Chapter 01.006
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Again, they were too exhausted for sex. He was tired, and they were utterly drained, panting and groaning with every step. They needed sleep, and it wouldn’t be long before the demons needed to eat. Grems and imps occasionally glided overhead or ran past, but were far too fast to catch. Not exactly a reliable source of food.

He smiled at Dao as she sat across from him in the small cave, and bumped her closer hoof against his ankle. It was a very small cave, mostly a vertical crevice, one of many, and the amber veins within showed it came to a dead end. A safe place to sleep, mostly.

“It’s so weird,” he said.

“What is?” Jes asked as she sat down beside him, on the inside of the alcove. Naturally she let Caera take the outside.

“If I want to sleep, all I have to do is close my eyes when it’s dark. And I can sleep all twelve hours of the night if I want to, or just eight.”

“You’ve been in Hell, what, four days? This’ll be your fourth night sleeping here, and you figured that out already?”

He shrugged. “Can’t help it. I like to think about stuff.”

Jes rolled her eyes, but ultimately laughed it off as she stuck her tail up from between them, and wrapped it around Daoka’s closest hoof. A few tugs earned some clicking giggles from her lover.

“You and Caera will get along, I’m sure.”

He smiled at her, and then the tiger lady, who sat in the entrance with her back mostly to them. Keeping an eye on the exit.

“I hope so,” he said, “but I never was good at history. Got a shit memory for things like names and places.”

Caera half snorted, half chuckled. “I do like those things.” She didn’t sit very far away, maybe five feet, and her long tail swayed left and right slowly along the stone. If he just reached out, he could grab one of the big spikes lining its top.

But he wasn’t that dumb. Jes insisted Caera used to be fun, but this Caera didn’t seem like the type. Any demons being ‘fun’ was a strange idea, but Jes and Dao definitely were. He lucked out, meeting them.

“I don’t dream, either.”

“Be happy you used to dream at all,” the tiger lady said. “Demons never dream.”

“Never ever?”

“Never ever.”

“That… kinda sucks, honestly. Dreams are amazing things.”

It was Jes’s turn to half snort half chuckle.

“Scrying pools don’t show us what goes on in humans’ heads, but it does show us what happens to humans on the outside when they have big time nightmares, or night terrors. Some of the shit I’ve heard sounds worse than anything I’ve seen in Hell.”

“You haven’t seen much of Hell,” Caera said.

Jes frowned up at the tiger, but shrugged and resumed playing with her tail, tracing its tip up and down Daoka’s leg where it touched David’s.

“Correction, then,” David said. “Dreams are usually amazing. My dreams were usually fun, stories that played out in my head while I slept. Fantasy, scifi, everything in between, complete with sword battles and romance.”

Daoka clicked twice and tilted her head to the side.

“Describe them,” Jes said, translating. “What’s it like to dream them, specifically.”

“Oh, what’s it like to dream? It’s… hard to describe it, honestly. It’s such a mess of images and sensations. I usually know exactly what’s happening and why, and even think of it as normal, when I’m in the dream, even though it makes absolutely no sense. And because the dream flows to whatever you think about, trying to figure out the dream always leads down a rabbit hole of one thing leading to another. I could be driving, and think about how the road twists and turns like a snake. Suddenly I’m driving on a literal giant snake, and in my head it makes perfect sense, because of course winding roads are actually giant snakes we drive on. Before I know it, I’m driving a flying car, involved in a film noir mystery, and I’m investigating the giant turtle the city is built on. And at no point do I think any of this is weird.”

The two demons with eyebrows cocked them as they looked at him.

“That’s… pretty damn strange,” Jes said.

“You’ve never seen or heard someone describe dreaming in a scrying pool? Or down here?”

“Nope. I’ve seen a lot of things in scrying pools, but not that. Can’t know everything.”

Daoka clicked away, and gestured to him.

“She wants to know more about you. You know about us now.” Jes poked his leg with her tail. “Tell us about you. I mean, more than we already know, nerd.”

He frowned, but Jes’s smile was playful. No intent to hurt his feelings. Of all the people he’d known in his life, it was the loud, fun types who teased each other relentlessly as a form of friendship and communication he found himself watching from the sidelines the most. How did people enjoy that kind of friendship, every interaction a barrage of playful, sometimes-witty-usually-not insults? Even with his sister, they were usually sincere when they said anything, be it compliment or insult. Usually.

Maybe now was a good time to get used to someone like this? Not like he had much choice.

“Not much to tell, really. Orphan. Grew up with my sister. We bounced around from caretaker to caretaker, and never found parents or a parent to take care of us. I guess we were a little… off-putting.”

Daoka clicked once, head tilted.

“I mean, we didn’t really ever try and be… be normal kids. I had my own thing, my own interests. Mia had her own things and interests. And we… we wanted a home, but something about parents, someone else looking over our shoulders, telling us what to do and how to live our lives? It never clicked. So, lo and behold, we never really got a home. But thankfully for us, Mia and I did very well in high school, got some good scholarships, and went to university. I—” He stopped, and smiled.

“What?” Caera asked.

“I just realized. I don’t have to pay back my student loans.”

Caera laughed, and lay on the ground near him, head beside him and resting on her arms underneath it.

“I got to admit,” she said. “That is… a very boring backstory. I mean sure, being an orphan is at least slightly interesting, but it sounds like it led to nothing. You just… lived a normal, boring life?”

“Yeap. And I loved it. Spent my free time just gaming, reading, masturbating, and having the smallest hopes and dreams. Never really wanted for anything. Figured I’d get a job at a game studio, or maybe a software company, and just kinda… laze my way through life, you know? Do nothing, be nothing, just enjoy my little vices.”

Daoka clicked a few times and looked to Jes.

“I dunno, Dao. I don’t think I’ve ever known a human quite as boring as this kid.”

The satyr clicked loudly as she kicked at Jes’s raptor feet with her hooves. Which led to a footsies battle, talons against hooves. Caera rolled her eyes and groaned.

“I’ll be your damn parent,” the tiger said, “for all of you. Get some damn rest while I take first watch. Bunch of kids.”

“Hey,” David said. “Why don’t I dream anymore? It’s just gone, completely. I close my eyes and then I wake up.”

After a long, very cat-like full body stretch, Caera sat up again, and turned to face the exit to their small cave.

“Your guess is as good as mine, David. Something with the way souls on the surface do their thing? I don’t know. I once found some runes that talked about it, and that dreams were powerful things. But nothing about why, or how they worked.”

Dreams were powerful things. Special, then, maybe? More than just the biological brain firing off random crap when sleeping? He lost a lot of things with this afterlife body, things he didn’t miss, needing to eat and drink, in particular. But dreams? Dreams he missed.




She woke up like a cat who’d just been nailed in the forehead with an elastic band. It was a wonder she didn’t smash her forehead into Hannah’s, but the girl dodged back like she’d done it a million times before. She grinned down at Mia, and held up a finger to her lips. Quiet mode, then. Alright.

Mia got up and looked around. Diogo and his brutes were asleep. So were the two men, the two sex demons, and Loria the gargoyle, bodies laid out against stones, the mountain wall, or lying on the ground as if it were perfectly comfortable. How Mia managed to fall asleep lying on the mountain path, she didn’t know, but she was damn thankful she could. One of the best parts about her new afterlife body.

But Scilra the tiger and her fellow tiger were awake, and so was Adron. His shift was over, and he walked toward Hannah and Mia with his usual pleasant grin, tail flowing left and right behind him.

Hannah held her finger up to her lips again. Adron raised a brow, but nodded, once some hidden meaning clicked, and he motioned for them to follow. And considering the evil grin on Adron’s demon lips, Mia wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to follow him. Him not wearing his armor anymore, meaning his lean physique and muscles were all fully visible, didn’t help matters.

A smart woman would just say no thanks and not follow the demon around a big boulder into a small crevice along the mountain wall. A smart woman would lie back down near all the other sleeping demons, where she was safe. Safer. But Mia followed him, leaving the two tiger ladies behind, pretty much confirming she was doomed to be one of those women who found serial killers oddly intriguing, and listened to true crime podcasts all the time.

The crevice wasn’t very wide, maybe four feet. It merged at the top ten feet up, and it looked about ten feet deep. Just a cozy little cave for someone that might want to hide, and considering they had to go a little ways down the path and around a curve of the mountain wall to get to it, they couldn’t see the group anymore. It was dark save for a few dim amber veins, and they were alone. Yeap, she was doomed.

But she followed them into the crevice anyway. And to make matters worse, Adron stood at its entrance, waited for Hannah to go in, and then Mia, before finally sitting down. She was trapped in there unless she wanted to jump over the demon’s legs, and considering the reflexes he’d already shown, that wasn’t happening.

