Chapter 5 Run!
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Rhea was in a state of ecstasy, her body vibrating with Eugenio's caresses. The way he touched her, the way he looked at her, all of it stirred the deepest feelings of her soul. Her mouth slightly opened, allowing a sigh to escape. She was loving his touch, every gesture, every gaze, every word that came from his mouth.

Eugenio, in turn, paid attention to that small gesture. He held Rhea's face with one hand, looking deep into her eyes. What he saw there excited him, very much so. Desire, passion, lust, it was all there, reflected in those eyes.

However, the excitement dissipated as quickly as it came. Eugenio had the impression he had heard something. "There are people coming this way," he said in a quick whisper. In a swift motion, he picked up Rhea in his arms and ran under the teacher's desk. He fervently hoped that the approaching individuals wouldn't find them there, hidden in a corner of the room.

"What happened..." Rhea began to ask, confused and alarmed by the abrupt change of the situation. But Eugenio quickly placed his hand over her mouth, silencing her.

"Be quiet if you don't want to lose your job and get us both screwed," Eugenio said in a serious tone, his penetrating gaze fixed on Rhea's eyes. He was dead serious; the situation was delicate, and they couldn't afford to be caught there.

Rhea, in turn, was more confused than ever. One minute ago, they were indulging in forbidden pleasures, and suddenly, Eugenio was taking her to hide under a table. But even without fully understanding the situation, she decided to stay silent. The serious expression on Eugenio's face made her realize that any word could jeopardize everything. So, she remained quiet, eagerly waiting to see what would happen next.

The room's door opened slowly, revealing two shadowy figures entering the space. "Isn't there a better place for this? Outside of the university, perhaps?" one of the men said, his voice cautious. He preferred discussing sensitive matters away from the prying eyes of the educational institution.

"Yes, but we don't have time. We need to take the girl to the boss," the other man retorted, exasperated. His impatience was palpable, and he began pacing around the room, pondering how to get the girl out of there without raising suspicion.

As he walked between the tables where students usually sat, he noticed one of them was damp. Curious, he approached and smelled a sweet, intense fragrance in the air. It wasn't a repugnant smell; rather, it was seductive and alluring. "Someone is here," the man declared, his serious gaze meeting that of his companion, who also adopted a grave expression.

"They've discovered us... We need to get out of here," Rhea whispered to Eugenio, her heart beating wildly like a drum. She could barely believe what she had heard from the mouths of those two individuals. Although she couldn't see clearly, as Eugenio had prevented her from looking, she was surprised by the revelation that a kidnapping was about to take place there, in what seemed like a secure place. Tension spread throughout her body, leaving her in a state of shock and anxiety.

Eugenio shot a piercing look at Rhea, his eyes flickering with a mixture of fear and determination. He knew very well that the men who had just entered the room were not ordinary figures - they exuded a dangerous, almost predatory air. Getting caught by them was not in his plans. A desperate idea crossed his mind - throwing Rhea to the wolves and trying to escape. After all, what difference would it make? If they pursued him, he could deal with it later.

Holding Rhea's shoulders firmly, he made her look directly at him. Her face was a picture of confusion and fear. To Eugenio, there was not a drop of sympathy for her. After all, she was a woman who had betrayed her husband, whether with him or with anyone else.

"You're scared, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice low and tense. "I understand. Don't worry, as the more experienced one, I'll help you."

Rhea bit her lower lip, a nervous gesture. She could see the tension written in every line of Eugenio's face. The confidence and control he displayed while touching her had vanished, replaced by an expression of serious concern.

Despite this, Rhea, older and more experienced, decided to give the young man a chance. She was willing to risk her own safety, even if it meant falling into the hands of those dangerous men. If it was necessary to sacrifice her own body to save a life, she would do so without hesitation. Deep down, she longed for the opportunity to apologize to her husband for the betrayal, for her lover, and for the newfound acquaintance, Eugenio, who had appeared in her life on that same day.

In the midst of tension and fear, a memory came to Eugenio's mind. He found himself back in the jiu-jitsu academy, wearing his light blue gi with a yellow belt tied at his waist. He was in a compromising position, caught in a hand triangle by a man twice his size and seemingly twice his age.

"What are you going to do now, kid?" the man asked, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Uncle Zé, you know I can't use brute force to get out of this!" Eugenio replied, trying to free himself.

"Then use technique and intelligence, my dear. After all, you're not a brute, you're a martial artist," Uncle Zé said, laughing, while applying more pressure to the triangle.

At the end of that training session, Uncle Zé sat down with Eugenio, sweaty and exhausted, and gave him advice he would never forget. "Eugénio, you're learning a powerful art. Don't use it to hurt people. Use it to protect the weak, especially women. They can be stronger than you think, but sometimes they need a gentleman to save them."

Eugene had laughed back then, wiping the sweat off his face with a carefree gesture. "Oh, Uncle Zé, you're going crazy. I don't have time for women. I'm focused on becoming a great fighter!"

Uncle Zé laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, my boy, you're young and innocent. One day you'll understand. Women have a way of infiltrating our lives, whether you like it or not."

