Chapter 5 – Phase One: Patience
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After the initial opening, some of the competitors appeared intimidated and frightened. Both Zane and Malik exchanged unpleasant looks. The Director seemed very threatening and nobody could tell if this was deliberate or just a way of testing their nerves. The blonde guy and the masked female appeared unfazed while the pink-haired guy and the glasses guy appeared discontent.

As the Director returned to his seat with the help of his cane, one of the four seated individuals stood up and approached the small podium with the microphone.

A young woman maybe around 30 years old with tan skin and bushy orange hair tied into twin buns along with brown eyes, she wears knee-length jeans shorts, a green crop top and golden bracelets around her arms. Skinny and of average height, she cleared her voice before speaking up.

“My name is Hela Vene and I will be the Instructor of the first phase of the Competition. Let’s not waste any more time than needed, all competitors, follow me.” The Ranger announced, in a rather dull and disinterested voice. Her words gave all the implications that she really didn’t want to be here or to keep doing this at all.

Hela stepped off the podium and walked towards the left side through a wide corridor. Right beside here were several of the P.S.A. staff in suits, including the megaphone guy. Then, all the competitors started to follow her. Whether it was because of the way the Director ‘greeted’ them here or not, the huge crowd of people now walked in something resembling a row. Zane and Malik could also walk normally without grazing against everyone around them. This time, even more men in suits with sunglasses appeared seemingly out of nowhere as they encircled the crowd of the competitors.

“Think they’re all security guys?” Zane whispered to Malik.

“Absolutely, they’re all members of the P.S.A. They’re here to make sure everything goes smoothly without any incidents.” Malik replied as they walked ahead.

There was a room to the left side of the entrance area, which contained dozens of chairs and tables. The furniture resembled a school classroom with single wooden chairs and small desks. On each desk there were several pieces of papers connected with a clip and a blue ballpoint pen.

“Competitors, please take a seat. There is enough room for everyone.” The megaphone guy announced as the competitors rushed forward to each take a place. Despite some initial ruckus and shouting, after about several minutes, all 256 competitors were seated down. Zane was right next to Malik of course.

“Listen up carefully now. The first phase of this year’s Public Security Competition will be a written exam. You have 500 questions to answer and 3 hours of time to finish.” Hela explained as she stood in front of the largest desk that was placed opposite the competitors. She sat on it as she crossed her arms.

However, when she revealed this information and what they were supposed to do for the first phase, a large wave of displeasure and uproar swept through the room.

“What the hell?! This ain’t school or something like that! Come on now!” One guy yelled.

“Yeah, this is not what Rangers do. Give us something good like fighting or physical tests, we don’t need this crap!” Some middle-aged woman shouted.

“Calm down everyone, maybe they’re just testing us and the real first phase will only start later.” A reasonable and calm man suggested.

“Well, that better be the truth, ‘cause I ain’t sticking around for this nonsense. I will leave if this is the truth.”

Hela just watched on with her eyelids half-closed. It looked like she had just woken up and not as if she was overseeing such a large and important event. After yawning and taking in a deep breath, Hela narrowed her eyes at the seated competitors.

“Then go ahead, leave. Everyone who dislikes this, is free to leave. You are not forced to attend the Competition if you don’t want to. But just don’t cause any problems and you won’t get harmed.”

At these words, the atmosphere got more timid. These weren’t just empty threats. This was for real. Some of the competitors got up and started to walk towards the exit door. Some of them looked at Hela and nodded at her and she surprisingly nodded back, there was even a hint of a faint smile on her face.

“I’ll give you five minutes for anyone who doesn’t agree with this method to leave. After that, who ever stays here, will have to do the written exam, whether they like it or not.” Hela said as she looked at the security guards, and they nodded at her.

Zane and Malik looked at each other but there was no doubt both in their eyes and determination. No matter what happens or what the Competition brings, they will push on. Although Zane did groan at first when he heard that it was going to be a written exam since he hated school, he still decided to stay for his mother’s sake.

The five minutes passed and everyone who wanted to leave, had left already. Just as Hela was about to announce the start of the first phase, the guy who shouted last and was the most local one, stood up and approached her. The security guards went in to intervene but Hela prevented them with a hand held up high.

“What do you want? Five minutes have passed. You had your time if you wanted to leave.” Hela calmly stated as she looked the man straight in the eyes. Even though he was a full head taller than her, she didn’t seem fazed at all.

The guy was bald with tattoos all over his head. He was dressed like some sort of biker gangster and with earrings and piercings all over his face. Grinning at her, he leaned closer to her face.

