15 – Night of The Ball
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Under the bright glimmer of the stars stood the Imperial Palace, glowing bright and proud as a ball hailing the Crown Prince's return took place within the city.

Lights that sparkled and the sounds of liveliness reverberated throughout the entire capital. While the nobles had their party, so did the common people who had their festival.

It was an all-out celebration in the capital. 

The ball ran smoothly as the Emperor and Empress welcomed the guests who entered the ballroom from the foyer. They pranced around talking and speaking with guests who wished to converse with them.

Nobles from different sides of the Empire banded together to commemorate this party, especially after the Prince's heroic deeds in the West. Though the war may not be over, for the Empire, it might as well be.

The music played on as couples met and the young nobles asked each other for their names. There was a sweet citrusy scent in the air as melodies of awkwardness, romance, and heartbreak shaped the venue.

"Announcing! His Grace, The Grand Duke of the East. Her Grace, The Grand Duchess, and their daughter, Lady Alejandra Taylor Ramirez." Announced a servant, as a bunch of the nobles made way as the large front doors opened to reveal the gorgeous family.

The Grand Duke had his hair swept back with his facial hair groomed to perfection. His light feathered coat suited the shade of his brown skin and dark eyes. 

The Grand Duchess didn't lose with her own beauty. Despite being past what most would consider her prime, she still looked stunning. Her hair raised above her head in a flowery bun and her dress matched the gold of her husband's. Looking at them, you truly see a perfect pair.

Then from behind them, all the young men in the room guffawed as a gorgeous beauty emerged from between her parents. 

Lady Alejandra, her face adorned with glitter and the hair on her back enriched with jewelry shining above all else. Her dress, soft but glamorous, and furbished with the highest quality flourish. 

She took the breath of every single man in that room as she stepped foot within the ball.

The Heir of the East has finally made her entry into high society.

As the Grand Duke and Duchess stepped forth into the ballroom, dozens of nobles suddenly began to approach them. They took turns greeting the two and wishing them well but spared no time in introducing their sons, who proudly bowed with a smile and blush on their faces.

"It is an honor to greet you tonight, Your Grace." Spoke a noble to the Grand Duke. "And to you too, Grand Duchess." 

"It is a pleasure as well, Count Villa." Grand Duke Joseph responded with a handshake.

"I'd also like you to meet my son. He's quite an intelligent boy even compared to others at his age." The Count smirked as he presented his child before the three Ramirez. 

"Good evening to His and Her Grace. My name is Felicito Andreux Villa." The boy stepped forward and bowed, before then addressing the beautiful Lady Alejandra and kissing the top of her palm. "Good evening to you too, Lady Alejandra."

The Grand Duchess covered her mouth with a fan to hide her chuckle as she glanced at her daughter's face which was twitching while trying to speak courteously. 

"Good evening to you too, Sir Felicito." Alejandra pulled her hand away as soon as it wasn't rude to do so. She mentally prepared herself as well, this was only the beginning of the many suitors that'll line up before her.

Count Villa, noticing that the Lady paid no interest in his son, tried to spark conversation. "My Felicito here has been reading the Book of Amor recently. He's studying to become a fearsome knight." The man tapped the back of his son. "What's the motto again?"

"Ah… Yes! For one to become a true knight, one has to have loyalty, grace, power, and…uh." Felicito fumbled on his words and struggled to remember the next line. "And…."

"...and to have an ambition to become something more." Alejandra finished. She sighed and put her hands on her hips. "I'm afraid that quote is also often mistaken as the motto of Fernando Amor, but his actual saying more often than not is: a Sword brings justice but it also brings death, therefore a sword must be good."

Count Villa pursed his lips and choked on his spit. "You are as intelligent as they say, Lady Alejandra." His hands tightened around his son's arms.

The Grand Duke cackled and smiled. "Indeed she is." He then looked back towards his daughter and wife and nodded in their direction. "We must go ahead now if you so please, Count Villa?"