Eugene rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile that formed on his face. Uncle Zé had always been a constant presence in his life, a mentor and a friend. Although his words seemed crazy at the time, Eugene now realized the depth of their meaning.

"Okay, old man," Eugene had responded, getting up and extending his hand to help Uncle Zé to his feet. "Now, let's get back to another fight. I need more practice if I want to become the best."

Uncle Zé laughed, accepting Eugene's help to stand up. "That's the spirit, my boy. Let's go, show me what you've got."

Uncle Zé, still laughing, put his hand on Eugene's shoulder and pulled him closer. "Eugene, my boy, I have one more thing to tell you."

Eugene raised an eyebrow, curious. Uncle Zé always had something interesting to say, sometimes ridiculous but always memorable. He nodded for the old man to continue.

"Well, it's about women. I know you're focused on becoming the best fighter and don't have time for them. But, my boy, always remember this: to make a woman fall in love, you have to be nice and... badass."

Eugene burst into laughter. "Badass, Uncle Zé? What do you mean by that?"

Uncle Zé winked at Eugene and smiled mischievously. "That, my young man, is something you'll have to figure out for yourself. But, I'll give you a hint. Being 'badass' is not just about being strong or good-looking. It's about being resilient, respectful, and, above all, being able to protect those around you, especially women. Believe me, they love a man who can take care of them."

Eugene looked at Uncle Zé, a smile playing on his lips. "I think you've been watching too many action movies, Uncle Zé."

Uncle Zé laughed, patting Eugene's shoulder. "Maybe, my boy. But, believe me, you'll see. One day, you'll understand exactly what I mean. And when that day comes, don't forget to thank your old Uncle Zé."

Eugene laughed along with Uncle Zé, shaking his head in amusement. "You're a crazy man, Uncle Zé. But somehow, I can't help but love you."

Uncle Zé smiled, his eyes filled with love and pride. "And I couldn't ask for a better nephew, Eugene. Now, let's get back to the fight. It's time for me to show you who the real 'badass' is here."

Eugene closed his eyes for a moment, a look of regret settling on his face. An old memory from high school resurfaced. He was just a young teenager, not yet familiar with the art of jiu-jitsu. And at that time, he was powerless to protect someone he loved.

"If I had been stronger back then... Maybe that wouldn't have happened," he muttered, his voice filled with bitterness and regret. The memory of that day still haunted him, a constant reminder of his helplessness.

Rhea, watching the expression of pain on Eugene's face, felt a pang in her heart. She had her own share of regrets and fears. But in that moment, she saw something in Eugene that made her want to protect him. Perhaps it was the vulnerability he was showing now, or perhaps it was the memory of the passion they had shared just moments ago. Either way, she knew she couldn't let him face danger alone.

"Rhea..." Eugene's voice came out soft, delicate, like a sigh carried by the wind. He had to swallow hard, almost as if punching himself in the throat, to keep that tenderness in his voice. "You need to be ready to run."

For a moment, he paused, as if gathering his courage. Then, with determined movements, he began unbuttoning his shirt. The sound of the fabric brushing against his skin seemed louder than it should in that tense silence.

"What are you talking about?" Rhea questioned, her voice firm as steel, leaving no room for argument. "I've already told you that if you need to run, then you will run."

The determination in her words was unwavering, even when Eugene tossed the shirt over her face. She was determined to protect this man, even though he had blackmailed her. Even though she had only known him today, if she promised to protect him, that was what she would do.

"Shut up and do as I say. I'll take care of these idiots," Eugene said, his voice resonating with a confidence that left no room for questioning.

Rhea removed the shirt from her face, ready to protest again, but before she could say a word, Eugene pulled her close. He sealed his lips with hers, a surprise kiss that left her speechless. It was a kiss of promise and farewell, a kiss that carried the urgency of the situation.

"Put this shirt over your face, so they don't see you. When I make my move, run!" Eugene ordered, not waiting for a response.

He lay on the ground, his muscles tensing in anticipation. His arms clung to the ground, pulling his legs into the air and bringing them close to his butt like a spring ready to be released. His entire body was taut, a bow ready to be fired at their enemies.

Rhea, although reluctant, nodded. She looked at Eugene's face one last time, marking in her memory the lines of his effort and the determination in his eyes. Then, she pulled the shirt over her face, feeling strangely secure under the fabric that still held his warmth and scent.

A strange and indescribable feeling welled up in her heart, a mixture of fear and desire she had never experienced before. It was like a thread of light in the darkness, a sign of hope amid the chaos. But with a shake of her head, she quickly pushed these feelings to the back of her mind. She didn't have time to get lost in useless thoughts and unfamiliar emotions.

Her reality was simple. She had to be ready to run, to escape the imminent threat. Every fiber of her being was tense, prepared for the moment when she would have to unleash the run and flee from that place. Her hands clutched the shirt with a force that surprised her, her knuckles turning white with the intensity of her grip.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm the frantic beating of her heart. She felt like a runner on the starting line, ready to sprint as soon as the starting shot was fired. Every muscle in her body was coiled, tense as a bowstring, ready to catapult her forward with the slightest provocation.

She was ready to run. Ready to disappear into the night like a ghost, just a whisper in the breeze. All she needed was Eugene's