“Should be safe to talk here,” he said.

“Oh. Talk, right.” She nodded. That was all they were going to do, talk. Diogo said the demons weren’t allowed to touch her, and she definitely didn’t want them to. Nope, she did not.

“I wanted to thank you, for doing something,” he said. “When that basilisk came out of nowhere.”

“You saved my life. Seemed like the right thing to do, right?”

“You say that like it’s perfectly natural or normal. This is Hell, Mia. You’ve noticed by now what demons are like.” He pointed a claw at her and twirled it in a small circle. “Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been analyzing everyone.”

“I have?”

“She has?” Hannah asked.

“I’ve been around for a while, fresh meat. You pick up a few things with some decades under your belt, like how to notice other people when they notice things. Inquisitive eyes figuring things out, figuring people out.” He poked her naked shoulder. “Zel likes people like that. I’ll make sure she knows.”

“You’ll… make sure?”

He grinned as he leaned back against the wall, relaxing. Which of course meant he had to bend his legs a bit since his big raptor feet hit the opposite wall, putting his knees up and in Mia’s way even more.

“Keep a secret?”

Mia gulped, and looked back at Hannah. She nodded confidently and looked back to Adron.

“Okay,” Mia said.

“I know Zel,” he said. “Intimately. I’ve worked for her. I work for her.”

“But, she rules Death’s Grip, right? Don’t you all work for her?”

“Not exactly. Demons in Death’s Grip have to listen to her, because she can enforce her will if they don’t. But I work for her, directly.”

“Oh.” Mia adjusted a little, and sat down against the wall beside Adron’s talons so she could face him. “Diogo doesn’t know?”


“Then, why are you telling me?”

“Because I like you, and I’d prefer Zel didn’t kill you. I’ll make sure to tell her you’re worth keeping around, special or not.” He winked at her. He really had no business being as charming as he was, but damn it he was. It was so frustratingly classic, Mia half hated herself for being so easily enticed by him, like Hannah was.

Plus, he was handsome, in that scary-but-awesome kind of way. The horns and tail and huge size and stuff only made it worse.

Fucking christ. After seeing Adron fuck Hannah and Diogo fuck that succubus, all only a few feet from Mia, sex was the only damn thing she could think about and it was driving her nuts.

“It’s a shame Diogo says you’re off limits,” he said. “Every demon and human in this little group really wants to have a taste of you.”

Uh oh.

She pulled her knees up to her chest, hiding her breasts from view. Hannah did not, her eyes locked on Mia, and Mia’s body, same as Adron’s.

“I don’t understand why,” Mia said. “That succubus Zalria, she’s a thousand times prettier than me.”

“Or me,” Hannah said, shrugging. “Demons got their tastes though. And besides,” she gestured to Mia, “just because you don’t have giant tits doesn’t mean you’re not fucking gorgeous. Diogo and the brutes have all looked at you, and you know what they want to do.”

Mia shut her eyes hard. “I’m trying to not think about that.”

“Are you?” Adron asked. “Because I can see your body react. All the time.”


He shrugged, opened his mouth, but eventually closed it. He slithered his tail out from behind him, and poked at Mia’s shins with it, his playful grin relentless.

“It’s more than that,” Hannah said. “I think there’s something… special, about you. I can feel the tingling everyone else is talking about, and it’s driving me and everyone insane. If you don’t get control of it, someone’s going to do something about it.”

“Do… something?” She gulped hard enough she touched her throat to make sure it was still there.

Hannah smiled, and nuzzled into Adron, under his arm all cozy against the side of his chest.

“At this rate,” she said, “Diogo is going to grab you and jam you down on his cock like a toy.” The blond woman let out a hungry sigh, pressed her body into Adron’s, and traced a finger up and down his long stomach and abs. “He’ll get the other brutes to fuck your ass, taking turns, while he sits there and growls down at you while you try and endure, his log of a cock inside your pussy buried balls deep the whole time.”

Adron growled. Mia almost jumped, her eyes yanked up to look at the lazy demon holding his slave to his side, his eyes aimed straight at her.

“Everyone down here is so horny,” Mia said.

Hannah shook her head. “Yeah but it wasn’t this bad, not before you showed up.” And with a mischievous grin aimed directly at her, Hannah slid her hand further down Adron’s body, between his legs.

“I… I um…” Don’t look don’t look don’t look.


Sure enough, something in the skin underneath the big demon’s pubic bone softened, and out came a long, heavy penis, filling Hannah’s palm and spilling over it. It didn’t come out in one smooth motion, but in small spurts. His heartbeat. Mia stared at Adron and between his legs, as Hannah guided the enlarging length up and onto his abs, each heavy beat of the demon’s heart pouring blood into it until it grew longer, thicker, and firmer. Never so firm it was too hard to bend, but considering the size of it, that was the only reason the demon could ever fit it inside his slave. His sex slave, judging from the look in her eyes.

His cock, was literally three feet away from Mia.

“I have a theory,” Adron said. “I think you’re not entirely human.”

“M-Me? Not human?”

“Nope. I think there’s something going on, and everyone can feel it. The demons, the humans, everyone.” He wrapped his hand around the base of his girth, and squeezed it, its malleable texture bending under the pressure of his fingers ever so slightly. And despite how big his hand was, it didn’t even cover half of his length, giving Hannah plenty of room to continue stroking the top half.

“I’m… human.”

Adron growled quietly as he shook his head, eyes locked on her.

“I can feel it growing from you, right now. It was quiet before, when things went to shit with that basilisk. And it was quiet after, mostly. Once you were calm, it became a gentle tingling, or a vibration, a quiet hum I couldn’t hear, only feel. And now that I’m turning you on, I can feel that vibration grow.”

“You’re not—”

“He is,” Hannah said, eyes on her. “It’s so blatant on your face, you have no idea. If I had a mirror, you’d see it. Your eyes are drooling.”

She frowned at Hannah, but it didn’t last. The longer she watched, the more the tingling sensation rolled out from her, out into the stones around them, filling the tiny cave they hid inside, and more. Plus, there was the heat she was all too familiar with, the hundreds of times she’d sat on her bed with her laptop, brought up some great porn or erotica, and masturbated. The flowing blood that swelled her pussy, and begged her to touch it.

She did not touch it. She glared at the two of them, and did her best to keep her eyes above waist level.


Her voice died away, and waves of fleshy heat flowed down to her thighs, as Hannah leaned into Adron, and set her lips on the tip of his cock. It was too big for her to fit in her mouth, no matter how hard she tried, but that didn’t stop her from getting half of his glans in between her lips and rotating her head around in slow, sensual motions. Kisses, licks, all gentle and leisurely, like they had all the time in the world.

“It’s growing,” Adron said, staring at Mia. “It’s getting stronger…” Squinting, the demon lifted one of his legs, and placed the raptor foot a little higher against the wall. Now, she’d have to literally climb over his legs to get out of the crevice if she wanted to. Did she want to?

“It’s… it’s not.”

“It is. And it’s driving me crazy.” He stroked the base of his cock faster, and with the arm holding Hannah to his side, he put his hand on her head, and pinned her mouth to the tip of his cock. “It’s… pulling at me. At Hannah. At everyone.”

“Pulling?” Much as she told herself to look at the demon’s eyes, she couldn’t look away from Hannah’s lips. The girl suckled on the man’s cock with practiced perfection, never stumbling or teething him, never letting up, and finding a rhythm with her hand she’d mastered. And god, that massive cock, just lying there along his abs, his hand and Hannah’s hand squeezing and stroking it. Mia couldn’t not stare.

“It’s… blocking out my thoughts, just like an aura would. It’s forcing me to feel. And right now it’s telling me to grab you, pin you down, and fuck you.”

Mia gulped down a giant rock in her throat.

“Forcing you… I don’t mean… I didn’t mean… I—”

“Spread your legs,” he said, voice quiet but rumbling with a suppressed growl. “I want to see.”

“Spread… But…”

Hannah slipped out one of her legs in between Mia’s, and tried to nudge it aside. Of course Mia fought her, keeping her knees snug and tight to her chest, but when Adron’s tail snuck out and wrapped around her ankle, Mia slowly gave in. She let her quivering legs go limp over the stone ground, and let the two people spread them. For a second, she almost reached down to cover herself, but didn’t. They didn’t want her to. And because she was a moron, she didn’t want to, either.

She looked down at her smooth little slit, they all did, and Mia sucked in a quiet breath. They could see it, see her, already wet and engorged. It’d never taken Mia long to get horny when she wanted to enjoy herself, something she’d always been thankful for. Now, she was beyond embarrassed. And the waves of invisible, vibrating, tingling, humming something they couldn’t quite feel or hear flowed out of her twice as hard as before. No point in lying to herself about it now, it was definitely coming from her.

