Chapter 93: The Empty City, and the Foolish King.
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Chapter 93: The Empty City, and the Foolish King.

(Selenia’s POV)

The few soldiers that stayed behind to guard the city greeted us at the gate and opened it up for us. Going inside, it was a very creepy feeling place. Unlike that one creepy town that we blow up, I mean.

This place was of a different creepiness. Instead of it looking dead, and it being dead for a long time, it was alive. Not in the sense that there were people here. Besides my soldiers and my family, no one else was here.

Instead, the place, this city, it was like everyone was just living their lives, either in joy or despair. It was like the entire population of this place had just vanished instantly into the night.

Though, I am aware that it was my army that actually killed them. But it was still weird, regardless. Like, all the stores looked prim and proper, the products looked new. Even the various food and vegetable stalls still had fresh items.

Resoria: “This reminds me of that one movie…” She said with a thinking pose while we casually walked through the empty and huge city.

Selenia: “You aren’t narrowing it down, Resoria. There are a few movies that could be compared to this city…” I reply with a sigh.

Resoria: “Oh, it was a zombie one. Researcher dude and his dog stay in a destroyed city with zombies all over it. As he wants to find the cure. The zombies were actually smart.” She clarified.

Selenia: “Ah, I know which one that you’re talking about now. I am still pissed off about the ending.” I say with a sad tone.

Resoria: “Huh? Because the researcher man dies at the end?” She asked with a curious tone.

Selenia: “No, because the fucking dog died in it!” I exclaim.

Zella and Cirilia couldn’t follow this conversation. Which is because they weren’t reincarnaters like Resoria and I. Talking about more movies that those two never saw or know of, we soon arrived at the castle.

Selenia: “Welp… that is a castle.” I say with a whistle.

Resoria: “It is so basic and boring…” She said with a sigh.

Zella: “We should just burn and destroy this entire place. I also agree that the style of not only the castle, but the rest of the city, is really annoying and ugly.” She suggested.

Cirilia: “That sounds like a good idea. If Selenia doesn’t like it, then it shouldn’t exist.” She agreed.

Resoria: “You two sure know how to say some good things from time to time.” She said with a thumbs up.

Ah, I seem to have forgotten that my wives are crazy… Well, they’re crazy, crazy hot for me, and crazy hot in general. They say never fuck crazy, but these crazies are actually fucking me, not the other way around. I am in the right here.

Since this place was going to be blown the fuck up, I didn’t care about being nice to the castle at all. At the front, large gate of the castle, I kicked it. Probably with just 20% of my strength, the giant gate, which weighed probably a few hundred thousand pounds, I sent the gate flying into the castle, destroying a huge section of it in the process.

Resoria: “Well… I would say that Tucker is aware that we’re here now… Good job, Selenia!” She praised, rubbing my head.

Selenia: “Teehee!” I reply.

Walking into the castle, as I wished for more unwarranted and undeserved praise from my wives, I kicked every door that we came across. Soon, and after a lot of gate and door kicking/destroying, we arrived at the throne room.

Ah… giant fuck off throne room door, that has an actual real small human sized door inside of it… My old friend, it has been a while… Kindly fuck off and die for me, okay? No large doors like this will be in our new home that we will make for us later. And that is something that I swear to with my very entire being!

Kicking the door open, I put enough strength into the kick to just break the door off of its hinges. It was kinda fun, watching it slowly fall to the ground with an extremely loud thud that was probably heard for miles.

There, sitting on the throne, was Tucker. The dude looked just the same as before. Is… is he fucking reading!? Are you serious!? This guy was just sitting here, fucking reading books while the war went on? Damn… my blood is boiling.

Tucker: “Did you have to destroy every single fucking door on your way here?” He asked.

Selenia: “Yeah, they were locked, and we were in a hurry. Unlike you…” I reply with a scoff.

Tucker: “You didn’t check if they were locked, did you?” He replied with a knowing tone.

Selenia: “…”

Tucker: “I specifically left EVERYTHING unlocked for you, just so that I could read some more books in peace until you showed up here to kill me.” He said with a very annoyed tone, throwing the book that he was reading away.

Selenia: “…”

Tucker: “Not even an insane person could read while thuds as loud as fucking gunshots, from the biggest guns in existence, were going off every few fucking seconds!” He yelled in anger.

Selenia: “I am still pissed off by you wasting so many lives, so I honestly don’t care about ruining your last moments of living.” I reply with my arms crossed.

Tucker: “Right, right… You have truly fucked up everything for me, Selenia.” He said with a clap of his hands.

Man… this dude is so damn annoying. I really want to kill his ass already…

Resoria: “You seem pretty calm, given the fact that you will be dying soon, Tucker.” She said with a grin.

Tucker: “Oh, I know that I will be dying today. Why run or hide, or worry about it? I will die. That isn’t changing.” He replied with a shrug.

Resoria: “…”

Tucker: “Selenia… I have a question for you before we fight.” He said with a serious tone.

Selenia: “Shoot. I will make answering this question of yours, as some really shitty last request before I kill you as hard as possible.” I reply.

Tucker: “Why did you let me leave that place alive? You could have easily killed me in that lab, and save yourself from all of this trouble.” He asked with a curious tone.

Selenia: “Oh, that? I let you live so that it will be entertaining to take this empire over from you and kill you. Why else would I let you live, fool?” I answer seriously.

Tucker: “So… I really and truly am just entertainment for you, huh?” He said, before then bursting into laughter.

Uh oh… it seems that I’ve broken the mind of yet another person. My wives sure have made me into such a sinner of a princess… Eh, who cares? I sure as hell don’t. Now, Tucker. It is time for you to finally die! I sure do hope that you’ve marinated enough to satisfy me just slightly! Please, I really hope so… I am so pissed off and bored…