"By all means." The Count with a grit in his teeth laid out the way for them to leave. 

Although that ordeal with the Count ended on a humorous note for the Grand Duke and Duchess, the rest of the other nobles pining for their daughter did not stop any time soon.

Wave after wave of introductions from nobles across the Empire made its way in one ear and out the other. Most of the boys that these older men and women show to him have limited potential. 

He could tell from just a look that a certain kid would just be a kid in the end.

You don't get to become a Grand Duke if you don't have a good eye for people.

The three of them went about their own ways in the ballroom, The Grand Duke conversing with his fellow nobles that are in the business sphere and his wife relating old times back with her old friends in knighthood.

His daughter, Alejandra decides to spend some time wandering the party alone and seems to be doing well in rejecting the poor boys who came her way. 

Joseph felt proud of his daughter for remaining courteous and polite but also straightforward and rational. If she didn't acknowledge someone, it'd be quite obvious. Like what had happened with the poor simple fool that was Count Villa's son earlier.

"Lady Alejandra." A man called to his daughter, as he watched her from afar. "It is an honor to finally meet a beauty like you."

Alejandra at this point grew numb to the kisses on her hand and just let it happen. "The honor is all mine, Sir?"

He seemed like another one of those older types, possibly nearing their 30s. He had a fairly built body as well, so Alejandra assumed he must've been knighted at some point.

"Hemming." The man smiled as he looked up towards her. "I am a new Baron, who simply found his way into this party, by chance." 

"My apologies, I didn't know you had a title." Alejandra bowed in guilt.

"There is no reason to apologize, My Lady." He smiled. "I only came by to wish you a beautiful night."

Alejandra raised an eyebrow. "What would you mean by that?"

"A simple thought." There was a glint in the man's eye as he stroked his stubble beard. "No need to overthink it, My Lady. You are quite intelligent, they say." He walked ahead.

Alejandra felt a chill run up her spine as the cold touch of the man's palm briefly touched her shoulder. She looked behind him and the Baron was already in conversation with another noble.

She had a bad feeling about that man. She pursed her lips and began to head back to ask her father about him. Something about that guy is bothering her and she can't exactly tell why, maybe her Father would know.

Before she could reach him, however, she crashed into a large man and fell to the floor with a thump.

"I'm so sorry!" She muttered as she plopped onto the floor. Above her, the man simply chuckled and offered her a hand. 

"Good evening, Lady Alejandra." The man's body was large, like a giant's. She thought his father was tall but this man was on another level. He was built like a giant made to lift the sky.

She looks up and a lump forms in her throat as she recognizes the face of the man. His long silver hair combed nicely to the back. A gray beard that had a soft look to it and eyes that seemed like they couldn't hurt a fly. 

It was the monster of the West, "Duke Bay." Alejandra gulped and the man simply raised a glass to her.

"It's a lovely evening, My Lady. What are you doing all alone in such a fine hour?" He tilted his head to ask.

"Simply exploring the place, Your Grace." She explained. "It is my first time making such an appearance after all. I am a fair bit excited."

"Hahaha! I see!" Duke Bay patted her head. "It is fun to explore, especially if it's your first time in high society."


"Only be careful, there are vultures and predators lying in wait." The man warned. "Best be careful on who you talk to. Ask your father, he's better at this than most."

"Thank you for the sound advice, Your Grace." Alejandra curtsied and the Duke waved his hand in refusal.

"No need for those mannerisms when talking to me. If you're looking for your Father, he's over there." He smiled and pointed towards the direction where Alejandra's father stood and he was currently speaking with…

The Emperor.

A pit formed at the bottom of her stomach.

"Oh." Alejandra blinked, she couldn't possibly interfere in her father's conversations with the Emperor himself. "He seems to be a bit busy."

"It seems so." Duke Bay frowned and looked back towards the girl. "Do you need this old man to accompany you around or are you fine on your own?"

"There's no need to trouble yourself, Your Grace. I'd be alright exploring on my own." Alejandra grinned and so did the Duke.