Adron stared at her, hungry eyes devouring her tiny pussy, its puffy little vulva and hidden lips, and he licked his fangs with his very, very long demon tongue.

“Masturbate,” he said. He ordered, in a very not-Adron voice. That was a Diogo sorta voice, and it ran through Mia’s body like a tuning fork struck just right.

She reached down, set her fingers on her swollen pussy, and spread it, revealing her tiny lips hidden inside its puffy softness, and her clitoris that’d been begging to be roughed up for days now. He’d told her to masturbate, demanded it, like it was the only thing she could do to stop him from jumping her.

Both Hannah and Adron moaned softly, as Mia caressed her wet lips, reached inside her clenching little hole, found more wetness, and spread it over her now pink skin. Tingling sparks, the kind she’d loved for years, shot out from her clitoris into her inner thighs and up a little ways inside her. She didn’t have her toys with her, but with both hands, she could make it work.

The comfortable familiarity of masturbating, in the strangest possible situation, had her dripping. Within moments, her lips were drenched, and moments later, she used both hands. One set of fingers found her clitoris, gently trapping it between ring and index, and she stroked the soaked nub up and down in slow, tender motions. The other set reached lower, and sank into her body. As much as Mia loved touching her clit, she loved penetration. She craved penetration. She needed something inside her, and if she didn’t have her toys, her fingers would have to do.

They all fell into a steady rhythm, Mia taking little time at all to catch up. Probing fingers reached inside her and pressed up against her g-spot, sending deeper shocks into her core than her clitoris could. Always the pleasure sparks from her clit were strong, sharp, but short lived and didn’t reach far. Reaching inside her sent less sharp, heavier, deeper waves of tingling bliss up through her pussy into her chest and nipples, and all the way down into her toes.

When the demon’s huge cock pulsed, and Hannah’s cheeks puffed as the gorgeous creature filled her mouth with his cum, Mia masturbated faster. She wanted to cum. She needed to cum. After these few days of being teased relentlessly, god, she desperately needed to cum. She stroked faster and pushed harder against her insides, as Adron’s thick, white cum oozed down his length over Hannah’s hand, and eventually his own. He didn’t stop stroking, and neither did Hannah, both working together to milk the demon until another hard gush filled Hannah’s mouth. No matter how hard she tried to keep her lips tight to his glans, she couldn’t swallow down the fluid fast enough, and it squirted out from the tight seal, down and onto his legs and abs, and Hannah’s.

It looked amazing.

Mia melted into climax, and stopped her hands as the tingling waves grew powerful. Her muscles clamped down, and she managed a tiny, weak whimper, as her thighs quivered and her toes curled. She didn’t look away, eyes locked on Hannah and the girl’s milking grip and suckling lips, as she focused on the waves working through her. And out of her. A peek down pulled another whimper from Mia, and she moved one hand out of the way so she could watch the fingers still inside her, get soaked with juices. More juices than masturbating with her fingers had ever earned before.

Finally, she slipped them free of her squeezing insides, and sat there, panting, eyes eventually managing to look up from Hannah — who was also masturbating and still was — to Adron’s eyes. He was grinning at her.

“Is it… better, now?” she asked.

Hannah swallowed down one last drop of cum, before she lifted her head and wiped heavy globs of the fluid from her lips and chin.

“No,” the blond woman said, and she set her now cum-drenched hand against her pussy, and sank her fingers into her insides. “Is it, Adron?”

“No, it’s not. It’s… pulling… at me…”

“B-B-B-But I—”

Adron reached out, took Mia’s shoulders, and lifted her. She didn’t even try to get out of the way. Something about seeing a big, scary, handsome eight-foot-tall demon only three feet away reaching out for her overloaded her brain. The fact he had a giant, hard, cum-drenched cock lying across his long stomach of solid abs, didn’t help matters. She stared at him as he picked her up, and with all the effort of moving a small toy, he put her back down. Right on his lap.

Mia stared down at his body, down his chest and stomach, down his cock, to where her little slit was spread around it. He’d set her on the base of his cock, just below his pelvis, so her knees rested on the ground around his sides. God, he was so tall, and wide despite his lean frame. And she was so small.

Somehow she managed to lift her eyes and look into his again. His smile was gone. His playful grins and winks were gone. Instead, she met the eyes of a hungry demon, black and red eyes looking her petite physique up and down with almost animalistic desire. Any second now, he was going to snap, and fuck her until she broke.

But he didn’t. He rumbled in his chest, and Mia whimpered as the subtle vibration pulsed through him. He set both his hands on her hips, and licked his fangs as he very, very slowly, pulled her up his stomach, so her spread pussy and aching clit dragged along his cock. Every unusual bump and groove on it sent a small spark through her, until she made another little mewl sound, the kind she’d never made before.

“Wait! W-Wait… wai…”

It wasn’t long before her slit was soaked in his cum, and his cock was soaked in hers. She wasn’t just wet. She was dripping. This was insane.

“You feel… amazing,” he said.

Mia shivered as she grabbed the demon’s wrists and held on, as he dragged her back down his length, only to pull her back up. Up and up, until her legs spread around the middle of his torso, and her pussy rubbed against the underside of his fat glans.

“I—nng!” Again she froze, unable to move, to compute, to understand what was happening, as Hannah leaned in, and placed a gentle kiss where Mia’s tender clit stuck out slightly from her pussy, pushed up and out by the angle Adron held her against his cock. Hannah’s lips opened wide, and she wrapped her mouth around the girth of her master’s shaft, a few inches shy of its tip, and ran her tongue across it in broad strokes, Mia’s clit trapped underneath it.

Hannah lifted her head, eyes wide. “She… it… it’s not normal. It’s…”

“W-What? What, I—” She tightened her grip on Adron’s wrists, and trembled, as Hannah leaned back in and buried her clit in more hard strokes of her tongue.

So much for usually needing penetration to cum. Mia’s body burned from head to toe, and the sharp sparks of a clit orgasm shot out into her pelvis and thighs hard enough she had to reach out and grab Hannah’s head.

“Stop!” she said, voice a begging mess. Thank god Hannah listened, because Mia’s clit crossed the line from tender to outright sore and painful under the girl’s tongue. But that didn’t stop the sharp sparks from firing for a few more seconds, making her squirm and wriggle on Adron’s cock.

Warmth spread along her pussy, and down underneath her along her thighs. Bits of slightly thick liquid oozed from her, and dripped down and around Adron’s cock before flowing underneath her. And more than just Mia stared at it. Hannah and Adron both looked down, and both groaned at the sight of her making an unholy mess. What the fuck was wrong with her?

“She’s amazing,” Hannah said. “And… And that aura. It’s…” With a heavy grunt, she sat up, reached under Adron’s legs, and pulled out his tail. And just like Mia had done a thousand times with her toys, she guided the thick thing up between her spread legs, rubbed it against her clitoris a few times, and pressed its tip against her clenching entrance. The tip wasn’t too sharp or pointy, and the thick tail didn’t have any spikes or anything on it. Hannah didn’t hesitate to push it into her, and work it back and forth a few inches, aiming it up toward her belly with each stroke as she cuddled into Adron’s side up against his arm, her eyes still locked on Mia’s spread pussy.

“She doesn’t feel human,” Adron said. “Something’s… different…” Rumbling again, Adron resumed working her back and forth, and Mia squeaked as her swollen clit rubbed against the bumps and grooves on his long cock again. Normally she’d need longer before her clit was safe to touch again. Not this time. Her body wanted more, and it was ready for more.

She outright whimpered as Adron moved faster, and struggled to not fall forward as the heat built up again inside her. Somewhere, deep in her brain, she knew this was unusual. She didn’t cum this easily usually. She didn’t make such a mess normally either. She didn’t like playing with her clit so much, so long, so quickly, especially after cumming only minutes before. Her body didn’t care. It wanted more.

Adron pulled her up until her pussy spread around the underside of his glans, and he kept her there, working her back and forth a single inch on its thick underside. She melted into silly little sounds as another sharp clit orgasm shot into her pelvis, and Adron slowed down so she could recover, for a whole ten seconds. He picked up the pace, faster than before, and Mia squeezed his wrists for all she was worth as the man groaned.

He slowed her movement to almost nothing as his huge cock flexed and pulsed underneath her, and a heavy gush of cum poured out of his glans. Thick, hot cum. He gently eased her pelvis forward over his glans, just enough for a squirt of his white fluid to splash against her pussy, before he slid her back down a couple inches, massaging the fat tip of his length as he came. Another gush of cum flowed out of him, straight up over his sternum onto his chest; his cock was that long. It flowed over his muscles, up the lines between his pectorals, almost reaching his neck, before it slid back down his body and under her thighs. Waves and waves of cum, pouring out of his cock and drenching the big demon’s body, until she could feel it oozing underneath her legs, down along his cock, and along her ass.