“You think you’re all tough and mighty, eh? Think you’re smart? You ain’t shit. You’d get eaten alive in my surroundings.” The biker guy leaned even closer, apparently attempting to intimidate the instructor.

It didn’t work. At all. Hela just briefly smirked as she swung her left arm in a backhand fashion, swiftly twisting the poor guy’s neck in a 180 degree half-circle, causing the neck bones to snap and for his head to resemble an owl’s head. A loud cracking sound echoed through the entire room. Except that he fell dead on the spot with his eyes wide open.

Some of the competitors in the first rows who were the closest to this scene started panicking and sweating. After all, they just saw a big guy get his neck snapped by a girl less than twice of his size.

Zane and Malik look at each other with their eyes opened wide. Both of them gulp and even think of escaping as they shake but ultimately they decide to stay. They remember their goals, why they want to become Rangers. It’s not for them but for their family members.

“Does anyone have any other complaints? Let’s get that out of the way before we starts the exam.” Hela clapped her hands several times while the security guards swiftly picked up the unfortunate tough guy and carried him outside the vast exam room.

Apart from some cries and sighs, nobody said anything. Until the blonde guy with long hair that Zane had took note of raised his hand.

“Yes? A complaint?” Hela pointed to the young man, almost eager to use her lefty hand again.

“Not a complaint Ma’am, but a question. Are you a Ranger?” The young man asked in a very polite and calm fashion. His voice had a soft and gentle tone to it.

Hela appeared almost surprised by his politeness.

“Yes, I am a Senior Class Ranger. All of the Competition’s Instructors are Rangers. But good question nonetheless. Do you have any more questions?”

“Thank you, that is all.”

Both Zane and Malik glanced at the blonde guy. If not for his voice, one could have easily mistaken him for a girl.

Hela than snaps her fingers as she sits on her desk again, crossing her legs.

“Now then, of the 256 competitors who entered this room, 36 have quit. That means we have 220 competitors left. Now, every year, the top guys of the P.S.A. form a committee solely for the purpose of organizing that year’s Competition. And for this year’s, we have decided to form only three phases as each year there is less and less competitors who want to become Rangers. This year’s first phase is quite simple. There are 500 questions for you to solve. You have three hours to finish. There are no bathroom breaks and don’t even bother using your phone or cheating in any other way. You’ll be disqualified immediately and our security guards will be keeping a keen eye on you so the choice is yours. Lastly, don’t forget to write down your names on the beginning of the paper, before the questions so we know whose paper belongs to who. Good luck to everyone, you can start now.”

As Hela announced the beginning of the written exam, even more security guards enter the room and now there are dozens of them. They all spread around making sure no-one could even think of cheating. Soon the sound of pens hitting the paper on the desk enveloped the room.

Zane felt dismayed. He hates school in the real life but he hates it even more in the game. A game should be our escape from the harsh and cruel reality that is life and now even in his favorite genre of games, the RPG genre, he has to finish a written exam. This is just atrocious.

Sighing and shaking his head, Zane grabs his pen and starts to read carefully through the questions. His eyes already hurt and he looks to his right to notice Malik who already starts to sweat but at least he’s writing something.

The questions look very hard and are of various topics. Biology, mathematics, science, technology, sociology, sports, pop culture, even politics. But Zane can do this. He starts to write. One answer after another.

An hour passes. Zane looks around. Nobody has yet finished. He has finished around 160 questions. Not half but he’ll get there eventually. Malik is ahead of his friend. He’s at question number 195.

Another hours passes. Nervousness starts to overtake some competitors and one young man stands up, walks over to Hela’s desk (where she sits with her hands behind her head while crossing her legs over the desk) and puts his paper on the desk, the first to be done.

“I’m sorry but I can’t do this. There’s too many questions and not enough time. Plus they’re quite hard. I’ll try again next year.” The guy nods and leaves the room. Hela waves him goodbye as she yawns. She has a feeling that this last hour will be interesting.

With every minute that passes, more and more competitors stand up and finish their exam. Some of them are angry, some are upset but nobody dares to do anything that might make the instructor angry. Her swiftly finishing the biker guy definitely made a lasting impression on every competitor present in the room.

12:00. This is it. Three hours have passed and that marks the end of the first phase of the Competition.

All of the competitors start to get up so they can hand over their papers, but Hela stops them. She orders everyone to stay in their seat and not to move at all.

“Aww, it’s already over? Oh well, now who wants to show me their results? Any volunteers? Come on, let me see those hands up.”

There are no hands up in the hair. Literally no one dares to be the one to publicly reveal their answers, it would be too dangerous. After what happened earlier with that poor guy...

