks good…. I’m just gonna…Zzzzzz…..zzzz……zzzzzz.

[SFX: snores……very VERY loud ones]

“Yaaawn…..aaah!, that was a good nap!” I feel good, very refreshed, body feels light as a feather.

“Hmmm…..where am i?” I asked out loud to no one in particular, sitting up halfaway on the very comfortable bed.

“You are in infirmary” said dumbly from right next to me on his chair……I’ve got to learn to sense him…..hmmm….weird , I think I actually can sense him now…..guess he stops hiding his presence when at school.


“…and why … am I in the infirmary?.....pretty sure I went to the common room last night…..i did, didn’t i?....i don’t really remember a lot from last night since dinner.”

“well, to answer that question ….first of all, how do you feel now?”

“hmm…. I’m good, better than ever…..in fact, I feel great , think I can shoot a Kamehameha now!!”.

“…shoot a what?” asked my confused principal.

“Never mind, martial arts stuff… you wouldn’t get it”

“Fine.....back to your question my boy, you are here because you had a what is called a magic riot last night in your dormitory, luckily I sensed it in time and bought you here or you might have some done damage to the other students…… no one else saw ”

“a magic riot….. right!...... I remember none of that….also, I don’t think I’ve ever had a magic riot …thought it was supposed to happen sometimes to midget wizards”

“It usually does…. Which is why the school was built……..to  teach the children to control their powers…because uncontrolled magic, coupled with… some external stimuli can have very serious consequences”

“…oh right!... obscuros, wasn’t it?”

“…. Obscurus….highly destructive and usually uncontrollable once formed…..rare nowadays….” He said while peering down at me and looking very serious……hmm, I don’t think it is gonna be good if he looks that serious.

“with the amount of magic power you were leaking out last night, you should be labelled one…however …..how should I put it?.....as big as your riot was , it was over very quickly and then all the magic power disappeared into your body like it was never there……not as destructive or uncontrolled as it should have been judging from the sheer amount of magic power you were emanating……”

“…..hmm, so am I one or not?”

“ I feel none of the dark aura that should exist in an obscurus…. Your power is completely your own to control…..but I have never seen such a case….. and your magic power has increased yet again….already as much as most senior aurors or duelists….so you might have to work on controlling it….you will be standing at same level as most wizards can get in their life when you do. In terms of magic power at least, you will have few opponents ….save for some extraordinary wizards…like the founders,….or myself”

“mmm, I will”.


“ so you just…..happened to sense it huh?” I asked him…….i’m not being paranoid at all.

(chuckle!).....yes child, you were showing some signs even during dinner….and I was paying attention….it would be hard not to……., like I told you before, I left you at that church because I was sure ….at the time, that you were a squib…..and with your parents …..gone, and since the times were dark, I considered it would be better if you never had anything to do with the wizarding world……had you grown up in the muggle world, at adulthood, you would have received your parent’s property on the muggle side …. And an explanation from me..”

“….after which I would have been cleared of memories?!”

“….yes….. however,…you are now a wizard, as seen by the riot last night, it has never been before …..that a child had his first riot after getting into Hogwarts , usually a child can be judged to be a squib even at a young age if one can afford to do the right tests……if not, it can be inferred from absence of magic riots before 11 ….. and lack of a letter from a wizarding school once he or she turns 11…….you were tested soon after you were born….and found to be a squib…..your parents were gone soon after……and you know the rest.”