Hannah was cumming too, but Mia couldn’t look to see it. What Adron was doing, what his cock was doing because of her, because of her dripping pussy rubbing and massaging his thick, warm dick, was hypnotizing.

“Fuck her, please,” Hannah said between gasping breaths. She’d slowed down what she was doing, too, but it didn’t take long before she picked up her pace again.

“Zel wouldn’t be too happy with me, if I fucked her prize before she got to decide what to do with her.

“I don’t care. Please fuck her. Her aura is killing me.”

Growling, Adron leaned down to Hannah, and set his eyes on her. Again, not the playful eyes. An owner’s, master’s, hungry animal’s eyes.

“Are you defying me, Hannah?”

Hannah froze. “N-No, I—”

He yanked his tail free of her insides, making her whimper.

“Now I must punish you.”

“Oh god please don’t. I need to cum again. I fucking have to—”

“Zel won’t mind another human touching her prize. Satisfy the unmarked first, and then I’ll satisfy you.” Nodding, Adron pushed Hannah from his side toward the other wall where Mia had been sitting before. And again like she weighed nothing, Adron set Mia into the groove under his arm, against the side of his chest, where Hannah had been before.

Mia managed to pick up the ability to speak she’d apparently dropped and lost earlier.

“I… I don’t…”

Adron growled down at her, and with Mia’s chest inches from the side of his cum-drenched side, the vibration of his voice flowed through her.

“Spread your legs, and tell Hannah how to please you. You already know how to please me.”

“Please you? I…” Oh. She gulped as she looked to the huge thing lying on his stomach, and reaching well past his navel. “I um… I’ve… never…”

Adron rumbled, deep, hungry, and gestured with the arm hugging her to Hannah.

“Tell her. Now.”

Instant heat pulsed through her again, and she bit her bottom lip as she slowly set her gaze on the blond woman sitting at Mia’s feet. Lie? No, bad idea. Adron was smart. He’d figure it out.

And she didn’t want to lie. She wanted to cum again.

“I like… penetration. I like things… inside me.” Oh god she said it. She said it and things were going to happen to her. They were going to do things to her. Say more things. “My g-spot is really sensitive, and… and the deep places too, and—”

Hannah, eyes just as mesmerized and hungry as Adron’s, slid in closer between Mia’s legs, used one hand to spread Mia’s tiny lips inside her unbelievably swollen, cum-soaked vulva, and sank two fingers inside. Oh god. Mia froze, and her insides clenched hard, as another person, another woman at that, pushed fingers into her. Never, ever never ever, did Mia expect the first time that happened to be with a woman.

She didn’t get to watch very long. Adron guided her head toward his chest, and with a firm grip, he pushed her head down onto the tip of his cock. For a second, Mia braced for a bad smell, or at least weird odor, but the smell of sex, of demon cum, of desire, wasn’t bad at all. It didn’t smell human. It smelled like foreign spices that hinted at a world of sin she couldn’t comprehend.

She opened her mouth, as wide as she could, and kissed Adron’s cock the way she’d seen Hannah do it. The tip of his length was too big for her to fit in her mouth, same as Hannah, so she had no choice but to kiss the tip, and run her lips back and forth over it. She’d practiced on her toys before, and after seeing Hannah please Adron multiple times, she had an idea what to do. And, much as part of her was trying to make conscious decisions about what she was doing, she was mostly riding a wave inside her that’d taken her away. Coherent thoughts were rare, and she let them melt away.

As the flowing sparks spread throughout her body again, Hannah fingering her with slow, heavy strokes, Mia twisted into Adron a bit so she could mostly face him. She reached in with her further arm, and slowly set her hand on his wet cock, around the middle of it. Like she thought, she couldn’t get her fingers all the way around it. What she hadn’t expected, was she could actually feel his heavy, powerful heartbeat through his length, each pulse forcing blood into the huge thing and keeping it hard.

Adron’s rumbles pulled her in, vibration she felt through his huge chest, his muscles, his cock, and she shivered as she squeezed his girth in response. It wasn’t super rigid or super hard, and its texture gave way to the pressure of her fingers slightly, but only slightly. It was still firm, and hot, and thick, and covered in interesting bumps and ridges that looked all too similar to some of her more fun dildos. And when she ran her hands down over them, slowly stroking the demon’s length with a semi-firm, wet grip, she shivered more than the demon did, at the sensation of his cock’s shape running along her palm and over her fingers.

Hannah slammed her fingers up against Mia’s insides, hard, hard enough her thighs rippled, and Mia tried to lift her head. Adron didn’t let her. His massive, clawed hand kept her mouth against his cock, and as the pleasure sparks began to build inside Mia’s pelvis, she whimpered onto his flesh. He still didn’t let her up.

“Don’t stop.” Deep, growling, rumbling voice, inches from her ears, flowing through her.

She tried to keep kissing his cock, she really did. She squeezed and stroked the huge thing, and when her squeezing, wet grip earned another rumble from him, she mewled onto his cock and stroked him more. She tried to lick him, and to open her mouth as wide as possible so she could pleasure him more. But Hannah wouldn’t let her. The demon’s slave fingered Mia harder again, and it was all Mia could do to not contort and twist into a mess, as Hannah pumped her insides like a piston, and didn’t stop. Mia tried to pull her hand away from Adron, so she could grab Hannah’s wrist and stop her, but Adron grabbed it with his other hand, put it back on his cock, and pinned it there. Mia tried to stop her with her other hand, but Hannah still had one hand free, and she grabbed Mia’s wrist. She couldn’t do anything but moan onto Adron’s cock, as Hannah fingered her into, and through, a deep orgasm.

“She soaked me,” Hannah said, finally slowing down. Good. Mia was seeing stars, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t even so much as squeeze Adron’s cock anymore, her muscles refusing to listen just yet.

Finally Adron let go of her head and hand, and Mia sat up with a jolt, half gasping, half moaning, as she looked down at her tiny, smooth pussy, spread around Hannah’s fingers. She was right. The woman’s hand, and wrist, dripped with Mia’s juices.

“I… I…”

Adron rumbled. “Prepare her.”

Hannah blinked up at her master. “I thought—”

“I… might risk it anyway. This… thing, coming off this girl, is… it has to be… doused. More.”

The blond woman grinned at Adron, turned it into an evil smile for Mia, and slowly pulled her fingers out of her. Mia’s mewls were weak and exhausted, but that only seemed to entice Hannah.

The woman made a fist, shaped it so it wasn’t too wide, and pushed the huge thing against Mia’s pussy.

“W-Wait! Wait… please… you’re gonna…”

Oh god. Too tired to even twist out of the way anymore, Mia sat there, legs spread, and watched Hannah push her fist into Mia’s small body. Hannah’s fist wasn’t even as big as the tip of Adron’s cock, but it was hard, firm, and it spread Mia’s lips taut as the girl sank her limb into Mia’s aching, boiling insides.

It was inside her. Hannah hadn’t been gentle, but Mia’s body was beyond swollen, beyond soaked, and her drenched fist pushed in and fit inside her empty slit almost like it belonged there. Mia’s pussy wrapped the girl’s wrist, squeezing on the huge bulbous shape of the girl’s hand, and Hannah groaned.

She moved her fist back and forth a few inches, slowly at first. And, she moved it upward, pushing it up toward Mia’s belly, directly up against her g-spot, and then deeper. Much deeper. All the way deeper, pushing up against the deep place in Mia’s body she only liked touching when she was out-of-her mind horny.

Her body sang, more than happy to finally feel something press against that place, finally have something fill her up and stretch her insides in all directions. Mia squealed, but her panting exhaustion broke the sound into a wavering whimper, as Hannah pushed up harder, and created a bulge along Mia’s lower abdomen. Only when Mia stopped shaking like a leaf, did Hannah begin to gently pump her hand back and forth, working the fist forward till it squashed Mia’s g-spot, and then back up into her, forcing the bulge along her belly to slide up until Mia felt it against her deep places. Hannah pushed deeper, slowly stretching Mia inward, until the bulge nearly touched her navel, Mia’s spread lips squeezing and drenching the girl’s wrist and forearm, before she pulled her fist back.

That was so deep, Mia was reduced to a broken mess. And that was nothing compared to what Hannah took when she took Adron’s cock inside her. It was especially nothing, compared to what the succubus Zalria took from Diogo.

