Chapter 8: A deal
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(A few days before Alf got pushed...)



The Hub, Ethereal, XX-XX-20XX
Briefing Area

P: "So, this will be the temporary housing area for the fandoms." *Stares at Cardinal.*
C: "Yup. What's up with Roblox? Are they accepting the offer?" *Asking Person.*
P: "More than that, they're pretty excited. Half of them have good intentions, others don't, some go neutral."
C: "Noice." *Nods lightly.*

*Leans front, touching a recently built house wall.* "It's pretty good, and solid."

C: "Of course, we don't want these fandoms breaking out of their solitary. Especially those that are hostile."
P: "Alright then." *Retracts back to the previous position.* "So who's inviting the fandoms?"

C: "Did you mean inviting or 'inviting'?" *Smirks.*
P: "*Sighing* Both."

C: "Since we've just started his punishment, we only need a few fandoms for the starting month. That's why I've sent some people to invite them."

P: " *Tapping his chin.* I saw Mio preparing his guns in his bedroom a few hours ago, I expect him to be one of these people you've sent."
C: "Well, yeah. *Shrugs* He's in, to take care of some fandoms that I suspect will be hard to get."

P: "Knew it." *Looks away to a few fandoms gathering in the houses' backyards.* "For the start, what fandoms will you guys be taking?"
C: "Have you seen the stuff "he's" watching?" *Re-questioning.*
P: "Nope." *Denial.*

C: *Raises an eyebrow.* "You sure??"
P: "Only a few of them." *Tugs a little smile.*

C: *Deadpan, groans.* "Whatever." *Shrugs, and starts counting his fingers.* "First, we got DW. Second, L4D2. Third, TMC. Fourth, Shadow Garden. Fifth, C-S. Sixth, COF"
P: "That's quite a lot..." *Initial friend concerns.*

C: *Turn his head towards Person.* "I'm not done yet."
P: *Leans his head back, with a startled face.* "Wut...?"

C: *Focuses counting again.* "Then we got Framed, TC, PUBG, and more."
P: *Scratching his hair with a hand, holding his waist with another hand.* "Great, and the punishment time is 6 months. So what's the interval of their arrival, each week?"

C: "Yeah. The first week is gonna be empty, then we start sending the first fandom in the second week. After that, a week of holiday for him. Then we sent a fandom again and repeated the process till the end of his punishment."

P: "Fiuh~ Alright then. So what's the first fandom you'll send?"
C: "Oh, you already know." *Grinning widely.*
P: *Sighing again, turning his view from Cardinal to the ground below him.* "If it's a horrible game you send first, he'll hate it" *Looks back up.*

C: "Even more than that." *Points his index finger towards Person.*
P: "More?? What game that will piss him off more than hating it?"

C: "PTSD simulator game."
P: "Wait..." *Realisation, pointing his finger too.* "No, you don't mean by-"

C: "Oh, absolutely am."
P: *Groans, looking down, and covers his face with his hands. After a moment, he gazes at Cardinal.* "Don't drag me in with this one"
C: "Sure." *Turns around and walks away, waving his hand weakly.* "See ya."
P: "Take care."
C: "Heh, always do." *Fades out, teleporting somewhere.*


(A day after some briefing and preparation...)


Eden-227, Unknown
Above The Safezone

T: *Scouting with a binocular* "I'm seeing multiple scavs, two Slashers, Hanger on the mountain, and SledgeQueen. There's 4 Agents left."
R: *Snap his head from the enemies towards her chief.* "So how do we take them all in at the same time?"

M: *Lends her a tracker* "Check it."
R:  *Checking the tracker.* "Uh... Boss? What do I look for?"
M: "Green dot is the character spawn, you already know what the red dot means. Pay attention to the spawn, mark all of the spawn you see."
R: *Observing, looking back and forth from the tracker to the open area.* "Got it. Marking all of the spawn" *Pressing some buttons on his watch.* "Sending the locations..." *Transmitting process on the watch.* "Done."

M: *Gets up* "Good. Okay, quick re-briefing. We're gonna put this thing," *Holds The Spy Sapper* "On all of the marked spawn. If there's an unmarked spawn, sap it. If any of you ran out of sapper and there's still some spawn unsap, mark them and get back up here, understand?"

R: "Yes, boss." *Nods in unison.*
T: "Affirmative." *Nods in unison.*
F: *Nods in unison.*
M: "Good. Let's move."

*Tap tap tap.*

A recently spawned Bucket Man turns around, alerted by the steps on the snow.

