Chapter 3 : First information
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Da robot rises up, and destroying stuff, endangering any heroes nearby. No one wants to take em out, mostly because it's not worth it.

Of course our girl here tripped, and must be saved. Not my job, but someone should help him. Luckily, the one that had the job to save her is here.

That green boi ran towards Da robot, jumps around 1 Kilome-
Soldier : "Son, i am ashamed of you"

Around 546,897 yards - 1094,75 yards.
"Godspeed, you magnificent bastard!"



So yeah, izuku jumped, and put a hard, like REAL HARD haymaker onto its face. Crushing da robot entirely.

He doesn't have a failsafe, but he got a saviour of course.

So i see him fall- Wait... The heck? She fainted for real!?


Yup, lets go sticky jump to him and save him bois! I have no idea why she fainted, but probably because of something *Shrugs*.


(Third Person POV)

Alf put 2 sticky bomb and launched himself towards izuku drop spot, then grabs him and landed safely with the parachute.

Many students sees him stickyjumping, flying above them all.

Some students started to make fun of deku, because he's not getting any points. Well, they don't know about rescue points.

Alf quickly walks away from deku, because he's a liiitttllleee ambivert. Prefers not to get noticed.

People around Deku starts to talk s**t about him, then talks about the thing that flies above them. Seriously, they call him the "thing", wow.

After the test, everybody went to do their activities, or going home. Alf knows that Deku will stay on his home for a week, and he'll spent some good life time.

As he went outside to a nearby cafe, he gets a message from Nolff, telling him that his ability aren't just SAM, there's another ability he can activate at will, anytime, anywhere.

N : Bro, you good?
A : Absolutely. So what is it?
N : I forgot to tell you that there's another ability you can use anytime, anywhere.
A : Oh is it? Then what's the ability?
N : Well, we were thinking about your studies, and beliefs towards God. I'm afraid you're losing it/him.
A : What's up with that it/him? Oh... Nevermind. So?
N : So, we decided that it would be a good idea to create a private interdimensional bedroom, where you can rest, play, or study there, without being limited to place and time.

He orders an iced cappuccino, and reply to Nolff.

A : Sweet.
N : But, the time still moves, it doesn't freeze. It only moves very slow, like veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy ssssssssssllllllooooooowwwwwwww. Like walking with 1 km/h speed. 1 hour you spent inside there, equals to 5 seconds of you begone. You can speed it up however.
A : Oh nice. Anything else?
N : Since you like to explain stuff to people a lot, we decided that when you're studying, memories of the kitab you've been studying will be replayed, and you can rewrite those that you got wrong on your own kitab, hehe.
A : Shut up, me explaining stuff is a feature. So what kitab I have on my room?
N : Check it out yourself.
A : Fine. I have a question though.
N : What is it?
A : I saw something kinda like a level system on the SAM, and I notice it had something to do with the power, I can't access dev console. It requires level 3 SAM, why won't you gave me a level 3 SAM1SAM has 3 levels, which gave the user incredible power the higher level it gets.
First level : Can use, utilize game assets, and game mechanics. Game logic exist.
Second level : Mods (Modification) is available, adding depths of possibility and variety, like VERY deep variety of nearly anything.
Last level : Developer console is now available, so go God mode or inf clips to OFA, hehe.
? ;-;.
N : For balancing purpose. It's not fun when you enabled God mode you know? None of us wants to see you running around the city wielding a sledgehammer, and swing it ridiculously fast, obviously.

Alf pouts, I mean, who's gonna run around the city with a Mini Uzi equipped?
A : Ain't that quality?
N : No immersion dumb dumb, that's the interesting part and we don't want to get stale pretty quick.
A : Fair point (;-;). Alright then, bye.
N : Wait hold on. I haven't tell you about the first fandom have i? So, the first fandom would be uhh.... Decaying Winter2A survival wave-based shooter game, that takes hardcore very, very, very, VERY hardcore. I'm not joking. Like, there's a little complicated heals, buff, and debuff mechanism. It's super hard, that it doesn't forgive newbie (Seriously). If you want to play and learn the game hard way, I recommend you to go to the perk section (by clicking on "Perks"), then scroll to the very left (Technically scroll down, if you're using mouse), and choose the one perk with skull and handcuff logo's on it. This way, it will give you very impactful PTSD and can make you quit gaming for a moment.

A : (Silence...) Dooms World?
N : (Sigh) I know it's f*cked up, but that's what the wheel said.
A : You prick, you shoulda get Entry Point to get chosen there, not "That Nightmare...."
N : I'm sorry, better than Guts & Black Powder at least. (Laughs quietly, but can't hold it anymore, then burst laugh was heard)
A : You freaking little cra-! No, no swearing. (Sigh)
N : Hahaheyy, good luck. DW will arrive around the 2nd week of your school day.
A : Alright then, stay safe for you too. Oh, and tell Hopper to get the heck off my Roblox account.
N : Will do, bye.

His iced cappuccino arrived, and he gets both terrified and excited with the upcoming days.

After he spent some time chilling, he walks out, and went back to the hotel. He get inside, and lays down, feeling cozy.

He remember his special abitility, and test it out right away.

When he's still thinking on how to get there, he's suddenly laying down on a pretty cozy bed, not as much as the hotel but it'll do.

He's now inside a bedroom, a nice, cozy bedroom. There's a table with gaming/streaming setup here, a bookshelf containing plenty of novels, kitab, and such. There's also a window, and a door. The door's locked, can't open it, the window are locked too. 

Yes, there's no "S" on "The Window", because there's only one in the room. Outside the window, is a city view, viewing from high above.


He thinks to get back to the hotel, and quickly, he's back to the hotel room. "So it's kinda like time-warp combined with teleportation, sweet"

He lays down on the bed, and singing a lullaby, twinkle-twinkle little star, with his own lyrics.

"Laa-Iii-laa, haa-ill-lau-loh/lah3Yeah, he's singing Arabic words here. The loh/lah was meant to be lam jalalah (Kinda like that one word on English dictionary were spelling it shows up 2 different path of spelling, while speaking it only has one path), a word, a mighty name of God. (Over dramatizing? Absolutely. Gotta put a respect alright? Respect your creator, people.. Muhammadur-rasuululloh/rasuulullah. Bla-bla-bla bla-blaa-blaa-blaa. Bla-blaa-bla-blaa-blaa-bla-bla-bla. Bla-bla-bla-bla bla-bla bla-bla. Bla-bla bla-bla bla-bla bla-blaaa....4Tiadaa tuuhan melainnkan Allah. Muhammad itu utusan Allah. Rukun Islam 5 perkaaraa, ucap syahadat yang pertaamaa. (Source : Alif & Sofia, Youtube) The translation? Alright then. No other God except Allah. Mohammad is God messenger. 5 things of Islam pillars, the first one is syahadat/syahadat (Some people prefers to say the last word with an "H", the other said it ends with a "T"."

And then... He slowly fell asleep.