Mia relaxed her other hand, letting go of Hannah’s wrist. Which of course Hannah took as invitation to use her now free hand to press down and squash the bulge on Mia’s belly, and pump her hand back and forth in a proper fucking rhythm.

Mia’s whole body melted into bliss, and before she knew it, Adron again guided her head back to his cock, and her further hand, too. Somehow, Mia found a way to use Hannah’s rhythm, and let it guide her, her mouth kissing and suckling, and her hand squeezing and stroking, in sync with Hannah’s pumping. Every so often, Hannah stopped, and instead pushed her fist deep into Mia, slowly and gently, but relentlessly, stretching Mia’s pussy deeper into her body. And deeper. With her lips still on Adron’s cock, Mia managed to open her eyes and look down her body, to watch more of Hannah’s forearm disappear into her spread pussy. She still wasn’t nearly as deep as Adron’s cock would reach. The cock Mia had in her hand. The cock she had her lips wrapped around, desperately trying to pull cum out of him like it was all that mattered.

Adron rumbled, tightened his grip on Mia’s head, and pinned her snug to his glans as the thick girth swelled. Cum pulsed up his cock as his inner muscles flexed and his heartbeat doubled, sensations she could feel in her grip, and she moaned. She licked his cock desperately, mouth spread and unable to move with Adron holding her, trapped. But her hand was free, and she worked his length faster and faster, and only slowed down once the first gush of warmth poured into her.

It was thick, and warm, and it had the same sort of taste the smell did. Spicy, exotic, enticing, powerful. She’d read what semen tasted like, and it wasn’t supposed to taste like this. This was… inhuman. She moaned more onto Adron’s cock, giving into the warmth, and letting his cum fill her mouth. She swallowed, and tingles went through her. Essence? Maybe. It didn’t matter. She wanted more. She wanted Adron inside her, anyway she could.

His thick seed oozed over her fingers, and she used it to help slide them more easily up and down his length. She squeezed and milked him, grip growing firm at the bottom and pulling up to the underside of his glans before loosening, earning another gush of cum that flowed out of her mouth. No matter how hard she tried to keep her lips tight to him, no matter how hard Adron pushed down on her head, it was too much cum. It filled her mouth, her cheeks, and gently squirted from her tight kiss, some of it managing to splash outward and hit her chest.

Cum. A demon’s cum. Heavy, hot, wet, inside her belly, dripping down her naked body, toward the woman’s fist pressing against her insides.

It was too much. She squealed, and Adron finally let go. She pulled her head back and stared down at Hannah’s arm pushing into her, and its fucking piston motion still somehow getting deeper. Hannah took her time, slowing the motion down and instead pushed her fist further into her, stretching her more and more, driving the bulge up her stomach higher until, finally, it barely managed to pass her navel. And there, Hannah worked her hand back and forth again, fast, and Mia squealed louder as her insides clamped down. The pleasure exploded outward from inside, deep in her core and stretched depths, and rolled out into her legs and up into her chest again. She couldn’t control it anymore, couldn’t control anything. All she could do was tremble, squeeze, and coat Hannah’s arm in her juices.

Adron took Mia, and picked her up. No time for Hannah to remove her fist, Mia mewled as the hand was pulled free from her quick as Adron set Mia on her back beside Hannah, Mia’s head aimed in toward the inside of their private little cave. And then he was on top of her. He got between her legs, spread them, and lowered himself down and down onto her, until he was only a couple feet above her. His soaked chest dripped cum onto her breasts and stomach, and his hungry eyes stared down at her. He looked… mesmerized.

He knelt up straight, grabbed her hips, and yanked her ass up toward him until her empty slit pressed against the underside of his cock, up against his huge testicles. His heavy length bent with gravity and rested along her stomach, and she looked at the thick, throbbing red girth as more drops of white seed oozed from its tip onto her skin. It was big. It was too big. It rested on her slim belly, twitching slightly with each of his heartbeats, and the final waves of his orgasm that still hadn’t ended. And now with her ass a couple feet up in the air, his cum flowed down over her chest and around her neck.

Even spread and bending slightly over her arching body, his cock reached from her entrance, up to the base of her sternum. Way, way further than Hannah’s fist had reached. And he was going to sink it into her. Every inch.

Mia tried to reach up and push against him, maybe stop him, maybe help him, she didn’t know. But Hannah was already kneeling by her head, and she pinned Mia’s wrists to the ground.

“Fuck her,” Hannah said, eyes staring at Adron’s cock and how far it reached on Mia’s tiny body. “Fuck her. Every inch.” She sounded more lost to whatever had grabbed her than Adron.

Adron nodded as he rumbled, more globs of cum trickling out of him and slowly flowing down between Mia’s tiny breasts toward her neck. Soon it flowed down her clavicle, around throat, and onto the stones underneath her. It was unending.

Adron pulled his hips back, took his cock in one hand, her hips still held by the other, and he pressed his giant cock’s tip against her pussy. So much cum, dripping and soaking and coating and making a huge mess, and he spread the juices along the lips of her pussy as he slowly pressed against her entrance.


And then he was gone. For a brief second, she was reminded of earlier that day, of when he’d shoved her out of the way, had been tackled by a giant lizard, and disappeared. It felt oddly the same, with her ass slamming against the stone ground, a gasp from Hannah, and her master’s disappearance.

It didn’t stay the same. Something grabbed her leg, and Mia let out a very different squeak from the others, as something’s huge arm yanked her out of the crevice, lifted her, and dangled her upside down.

“Diogo! What the fuck?” Adron’s voice. The vrat climbed back to his feet, glaring and growling up at the giant holding Mia. Even upside down, it was easy to recognize Diogo the giant juggernaut, holding her ankle and glaring down at her.

“Enough,” Diogo said. He wasn’t looking at Adron. He was looking at Mia.

“I… I d-don’t…” Gulping, Mia looked the huge beast up and down. His skin was shades of red dark and blood red, aroused, and his giant cock dangled between his legs, soaked and dripping with cum. He’d been having sex.

Slowly, Mia turned her head and looked at the rest of the group. And it was the whole group. Every demon and human stood nearby now, stepping around the curve of the mountain path into view so they could stare at Mia. They looked horny. They looked angry. Every one of them had cum dripping off some body part, and the two human men were sweating.

Mia licked her lips. She liked the way they looked. They—

Diogo shook her, hard, and everything turned into a big blur as she swung and bounced in his grip.

“Enough!” he said. “Stop drowning us with your aura, creature, or I will break you in half.”

Break in half. That wasn’t sexy talk. Diogo wasn’t threatening to pin her arms to her sides and masturbate with her body, like he’d done with the succubus, like she’d just been picturing him doing to tiny mewling squirming her. He was threatening to kill her.

Like a bucket of ice water, her eyes opened wide, her breath caught short, and she forced it in through the spark of panic. The pouring waves that flowed out of her came to a sharp stop, and the vibration inside her softened to almost nothing. Whether the vibration stopping or the death threat put a cease to her arousal, she didn’t know, but that too came to a harsh stop that left her gasping. Holy shit, it was like a veil had been pulled from her eyes, or her brain. She could think again.

The demons all sighed, as if relieved. Their skin darkened, their penises disappeared up into their bodies, their vaginas closed, their breasts hardened, and soon they were all ready for fighting, not fucking. The two humans took deep breaths as their penises softened, and they sat down, drained.

Diogo nodded as he grabbed Mia by the shoulder and turned her right side up, and set her back down on her feet.



“You were five seconds away from testing my limits, creature.”

“Creature? But I—”

Hannah came out of the small cave and stood behind her.

“That aura,” she said. “It’s gone. I… holy shit that was… What the fuck?”

Mia shared a confused stare with the woman before looking to Adron. He didn’t look as confused, but he did look surprised, and he looked down at himself, his cum-soaked chest, his palms and claws, and then at Mia.

“I… lost control,” he said.

“You did,” Diogo said. “Be happy I was strong enough to regain control, and save you.”

“Save me? You mean Zel—”

Diogo shook his head, and gestured to Mia.

“No. This creature, whatever she is, is not to be trusted. If you had fucked her, who knows what would have happened. You could have been ensnared in a way volaras and volarins only dream of.”

Everyone set their gaze on Mia again, and something new crept into their demon eyes she’d never thought she’d see. Even Adron, when fighting off the giant lizard, hadn’t had the look until now.

They were afraid of her. Or at least, worried about her, in the bad way.

“That aura,” Diogo said, squatting down in front of Mia and glaring at her, “was extreme. Your little fun here poured out over us and drowned us in it, and much further. It wouldn’t surprise me if everything with a heartbeat within a mile fucked someone or something else, whether they wanted to or not.”

Her mouth dropped. “You can tell that?”