He rushes towards the sound with the speed of Usain Bolt on drugs.



He found nothing... No one.

"Huh... Bet it's the Drifter."

He goes back to his position.

He hears a broken electric noise.1

Once again, he walks towards the sound and finds nothing...

"Pretty sure I heard something..."

Then, something bizarre happened.

His surroundings slowly start to distort.

"Whoa whoa whoa!! Ey Ey Ey! EY!!"

He ran to the Queen's place, trying to escape the sudden distortion. Unfortunately, he and the Raiders inside the raid base is warped.


Eden is empty, this place is empty.


Berlin, 1945
Brandenburg Gate



He steadied his rifle, aiming at Wolff, and-

The defecting scientist is dead. he crashed his car and died tragically.


This was Karl's only chance, and he made it.

The war is over, but something bigger is taking place. The Cold War.

He will be the first soldier in this new conflict.


"Unless... You disappeared."

Karl turns around swiftly, pointing his rifle at the mysterious person.

The mysterious person raises his hand. "Relax, Fairburne. I've got a trade for you"

Karld didn't drop his guard, even though it's unethical to point a rifle in the face of a kind stranger. He asks the stranger. "What kind of trade?"

(Nolff's mind: Dang, he's pretty cold in this era.)

The stranger runs his hand through his pocket, searching for a convincing item related to his words. "A trade that most people or even everyone in this year wants it." He pulled out a blueprint containing a prototype design of a tank with the sign of the Axis before he grins widely.


Seeing the trademark of the Axis, Karl's interest peaked. This is what he needed, but... "Who are you?"



"This is not the perfect time to start an introduction, Lieutenant."




Rifle's raised and- *Thuck.* He tries to pull the trigger, but the trigger is jammed.


The stranger raises his arm and twists his fingers. *Tick.* Suddenly, the area around Karl distorted and warped him. Just before the portal takes him... He said:


"You are discharged, Lieutenant. Now is your time to relax"


And the Lieutenant is gone.



The stranger turns around, looking at the result of the war. Burden's of the Gate.

Berlin is under fire, no house fits the standard of a normal, habitable place to sleep. No more.

*Smile's fading* "I'm glad we all realized not to fight each other."


Then he disappeared like he never existed there.


The dead people of Berlin have seen the end of war, but the living people will see the start of cruelty.



Mandela County, USA, Sep 15 92
Mark's bedroom, 10:57 PM





He's broken.

He trusts 'it' fully with his soul.

The perpetrator's speech makes him pessimistic as if he'll never be able to see sunlight again.

But he still hopes that someone will open the door, and get him out.

Yet, none has come. Not even after he dialed for the 20th time.

This is it, his final decision.

He gets up, approaching the door slowly.


Suddenly, he felt a pat on his shoulder.

"He will know, don't make a sound."




Mark doesn't move a muscle, not even turning around to see who it is. Shivers ran through his spine. And strangely, the atmosphere around his body is... A little colder.

"Don't. Conventional ways do not work on these demons." The voice said.


His breathing is slow but rushed. His heartbeat is nowhere under 70 B/pm. "Who... Who are you?" Mark asks quietly.

"You've prayed a lot to your god, so let me gain your hope." The voice answer

The space in the bedroom starts to distort, and Mark's body slowly dissolves.

"W-What are you doing?" Mark asks with concern and a gun in his hand.


"Getting you away from that filthy 'thing'." The stranger said, waving his hand from Mark to a direction on the right.

And in a second, Mark is gone, without any traces left behind.

The door creakingly opens.

"I'm sorry to ruin your plan, dear friend." *Smiles with a bit of regret.*


The stranger opens his forehand, gesturing a small 'sorry' sign in his version. "Do not worry, thy friend of mine. You, and the others, will have a better place to invade."

The Perpetrator doesn't move at all. 'It' just... Not smiling. Even when it speaks, its mouth does not move at all. As if the mouth of it was just a mere feature. "A-A-A you s-s-surree, mIstER?" It asks, with a voice pitching from low to high.

*Chuckles.* "You can mess up more optimistic and arrogant people there. Maybe... Shed some lights for the lambs? The shepherd needs it too, you know?" The stranger twist his finger and-








The thing is gone, all of them, removed from the county.

They all are gone, along with several human key figures.

The people of the county and its surroundings can now sleep peacefully.

The threat is gone, for now. Not for long till it came back.



They all are so desperate to get at least one day without anxiety.

They all deserve it.
