Chapter 7 : The internet is magical
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Yeah so, i think it's just my feelings.

I look around, trying to spot Aizawa, but i don't see him anywhere.

Am i hallucinating? Probably.

Deku steps inside along with Uraraka, followed by me.

Then i see them both, the 2 guys that achieved rank 1 and 2. Lida and Bakugou.

I think this went like what's on the anime. Deku steps inside, and is quickly stopped by Lida, who's flattering him about bla bla bla, like on the script.

Hm? Wait... I kinda forgot.

"If you guys want to talk, go look for another place" 

That's pretty husky, who? *Turns around* "Oh..."

All four of us are... Yeah, i don't know, i have no comments.

Turns out, meeting a sleepy homeroom teacher who likes to sleep anywhere is a little awkward. 

"This is a hero school, you know" *Sips yogurt (i think, i don't know. That looks like astronaut drinks)*

I look at him, surprised, and turn to them. Ah, they're surprised too. I bet they didn't know there was a person down there.

Yeah, i'm out from this script. I stopped getting surprised and chose my seat. The one on the front, near the window. That's mine >:)

The class gasped when Aizawa told them he's their new homeroom teacher.

He lifts his hand, holding what looks like a jumpsuit, or training suit.

"This is a little sudden, but wear this quickly and go to the field"


I sit on the backline, behind them, below a tree.


What powers should i use?

Let's see... The first test if I'm not wrong was 50 Meters run. Maybe it's best for me to just sprint as hard as I can.

Oh? You want me to use SAM? Why though? 

One, i need physical training. Two, heavily relying on tools isn't great. Three, i never skip walk day.

Alright. Let's exercise.

*Does a quick 2 minutes exercise*

Okay, it's line up time.

I waited for my turn, that is after Deku. So, while we wait, let's think about what power to- Ah yeah, i've talk about that before. The urge to become Demoknight or using Sticky Jumper is enough to make me think twice.

Should i meme it? Or shouldn't i? 





Yeah we're memeing.

Hmm... Which one should i use... Demoknight or The Sticky Jumper?

*Sings something and starts to point left and right, along with the rhythm. Right for Sticky jump, left for Demoknight* Mini mini mayni mo, where i point that's where i go. *Stops1Fun fact: I did this IRL. Seriously, i did this, no joke.* Sticky Jumper wins!

Alright, just need to spawn that thing then. I'm gonna need a plank or something.

"Alright. Next, Alf Knark"

Oh look, it's my turn.

I stand on the line, planted a plank right behind me and spawning The Sticky Jumper,

Everyone seems to be surprised at me summoning this thing in a second.

I launched 2 Stickies on the plank, allowing me to launch myself horizontally and quickly. I stand very close to the stickies, like, a few centimeter close.

"Ready!" *BANG*

*Jumps a bit*

*Launch myself towards the finish line, and got a time record around 1.04 seconds*

That was quick... Maybe too quick

Also, you might wonder why i took no fall damage. You're curious about this, right? I don't think you are, but i'll explain it anyway.

So, because of SAM, i can spawn, summon items from a game, or utilizing the game to my own advantage. In TF2 (Team Fortress 2), you won't get any damage even if you launch yourself to a wall with the speed of light. You only get fall damage from a certain height.

So, that explains why i'm okay right now. One problem with me sticky jumping is....

I made a smoke grenade using the dust. It hurts my eyes.

I rub my eyes, wiping all of the dust i got on my face.


*Looks around* I can see why i feel a deadly stare on my nerves, the blood-boiled kid. Yes, that blonde boi.

I look at Deku, and approach him. "Tired?"

Deku pant a bit. "No i'm not. Thanks for asking"

"Stay strong, stay optimistic alright?" *Pats his back*

"Yeah, i will" He smiles, i return the smile of course, with a smile.




Moving to the second test, gripping test.



I kinda hate it, but i'm pretty weak at gripping things. I'm gonna be honest, i keep dropping my phone back on my room, hurting my face. It's painful.

But, that only happens 3 times! Well... 3 times a day.

Alright. *Holding the grip test tightly* I just need to squeeze this thing just like me squeezing a fruit, more likely an orange2She's annoying, alright?.

Alright. In 3, 2, 1.


*Looks at the strength counter* 58 Kg. Welp, i'm still a weak human of course.


Who screamed? Oh, that robotic hinge boi, flattering the big buffed kakashi(No joke, his hair is white, and well, 70% Similiar front hair. Plus, he wears a mask).

And Deku... Yeah, he's staying optimistic, i hope.



Third Test, long jump test.


For this one, i'm gonna go with Parkour, da roblox parkour experience.

It's my turn, and i did the same thing with the sticky jump. I'm not gonna sticky jump, because i like varieties. And the word varieties makes me pride of my country3That smol country with lots of islands, and has the 2nd or 3rd biggest population in the world. Yes, that country that makes what people called "The best noodle/ramen in the world" (Nationalism? Absolutely).

Let's see... Should i go all in or no? *Starts pointing right and left* Mini mini mayni mo, where i point that's where i go. *Stops* We're going right, we're going all in bois!.

I spawned 3 items, and equipped all of em. Praxis Glove, Mag Rail, and Adrenaline Boost.

Aizawa looks at me, as if i was one of the valuable students.

I put a plank on my side again, like earlier, but a much longer ones.

"Ready!" *Bang!*

*Jumps a bit*

*Does Mag Dash4Here's a link to check out Mag Dash. Make sure to look on Mag Rail moves: Or look it up on Youtube, whatever. . A.K.A Wallrun forwards, cancel Wallrun, quickly turns around, Wallrun backwards, and cancelling it again*

The result of my Mag Dash is... Sheesh, it's epic.

If Bakugou moves that fast (Refers to the anime), then i move 3 times faster. I think i got around 80 K/ms for a brief moment there, leaping above the sand pool in a quick speed.

I feel proud of myself. *Smiles* *Suddenly realizes, shifting my moods to a lazy one* Why should i remember what fandom arrives first, why?? WHY!??

*Sigh* Let's just forget that first.



4th test, side jump.



For this one, just like the grip test, i'm doing this gearlessly.

Yeah, i got a bad score... I don't want to talk about it alright? It's decent, but in the heroes school, this isn't decent.

*Shrugs* Yeah, just need to balance it with the other test. I just need to get a nice score on the next test.



5th test, throwing ball.



*Sees Uraraka floating the ball* 

"Yes i've seen this but, gurl, what the fu-"

Alright. At this point, i got no more comments. Based on my studies, and Aizawa speech, i've come into a conclusion.


Quirk is life cheats. Change my mind.




It's Deku's turn, and i think it just ends up like on the anime.

Deku tries to blow his hand, prevented by Aizawa, Aizawa scares the crap out of Deku, All Might complaining behind a corner, Deku motivates himself, Ball go brrrrrrrrrrr, Aizawa smirks, and All Might is proud of Deku.


My turn.


I step into the circle, holds the ball, and throws it as hard as i can. Yes i'm using SAM again.

For this one, i choose Roblox, and use the uhh... Those "Yeet simulator" games on roblox.

And for your information, i got a nice set of pets to make my yeet much higher and further.

Sooo.... I think i got 2nd place on this test.



For the rest of the test (excluding sprint), it's half relieving and half torturing. Yes i never skip walk day but, that's walk day, not body-building day. Half-torturing, because i'm not that good at physical training, and half-relieving, because i take it as a body practice.


After the test, i feel tired, very tired.

Finally, i can relax a bit now. Aizawa announced us about our score.

I'm too tired, let me relax a bit.