"I wish you well in your endeavors then." The man raised his glass and left the scene with a smile. 

Alejandra let out a sigh of relief. That conversation went amicably enough. She may have even made friends with the heroic Duke of the West. 

Still, the pressure she felt when she first ran into him was nothing to scoff at. It was like staring at a looming wall that could crush you at any given moment.

Alejandra not knowing where to go now decided to just walk around and maybe find a group to meld into. She felt eyes stuck to her as she passed the crowds. It was uncomfortable but there was nothing she could do. This was her first-ever appearance in a public event as the heir of a Duchy. 

She paced around the ballroom, seeing men and women her age mingle and interact. She felt a bit jealous but there was someone specific she was looking for.

Alejandra turned a corner and there she was, a young woman. Her short hair tied to a high ponytail and she wore a beautiful peach dress and a robe that indicated her scholarly background. 

She swirled some wine on top of her palms and was having a conversation with one of her fellow scholars. 

Alejandra approached this woman with oozing excitement as she ran behind her and hugged the woman from the back. "Oh!"

"Aunt Ferris!" Alejandra brightly said to the woman who chuckled as she turned around.

"Well if it isn't my favorite niece." She squeezed the young lady's cheeks and smiled. "You've grown so much!"

"Hehe." Alejandra was like a dog ceaselessly wagging its tail right now with how happy she looked. "It's been a while since I last saw you! What have you been doing, Auntie?"

"Interested?" Ferris glanced around the room and then snickered towards the scholar behind her. "You see there's this stone that–" She started to whisper but her friend cut her off.

"Ahahahaha." The guy walked in between the Niece and Aunt and glared towards Ferris. "That's…confidential."

Ferris groaned and crossed her arms in annoyance as Alejandra frowned, her curiosity left unanswered. 

"My name's Oswald Geronimo, Lady Alejandra. Nice to meet you." Spoke the scholar as he bowed in respect. "It's our direct order to keep this matter disclosed." 

"It's not like it's that important." Ferris grumbled and pouted to which Oswald only sighed and flicked her forehead. "Ack!"

"I see." Alejandra may be curious but she understands when things are out of her bounds. Though, she would be lying if she said she wasn't at all intrigued by whatever the stone her Aunt was referring to. "Apologies, Sir Oswald."

"No matter." The scholar smiled back at her. "Lady Ferris is usually calm and composed. It's a surprise to see her this inept with confidentiality." He said while smiling, although you could faintly see his frustrated look behind it.

"I like to spoil my only niece!" Ferris complained back. "My sist– I mean, Duchess Azarolla, always said that she doesn't want a child and god forbid Brother Millo ever finds himself attracted to a woman."

"What was that?" A man dressed in a flourished suit and a green robe walked up to them with wiggling ears. He also carried large hedge cutters strapped to his side like a weapon. 

"Brother!?" Ferris yelped as Millo approached her with a sigh. 

"You do know that Sister Camilla has a few sons herself?" Millo pointed out. "Where's their Aunt to spoil them?"

"Oh shush, those boys are far too rowdy and young." Ferris rolled her eyes. "They also can't hold a conversation with me for the life of them."

"You mean gossip?"

"Intellectual Societal Hypotheses."

"Sure." Millo shook his head in disappointment and turned to greet Oswald. "Good evening, Sir Oswald. It's a pleasure to meet you once more."

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir Millo."

Millo then smiled brightly as he looked over to Alejandra. "Alejandra! Look how far you've grown!" He reached in for an embrace and the young lady hugged him back with a grin. "You've gotten so tall."

Alejandra stepped back a bit and looked a bit proud of herself. "Of course, Uncle! Though I don't really notice it myself."

"It's been a while Alejandra. Last time I met you, you were still fifteen and reading about the concept of war." Millo chuckled at the memory. "I've always told the Duke you were far too young for such things."

"Even if he tried to hide it from me, I'd find it anyways." She laughed.