“No. But that is what it felt like.”

“And… you think I did that on purpose?”

With a slow, heavy rumble, Diogo leaned in closer and closer, until his big demon skull-ish face was only inches from her. He was so damn big, if he wanted to, he could have opened his mouth and bit off half her face.

“I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. You cannot be trusted.” He stood back up, and pointed at Scilra. “Stand watch over her until rekindling. If her aura grows strong again, hurt her. If it continues to grow, kill her.”

Frowning but nodding, the tiger woman came over and sat beside Mia.

“What about Zel?” Scilra asked.

“If we have to kill her, then I will explain to Zelandariel.”

And just like that, Diogo walked away, and everyone went back around the curved path to the larger area where everyone had been sleeping or keeping watch. Everyone but Scilra. She came up beside Mia, looked her up and down a few times, growled quietly in her throat, and said nothing. So much for building a friendship with her.

“Adron?” Hannah asked.

The vrat shrugged as he came back to them, took some deep resetting breaths, and squatted down in front of Mia and Hannah.

“Okay, well, I’d expected for some of that aura to come out, but I hadn’t expected to… lose to it.”

“Lose?” Mia asked.

“Whenever a demon tries to drown you with their sin aura, it’s a battle of will. If you stay afloat, you can keep it from drowning you. But if it drowns you, you lose the ability to make conscious decisions. You become a slave to it.” He reached out, and poked Mia in the chest. The cum was still there. “You beat me.”

“I… did.”

“Yeap. And that isn’t normal. I’ve never met a succubus or incubus who could drown me with a sex aura, Mia, and they’re usually the only demons going around using that kind of sin aura.”

“Oh.” Oh. Oh! That meant, her weird aura thing was extremely powerful. No wonder Diogo was so pissed, and why everyone looked at her like she was suddenly a threat. “Thanks, for telling me.”

“He shouldn’t have,” Scilra said. “We don’t know what she is, Adron.”

Shrugging, the vrat stood up, and slowly walked away.

“She could be bad for us, or good. Who knows?” He peeked over his shoulder, grinned at Mia, winked, and disappeared around the mountain wall.

That was a nice wink.

Hannah poked her in the side, hard.

“Ow! Hey!”

“Don’t think horny thoughts!”

“Me? You’re the one—”

“I don’t have an aura! No human does.” Sighing, Hannah sat on a nearby rock, shaking her head. “And that was some aura. That was… that was beyond intense.”

Beyond intense, but neither Adron or Hannah looked unhappy with her. Hannah in particular was looking her up and down some more. The blond athlete hadn’t gotten to cum nearly as much as Mia had, and was probably itching for more.

So Mia poked her in the side right back.

“If I’m not allowed to get horny, you’re not either.”

Hannah chuckled. “Sorry. I uh… don’t think I’ll be thinking about much else for a while. Your… insides were so fucking tight, and hot, and you soaked me.”

“Oh god please stop.”

“And the way Adron’s cock looked, just lying on your tiny body like that? How deep do you think he woulda gone? With the way he was drowning in your aura, I just know he was going to sink every inch into you, one way or another. And—”

The tiger stepped up beside Hannah, and casually pushed her off her rock.

“Now I’m the one saying stop it. You and Adron triggered this creature’s aura on purpose, and had us all fucking each other before we even knew what happened. If it weren’t for Diogo, it’d still be going on, for who knows how long.”

“Aw come on. How do you know we triggered it?” Hannah asked, stumbling but not falling.

“Because you and Adron are… what do humans say, like moths to flame?”

Hannah grinned Mia’s way, but shrugged and waved a dismissing hand as she walked after Adron, firm little butt swaying with each step, until she too disappeared around the curving path to rejoin the others.

That woman’s fist had just been deep inside Mia’s body, pushing all the way up to her navel, and even a little past it, stretching her, preparing her. And hot as Hannah was, and apparently as hot as Hannah found Mia, it was obvious the two of them were far more attracted to Adron than each other. But, true as that was, that didn’t mean there wasn’t something really… really hot about Hannah doing things to Mia, while Mia got Adron off, and milked him of so much cum it went down her throat and dripped down her arms and fingers and chest and—

Scilra whacked her in the side of the leg with the flat side of her big tail.

“Stop it. I can feel your aura growing again.”

“Right, right! Sorry.” Groaning, she and Scilra slowly walked back to rejoin the group, though Scilra made sure they stopped on the outer edge. Close enough so whoever was going to stand watch for the rest of the night could keep her in sight, but far enough Scilra probably thought the distance would at least delay Mia’s aura from affecting them again.

Ugh, what sort of weird Hell was this? She wasn’t human? Fine, that was weird and problematic and she didn’t believe it, but she could roll with it. Hopefully. Maybe. But getting so close to finally getting fucked, only to get stopped? And now all she could think about was Adron’s giant cock ready to penetrate her, but she wasn’t allowed to get horny?

Torture. This was real torture.



~~Day 20~~


Another day in Hell. Another ‘rekindling’, when the amber veins along the stone walls grew bright, and the sky of fire bloomed from quiet ember clouds to flowing waves of flames. And this high up, he could hear the fire, like an army of blowtorches in the distance. If he were any higher up, it’d probably feel a lot like how a corpse felt when it got incinerated in a crematory.

The demons all woke up with him, in yet another crevice in the mountains for them to hide in. Much as Dao was showing David an unusual amount of kindness and affection, she still slept with Jeskura, shoulder to shoulder and half sitting half lying against a sloped wall. Caera had woken up early, and had decided to let Jes have another hour of sleep before daybreak.

David never stayed asleep all twelve hours. If he wanted to, all he had to do was close his eyes and go back to sleep when he woke up; the afterlife body was strangely robotic in regards to sleep. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to talk to Caera.

He sat down next to the tiger, who lay at the small cave’s opening. Not wearing her armor though, since the cave was so high up and out of the way, not even the usual imp or grem was around. A safe place to take off the armor and rest properly, according to her and Jes. They’d stripped. He’d kept his cloak and skirt on.

Now with only a couple feet between him and the tiger lady, he peeked her way and over her arm, and couldn’t help but admire Caera’s naked body. Even firm as cardboard like it was now, she had a great body, a bit more muscular than Jes, and just as curvy as Dao. That included some very large breasts, that were pleasantly half squished under her chest and pushing out to the sides. Bigger than Jes’s, and almost as big as Dao’s. Considering Jes was already a busty demoness, and Dao was absurdly busty, Caera’s bust fit right in nicely.

Yeap, he loved boobs. And big firm asses. And flat stomachs and curvy fit thighs and everything that made any sort of S shape on a woman’s body. And no matter how much he told himself it was pretty shallow to stack women in a measuring contest, he did it anyway. Because, yeah, boobs and butts made the world go ‘round. Still applied in Hell, for him at least.

“I can feel the tingling grow,” she said, her chin resting on the backs of her hands. “Are you looking at me?”

“I uh… I am. Sorry.”

With a quiet snort, she brought her tail around and gave his back a playful slap. The cloak provided surprisingly good protection against any sting, but he still stumbled forward a little with the weight of it.

“Jes and Dao are itching to fuck you, you know.”

“I… know, yeah. This aura thing that’s coming out of me is pretty weird. And strong.” Right now it was just a breeze. It’d become a fucking hurricane if he let it. “But, much as I’d love to sit around, explore this weird body I have for some reason, and have lots of sex, I gotta get Mia.”

“Rushing in there isn’t going to do anything. Though, from what I know about you so far, that’s not your style, is it?”

He smiled down at the big tiger lady. “It isn’t.”

“Though I am a little surprised you’re not pushing to have us moving at twilight hours, considering how much we’ve trekked in just a few days.”

“You said the hellbeasts were more active at those hours.”

“They are, usually.”

“And you scared me pretty good with all that talk about goort hordes and basilisks and fallo spiders.”

“Good.” She rolled over onto her side, and grinned at him as she stretched out, arms past her head, legs way out behind her. That, was a lot of woman. A lot of lean, muscular, curvy, busty tiger woman. Over eight feet tall when she stood up, compared to Dao’s six and a bit, and Jes’s six and a lot.

He gulped.

“It really doesn’t take much to get your blood flowing, does it?”

“I’m only nineteen years old.” It took some effort to not yell that, but Dao and Jes were still sleeping.


“And… the first time I had sex… was with Jes and Dao, the night before we started this hike.”

The tiger lady licked her many teeth as she watched him.

“A pretty big pile of stimulus dumped on your lap, then. Go to Hell, only to get rescued by some pretty demon ladies. Then it turns out you’re not human—”


“And then you find out you have a sex aura and a giant dick. Losing your virginity like that is bound to leave an impression. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you end up doing what some volaras and volarins do”—succubus and incubus—“and fuck your way to easy meals, respect, and power.”

