Chapter 4 Rhea (+18)
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It's my first time doing a scene for adults over 18, is it good?


{Name: Alisson 

Age: 21 

Height: 1.87m

Occupation: gang member

Titles: Iron Fist

Martial arts: Boxing

Bank name: Black Bank 

Bank account number: 8837183492

Bank password: 5438

Bank balance: 245,600,000

Emotional state: angry, horny, anxious.

Relationships: Ingrid (lover), Angelica (girlfriend), Ursula (lover) 

Current thoughts: "Who is this idiot? What does he have in? Does he really think he can win in a fight? Well he's gonna see that he can't. }

"I hear you're quite the hit with the ladies, aren't you?" Eugene responded, his tone obviously provocative. His voice maintained a calm cadence, a stark contrast to the increasing tension in the environment.

Alisson furrowed his brow, clearly confused by the abrupt change of topic. "What the hell are you talking about? Trying to divert the subject, are you, you piece of shit?" He growled, his muscles tense under the tight t-shirt, ready for action at any moment.

"Iron Fist..." Eugene murmured, a slight smile curving his lips as he examined Alisson. His voice carried a hint of recognition, but above all, there was a silent challenge in his words.

Alisson seemed taken aback at the mention of his title. "Ah? How do you know about that? Are you part of a gang or something?" He questioned, curiosity flashing across his expression before being replaced by a scowl.

"No, I'm not." Eugene answered, shaking his head negatively. He then pointed at the chubby boy still lying on the ground, a pleading expression still etched on his face. "So, how about you leave the kid alone?"

The girl next to Alisson, who had been observing the scene with a worried expression, finally intervened. "Come on, Alisson, there's no point in continuing this." Her voice was soft, yet firm. Her eyes pleaded for him to leave her friend alone.

"Fine..." Alisson grumbled, reluctantly, eyeing Eugene with a suspicious expression. "We'll talk more later, at night. Meet me in the field." He demanded, clearly intrigued about how Eugene knew about his gang affiliation, a secret he thought was well kept.

{Name: Ingrid

Age: 20 

Height: 1.70m

Occupation: gang member

Title: one of the best

Bank name: Black Bank 

Bank account number: 8839492286

Bank account password: 3759

Bank account balance: 538,000

Emotional state: relieved, grateful, worried.

Relationships: Alisson (lover), Lucas (fling), Arthur (fling)...

Current thoughts: "Thank goodness nothing happened. Thank you, stranger. I hope Eurico doesn't come after me, I don't want him to suffer." }

"So she's a whore." Eugene murmured to himself, a look of disdain hidden in his low, gravelly voice. Ingrid's beauty was undeniable, but to him, it meant nothing more than a nice face. He was uninterested, his heart and mind were elsewhere.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" The chubby boy's voice filled the air, loaded with genuine gratitude. His large fists grabbed onto Eugene's trousers, an expression of relief shining in his eyes. No one had ever stood up for him before, except for Ingrid and his parents. The presence of someone willing to defend him was a novelty.

"Don't forget, you still owe me 12 cans of soda. Pay me tomorrow," said Eugene, his voice dry and pragmatic. With a swift movement, he kicked the boy to make him let go of his leg. He then turned and began to walk down the corridor, ignoring the curious and surprised stares from the people around.

"He doesn't even bother to explain? I thought he was going to be like one of those mentors from the manga I read..." The chubby boy murmured to himself, a hint of disappointment coloring his voice. He admired Eugene, who showed no fear in facing Alisson. If he could be like Eugene, maybe he'd have a chance with Ingrid?

"I owe him 12 cans of soda... maybe I can persuade him to train me," the chubby boy thought to himself as he got up and dusted the dirt off his clothes. A new determination shone in his eyes. He was determined to convince Eugene to train him.


Walking through the college, Eugene wondered what he would do. As he walked past a room that should have been empty, he decided to return. Inside it, a woman was looking at the clock. Her bright blonde hair fell forward, hiding her face. She wore a black formal shirt that accentuated her medium bust, and pants that enhanced her thighs and large butt. Eugene couldn't help but get hard at the sight of her; after all, she was one of the most attractive teachers in college. He couldn't help but wonder: what was she doing there?

{Name: Rhea 

Age: 39

Height: 1.74m

Occupation: art teacher.

Relationships: Carlos (husband), Patrick (lover), Alice (daughter)

Emotional state: Horny, anxious, irate.

Current thoughts: "why is he taking so long?" }

Eugene could barely contain a satisfied smile. He had spent a long time wondering if he would ever stand a chance with this particular teacher, who seemed so out of reach. Now, as he opened the door to the classroom, the sound of metal against wood caused Rhea, the teacher, to divert her gaze in the direction of the noise. The glint in her deep eyes revealed a burning hope that it was her secret lover entering the room.

"Good morning, teacher. How are you doing?" Eugene greeted casually, trying to appear uninterested in the situation. "Why are you here alone?" He asked, curiosity tinting his words with false indifference.

Rhea's face lost color. She felt a mix of disappointment because it wasn't her lover there, and a growing dread because the classroom surely wasn't the most appropriate place for their illicit meeting. However, this was the first time she had been surprised in such a way, and the emotions were overwhelming.

"Good morning... I'm sorry, do I know you?" Rhea managed to ask, confusion evident in her voice. She stood up suddenly, intending to leave as quickly as possible, not wanting to stay in a place where her secret had just been discovered.

"Why are you leaving?" Eugênio asked, a hint of provocation in his tone. "Just because your lover didn't show up, you're going to leave? How ugly, betraying your husband. That's not something you should do, teacher," he added, his smile widening as he saw panic set in her eyes. It was the moment he'd been waiting for. The feeling of control was intoxicating. He was relishing every second of this situation.

