Chapter 7: Gimme a Promotion!
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Chapter 7: Gimme a Promotion!

(Selenia’s POV)

Luckily, I was still far enough away from the gate that the shards of wood didn’t reach me. Who the hell is invading now!? I just killed this entire outpost… Ah, it is General Radahn coming in with his soldiers!

Radahn: “Selenia? What happened?” He asked with a confused tone.

Selenia: “Hm? Ah, I completed my mission.” I reply with a nonchalant tone.

Radahn: “How?… There are over a thousand soldiers in this outpost, and not a single drop of blood has been spilled…” He asked with a thinking pose after he jumped off from his horse.

Selenia: “Why’re you even here? Ah, I don’t mean to sound rude, I am just curious.” I ask with a curious tone.

Radahn: “You never showed up, so Private Rana came back with sad news. She begged us to go save you, and I eventually gave in. Now then, could you please explain how you did this?” He explained before asking with a curious tone.

Selenia: “I see… Sorry, they left poison so close to their alcohol and water supplies, so I just poisoned them. The poison did the rest of the work, while I just waited to claim my prize.” I answer.

Once again, I had caused Radahn to burst out in laughter. Actually, the rest of the soldiers, who counted up to over a hundred of them, were all laughing as well. With so many people laughing, the noise was pretty loud…

Radahn: “Interesting… You continue to surprise me, Private Selenia.” He said with a proud tone.

Selenia: “Aw… I am still a Private? I would have assumed that I would get promoted with this.” I reply with a sad tone.

Radahn: “It should get you some promotion, but that isn’t up to me. I will have to send this up further in the chain of command.” He replied with a warm tone.

Selenia: “That’s great! Now then, here is the requested head.” I say before presenting Tursi’s head.

Radahn: “Ah, so this is the bastard, huh? What was his name? No, we can just look at the documents to confirm his name.” He asked before pulling back his question.

Selenia: “That won’t be necessary, assuming that he wasn’t lying about his name, that is. This should be Commander Tursi.” I say with a confident tone.

Radahn: “Tursi!? Little Selenia, is that true?” He asked with an unsure tone.

Selenia: “I think so? All of the soldiers called him that.” I reply.

Radahn: “Quick! Go scavenge around for documents! We need to confirm his identity!” He roared his orders to the soldiers.

Huh? Is Tursi really that important of a person? Did I do something crazy again?... Please, I just want to live an easy life, but at this point, I am on track of becoming some important person that history will forever remember...

Selenia: “What about the women?” I ask.

Radahn: “Does that really matter, Selenia? Just look at them… They most likely aren’t even aware of their surroundings at the moment…” He asked with an uninterested tone.

Selenia: “I think that it does, don't you? What if they could become amazing soldiers in the future?” I proposed.

Radahn: “Do you really think so?” He asked with an unsure tone.

Selenia: “Yes, at the very least, they could be cooks at the fort. That is, once they recover enough.” I reply.

Radahn: “Truly? Fine… I haven’t been screwed over from following your words yet, so I will have them taken care of about at the fort. Hey, some of you take these women back to the fort. On the double!” He said before ordering the idle soldiers.

At that moment, I truly just wanted to do a good thing. What I didn’t realize was that since I did that, one of those women would change the very course of history… But that is a story for another time. Or not? I don’t really know. But it would be great if something amazing came from this action.

Radahn: “Holy shit…” He said after a soldier handed him some documents.

Selenia: “What’s up?” I ask with a curious tone.

Radahn: “Commander Tursi… You really did kill him…” He said with a sigh.

Selenia: “Should I have not killed him?” I ask with a head tilt.

Radahn: “No, it is good that he is dead. Commander Tursi was a major player in this war. Tursi was actually the one overseeing the war in this specific region. Which means that you’ve just ended the war pretty much. At least, for us and in this area.” He answered with a thinking pose.

Selenia: “Ah, okay. But why are you upset?” I ask.

Radahn: “Upset? I guess that I am… Sorry, Selenia, it is just my pride getting the way.” He replied with a remorseful tone.

Selenia: “Hm? Could you explain what you mean?” I ask.

Radahn: “I, the great General Radahn Quartz, will have to explain to the chain of command, that a little girl in my service, had killed a major commander of the enemy kingdom. Sounds like a joke, right?” He replied.

Selenia: “To save face, you can just take credit for it. I don’t mind.” I say with a shrug.

Radahn: “No… That would go against my morals. Besides, my soldiers would sooner hang me up in a tree, than be under someone who would claim someone else’s accomplishments as their own.” He denied with a laugh.

Selenia: “Really? Well, I am glad to be serving under such a honorable person.” I say with a warm smile.

Radahn: “Selenia… I was planning on asking them when you got older, but could I ask you something uncouth?” He asked in a whisper.

Selenia: “It depends, General Radahn Quartz.” I reply.

Radahn: “Using my full name? Only my wife and daughter do that, and only when I do something to upset them… It isn’t anything too crazy, Selenia.” He said with an awkward laugh.

Selenia: “Alright, then please talk to me about it when we get back.” I propose.

Radahn: “Ah, right… Sorry, I didn’t take into account that you would be exhausted from this mission.” He said with a remorseful tone.

Selenia: “Much to my chagrin, this body requires a lot of sleep. Radahn, want to know something funny?” I ask with a cheeky tone.

Radahn: “Something funny? I have laughed about many things you’ve done, Selenia. And yet, you haven’t specifically tried to make me laugh… I’ll bite, what is funny to you?” He asked with a curious tone.

Selenia: “After poisoning the alcohol and water, I hid away in a dark area of the outpost.” I answer.

Radahn: “That all? That wasn’t really funny, Selenia.” He said with a disappointed tone.

Selenia: “Here’s the funny part… I fell asleep, and only woke up a few minutes ago.” I reply with a giggle.

Radahn looked me dead in the eyes, and then he went into a fit of laughter. Oh God… Now the great General Radahn Quartz is on the ground, laughing his ass off. And no one is even going to stop him? No, don’t give me those looks! I ain’t going to be the one to stop him! How long is he going to laugh for?…