He forced himself to look away from the tiger woman’s very long, slender, perfect body, and out of the cave to the slowly brightening landscape.

“If I can’t escape Hell, then, that does sound like a pretty good way to live.”

Chuckling, Caera poked his leg with a claw.

“You don’t have much for ambition.”

“I said that last night.”

“I know. It’s just strange to hear someone be so honest about it.”

“Well, I don’t think it’s all that good a thing to be super ambitious. People get themselves killed chasing crazy dreams and ambitions all the time. Don’t let survivor bias hide the fact most people who strive for something ambitious fail. A great man once said ‘sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.’”

That earned a proper laugh out of Caera, and she had to use a hand to keep it down. Only them being at the cave entrance and facing out stopped it from echoing around and waking the other two girls.

“Strangely wise, if a bit pessimistic. I like that.”

She did? Oh. Well, that was good. The more people who liked him, the better his chances of survival.

And he liked her. And Jes. And Dao. Especially Dao. His whole damn life he couldn’t ever stand people who talked without saying anything, and now he was spending all his time with a woman he could barely understand at all, and was enjoying it. He was loving it. Every click she made had him doing a mental dance trying to figure out what she said, like a puzzle or a game. It was fun. She was fun. She was nice. Sometimes he wondered about Jes’s suggestions of just, hanging around, doing nothing but fucking and hiding out like those two had been before they found him.

Until he remembered if he didn’t get his ass in gear, Mia might die. Again. Which sorta ruined the whole giant penis and sex aura thing he desperately wanted to explore more. Every time the sky rekindled, he got moving, and once he got comfortable with hiking, it was him dragging the demon ladies along, not the other way around. And twelve hours of decently fast walking left everyone too exhausted to do much else but sit around.

Hyperfixation, Mia called it. He had something on his mind, and now that he was pursuing it, he couldn’t stop. Right now, that was saving his sister. Plus not needing to eat or drink meant he could focus on his goal without a need to stop. Good for him. Bad for his companions.

“You’re doing it again,” Caera said.

“W-What?” He snapped his head up and looked around, which earned another chuckle from the tiger lady.

“Staring off into space and thinking yourself into an early grave.”

“You sound like Mia.”

“Ha. She seemed like a smart girl.” Shrugging, Caera pushed herself back up to sitting, then up to all fours, and she prowled around in front of him. Those, were some amazing breasts hanging underneath her, firm and dark red, nipples flat and the same shade of red, almost invisible. Would they look like Jes and Dao’s did, once aroused?

“What’re you doing?” he asked the blatantly showing-off tiger lady.

“Taking your mind off whatever it is you’re thinking about that’s got you so absorbed. Breasts seem to do that pretty easily.”


“I don’t know. Most men these days do seem to love them.”

“No. I mean… why are you trying to distract me?”

She smiled. “Whatever you were thinking about had you frowning.”

Ah shit, that again. He touched his face. Yeap, there it was, tightened face muscles.

“I do frown a lot when I concentrate, Mia says.”

“Think about something more pleasing then.” She sat in front of him cat style, arms straight down in front of her, and she used her biceps to push her huge breasts together slightly. “This tingling aura of yours never quite goes away, and it’s driving me insane.”

He leaned back slightly, almost falling over. “S-Sorry. I don’t know how to control it.” And she was only making it worse.

“Well it’s an itch you’ll have to scratch for us. Later. For now, we rest. Jes and Dao need it, and the three of us are going to have to eat today. But if we get a moment when we’re not all tripping over each other with exhaustion, I expect you to deal with this problem.”

“Deal with—”

She licked her teeth as she looked him up and down, before she put a hand of claws against his chest, and pushed him. For some reason, he didn’t make a sound. He didn’t want to wake up Jes and Dao, sure, they needed the sleep, but a tiger lady was currently pinning him down and looking ready to eat him. He should have made a sound. But he didn’t.

“You know demons well enough by now,” she whispered, lowering herself until her head was only inches above his. “They love to fight, and fuck. And this aura of yours is pulling at the latter. But this pace you’re setting isn’t letting me or the others satisfy it, and it won’t be long before we end up using the former to satisfy the urge instead. Hopefully the hunt we’ll go on today will settle the craving, but if you keep this aura up, teasing us, we’ll take it out on you.”

He stared at her. And stared some more.

But eventually Caera rolled her eyes and got off him, sitting up.

“I threaten you and your aura only grows.” Rolling her eyes, she walked past him toward the back of the cave, and ran her tail’s smooth part along his side, like a cat would.

“Uh, sorry. Kinda… just… yeah.”

“Ha. I should be the one saying sorry for testing you. But now I have that damn aura of yours tickling my insides.” After an exaggerated groan, she poked Daoka and Jeskura in the sides. “Alright ladies, let’s go.”

Daoka swiped at Caera, clicking quietly but rapidly.

Caera shrugged. “We should try and leave a little early if we’re going to catch Diogo.”

“It’s twilight hours,” Jes said, sitting up and stretching out her wings. Damn that was a wide wingspan. “Pretty dangerous to moving around now.”

“Agreed, but there’s three of us and twilight is almost over.”

“Ugh, still another hour before rekindling.” With a heavy snort, Jeskura rolled over and back onto her side next to Dao. But Caera was having none of it. She picked up the gargoyle by both her horns. “Hey! Hey! Fuck you stupid cat bitch!”

Chuckling, Caera set her back down, and gave Daoka the evil eye. Which got Daoka up onto her hooves in a second, clicking and groaning but moving.

David watched, and he knew he was smiling. It was fun to watch, three beautiful demon women being so casual, comfortable, and dare he think it, normal, with each other. Dangerous beasts, sure, but also normal women. Maybe demons were part human, if Hell was a reflection of the surface world? Certainly seemed like it. Plus there was the fact they were all naked, and all had absurdly amazing bodies. Even with skin all dark, dark red, and firm, god damn they were hot.

Daoka clicked a few times, higher pitched than normal, bounced David’s way, and grinned at him. But before she could grab his shoulders, Caera grabbed her by the horns and yanked her back into the small cave. A flurry of clicks followed.

“No fucking,” Caera said, and gestured to their armor. “Ignore the tingling. It’ll calm once David’s on the move. Come on, let’s go.”

Caera was the responsible one of the group, evidently. It was a welcome addition to their little party, because as much as David considered himself a smart, responsible guy, he had no power here. Well, he could make people want to fuck him, there was that. But make them get up and get moving? Not so much.

Caera came back up to him, walking on her hind feet, and turned him around.

“Stop watching, unless you want to fuck right now, and stop chasing Mia.”

Mia, right. He nodded as he stepped out on the cliff side and looked down below. Somehow he found the will to not watch the naked demons get dressed. He even found the willpower to stare down in the rocks below, the steep fall, and not think about Jeskura’s tight pussy clenching on his cock while Daoka buried his face with her enormous breasts. Somehow—fuck. He slapped his face, hard.

Once the girls were in their armor, they got underway. Hell had been awesome to stare at for a while, but he was getting pretty sick of walking across mountains. Every so often the mountains opened up enough he could see past them to the Black Valley, the neighboring province, and past it to the curving circle of Hell’s outer edge, and to the red ocean beyond it. No more vertigo, so there was that at least.

Daoka came up beside him and clicked a few times.

“What?” he asked.

“She’s hungry,” Jes said. “So am I.”

“Me too,” Caera said. “We’re going to have to put this chase on hold today, David, at some point. Much as I want to catch up to Diogo today, it’s not going to happen.”

“Alright,” he said. “Can we at least get the spire into view today?”

Caera, on all fours now, nodded as she walked beside him.

“If we push it after eating, we might get there right before twilight. Barely, and it’ll still be a ways off.”

“But I’ll be able to see it?”

“Yes. Why’s that important?”

“I’ll be able to figure at least something out if I can see the place.” So far all he knew was it was a big spire in the middle of a bunch of mountains. Not the sort of detail he needed if he was going to make a plan. “And—”

The ground vibrated. Heavy, deep, rumbling. The four of them spun around.

There was nothing there.

“The fuck?” Jes asked, eyebrow raised as she stared at the path behind them. But there wasn’t anything there. Just mountains on one side, a big ravine on the other, and the shitty path they’d followed, wide enough for them to walk on but a winding mess covered in boulders and patches of bloodgrip.

“Uh…” David scratched his head, adjusted his cloak, and took a step back down the path, toward the sound. “That sounded… close.” Unfortunately, a glance back showed all three ladies doing the same thing, cocking an eyebrow and staring down the path, looking for the source. The path was dotted with lots of little hiding places, but nothing anything big could hide behind, and the path went on for a good while with no mountain curve to block their line of sight. There was nothing behind them.

