When you see your endgame
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“....yes? What are we going to talk about?”

“mmm…let’s talk about the hallows”

“the hallows?....what about them?”

“a private talk”

“….if you’ll excuse us ladies and gentlemen”. He waved his wand and all the portraits fell asleep.

“you brought the cloak along that day we went to find the ring, you had it on you then”

“…I had it under my robes, yes”

“….and you didn’t give it to harry, in my visions, you gave it to him last christmas with a note that it was his father’s and that you were returning what you borrowed”

“…..i do actually plan on returning it this christmas, I was busy tracking lockhart during the last one”

“oh, is that so?.....it wouldn’t have anything to do with what you felt when you held all three hallows together”

“….sigh!, so you know…..yes I did feel something, if I could use all three hallows together, they are much more than just powerful alchemical artifacts…..they can be used to do more…”

“they can be used to go to the land of dead”

“…..yes, they can…..however as I held them, I realized that it was not me…..i could not go there even if had all three hallows together…..i did not own them….and so could not use them even if I could know their uses…..but I was not reconciled….so I held onto the cloak….in hopes of finding another way……how did you find out?, I’m quite sure you knew nothing of it at the time, did you have another vision?”

“….something like that, …..according to the vision, I can own them…..all three hallows…..and I use them to go to the place where I told you I want to go…..through the land of souls”


“wait, hear me out first………..so I find my path, and apparently you also come with me….and you find your family and stay in the land of souls, this happens after a few years as per the vision, probably a little after my graduation…..what do you think?”

“…..to a well settled mind-“

“…- death is just the next great adventure…..so, should I give it a try?”

Dumbly wordlessly got up, waved his wand once and the cloak appeared on the table, then he put his wand on top of it and looked at me. I took the ring from my pocket and held it in one hand, picked up dumbly’s wand with another, and dumbly draped the cloak over my shoulders, and then-

-…..my vision went dark….hmm….like dr.strange but only darkness and grey stuff…….no kaledioscope or butterflies……….i’m floating….travelling through the shadows…. And I see them, the souls

….the ones waving at me…..despite never meeting them, I knew who they were….my parents of this life….can’t here what they’re saying…I’m hurtling past the souls….mm?

“HAH! Hah!....hah!....”

[SFX: deep breathing and panting]


I saw her…..small granny standing on a crystal ball ……fortune teller baba, sister of master roshi….my vision went out when she looked my way……..did she see me?….it’s real….i really saw her…….i can go there…..



“lex!, can you hear me ?, are you all right?”

“….i’m fine dumbles…..i’m fine….i saw it…my destination….and my parents…..it’s real, it’s all real, we can go there…..but not now….i can feel it, I have yet to own the hallows….the cloak still belongs to harry, and the wand to you…the stone has accepted me, but I cannot use it ….they can only be used together….”

“……I see,….so if it is indeed possible….then , after a few years, should I wish to….”

“….yeah!, we’ll go when we’re good and ready, all three of us”


“three!, her name is luna lovegood, ravenclaw first year, she’s a …..prophet? semi-prophet?....something like that, she’s the one who had the vision about the hallows, not me…..she’ll come with us too, in her vision and after meeting her mother, she’ll come back with the hallows”

“….i see….well, like you said, we have time….no need to rush…”

“yeah, you focus on voldy for now and I’ll focus on training, we’ll worry about afterlife later, huh?”

“indeed, focus on the present”.

“well, that’s it for the talk….i’ma go get some sleep, feel a bit tired, see ya later!, you too fawkes!”


I had a deep sleep where I dreamed a bit about my parents, and apparently, they were reincarnators too but had been stuck here instead of fairy tail, so they wanted me to wish to have them reincarnated to fairy tail from shenron. Then I woke up…..not sure if it was a dream or not….probably a dream….right?

Around a week later, sirius cleared his name, and peter and crouch jr was sent to azkaban, barty crouch sr was dismissed from his office and the paper was full of praises for fudge. No Idea when dumbly’ gonna spring his plan….maybe he’ll have peter make an unbreakable vow….i don’t really wanna know, since the diary is solved and dumbly knows about the basilisk too, my current focus is limited to my studies and training.