“No one? No one at all? So I have to pick one? ‘kay then... how about you?” Hela giggles as she points her finger at a competitor seated in one of the last rows. Everyone turns back to see him. It’s Zane.

A stream of cold sweat flows down poor Zane’s face. He starts shaking but not because of his social anxiety. While he considers himself to be somewhere in-between an introvert and an extrovert, he could handle this type of situation, being singled out amongst a large group of more than 200 people. What really bothers Zane, however, is Hela. The way she just snapped that guy’s neck like it was nothing. And afterwards she appeared completely calm and collected, like she didn’t just take a life with her hands. Or a single hand in this case.

“Uhhh...” Zane looks to his right, silently trying to get some advice from his friend Malik. Malik signals him non-verbally with his head towards Hela. Zane understands. He’s telling him to go and obey her order.

Sighing deeply, Zane gets up and picks his exam paper. All eyes are on him obviously and the way the atmosphere in the air is set, it feels more like he’s walking to the gallows to face his public execution than to hand over his exam results.

“Here you go Ma’am.” Zane puts down his exam on the desk as he takes a step back and looks to the ground while crossing his arms. His breaths are deep but mostly timid and he can definitely feel his heart lumping against his chest.

“Thank you very much young Mister! Now let’s see... hmmm... yes... very well... oh my...” Hela nods at Zane as she has a puzzled but also an intrigued look on her face.

Since there are a whooping 500 questions on this written exam, and every paper had 50 questions crammed on, that means that 10 papers full of questions held together with a paperclip were presented to each competitor. And in a shocking turn of events, Zane was able to finish every question, whether complete or incomplete but he made sure not to leave any empty space on the spot reserved for an answer. Hopefully this should be enough.

“Okay then... Zane? This is... the worst written exam paper I have ever seen in my life.”

Zane couldn’t hold himself back as he gasped in exasperation. Is this for real? Is she toying with him?

“In fact, this might be the worst written exam in the history of the entire P.S.A. This is down right horrendous and ghastly. My goodness...”

Zane looks around trying to figure out what to do in this painful situation. There is silence so he’s glad for that at least. But that silence doesn’t last long. One by one, all the competitors start laughing and giggling. Some even cackling. Even the security guards start smirking. Except for the megaphone guy.

Not a full minute later and the entire room is a mix of witch-on-a-magic-broom cackling and a mad scientist sniggering and clobbering. Zane’s whole face sinks down, like a ship wrecked by an iceberg.

This is so humiliating... I should have jumped off that building when I had the chance... why didn’t that truck kill me... even in a game I am a loser... can I ever succeed at anything... anything at all...

Zane raises his head to look at the crowd in front of him. All the competitors sitting in their seats are laughing. Because it’s funny to them. But upon closer inspection, not everyone is actually laughing. Five competitors aren’t laughing.

Malik is actually smiling and giving his friend a big thumbs up.

The blonde lanky guy has a face with suggests empathy and compassion, with his eyebrows turned down low.

The masked girl with dark shoulder-length hair... well, not much can be seen of her expression since the lower half of her face is covered by a mask made of black fabric but from what Zane can see by looking into her eyes, she’s just staring at him with a blank, souless expression.

The pink-haired guy with pierced ears has a slight smirk on his mouth but other then that doesn’t show any other emotion.

The guy with the bowlcut and glasses is also smiling but with a more friendly approach than the pink-haired guy. Zane shall definitely remember this.

“Everyone, quiet down.” Hela claps her hands several times and few seconds later, the laughter and cheering dies down. Her voice isn’t particularly loud or commanding but she has already built up a fearsome and respectable reputation here.

She then turns completely towards Zane. He’s taller than her but in this situation, he feels like an ant compared to the instructor Ranger.

Here it comes. The disqualification. The end of his dream. And the betrayal of his mother’s trust and hard-earned money. Here-

“Congratulations Zane, you are the first to pass the first phase of this year’s Competition. You qualify for the second phase, which will take place tomorrow.” Hela giggles as she extends her hand to Zane to congratulate him.

Wait, what? What in the...

Several competitors gasp in disbelief. Is this another test? This all seems as a big game of playing with the competitors’ nerves.

“But... but... how? You just said that I did horribly and now you say that I pass? Can you please elaborate on that?” Zane said as he clumsily shook Hela’s extended hand.

Hela chuckles as she shooks her head.

“Your results didn’t matter at all. I only said them out loud because I wanted to test your resolve and how you’d react to getting public pressure from getting laughed upon by such a large crowd like this one here. And you have really impressed me, boy.” After this, Hela turns towards the other competitors and speaks more loudly.