Daoka clicked quietly a few times.

“Yeah, could have been a falling rock,” Caera said. “But it didn’t… sound like one.”

No, it didn’t sound like one. It’d sounded like something landing, but it lacked the harsh snap of something hard and brittle cracking on the ground, or breaking it.

It happened again, and it sounded closer. A few pebbles rolled down the walls of stone, cracking against other rock in the quiet, each eventually creating loud snaps that echoed in the ravine below. No sign of whatever made the two booming thuds of impact, though.

The group took a step back. It happened again, and again, heavy, deep thuds of impact.

Now he recognized the sound. Now he recognized the sensation.

“Um… is… there any demon, that… that is that, um, heavy? So when they walk, the ground… shakes?”

“Not like this,” Caera whispered. “Not since the first war, only Lucifer knows how long ago.”

Only Lucifer knows. Expression, or literal? Bad time to ask.

The rumbling came closer. If he had a cup of water, sitting innocently in the cup holder of a jeep parked outside a giant, deactivated electric fence, it would have rippled perfectly with each deep, vibrating thud.

Chills shot up through his spine. Every hair on his arms stood up. His breathing quickened. His heart rate skyrocketed. He was a child again, four or five, watching a movie he was way too young to watch, about to see someone get eaten by a tyrannosaurus rex. He was that someone now.

But there was nothing there. The path was empty with nowhere to hide, and whatever it was making the sound, it had to be huge.

Daoka clicked a couple times softly, and leaned in closer to Jes until they were shoulder to shoulder.

“No idea,” Jes said. “Hey girls, let’s get going? I don’t want to—”

All four of them jumped in place, when another thud ran through the mountain under their feet, and a giant footprint cut into the ground maybe a hundred feet away. While they could see down the path for much further than that, the rocks and boulders blocked them from seeing the actual ground surface of the path. But this close, they could see straight to the path’s surface, and the enormous footprint that crushed pebbles into powder, and sank a few inches into the rock and dirt.

“What… the fuck…,” Caera said. The only person in their little group with any possible idea of what was happening, was absolutely clueless. Fucking wonderful.

He gulped, staring at the huge footprint. Even that far, he could tell how big it’d be if it’d belonged to a real creature. A t-rex would have seemed small in comparison. The footprint barely fit the path, a path Caera and David had walked side by side. Its shape made no sense either, a blobby mess that almost looked like it could have been made by a soft hoof, but it had claws, too.

Another footprint, much louder, much closer, and all four of them held their breath as they stared down at the huge dent in the ground, now only fifty feet away. It looked different, less blobby, with the more defined shape of a cat’s paws, but also the indents he’d expect to see from Caera or Jes’s dinosaur-like raptor feet.

“W-What do we do?” he asked.

No one said a word, until finally one of them clicked a few times, yanked on their wrists, and ran. And like Daoka had undone their chains, the rest of them turn and ran after her.

Dao hopped around and over the big rocks along the path. Caera dashed left and right with a cat’s agility, weaving around the rocks and curves of the winding path. Jes jumped onto one of the big rocks and used her wings to jump to the next. David just ran for all his shitty human legs could manage, and that wasn’t much. For all a human’s ability to endure long hikes that demon’s struggled with, they left him in the dust almost instantly.

Another thud quaked and shook the mountain, earlier than last time, and its deep vibrating sound rumbled and echoed through the ravine. It was chasing them. The smart part of his brain, the part he was usually pretty damn good at listening to exclusively, told him to not look back. The panicking, stupid, oh-god-oh-god-we’re-going-to-die part of him looked back. The footprint was closer, and it’d changed shape again. Still huge, but different.

Daoka looked behind her, and clicked furiously.

“I can’t fucking carry him!” Jes yelled between leaps. “I can barely glide with this armor on!”

With a flurry of more clicks, Daoka turned around, but just as she readied a hop in David’s direction, a huge mass of dark red flesh came back around at him and picked him up. Caera. She reached down with her arms, scooped him up, and ran back down the path toward the others.

For a second he thought she’d throw him on her back. Thankfully she did not. Riding bareback on a horse was a bad enough idea. Riding bareback on a tiger’s back, with a spine lined with big spikes from end to end? It’d kill him. The tiger lady held him to her chest armor, and ran on her hind legs, already doubling his original speed.

“Thanks,” he said between gasps.

She managed a quick nod, but otherwise dedicated every breath to getting as much oxygen — or whatever the fuck Hell had — into her lungs. With how far forward she was leaning, he stared at the ground and the rocks zooming underneath them, afraid she was going to fall forward at any moment and smash him into the ground. She didn’t. Somehow, Caera was perfectly comfortable running on her hind legs, and it wasn’t long before she caught up to Dao and Jes. They’d waited for her.

Daoka clicked a few more times, falling in step beside Caera and looking to David.

“Worry later!” Jes yelled. “Just go! Just—”

Another thud, another footstep. Closer again, and faster than before, like as if whatever chased them was taking an eternity to ramp up to its full speed.

David forced his eyes up to the path ahead. It went on and on, a stretch of mountain that connected to another mountain they’d have to take before the mountains spread open, revealing a valley with the spire in it, supposedly. If there was a place they could hide, maybe a crevice or ravine they could jump into that wouldn’t break their legs, he didn’t see one. All they could do was keep running, with him an anchor dragging Caera down.

The next thud hit the ground directly behind Caera, and it landed hard. Even with Caera half running half bouncing on her big powerful hind legs, he felt the vibration up through her body into his. Whatever this invisible thing was, it was beyond huge. So huge it shouldn’t have been able to walk the path they were on unless the thing only had one leg, was hopping on it, and had a flat body or stick body or something, some shape with no width.

Or it didn’t give a shit about shape or anything. It was invisible, after all.

“We have to get off the path!” he yelled. “It’s going to run us down!”

“Fucking where then!?” Jes said, twenty feet ahead next to Dao. She managed a quick gesture up at the giant cliff wall on their right, practically a flat cliff face at this point on the path. And to their left, a ravine, and not one of the small ones either. The mountain across the ravine stood about a hundred feet away, and it wasn’t much better, a harsh slope covered in jagged rocks, and no path to land on. Plus, the ravine was a few hundred feet deep, and they’d left the Adam’s Blood river behind them a while ago. All that waited was more rock.

He didn’t get to answer. The next thud came down beside Caera, and it landed much harder, as if the invisible creature had jumped. The mountain couldn’t take it. As if someone had pulled out the bottom block on a Jenga tower, the rocks came crumbling down. First, the path directly under Caera and David. Half a second later, everything else. The wall, the path ahead, the path behind, everything broke, and gravity yanked them down the avalanche the creature had started.

Caera let him go. He barely noticed. Momentum threw him forward. Had she thrown him? No. She hadn’t expected the mountain to give out anymore than he had. He spun around through the air and managed to see Caera sink her claws into the mountainside and slow her descent into the ravine, while he tumbled. His body landed on a chunk of flat path for only a second before it, too, crumbled away, and joined the rolling rocks underneath them.

He fell, fingers against the stone, skin tearing as he gripped at the rock wall and tried to find a hook, a ledge, anything he could get his grip on. Gravity was a cruel asshole, and it pulled David down faster and faster, no matter how much his hands clawed at the mountain.

He found something. His shoulders jerked hard as both of his hands found a stone outcropping. Gravity lost its power over him.

Clicks yanked his attention. Daoka. She was above him, and doing the same thing he was doing, claws scratching at the wall as it crumbled underneath her.

“Jes!” he yelled. Maybe she could do something. The gargoyle circled overhead like a kite, eyes wide, terror written into her face like he’d carved it there with a knife.

“Dao!” she screamed. “Dao!”

Dao fell.

David threw out his hand, and caught her. The satyr swung underneath him, clicking up a storm as she bounced hard against the rock, and her grip locked solid around his wrist. His muscles screamed at him, and his fingers went from aching to burning in seconds as they pressed hard against the stone he squeezed with his only free hand. He didn’t let go.

“Hold on!” he said, snapping his eyes around. Rocks fell from above, not as many compared to the crumbling wall beneath them, but some did, and one caught Jeskura in a wing. Her shriek cut through the roaring avalanche, and both Dao and David stared at the gargoyle as she fell.

He pulled, and pulled, but it didn’t matter. The thundering vibration of the avalanche was immense, and it made his grip tenuous. Worse, it made the rock protrusion’s grip on the mountain even more slippery, and the rock broke away. He fell toward the falling rocks below, and pulled the clicking Daoka to his chest as they plummeted down.