Chapter 4: Keiichi and his mysterious friend
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Daichi Itakura:

After handling the crisis situation of Otosaki, I returned to our club. However as I entered, I saw two more people along with two senpais. One of them was Yanami, who was back but the other one was a different girl.

"Ah, Dai-kun is back. Is Otosaki okay right now?", Tachibana senpai asked me.

"She seems fine now. However I'm afraid, I don't know how she will be later."

As I took a chair beside Yanami-san, the other girl turned towards so I could see her face. Surprisingly, the girl was Mitsuba Nanami (the girl from chapter one). I wonder what happened to the confession to her classmate. 

"You came back at the right moment, Daichi-san. Mitsuba-san is here to thank you.", Yanami told me.

"Thank me?"

"Yes, Daichi-san", Mitsuba answered. "Thanks to your advice, I confessed to Yoshin. Today, we are a lovey dovey couple."

"Oh congratulations!"

"By the way, I guess Daichi-san sure has a lot of experience in love, right?"

"Eh, n-not really."

Me being experienced in love? That's probably the best joke you'll ever hear.

Suddenly Yanami burst out laughing after hearing Mitsuba's remark. She then looked at Mitsuba, who looked confused, 

"Yes! Daichi-san does have a lot of experience... in being rejected... Four times... right, Daichi-san?", Yanami looked at me with her smug face.

Stop laughing! I know four times rejected is not a proud record, but it's also not that funny.

"That's rich coming from a girl who got dumped twice.", I answered back.

"H-Hey! You're so mean~"

By the frustrated look of Yanami, it sure was an epic comeback by me.

"Oh, so now I'm mean? What were you doing till now?"

"Fair enough, Daichi-san beat me this time.", with an embarrassed face, Yanami accepted her defeat.

"Today's winner is Daichi, ladies and gentlemen.", Hajime senpai lifted my hand as if I won a boxing match.

"Brilliant, Dai-kun.", Tachibana senpai applauded me.

"Hey! Isn't this a little bit too much?", Yanami protested against the overreaction of both senpais. 

Meanwhile, Mitsuba didn't understand what was going on at all... 

The next day....

After lunch, I was thinking about calling Keiichi to have some fun together outside. However, he seemed to have a conversation with his girlfriend at that time. 

With no intention to disturb their lovey dovey moment, I decided to go outside alone.... until I found out a big problem. 

The girl Keiichi was talking to... wasn't his girlfriend.

Now, you might think it's not a big issue to talk to another girl. But the way the girl was talking to him, anyone would misunderstand her for his girlfriend. 

"Yo Keiichi, what's up?", I called him normally. 

"Oh Itakura. I was just talking with Remon. She's in the track and field club you know? And Remon, this is my best friend, Daichi Itakura."

In front of me, was a beautiful tomboy-ish girl with short hair, Wakamiya Remon. She's from class D and as you could imagine, she was brilliant in sports.

"Nice to meet you."

We both greeted each other. However, I was a bit suspicious about their relationship. 

"You know Itakura, she's very determined about our coming sports festival. Her target is to not just win the race but also within a record time."

"Oh Keiichi ~ shut up. I'm not even confident about winning!", she playfully hit his shoulders. 

Keiichi? Only one girl has ever called Keiichi by his first name and that's his girlfriend, Chihaya Rikka. Now this was really suspicious.

"Wait, but our sports festival will be after the mid term exams.", I reminded them.

Within a moment, both of their faces became gloomy. Well, I knew about Keiichi as he is really weak in studies. But it seemed like Wakamiya was also on the same track.

"Well, I'm very bad at study. Keiichi might help me~ "

"Are you joking lol? I'm even worse. But Itakura is very good. He can help us."

"Really? Then your friend could teach both of us! Problem solved!"

Wait a minute, when did I agree to teach both of you? 

Also if Chihaya saw her boyfriend with Wakamiya, I wonder how she would react.

At the club....

The four of us were having the usual time, when Tachibana senpai asked,

"Dai-kun. You're good at studies, no?"

"Eh? I'm decent, but not that good."

"Well that's what Mai-chan needs after all. She needs you to help her in studies."

"W-When did I say I need Daichi-san?", Yanami protested but Tachibana senpai didn't hear any of her words.

"You said it would have been good if someone helped you right? Who else are you going to find rather than Dai-kun?"

Yanami was about to talk back but at that time, someone opened the door.

"C-Can I come in?"

Wait, I knew this voice.... I looked behind to see...

"Ah Otosaki-san?"

I told her back then that she should come here if she ever have homicidal thoughts. I hoped that was not the case again.

"Otosaki, are you feeling bad again?", Tachibana senpai asked.

"N-No. I just came here to talk to Daichi-kun."

Eh only me? Is she preparing to kill me or what?

"What about me?", I asked. 

"Actually I wanted to give you this."

She suddenly gave me a packet, which was seemed to have cookies?

Both Tachibana senpai and Yanami looked at us with shocked face. Only Hajime senpai was indifferent. 

"Cookies? Why?"

"Last day you bought me three cans of cold coffee. So I wanted to pay you back.", she looked at me with an embarrassed face.

"Oh I see! But you didn't have to pay back you know. I just helped you because I wanted to."

"I-I also want to give you because I want to.", Otosaki answered back. Fair enough. 

"Thank you, Otosaki."

"N-No problem. Besides, can I come here to meet Daichi-kun anytime I want?"

"Eh? Of course you can meet any of us."

"But Daichi-kun will always be here right? Umm... I only want to meet Daichi-kun when I need."

"Eh? Only me? Umm... okay then. Don't  worry I will be here everyday."

Both Tachibana senpai and Yanami were still watching us with their jaws dropped. Why?

At that moment, Hajime senpai told Otosaki, 

"If you want to talk to Daichi only, why don't you take his number?"

"Eh? I see. Can you give me your number, Daichi-kun?", she asked me with her sparkled eyes.

"A-Ah okay. I have no problem."

This was the FIRST TIME EVER, a girl had asked my number. Even if it's only because of her mental health issues, I was still somewhat happy. 

After she left, Tachibana senpai suddenly got angry with Hajime senpai.

"Hajime! Why did you ask her to take Dai-kun's number?"

"Huh? Isn't it good for her to have Daichi's number?", Hajime senpai looked at her with a smug face. Why?

Tachibana senpai got even more mad. Then she looked at me and asked,

"Dai-kun. I don't really like that girl. Be safe from her okay."

"I... don't really get what you are talking."

"Also Dai-kun, give me your number too!"


"What? You don't want to?"

"N-No. It's fine!"

I could hear Hajime senpai laughing. And Yanami, who was still looking at me with a shocked pikachu face, said to me,

"You're quite good with girls, aren't you, Daichi-san?"


Me being good with girls? That's probably the second best joke you'll ever hear.

[To be continued]