Chapter 92: Disappointment War.
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Chapter 92: Disappointment War.

(Selenia’s POV)

Just six hours into the war, and the entire enemy army was completely destroyed. Not a single one of my soldiers ended up dying. What the flying fuck!? Why was it so damn easy!!!!? I expected at least a few thousand deaths on my side…

Selenia: “…”

Resoria: “We understand that you’re disappointed, Selenia. We’re too. This war was a joke.” She said, rubbing my head to console me.

Zella: “Oh… Is it over? I fell asleep a few hours ago…” She said with a yawn.

Cirilia: “It’s over. And with no casualties on our side at all.” She said with an annoyed sigh.

Fucking Tucker! You little bitch of a blessed being! How the fuck did you not put up a fight at all!? Did that bastard even show up in this war at all? Oh, Radahn is back. Let’s listen to his report. Maybe it will unpiss me off…

Radahn: “Queen Selenia, Queen Zella… can we just skip the formalities?” He asked.

Selenia: “Sure.” I agree with a wave of my hand.

Radahn: “Selenia… I am majorly upset… That bastard… he turned his own people into mindless slaves. Using a hoard of drones that did no thinking, he assumed that he would win against us. It is disgusting to the core…” He said with an angry tone.

Selenia: “Ah, so that is what Tucker decided to do, huh? No wonder he fucking lost. Stupid bastard…” I say, rubbing my head in annoyance.

Resoria: “Radahn, we will have it recorded in history that the enemy army was sane and valiant.” She said with a warm tone.

Radahn: “I thank you kindly for that, then. I and my family will never forgive such kindness.” He said with a thankful bow.

Honor meant a lot to Radahn, even to this day. This war was supposed to not only be his last war, but also his most legendary one.

That fucker ruined this for him, and I will get revenge on Tucker for this stain on life on Radahn’s honor. Speaking of which, did he say all the people!? Surely not, right?

Selenia: “Radahn… what of the city?” I ask nervously.

Radahn: “Empty. The same goes for all the towns and cities for miles. Most of the kingdoms, according to the guilds report, are empty as well. He sacrificed so many lives, all to just waste them due to his stupidity.” He explained, still with a lot of anger in his voice.

Selenia: “So… only the kingdoms near Sooven, and Sooven itself is left?” I ask with a thinking pose.

Radahn: “From what we’ve heard, yes. Due to this war, less than 10% of the population remains. That is, a rough estimate would be that there are only 600,000 people still living. This isn’t counting the demon kingdom, mind you.” He answered.

Selenia: “Does… does that include our army?” I ask.

Radahn: “It does… So about 300,000 something left are just citizens. This is cruelty of the highest level, Selenia…” He replied.

Selenia: “…”

Such a small population… I will basically be owning a small country, rather than an empire at this point. Why does that bitch, Tucker, not only fail to give me a challenge… but also fuck me over by depopulating my continent!?

Radahn: “Selenia… please, for me, for the people of this world, kill that bastard in the worst way possible.” He pleaded, kneeling to the ground once more.

Selenia: “Of course. That is the plan, you know.” I agree.

Radahn: “Good… And thank you. That man is still in his throne room, seemingly waiting for death. Not even running away, I struggle to believe the guilds report on his whereabouts…” He informed.

Sending Radahn off to deal with the matter of taking over the rest of the empire, my wives and I started to prepare for the final push in this game. Speaking of which, I never got an answer about that kid king, but either Zaid or Tucker killed him, most likely.

Though, once this game is over, will I lose contact with Marika? That Goddess of ours has somewhat rubbed off on me at this point. Much to my chagrin…

Marika: “Oh, how nice it is that you think so kindly of me, Selenia!” She said happily, giving me a tight hug.

Selenia: “…”

Marika: “And don’t worry, I will be with you all forever. After all, it is due in part to your efforts that I am now happily married.” She answered my question, finally letting me go from the prison that was her big breasts.

Resoria: “And what of that game of yours?” She asked with a curious tone.

Marika: “Well, just kill Tucker and the game will be over. Once you do, it will end with me winning. Then, I will go kill those two other higher beings.” She nonchalantly answered.

Cirilia: “You don’t seem that happy about this, Marika.” She said with a raised eyebrow.

Marika: “Oh, that is because my wife is an Outer Goddess. Since she is, there really is no reason for me to bother with these games anymore.” She replied.

Zella: “Really? Then why bother with this one?” She asked.

Marika: “I hate leaving things unfinished. Besides, I hate those two with a burning passion. On top of that, I have grown quite fond of you all.” She answered with a smile.

Selenia: “Aw… how sweet… I am still pissed off that you didn’t invite us to your wedding.” I say with a scoff.

Marika: “I haven’t had a wedding yet. Just to make sure that you don’t get upset, I will wait until you marry your wives. Which is a funny thing to say, as you are soul married to them, and you call them your wives, but you are not officially married to them.” She said with a laugh.

Resoria: “Ah, does that mean that you will invite us to your wedding?” She asked with an excited tone.

Marika: “Yes, I will. Please look forward to it. Regardless of how grand that you wish to make your wedding, mine will be far, far grander. After all, my wife is an Outer Goddess. My Wife is an Outer Goddess.” She agreed.

Selenia: “You said that twice, Marika. Did you break, or something?” I say with a laugh.

Marika: “Important things should be repeated twice, dear Selenia.” She said, booping my nose, seemingly just for fun.

Selenia: “…”

Don’t boop my nose! My nose is for my wives, and my wives alone to boop! I will report you for cheating on your wife, booping another girl’s nose! Cheeky Goddess.

Before leaving, Zella asked Marika what an Outer Goddess was. Basically, it was a Goddess that had no limits on what they could or couldn’t do. That is to say, Marika married a completely overpowered woman…

With Marika’s chat done and over with, we all left the makeshift military camp, and then we set off for the capital city. We did so while riding horses. Even if we can fly, we have to go there in style, you know? That Tucker fucker better be waiting for us with bated breath!!! Heh… tucker fucker… I made a pun. Heh… Goddess, I am still pissed off!!!