Ch 23. Transformation
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Here it is the chapter everyone has been waiting for.



“Mommy!” Myrra giggled excitedly, she ran over to the statuesque goddess, throwing herself into her mother's arms. 

“I'm so proud of you,” she beamed, lifting Myrra up. “Guess what?”


“You’re strong enough to start now.”

“I'm going to become myself?” Myrra gasped.

“Not entirely,” she said, making the small girl frown. “Before you protest, you’ll be your real self, but it won't be a nymph.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll be human still, but a girl. And once you're strong enough, you’ll become a goddess like me.”

“But you’re a goddess already,” she said, confused. 

“I am. But of Loreth. You’ll be a goddess of Lorianna.”

“I’m going to be a goddess?” Sam asked. “But why?”

“Because you’re special. Your gentle nature and love of all living things sets you apart from everyone else.”

“Can I do it?”

“You’ll do a wonderful job,” she smiled and conjured an armchair before sitting down. A soft glow enveloped the pair.

“Mom? What happens to people after they die?”

“Their souls go to the Yggdrasil tree,” she responded matter-of-factly.

“Yggdrasil tree? Like Norse mythology?”

“Not entirely. It's also known as the tree of life. Among its roots, you’ll find the souls of mortals, providing nutrients in the form of mana to the tree. And among the boughs you’ll find the souls of us gods. The tree, feeding and nurturing our souls.”

“What happens to the mortal souls?”

“They are cleansed of their memories and excess mana before being placed in the cycle of reincarnation once more.”

“That necromancer said he would become the god of death by sacrificing our souls.”

“Souls can't be used in that way. Though you can use the mana from a soul to fuel your spell, the soul itself will remain unharmed.”

“I’m glad, having your soul eaten would have been bad,” she said softly.

“Such a kind girl,” she hugged her daughter tighter.

“So are there going to be other gods on Lorianna?”

“Yes, the others have been chosen already, you’ll meet the others in time.”

“I hope they’re nice.”

“All done,” she said cheerfully. 

“That quick?”

“That quick.”


“What's wrong sweetie?”

“I wanted to snuggle more.”

“We can snuggle as much as you want.”

The two of them cuddled, a smile of contentment on both of their faces. Eventually the small girl fell asleep, and her mother conjured a bed. After placing the small girl in it, her body began to fade away.

“You’ll have to tell her you know,” Phoebe’s voice cut through the silence.

“Sister, ah… you’re here…”

“Don't worry, I'm not here to scold you,” she replied, holding up a hand.

“Even though, you are teaching her before she's really ready to know.”

“She's smart, and I'm making sure to hide the memories when she leaves.”

“She could remember, if she applies her mana enough.”

“The lorinnians think this is a game. They won’t think to try outside of it. How is it going, by the way?”

“Good, far better than expected. Once the time comes, most of them will be able to utilize their magic.”

“That’s good.”

A silence fell between them as they watched the girl fade completely away.

It was Phoebe that broke the silence, “I talked to her in the death dream. I understand now what you meant. She truly is a special girl.”

“That she is…” she let the words hang between them. “Anyway let's go.” She disappeared from the spot. Followed shortly by her sister.




Sam woke up groggy and bleary as he head pounded. She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Splashing water on her face, she examined herself in the mirror.

“That was intense,” she said to herself. Her voice felt, softer? For that matter, something felt off, but her half conscious brain couldn’t say exactly what. Before heading back to her room, she started to fill the tub. Today was definitely a dress day, she thought to herself. Finding something cute to wear before making her way back into the bathroom. Yawning as she walked.

She looked in the mirror again, a small frown on her face as she tried to figure out what felt off. Tilting her head side to side, but she couldn’t tell, instead she began to disrobe. Tossing her dirty clothes in the hamper, she made her way into the bath. Grabbing the shower head, she began to rinse herself off. That feeling of difference returning, as the water ran down her body. Tracing her narrow shoulders, down her soft curvy sides, traveling down her smooth yet toned stomach, and down to her shapely thighs. Then it hit her, she realized what the difference was.

An addition, or perhaps subtraction, that she was surprised she hadn't noticed before. She stared at what used to be, her mind struggling to comprehend what happened. She was sure it was there last time she looked, not that she liked to look that often. Yet there it was, smooth and clear. Well, not quite smooth, more like puffy and soft. She prodded the area, it felt strange, but also freeing.

A million questions ran through her mind as she silently alternated between absolute joy and unyielding terror. In a cliché manner, she checked the other spot, but found herself disappointed. They were there but were disappointingly small, she frowned before it hit her that what happened was akin to a miracle. Why had this happened? Was it some virus? Was it the game? No, that wasn't really possible, this was real life, not some anime. The one thing she was certain of was that she needed to hide this from Kat. Her sister would definitely panic.

“Sam, when you’re done in there, let's have something to eat,” Kat said through the glass door, as if summoned by her thoughts. 

“R…right,” she stuttered.

“Are you ok?” 

“Yea I'm fine, you just startled me,” she giggled nervously.

“Alright, don’t take too long.”

“Right,” she said as she returned to cleaning up.




Her face was beet red as she stared in the mirror. She hoped Kat didn’t hear anything that had happened. That verified that, she was indeed a girl. Though, she wondered how much of a girl. After giving herself time for her flush to go away and the warm tingles to go away. She was still basking in the euphoric feelings when she made her way to the living room.