“The first phase of the Competition wasn’t about getting the questions right. The written exam was impossible to finish correctly anyway. There were 500 questions and to pass you needed to get 400 correct which is downright imposible in only three hours. In truth, we were testing your patience. That’s why the codename and overall theme of the first phase is just that: Patience. Those who quit earlier, they showed that they didn’t have the necessary patience to carry on. And if you can’t be patient to sit in one place for three hours, then you’ll lack the necessary patience that befits the duty of a Ranger.”

Several minutes passed as Hela went silent and allowed for everyone to sink her words in their heads and reflect on what just happened. More and more competitors started nodding as they understood what the first phase was actually about.

“Excellent, now the first phase or the written exam was attended by 180 competitors since 40 left in the meantime and got disqualified. That means 140 competitors have passed the first phase and are now eligible for the second phase, which starts tomorrow at 09:00. As always be sure to arrive at least half-an-hour earlier at the same place, in front of the Stadium. Good luck and we’ll see you tomorrow again. Dismissed.” Hela waves them all goodbye as she leaves first along with the megaphone guy. Then the security guards form a circle so that the remaining competitors could leave the room.

As everyone is either confused or happy that they passed this strange exam and start leaving the room and the Stadium, Zane and Malik are among the last few to leave, not willing to rush.

“Now that was definitely intense, don’t you think? And it was just the first phase.” Malik said as they pass through the long hall.

“You could say that twice. We even saw a guy getting killed. I guess we’ll have to get used to that from now on as the next two phases will likely get more brutal.”

“Honestly, what scared me more, was that old Director guy. With that walking cane, he seems like some regular old dude but his sheer presence and words are just wild and intimidating. Is he like that always or just for the Competition?”

But as Zane opens his mouth to answer, he feels a light tapping on his right shoulder. He turns around and gets surprised when he sees the blonde guy that asked the question on the exam.

“Greetings, my name is Yataro. I wished to personally congratulate you on being the first to pass the first phase of the Competition. You behaved yourself quite strongly there, I applaud you.” The blonde young man bows his head respectfully as she clasps his palms together. Zane notices the black and white training dress and pants that he’s wearing and nods. Zane looks up to meet Yataro’s eyes as he’s slightly taller than Zane too.

“Thank you Yataro, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Zane and this is my friend Malik. We’ll meet each other again tomorrow I hope.”

“Yes we will, absolutely. Until tomorrow then, Zane, Malik.” Yataro bowed again but this time twice, once to Zane and once to Malik before he went ahead and left the Stadium.

“Look like we made our first friend here. Yataro seems like a very respectful and decent guy.” Malik chuckles as they also leave the Stadium into the sidewalk outside.

“Yeah, the first and I hope not the last.” Zane smiled at the new friendship they just made. With confidence and optimism, Zane eagerly awaits the second phase of the Competition.

A new NPC has entered the game!

- Player Information -

First Name – Hela

Middle Name – None

Last Name – Vene

Gender - Female

Birthday – February the 20th

Age – 30

Blood Type - AB+

Species – Human

Skin Color – Tanned

Height – 165 cm

Weight – 50 kg

Hair Color – Orange

Hair Style – Bushy hair styled into twin buns

Eye Color – Green

Facial Hair – None

Facial Hair Color – None

Clothing Style – She wears knee-length jeans shorts, a green crop top and golden bracelets around her arms.

Unique Body Features – None

Relationships - Unknown

- Stats -

Strength – 50

Speed – 60

Dexterity – 40

Agility – 50

Intelligence – 40

Ike Knowledge – 80

Willpower – 45

Endurance – 30

Unarmed Combat – 40

Armed Combat – 50

Aura Color - Orange

A new NPC has entered the game!

- Player Information -

First Name – Yataro

Middle Name – Unknown

Last Name – Unknown

Gender - Male

Birthday – May the 1st

Age – 20

Blood Type - A-

Species – Human

Skin Color – Pale

Height – 180 cm

Weight – 65 kg

Hair Color – Blonde

Hair Style – Tied into a braid that falls just past his shoulders

Eye Color – Pale blue

Facial Hair – None

Facial Hair Color – None

Clothing Style – Black training pants, light white training shoes, white training dress with buttons on the middle and on the sleeves

Unique Body Features – None

Relationships - Unknown

- Stats -

Strength – 30

Speed – 25

Dexterity – 20

Agility – 30

Intelligence – 50

Ike Knowledge – 0

Willpower – 30

Endurance – 25

Unarmed Combat – 30

Armed Combat – 20

Aura Color - None