Chapter 33 – Training on Skull Island
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They sat on the wayside barbecuing parts of the Mire Squid as Mary called it, a giant cephalopod superspecies named in the Monarch files that Mary got her hands on. 

In the distance, Brandon was battling Kong as part of his training. Kong was smashing Brandon around, and Brandon could fight back, but he was not allowed to kill it

Mary said that Kong was the ruler of the island, and was perhaps the only force strong enough to keep all the monsters in check lest they leave the island and attack places where humans inhibit. There were plenty of other occasions that Titans have attacked before, and Monarch certainly have kept such incidences hidden together with the governments of the countries affected

Kong certainly had the power to swipe helicopters out of the sky, which was enough to swat Brandon out of the sky. He coughed and spit out river water as Kong once again swiped him out of the sky

As he looked up, Kong stomped him into the ground. As his eyes glowed red preparing to shoot his eyebeams, Mary chastised him through Carrie's telepathy

"Physical only" Mary instructed

Brandon grunted angrily and looked at Kong, who eyed him back angrily

Suddenly, out of the blue like an ambush predator, a large creature with serpentine features and two forelimbs and a tail attacked the group around the barbeque

David teleported away while Matt managed to protect himself and Eric with a telekinetic bubble, who was next to him eating pieces of the giant Mire Squid

Jennifer managed to jump away while Carrie and Mary flew into the air

"Skull crawlers" Mary muttered as another Skullcrawler burst out of a hole in the ground

Brandon turned to the group as a gigantic Skullcrawler, 95 feet long, at least twice the size of Kong, leaped on him and attempted to bite off his head

Kong retaliated and blocked the attack, getting his arm trapped in the large jaws of the monster

Brandon turned back to look at Kong battling the monster at least three larger than himself

Just as suddenly, yet another Skull crawler burst out of the ground and snapped it's jaws, swallowing Brandon whole!

"Brandon!" Carrie shouted but Mary stopped her from rushing to his air

"Let him go wild. I think he needs a release after sparring with Kong for so long" Mary said

Carrie looked at Mary and nodded, after all she was his "mother" and had known him for the longest

She looked at the Skullcrawler, not as large as the one Kong was fighting with, but yet larger than the ones that was still chasing after Matt and Eric, and out of the blue, the monster's brains exploded out of it's skull as Brandon levitated in the air with his eyes glowing angrily

At the same time, Matt tossed Eric at one of the Skullcrawlers as he flew at the monster, crushing it's head with his hammer, lightning crashing down on the whole creature as he did so

Brandon looked at Mary, who nodded indicating that he should let the others deal with these monsters

Kong was still battling the largest Skullcrawler, who Mary seemed to refer to as the Skull Devil, no doubt a name that the Monarch files used, whether or not this was the same exact creature

Suddenly, the very same skullcrawler that Brandon killed got of the ground and started attacking the other Skullcrawler that was still chasing after Matt and Carrie, who were both levitating in their telekinetic balls

The skullcrawler was surprised as it's former ally attacked it, even with parts of it's brains hanging out it's skull, and Brandon looked on the ground at Jennifer, smiling 

"She's creating gigantic zombie monsters now?" Brandon noted to himself as the undead monster overpowered the living one, just as an undead could overpower a living person

He turned to look at Kong smashing the largest Skull Crawler with what looked like the anchor of an abandoned ship stranded on the island. The monster, or Skull Devil wailed in pain as Kong smashed it's spine, smashing the anchor into it's body

Kong himself had bites all over his body, his right arm lacerated by Skull Devil's fangs and looking exhausted, especially after going a few rounds with Brandon before the Skull Devil attacked him

Kong stared at Brandon unhappily, just as Carrie flew in between them and offered him a large raw tentacle of the Mire Squid that they were eating

Kong looked at it, then tentatively took it and started leaving, munching on the tentacle, which was half out of his mouth

"Are you ok?" Carrie asked Brandon

"Well that's another pair of clothes ruined" Brandon said as he tore off his half torn shirt

"Well... I don't mind that. How was Kong? Was he strong?" Carrie asked

"Yes. He hits with the power of a multiple storey building being thrown at you" Brandon said as they both flew to the ground

They looked and saw what every one else was seeing

Jennifer was controlling 4 large Skull Crawlers, one of them was Skull Devil, all moving into her enlarged portal to her realm

With all the undead aliens in there, now with giant sized kaijus, plus the Kandorian demon and the undead humans there including Jason and Mike, Jennifer seem to be amassing a huge army

But Mary didn't say anything, nor could she. Jennifer was getting more powerful and what could she say against it?

Kong didn't return after that day, and the group trained a few more days with the miscellaneous creatures there. After the 4th day of the Skull crawler attacks, they headed home

As they didn't have a boat anymore as theirs got wrecked on the way here, they simply went through a portal that Jennifer conjured up. Anywhere she had been before, she could conjure a portal there

But the caveat is that they would have to travel through her hellish dimension in order to get there! 

Instead of heading back home directly, as Mary promised, they appeared back in Phuket to have a holiday there, a vacation they all though they thoroughly deserved