Chapter 6 : First day in LGBTQ+ accepted school
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(First Person POV)

Ugh... I think i heard an alarm.

*Nit nit nit nit nit nit nit*

It's getting louder.

*Nit nit nit nit NIT NIT NIT*

I get up, look to my right, see my phone, and shut it down. It's freaking disturbing. Let's go back to dreamland! 

Wait. *Checks on the time* Oh fridge, it's 5:30. Right, let's get up.

Alright, first things first, cleanse myself. *Goes to the bathroom* 

Since I'm using a tap, i might as well do the sunnah1Let me explain it from the basics. So, there's wajib (Obligation), sunnah (Recommended), haram (Forbidden), makruh (Despised/Hated), and mubah (Allowed). These are the laws of Islam. These law controls what Muslims can and can't do. These laws apply to anything. I might have made some debater's time bomb activated, but hey, lack of English language. too.

 Done cleansing, it's time to do the prayers. 

I look up the direction of kiblat2Kiblat is where Muslims face when they're praying (Sholat). Ka'bah (A square building that has been built by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma'il, ordered by god) is where the direction of Kiblat is pointing to. using an app I downloaded, put down the phone, and started praying.


Alright, I finished praying. So... What do i do?

Hmm... Let me think... Never mind, let me just go take a bath real quick. 



So i grabbed my uniform around 3 days ago, on UA. It looks good. I put it on the bed, and look for a singular undershirt and underwear. 

After the clothing choices are done, it's time to take a bath.

I never try drowning myself in the bathtub, let's see how it feels like.


So uhh... You turn the hot tap first right? *Turns the hot tap* Then the cold tap after the hot tap fills the bathtub like 40%. 

Aanndd... *Turns the hot tap off, and turns the cold tap on* Now, time to wait for the water to get warmer. I think i just need 20%.

Noice, it's done. Let's see... *Puts my toe first* Okay, slowwlyy. *Sits down* Oukay, now i know what it feels like.


Just need to spend around 10 minutes, and I'm done. 



(20 minutes later)

ZzzzzZzzzZzzz..... BlbBpplBbbbbrrrrrrpppp. I think I'm drowning. *Opens up my eyes* BLRP!


"Haaaaaa, Huuuuuuhhhh" Yes I'm taking my breath, shush.

I get out of the bathtub and feels like my fingers are getting older. *Checks my hands and fingers* Yeah, i definitely spent my time a little longer than expected.

After drying myself, i wear the uniform along with the clothes i prepared earlier. *Looks at the mirror, proud of myself (Or cringe'd, really)*.

I look good and at the same time, i feel weird and, cringe.

"Ugh! Ew! Zamn! Is that me? God, if you gave me this skin color, can i have a re-roll and get my brown skin back?"


"They took me here, i know god. I know" I still have like 50% brown on me, so I'm good with that.

Right, let me just describe myself, with the uniform i wear.

If I'm gonna be honest, i look like a weird nice kid. That's what i think how people will see me. Or more precisely how Midoriya will see me.

I mean, I'm wearing Kopiah/Songkok3Check on Chapter 4, i don't think anyone would miss it.. Plus, I'm in Japan. Which means that wearing this hat states that I'm a total stranger. A tourist, some might say.

*T-Posing in front of the mirror* I look nice at least. If any of the weebs in my country see this, they will laugh at me.

Ah yea, i forgot that i ordered a breakfast too. I mean, they gave me a nice hotel to live for a temporary time. 

I eat my breakfast and go to UA after that. This would be a nice and at the same time exciting day.


Knowing that i somehow managed to become known in my middle school and somehow made a lot of friends but only a few close friends4Ever heard about Ambivert? Go check out what that is. Also, the same goes to my current high school, where i learn coding and such., i might be able to befriend with- Wait, they're already my friends, or maybe more. Brothers and Sisters without blood relationship. They might not realize it, but I'll be nice anyway.


Of course, i went to UA with Midoriya. I complimented his looks, and he complimented mine too. 

"Seriously, Midoriya. You look nice"

"Ahahaha, you look nicer than me with that hat"

"You think? I believe Bakugou will hate me" *Smiles*

"No, you look good. Alf-san?" *I feel like his tone saddening*

"Oh don't worry about me getting beaten up by him. He's just a kid, like us"

He stays quiet...

"This is the first day you go to UA, learning inside its classes. Why are you sad?" *Pretty eager tone i suppose*

He looks happy i cheer him up. "You're right. I shouldn't be sad on the first day we go to school"

"Now that's how you should act on the first day of school! Except if you want to be the cold kid, hehe"

He giggles with me, for a short time.

"So, we're in the same class if I'm not wrong. 1-A?"


"Noice. I feel alone without a friend like you"

"Really? You look like you can make a friend anywhere"

"Is it?" 

"Yes, Alf-san"

"I guess i can. Also, there's gonna be a test, if I'm not wrong. That means, we're gonna have a physical test"

"How did you know that?"

"I ask Nezu-Sensei about our class and its homeroom teacher. It's quite surprising actually"

"Surprising? Why?"

"Because our homeroom teacher is super lazy, i might think he's a koala or some sort of it. Seriously"

He got startled.

"Are you sure?"

"You'll know what i mean when we meet him"

We arrived at the UA gate and proceeded further.

"I bet people are gonna look me like I'm a weird kid"

"I don't think you are weird. I think you're nice"

"So if i do this, I'm not weird?" *Start's T-Posing and creeps on Deku menacingly* 

"Ugh... Well... Not really"

"You sure?"

"Y-Yeah" He started to back up.

*Stops T-Posing* "Don't worry, that's just a joke, hehe" *Taps on Deku's shoulder* "Let's get in".

We both went inside and looked for our class, 1-A.

I see the door to our class.

"Hey Deku, here". *Waves at Deku*

Deku just froze in place, looking at my side.

That gaze... That only means one. Uraraka. 

I look to my right and see Uraraka, looking at Deku, waving at him, and looking at me. 

It looks like she's trying to say thank you to me. Uraraka approaches him and they get into the anime conversation.

Well, good girl, i appreciate it.

Now... *Stands in front of the classroom door*


I feel like this is different than the school I've been back then. Maybe because this place is more friendly? Probably.

Alright, just need to sit down. Easy.

I took my first step, going to open the door and-

I heard Aizawa's voice.

I should have remembered this scene.