"You don't know what you're talking about! I'm married, I have a daughter, I would never do that!" Rhea tried to defend herself, though her trembling voice and the wet glint beginning to form in her eyes betrayed her insecurity.

Eugênio just laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, teacher, you don't need to worry. Your secret is safe with me," he said, a malicious smile playing on his lips.

Rhea paused, looking at him in surprise. "What do you mean?" she asked, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Exactly what I said. I'm not interested in ruining anyone's life. But I'm interested in... negotiating," Eugênio said, the smile on his face widening even further.

"Negotiating? What do you want to negotiate?" Rhea asked, her mind still struggling to understand what was happening.

"I think you know what I want, teacher," Eugênio said, taking a step towards her. "And I think you also know what I can give in return. Your secret will be safe with me. And who knows, maybe I could be... a suitable substitute for your absent lover."

Rhea looked at him, the surprise and shock visible on her face. She was clearly grappling with the decision, her face turning red as she considered his proposal.

"I... I don't know what to say," she finally said, her words barely audible.

"What will it be?" Eugênio asked, approaching her, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. He slid his hand across her face with an almost reverent care, the tension between them vibrating like a taut violin string. Eugênio was desperate, yearning to entwine himself with her, to merge his body with hers in a frenzied act of passion. He hoped she would accept, that she too was thirsty for him as he was for her.

Rhea was panting, her thoughts spinning in confusion. She was on a precipice, about to betray her husband once again. But the man before her, was he better than her lover? She was about to fall into an abyss of uncertainties and forbidden desires.

"I... I accept..." The words came out of Rhea's mouth almost of their own accord, as if a fierce desire within her had taken control. She was agonized with desire, consumed by the need to feel fulfilled by him. She berated herself mentally, calling herself promiscuous for such thoughts. But what could she do? Her husband didn't satisfy her, her lover wasn't present, and now, Eugênio presented himself as an irresistible temptation, even if he blackmailed her to keep her secret.

Eugenio didn't need another word. He kissed her, their lips meeting with breathtaking intensity. Their lips danced a passionate tango, their tongues finding and exploring each other. Rhea would not let a younger man take control, so she kissed Eugenio with all the fervor she possessed, as if he were the most delicious of delicacies. Eugenio explored Rhea's body with nimble hands, his fingers tracing the curve of her form, feeling the tension and excitement pulsating under her skin. He felt her heart beating fast, her panting breath, and knew she too was longing for more.

Rhea surrendered to Eugenio, her hands digging into his t-shirt. She knew she was wrong, that she was betraying her husband once again. But she couldn't resist Eugenio. She wanted him, she wanted to feel his body against hers, she craved his touch, the sensation of having him inside her.

Eugenio didn't waste time. He undressed Rhea with agile speed, admiring her body in the soft light, her perfectly formed medium-sized breasts, her hard nipples pointing upwards, as if making a silent invitation. "What beautiful breasts, teacher, I didn't expect them to be so beautiful," Eugenio admires, his words resonating in the room. His hands move to her breasts, holding them firmly, feeling them fit perfectly in his hands.

"Ah~" Rhea's moan echoed in the air, a whispered sound that emanated an intense delicacy. The heightened sensitivity in this part of her body was a treat, a sweet sin she loved to be explored. A shiver of pleasure ran down her spine every time Eugenio squeezed her chest, igniting a flame of desire that burned intensely within her.

"We should go somewhere else," Rhea exhaled between muffled moans, her voice filled with undeniable lust. "People could pass by here." The fear of being discovered added a spice of excitement to the moment, but also brought with it a pressing need to leave that public place.

A muffled sound escaped her lips when she covered her mouth with her hand, a desperate attempt to silence her moans of pleasure. Every touch of Eugenio was like an electric shock, sending waves of delight through her body.

Eugenio, however, remained calm. "Let's just be quiet," he replied, his voice a husky whisper that only added to the sexual tension in the air. He leaned forward, capturing Rhea's lips in a deep and passionate kiss. The contact made Rhea's moans less frequent, replaced by the soft sound of their lips meeting, a sound that in its subtlety, was equally expressive of the pleasure shared between them.

"I see how inflamed with desire you are," Eugenio murmured, his voice rich in malice and teasing. His eyes traveled to the center of Rhea's desire, where a wet and undeniable evidence stained the fabric of her pants. "You really delight in betraying your husband, don't you, you reckless seductress?" He asked, a teasing laugh escaping his lips.

Eugenio could see Rhea's intimate juices saturating the fabric of her clothes, a tangible testament to her immense excitement. The wetness seeped through the fabric, creating a dark pattern that was impossible to ignore. The sight of that wetness, the sweet and unmistakable smell of her desire permeating the air, only fueled Eugenio's lust for her even more.

"These love juices," he continued, his voice low and laden with intention, "are turning your pants into a map of your unrestrained desire. There's no denying how much you yearn for this." The tease in his words was as evident as the dampness in her pants, and both knew there was no denying the desire that burned between them.

"Don't talk like that..." Rhea whispered, her words half cut off by a moan as Eugenio explored her body even further.

Eugenio just chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with pure pleasure and triumph. "I'm only stating the truth, teacher," he said, his voice low and provocative. "You like this, don't you? You like betraying your husband."

Rhea didn't answer, her face flushed and her eyes closed as she surrendered to the pleasure. She couldn't deny, there was something incredibly exciting about the situation she was in. She was betraying her husband, letting herself be carried away by forbidden pleasure with another man. And the worst part, she was enjoying it.