Chapter 3: Otosaki Rei – The loser heroine
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Daichi Itakura:

"Did your head get cooled now?", I asked the cute purple haired girl, who just drank a can of cold coffee.

"Y-Yes.", Otosaki Rei slowly answered while looking down. 

Right now both of us were sitting on a bench behind the school garden.

This was not a date, by the way. And if you want to know why on earth I was with Otosaki, the girl who was on full yandere mode for her crush just a while ago, in this situation then....

Flashback starts...

"Otosaki! Calm down!" (Misato)

"Yeah! How about you play some games on mobile? Maybe a dating sim?" (Koujiro)

"Shut up Hajime!" (Misato)

"H-How about taking some cold drink? Cool your head!" (Itakura)

"Right, Dai-kun! Take Otosaki with you and get her some drink!" (Misato)

"E-Eh me!?" (Itakura)

"It's an emergency! And Mai-chan is not here right now as well. Only Dai-kun can help." (Misato)

I was hesitant to say the least. After all, this girl's behaviour was really scary. But Tachibana senpai was requesting me in such a way which I couldn't turn down. 

Flashback ends...

So that was how I ended up in this situation. At first, I was scared that she would probably kill me too. But she was a little bit calm since I took her here.

"I'm sorry, Daichi-kun, I was a little bit over the top in front of you all.", Otosaki said.

A little bit? You literally said you wanted to kill your love rival. I had seen yanderes in manga and anime. But trust me, yanderes in real world should either be in jail or mental hospital.

"Otosaki-san...", I calmly called her.


"Please don't be so desperate. You know, even if that girl confesses to Shirogane, he may also turn her down, no?", I tried my best to give a positive hope.

However, she still looked as disappointed as before. She slowly shook her head to deny my optimism.

"You don't know, Daichi-kun. Do you want to hear our story?"

"Your story? Tell me then."

She took a deep breath and began.

"Ever since childhood, I have always been loved with Rintaro. And I had never left him alone. Whenever he had trouble, I have always come to help him. We were so close that people used to mock us calling husband wife. And I absolutely loved it..."

Yeah... she had immersed in her own fantasies. At least it's better than her yandere mood.

"Even though I never confessed to him, we were still more or less an unofficial couple in middle school. However..."

Suddenly... her voice changed again...

"As soon as we entered the high school, everything changed. On the opening day, Rintaro saved a girl from bullies... that girl was Yumiko Sakurai."

Is Rintaro an anime protagonist? Must be a badass one.

"Honestly, I was at first happy that my Rintaro grew up to be such a fearless guy, but... I soon realized after some days... that he and Yumiko had got closer... way too closer!"

Oh no! Her mood was deteriorating again. I went on to buy another cold coffee from the vending machine.

"Otosaki-san, drink this coffee." 

"You won't believe it, Daichi-kun! Yumiko got closer to Rintaro in 16 days than I got in 16 years!"

"Yeah I get it. But first drink this and calm down please."

After drinking the coffee, she calmed down again. It seemed like the coffee had some magical powers.

"I'm sorry, I lost it again. I'm just upset that after so many years, I still couldn't get Rintaro to notice me like he was noticing Yumiko. That's why I think he would obviously accept her confession than anyone else."

I took a sigh of relief as she was thinking reasonable for a change. However I needed to ensure she stayed like that. I wanted to figure out something to say to her to lighten up her mood.

"Otosaki-san, do you read manga?"

"Manga? Yeah I love manga."

Brilliant! Seems like I can change her mood now.

"Oh! Which type of manga does Otosaki-san like?"

"I like shoujo manga. Mainly because they are romance. But I also read shounen or seinen romance as well... I love any Romance manga. Romance... My romance... ended before it even starts..."

Oh sh*t... It's happening again! Her face is becoming gloomy like before!

"Otosaki-san... please listen to me. Every romance manga you have read, do every girl get their love in the end?"

"Eh? N-No. Most of them were left heartbroken."

"Yes! But they eventually move on. And they don't even think of killing their love rival."

"Who knows..."


Jeez... this is so difficult to console her. But this is literally my task right now as the member of the counselling club. 

"Listen, Otosaki-san. I know this is tough but you have to live with it. If you ever have any trouble... or ever think of killing someone... then please come to me or anyone else in our club immediately."

"Ah... okay..."

"And also..."

"Also what?"

"Also... I'll try to help you and Rintaro get together."


She smiled brightly after hearing my words. 

"But for now you should go home. And here... take one more cold coffee."

For now, it seemed like she had calmed down. After I gave her another coffee, I was ready to leave. But suddenly, I felt a tug at my sleeves. 

Surprised, I found Otosaki-san looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Daichi-kun, can you please help me once more?"

"Yes, tell me."

"Can you please take my bag from the school library? It is of pink and blue colour."

"Eh? No problem but why don't you go?"

"It's because that b*tch is there, studying with Rintaro. If I see them together once more, I might really commit homicide..."

"OKAY OKAY! No worries! You wait here. I'm coming back with your bag."

I went to library and within a minute I found a pinkish bag resting on a chair without her owner. A little far from it, were one boy and one girl, studying together.

Studying... or flirting... whatever you can call it. Needless to say those were Shirogane and Yumiko.

Shirogane wasn't too handsome of a guy but he does look like a main character of a harem anime. On the other hand, Yumiko were very beautiful. In fact, was she probably the most beautiful girl in our grade?

Sorry Otosaki-san, you've definitely lost the war here. How can I make Otosaki-san win over Yumiko? I need to think carefully.

When I came back, Otosaki was still sitting on the same place.

"Here. Your bag."

"Thank you. Umm... were those two still together?"

"Ah... yeah."

"I see..."

She looked disheartened.

"Otosaki-san, please once again listen to me."

I suddenly looked straight into her eyes unknowingly.

"Y-Yes.", it was a little surprising to her.

"I know that Yumiko-san is a beauty and thus she can captivate Shirogane or anyone else. But... Otosaki-san too is a beauty herself... in fact more than her."

And more scary too....

"Eh?... I see... Daichi-kun just wants to make me feel good."

"Not at all! I'm serious. L"


She laughed! Miracle! Miracle!

"Daichi-kun is also a very good guy... okay then bye.", she then suddenly poked my forehead and left. If someone saw us, then he or she would absolutely misunderstand. 

As I was looking at her leaving I realised my cheeks were little red.

Some times girls are also unfair.

[To be continued]