Terrifying trolls……not so much
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AAH!, finally!, it’s Halloween, feels like I’ve been waiting so long for this. The whole castle smells of pumpkin.

“you’re looking very chipper today lex!”, Halloween spirit?” hagrid asked me while preparing pumpkins for decorations today after I was done with my morning workout.

“oh yeah!, today will be legen- wait for it…-dary, I’ve been waiting ages for today”

“you have?,…..well, today’s feast will be extra special I suppose, don’t fill up on just meat, the desserts will be special today, you have to try them”

“ oh I will!, today’s dessert will be sweet indeed, and I’ll serve my revenge cold, muhahahaha!!”

“……yeah!, you have to stop doing stuff like that lex!, you’ll creep out people”

“stuff like what?”

“……never mind!, gimme a hand with these will ya?”

After we finished with the pumpkins, I had breakfast, people have stopped staring at me eating now….also house elves send all my dishes to where I sit so no one else grabs my grub ……or have to worry about me grabbing theirs like percy , who I punished by eating up whatever he was trying to eat at breakfast for a nearly a week. I stopped after he apologized and said that he had no idea the name would catch on. I forgave him after he agreed to give me some duel lessons when he was free.

We are now studying the levitating charm at flitwick’s. I could already do it before, so I had no problem, my control over my mana is back and better than before, so no more problem cuz of using excess mana in my spells. Hermoine got it right and tried to help ron ….in her bossy  manner which did not go well, saw her crying and running off after she overheard ron mock her…….i don’t get how they end up married.

Finally!, dinnertime!, the castle decorations were fabulous, lots of bats up there, I half expected  to see a dark silhouette to jump down and go ’ I’m venegance’ .......but mr.diggory was just sitting with his friends.....bad review. The feast, as hagrid emphasised was excellent, I stuffed myself a lot before remembering what hagrid said about desserts, but just then quirrell broke in and did his bit and all the kids started screaming their heads off until dumbly yelled “SILENCE!!”, and calmly gave instructions,……..seriously, I do not get these kids, they’re in a room with the greatest white wizard, and a bunch of professors,……should they not be more worried for the troll?.....seriously!, even older students and prefects should be able to deal with one, no Idea why they’re panicking. I pretended to follow the other guys and then followed harry and ron (why?, cuz it’s the easiest way to find the troll, and I would rather not hear how they got hammered by a troll after their luck ran out) before taking a last look at quirrell…..hope he makes it.

The kids were following snape who was still going to the third floor…..guess dumbly did not tell him the plan…..probably didn’t want to compromise future spy chances…..but he probably won’t find anything since quirrell is still pretending to faint.

Ohmygod!, That stinks horribly, and there he is ……. he looks big enough, tough skin, good, good,….all the qualities I’m looking for ,…..mmm he went into the bathroom, guess he heard hermoine crying…. I can hear it too.

“I really think you should not do that!” I whispered to harry who was creeping toward the door to lock it.



“lex!, what’re you doing here?” ron whispered back, too late for that, pretty sure the troll heard it when they yelled in surprise. Harry looked back too but then started inching towards the door again.

“I followed you. Also, please stop trying to lock that poor girl in with the troll. I mean, even if you don’t like her,…..that’s too much don’t you think?”

Harry stopped and looked back at me in surprise.

“this is the girl’s bathroom?” ron asked.

“yep!, how do you not know where the girl’s bathrooms are? Are you not boys?”

“what?, yes we are!, why should we know where the girls bathrooms are?” ron said, still whispering, but pretty loud.

“……um, no reason”.

“do you know all the bathrooms?, you do seem to spend a lot of time exploring the castle , I’ve never seen you at the library or the dorms”

“……are you sure this is the girl’s bathroom? How do you know? Are you sure Hermoine’s in there?” harry sure has a lot of questions.

“yes, I’m sure, I just know, also hermoine just stopped crying and I heard her open the door of the cubicle, so I think she’s about to meet the troll.”


 Harry ran back to the door , and ron followed. They went into the washroom. Well they are brave,……and ignorant. I followed along after glancing back and seeing the guy in a portrait staring at me start to run into another one further along and disappear.

When i got in, hermoine was nearly fainting against the wall, the troll was swinging around it’s club at smashing the walls, doors, pipes…..and generally everything  while moving towards hermoine. Harry and ron were throwing whatever they could find in the debris at it while yelling, but  it didn’t really notice anything until ron landed a hit on it’s head with a pipe. Then it shook it’s head  and made for him.

“lex!, distract it”

“ nah! You guys got this , split up, spread out and distract it by switching it’s target back and forth between yourself, trolls get confused easily, just take turns throwing stuff”

I flashed to miss granger. “hey!, this is not a good time to faint, you okay?”

She does not look okay and seems ready to faint.

[SFX: Slap!]


“helloo?, can you hear me?, you awake”

“y-yes” she stuttered while forming the misty eyes.

“if you cry, I’ll smack you again, now get up”

She put her hand against the wall, took a deep breath and-

[SFX: Smack!]

“Oww! Why??”

“too slow, good!, you’ve stopped shaking, now be a good girl, get out of the door and go find a professor or someone, they’re probably near the dungeons, just yell after getting nearby”.

I looked back to see how the guys were doing. Mm, seems all right, they’re standing at two ends of the bathroom and the troll is lumbering back and forth between them after getting distracted by one of them yelling if it starts to get close to the other…..good, they’re getting used to it’s pace……and getting too confident…..not a wise idea when you’re up against wild things.

“no!, I won’t leave you all here with the tro- OK!, okay, I’ll call someone, don’t hit me! lower your hand“

“there you go , good girl!, now run fast”

“oi pea- brain! “ ron yelled before tossing a pipe which hit it on the nose…..oh that’s not good.

The troll fixated him as the target and started running at him……very slowly, guess trolls are not good sprinters……harry was faster…..and he got on it’s back….why?....eww! gross he stuck his wand into it’s nose, ohmygod!, you duel voldy with that wand?!

The troll picked up harry by his legs in one hand and gripped his club with his other.

wingardium leviosa!” ron yelled.

The club was wrenched out of the troll’s hand, but then dropped to the floor. The troll grunted and picked it up again and started swinging toward harry. Wonder if he has a name …….it’s the troll that almost did the dark lord never managed to do after all…….mm….it did exactly what voldy did….’almost’ kill harry….which makes it even more clear that the dark lord is at the same level as a troll, ……… guess it’s time to step in.

[SFX: whoosh]

“ lex?!” harry said …..from his princess carry…….why am I holding him in a princess carry?


I dropped him on the floor. That was dangerous. Let’s hope his bonds with Malfoy and ron are strong enough.