"As he said." Millo let out a breath. "You are exactly like your mother, persistent and stubborn in all the good and bad ways."

Alejandra laughed. "I'll take it as a compliment, Uncle."

"Oooh, Millo!" Ferris hissed at her brother. "She talked to me first but you're hogging Alejandra too much."

"Don't you have work to do?"

"She does." Oswald responded blankly.

"Wha– It's a party!" Ferris fussed. "Let me have fun!"

As the four continued to have a pleasant conversation, the Emperor suddenly appeared on the top of the steps and a hushed wind enveloped the ball. Alejandra included.

"Nobles of the Empire," The Emperor began, "since the dawn of this nation you have persevered to protect your and our people."

The room was silent as they listened to the words of the great ruler.

"Your contributions to this Empire are far from minute and this ball serves as a reminder of that. With the ongoing war against the Delha Kingdom, the Crusz Empire remains strong and brave." The Emperor smiled as he talked. "In this war, begun by the Kingdom against us, one person has stood as a major asset to our military and has earned himself the highest medals and honor that every soldier could dream of. He has achieved every right to take a break from the front lines. Introducing my very own son, THE CROWN PRINCE OF THE EMPIRE!" 

The doors behind the Emperor opened and out came a dashing young man. His red hair, neatly combed to the side and his clothing, regal and beautiful. Had Alejandra not known who this was, she would've assumed he was some sort of divine being.

Ben had never looked this handsome before.

He stepped down the stairs and took the eyes of every young woman in the room. The room was silent as he continued down the steps and through the crowds of the ball with the people making way for him.

He seemed to be moving towards a direction though the people couldn't really tell where until…

"Lady Alejandra, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." He grinned as he bowed down and kissed her hand.

The crowd's eyes grew in shock as the nobles began to whisper to one another. Alejandra could hear their muttering.

"They do look good together." Said one.

"Aaaah, I can't possibly go against the Crown Prince." Muttered another.

"They're gonna be a perfect couple." Cheered one more.

"I could see it." Uttered a fourth.

"Good evening, Your Highness." Millo greeted, his face looking a bit annoyed.

"Good evening to you too, Sir Millo." Ben smiled towards the Head Gardener. "Thank you for taking care of my Mother."

"It's my pleasure to serve Her Highness." Millo grits his teeth while smiling.

"Now then, if you don't mind, My Lady." He eyed Alejandra like a hawk that caught its prey. "Shall we have a conversation on the balcony, just the two of us?"

Once again the crowd started whispering this time much louder than before.

Alejandra felt her hands sweat and her blood boil as to what this little runt thinks he's doing. If Alejandra could, she would pinch his nose right now.

With an irritated smile, she nodded. "Of course, Your Highness."

The crowd gasped and a flurry of oohs and aahs filled the noises of the ball.

"Where's Teresa?" He whispered as they walked to the balcony together. 

"You're taking me to the balcony and you're thinking of another girl? Shame, Your Highness." She teased him.

"Ack!" Ben was caught off guard. "I simply ask since…she's a bit frightening."

"Teri? Frightening?" Alejandra giggled at the Prince's comment. "She's far more adorable than frightening, Your Highness. Calling a woman frightening is a bit rude."

"I didn't mean it that way…" Ben slouched and Alejandra's tension seemed to relax a bit. This was still the same Ben she spent a week with after all. But that doesn't mean he won't get smacked at the soonest chance Alejandra can.

"She's in the party with the other servants, she separated before we could enter the ball." Alejandra pointed out. "I don't know where she's been this entire time though."

"I see." Ben himself seemed to relax more, now that he found out about that information. "I'd like to speak with you regarding something, privately."

"We are already on our way, Your Highness." Alejandra spoke the obvious.

It didn't take long for them to go out onto a balcony that took a view of the garden and the beautiful night sky. Ben closed the curtains and placed himself next to the Lady.

"So? What's there to talk about, Your Highness?" Alejandra smirked, interested in what he was about to say.

"Lady Alejandra, How much do you know about the Underworld?"