Fun On The Road *
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The next morning, Leon woke up exhausted after a sleepless night. Not only could he constantly feel the remnants of Selia's throat on his member last night, but his mind was wide awake, constantly asking himself what her words meant last night. 

He knew that Asmodeus was an elitist school but was there more to it? He couldn't help but question himself more and more as he thought back to the interviews and numerous tests he had done in order to get into the Academy. 

The more he remembered, the more it felt like there really was something 'special' or strange about this Academy but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. On top of that, his mother's behaviors began to make a bit more sense, as she would sometimes raise her voice or completely ignore any questions he asked about the school. 

"Wake up sleepy head~" A finger poked his cheek, making him jump in his seat. 

Turning toward the blonde succubus named Selia, he moved past his thoughts on the school and focused on the present. She smiled brightly at him, teasing and joking with Aaron and Tessa. 

"Rough night huh? I get that sometimes when I travel with my folks." Aaron nodded in understanding. 

"Yeah... just... nervous." Leon put on a fake smile while stealing a glance at the woman beside him. 

She gave him a knowing smirk, making him gulp so he reached for his water bottle.

"I bet he was jerking off or something~" 

"pfft!" and all his water flew onto the back of Aaron's seat. 

Leon coughed while glaring angrily at the deviant beside him as she held a hand to her mouth, covering a laugh. Tessa burst out laughing as well while Aaron complained about his chair being attacked. 

For the next few hours, the four of them joked around, told stories and just got to know each other. They still had quite a ways to go before reaching the school so after a stop for lunch, most students fell asleep or got sucked into their electronic devices. 

However a certain pair were still restless...

"Mmh!" A small moan escaped past the covered mouth of the short stacked blonde.

Her beautiful green eyes filled with lust gazed down between her legs as a muscular hand gently rubbed her special place from under her clothes. Turning her gaze to the man beside her, she saw him wearing a grin on his face as his fingers worked their magic, sending sparks throughout her body. 

She couldn't help but squirm a bit and could feel her lower lips getting wetter by the second. His fingers ran up and down the length of her slit, just barely splitting them apart before he would suddenly attack her clit.

Then without warning, he would shove a finger deep within her narrow hole and spread apart her walls. She sucked in her breath every time he did so and she couldn't prepare for it either. It annoyed her that she was being toyed like this, but what really made her brow furrow was the stupid grin on that man's face as he worked. 

'He's definitely getting revenge.' She thought.

Selia glared with a flushed face from behind her hands as she looked into those stupid icy blue eyes of his. Even though Leon looked like a mad man right now, there was an underlying seriousness to his face, telling her that he wasn't going to stop until she came. 

A shiver ran down her spine and her kitty cat couldn't help but purr happily. What she liked most in a partner wasn't his looks or how big his dick was, it was his skill and determination to satisfy her. She had slept with men before who were less than average in the size department but they REALLY knew how to make a woman cum and would work hard for it. 

Such a man was what she desired and such serious hands were turning her on beyond belief right now. 

"Mmm~" She moaned louder than before after he plunged his finger within her walls again. 

She couldn't help but move a hand to his forearm trying to brace herself. Her legs felt weak and she sweat from the constant up and downs that he gave her. He never let up, constantly switching things up and just when she felt she would follow his rhythm, he would suddenly change angles. 

Leon knew exactly what she was doing, as he had slept with a girl once who liked to take charge like this. She wanted to be in control even when she didn't realize she wanted to be so he knew just how to knock her off her game.

The glares she kept giving him despite her eyes rolling back slightly when he would shove his fingers in her tight hole continued to make his dick twitch from within his own shorts. 


The two of them jumped and Selia grabbed a blanket at the speed of light. Their hearts thumped loudly out of their chests as they looked into the isle of the bus to see everyone dozing off or listening to music. 

"Bless you." A student said not long after. 

"Thank you!" The sneezer responded happily and the two of them sighed in relief. 

They were playing an extremely dangerous game right now and the two of them had to take a second to calm themselves. Getting caught would be horrendous, and could even result in expulsion if the school deemed it so, but the sexual tension between the two had been steadily increasing as time went on. 

Ever since they "got to know each other better" they had constantly exchanged crude signals with each other, or touching the other that would make them suck in their breath. One moment Selia would be pressing her tongue against her cheek seductively pretending to put something in her mouth and the next, Leon would be 'accidentally' brush up against her nipple and his finger would just happen to press against it. 

The casual clothes they wore definitely didn't help, as there was an ease of access that came with wearing running shorts and a tank top. Selia couldn't even get a chance to stroke Leon's bulging member, as her mind was in turmoil over the stimuli she was receiving after Leon plunged his hand back into her soaked panties. 

Her eyes continued to roll back slightly as her orgasm quickly approached. The sounds of her slick pussy were growing louder, only adding to her horniness and before she knew it, her legs began trembling uncontrollably. 

Leon continued to flick her bean and invade her walls even as she flailed, only using his free arm to give her a place to hold on to and keep her legs in check. She pushed herself into his chest, digging her nails into his arm and even biting his neck in frustration as her orgasm raged on.

She definitely thought that this was up there to compete for her best orgasms yet. He was able to find her sweet spots with precision, something that was definitely harder for men to do to women than the reverse from her experience.

Over a minute passed before she finally came down and she could feel the puddle of juices that were now left in her shorts. She didn't even need to lift the blanket that barely covered her bottom half to know just how wet she was. 

The river that had poured out of her stained Leon's hand as he brought it out for a taste. Selia couldn't help but grit her teeth and blush while this man tasted his accomplishment. She hated how good he was at this, never expecting her new partner to give her such a good battle. 

'Things really will be interesting with him here.' the thought crossed her mind as the two of them began to discretely clean up. 

The way Leon also helped clean up after himself made the sweaty blonde think of him just a tad bit better. Only a tad, since he was still an ass for making her work so hard for that orgasm. The competition between these two was only just beginning as they silently dozed off after their workout...

Evening soon arrived and the group of students were led off the bus and to another campsite along this long, mountainous path that they had gotten on. Being so deep into the valley, Asmodeus was almost impossible to get to unless you had been there before. 

The road at this point was starting to get worse and worse, leading to a less enjoyable ride than the students were hoping for. Even so, no one complained as they were too excited to reach their destination.

"Alright everyone! Make sure to get some dinner and get a good night's rest. We won't be stopping after today since there aren't any convenient stores here in the mountains." A woman in her 30s who was a staff member for the Academy yelled out to the group that got off the bus. 

There were a few grumbles but that was all. They had been warned before to bring camping supplies so even if most of it wasn't being used, students should have brought some snacks in preparation for such a trip. 

Leon, Selia, Aaron and Tessa were joined by the twins Casey and Emma for some dinner before they all split for the evening. Taking a long needed shower helped ease the tension in Leon's body after such an eventful 2 days. 

He never expected to get it on with Selia as much as he had but his competitive spirit couldn't help it. He only hoped that she wouldn't visit him for some 'bonding time' tonight so he could be well rested tomorrow. 

Orientation was supposed to start right away after all, since they were going to be one of the last buses to reach campus. Quickly finishing up his shower, he got dressed for bed and it didn't take long for him to drift off to dream land. 





"Wakey Wakey~" a demoness called out to him and signaling another sleepless night...

I will be posting 2 chaps a day until I am caught up with the publishing that I do on Webnovel <3
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