“Someone’s happy,” Kat teased.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked, her cheeks going pink. Had her sister heard after all?

“You have a big smile on your face.”

“Oh… Cause I was thinking about the game,” she chuckled. 

“Yea, the game,” she frowned. “Anyway, let's eat.”

“What are we having?”

“Well, since you’re already dressed up, I was thinking we could go out somewhere nice.”

“I’d like that,” she beamed.

“Alright someplace traditional?”

“That sounds good.”

“There's that place we went to a few months ago,” Kat said, ordering them a ride. 

“Oooo sounds fun,” Sam giggled, earning a raised eyebrow from her sister. “What?” she asked, sticking out her tongue.

“You’re a goof,” she giggled.

“No, you,” she launched herself at her sister, tackle hugging her. Two points of pain flashing on her chest. Kat tilted her head questioningly.

“Did you get more feminine?”

“Uh, no, I’m still just me…” she giggled awkwardly. 

Kat looked closer at her, before shrugging and hugging her sister back. Sam breathed an internal sigh of relief before snuggling close to her sister.

“We should get ready the tram is only a few minutes away,” Kat said interrupting their cuddle session. 


“Yea, but I'm hungry. So let's go.”


“You’re adorable.”

“And only getting cuter,” she beamed.

“Dangerous…” Kat murmured.

The two sisters giggled before separating. Sam retrieved her purse and looked around her room. It definitely needed to be remodeled, her mind wandered back to her miraculous transformation once again. Placing her hand on her belly, she began to wonder if she was all girl now. Maybe one day she could have a baby? She hid her face, blushing all the way to her ears. 

“Are you ready?” Kat called.

“Coming,” she replied, refocusing her thoughts.




“Then I blasted him with some beam of light attack that turned him to dust,” Sam explained excitedly. 

“That sounds like it was cool, sorry I wasn't there. I felt the danger to you, but I collapsed before I could come help.”

“How come?”

“I apparently gained enough XP to get my third tail. It was actually pretty cool.”

“How so?”

“Well, after I blacked out, I woke up in a beautiful shrine. It was an ancient Japanese style shrine. With a small pond surrounded by Sakura trees. Blossoms floating on the water, and being blown by the wind. And sitting on a blanket was this beautiful silver kitsune. She had nine tails and radiated power and grace.”

“‘Welcome, young one,’ she said to me. ‘Your growth is impressive. And I believe you will make a fine heir. You have already come so far and gained so much power.’ Then she had me come sit beside her. With an elegant and expensive looking brush, she combed my tails. It felt wonderful.” She also told me I need to gain more power if I want to stand beside the one I cherish. But I can't tell Sam that…

“She sounds nice,” Sam replied, her cheeks pink.

“Hmm? Oh, yea, she was. And she said she’d see me again once I had five tails.” 

“And to do that, you need to win that tournament, right?”

“Yea, it’s the easiest way.”

“There are others?”

“Yea, one involves spending six months in daily meditation up at this shrine. Another involves taking down a powerful corrupted enemy and purifying the amulet that it's wearing. And a few other ones.”

“Sounds hard,” Sam replied, taking a big bite of her food. It was delicious, the dish was adapted by Japanese immigrants. Taking advantage of some unique Pacific Republic ingredients. 

“It isn't easy,” she replied, eating a healthy bite. “Not like your start,” she teased, making Sam pout. Before the both of them burst into laughter.



“I love you,” she smiled.

“I love you too.”

The two of them finished their meal in silence. The waitress giving them their check shortly before they cleaned there. The two sisters climbed into the tram, the small ten-person vehicle had four others sitting in the seats. Sam sat down in the corner seat, her sister sitting protectively at her side. 

“What are we gonna do now?”

“Well, I kinda wanna watch some anime. Then I was thinking of taking the day off to go to the amusement park tomorrow.”

“No, I meant in game,” she pouted.

“I know, I think taking a day off would be fine. But if you wanted to sign in when we get home, I won't stop you.”

“No, I think I’ll watch anime with you, and the amusement park sounds fun. We should do that.”

“Sure, I’ll call off in the morning. They owe me for all the late nights I've been putting in.”

Sam nodded and stared out the window. The sun had gone down sometime while they were eating. The city had a special feel about it, she had heard stories about how it used to be. Their stop came quickly, three of the four people getting off at the same stop as them. The pair climbed into the elevator and rode it to their floor. 

Kat let her sister inside before closing the door behind them. Sam was already sitting on the couch when she walked in. 

“What are we gonna watch?”

“I was thinking that adorable gender change slice of life,” Kat answered, sitting down on the couch.

“Oh, why that one?”

“Well, cause it's kinda similar to us.”

“In what way?” Sam stammered. Her heart leapt into her throat.

“Well, a sister whose brother became a girl,” she said innocently, not hearing Sam's choked whimper. “Well, you were trans, but It's still a cute story.”

“Sounds like it,” she said softly, snuggling up to her sister. Kat wrapped her arm around her sister and pulled her close, her arm wrapped around Sam’s stomach. “You’re so soft,” she said. 

Sam’s sudden transformation lay in the back of her mind as she watched the anime. She had been trying to think about how and why. Despite her worries, she was still ecstatic, she felt like she was floating on a cloud. A gentle, warm cloud that was taking her away. The show was cute, fluffy and left her feeling warm and tingly. It wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep. Wrapped in the best blanket of all, sisterly love.