Chapter 1 Chris learns something new about himself,oh,and dies.
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Pain,so much...pain......



'W-what just-OW!!!BRIGHT!!!!' *Angry creature noises* "Oh no, Kas'liz has made a mistake-Shit!!" *Broken pot sounds* 'WHO'S THERE!? I CAN'T SEE! WHY CAN'T I SEE!!?'  *Loud creature noises* "Hey big creature,just CALM down!" 'I..yeah..I should calm do-NO,WHY WOULD I CALM DOWN!!?!  "EEEK-mmph!" I grab something. Something fluffy. I instinctively pet it."GRMMPH!?!"  Somethings in the way of me petting more of it,cloth,I tear it away like paper meché. *RRIIIPPP* "LMMGPH!!!?!!" The fluffy thing starts thrashing around,almost gets out of my grasp,but I-I NEED to have it,hold it,it's MINE! 

I don't know how,but more limbs-tentacles-I instinctually realize-shoot forth from my being,grabbing and restraining all four of its strangely human like legs and arms. "NO-  HMPH!!". 'Strange,I thought I heard someone say something,but I-I can't talk. I don't think I have a mouth!' While thinking this,I draw in the large fluffy thing,a cat,I realize as it's struggles weaken. But I know it breathes fine,despite me covering its maw and snoot. I bring it in,closer to myself. 

I wrap my new,gel-like,tentacles around it as I lay it against me. 'I'm a blob,heh,a big one to' I realize as I begin to hysterically pet the weird cat. Top of its head,scratch between the ears,down it's-hers,I belatedly realize as the tentacle holding her left leg brushes up against her outer folds. I pause as she just freezes up,and I feel..tears?..drip from her eyes and fall onto my blobby self. I slowly continue petting her from the top of her head and down her back,over and over as she just...trembles from...fear,I believe. I don't want the poor cat to feel frightened,so I-I try and,no still can't talk,how about-Soothing humming fills the area-which I still can't see- around where I find myself located with my new pet. I instinctually know my form is incredibly malleable,and I attempt to create eyes on my upper half,so I could get a look around. 

It takes a couple minutes,but I regain my sight!! Hmm,let's look around,I'm in a..chamber? The chamber is circular,with some wax candles and a lantern lighting up the cobblestone room I find myself in. There is a slightly rotted looking desk,with what appears to be some scrolls and a..quill(?)lying on it. A wooden chair lies next to it,also looking like it had been there for a while,with some big yellow pots laying scattered around the chamber as well-one which pot is shattered. 

My observations halt,however,when I look down at myself,despite my new appearance,which is blue and looks like one of those slimes you'd see in an anime,that isn't what makes me freeze in surprise. No,it's what I believed to be a cat,which isn't that far off,but no,its a cat PERSON that I'm holding. A female ,nude,curvy,furry,KHAJIT!! I stop petting her(yes,I'd still kept petting her, now messed up,fluffy self throughout all that). She looks..scared? I think,I'm not very good at reading cat expressions. I keep her bound but slowly remove the tentacle covering her snoot. She blinks when realizing that her mouth(?)is no longer covered,and slowly,oh so incrementally slowly,raises her head to look up at me. Her eyes widen when she sees me looking at her with my own pair of blinkers. 

Time seems to stop around me when that happens,and a constellation fills my vision,like from the game Sky...rim. Shit,oh shit,OH SHIIIIIIIT!!!

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  • A little rough,but has potential Votes: 18 60.0%
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  • What. The. Fuck. Did I just read? Votes: 3 10.0%
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