Steps to raise a Wife Part 1 – Travelling from Aurangabad to Chikli
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Hi, I am beginning the new chapter the story is not related to the previous chapter this story is new. I will try my best to give regular episodes. Please cooperate and also hear my audio novel on UNISONofGEEKSHOW on YouTube. I will start the audio novel with my first story Reel or Real. Please support my channel and blog.


The wide highway stretched ahead, with the metallic blue Jaguar slicing through the wind at full speed. Behind the wheel was Ashwin Sinha, a man of commanding presence at 5 feet 7 inches. Despite his muscular build and slightly dark complexion, Ashwin's mind was clouded with annoyance as he drove through Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar. His hometown of Aurangabad had become a source of negativity, with constant criticism of his parents. Tired of the relentless negativity, Ashwin sought refuge in his mother's hometown, Chikli.


As the wheels of his Velocity Blue metallic Jaguar hummed on the road, Ashwin's discontent lingered. However, the monotonous hum was abruptly interrupted by the lively sounds of a marriage musical band. Realizing he was near his mother's maternal home, he parked his car about 50 meters away and stepped out.


Elders at the venue recognized him as Aarti’s son and pulled him into the remnants of the wedding reception. The festivities were winding down, with only a few lingering souls enjoying the remnants of celebration with alcohol. Despite his disinterest in drinking, Ashwin, burdened by his foul mood, found himself joining in.


Amidst the clinks of glasses and distant laughter, a turning point awaited. Krishna Sinha, Ashwin's maternal grandfather, observed his grandson. He saw beyond the facade of revelry and recognized the storm within him. Without a word, he approached, taking Ashwin's hand and leading him away from the chaotic merriment.


In the quiet of their home, Krishna Sinha gently guided Ashwin to a bed. There, in the embrace of familial care, Ashwin's turbulent thoughts found a momentary respite. The impact of this unexpected intervention rippled through his consciousness, leaving him to confront not only the external challenges but also the internal turmoil that had led him to this point.


"Aaaaa!" The shrill scream of a woman pierced through the peaceful air, rudely jolting Ashwin from his slumber. Rubbing his eyes, he grumbled, "What the hell? Why are you yelling, Shanta Aunt?" Ashwin's disheveled appearance spoke volumes about his interrupted nap.


Shanta Aunt, the long-time house helper, was wide-eyed and pointing dramatically. In her decades of service, witnessing Ashwin tangled up with a girl in the same bed was a plot twist she hadn't signed up for. The shock on her face could have won an award for dramatic reactions.


Peering beside her, Ashwin discovered the source of the commotion—a disoriented girl, still in the haze of sleep. His eyes widened in comedic disbelief. "Well, this is unexpected," he muttered, realizing the amusing predicament that had unfolded.


For Shanta Aunt, though, it was as if she had stumbled upon a scene from a soap opera. Recovering from her initial shock, she mumbled to herself, "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see the day Ashwin would be caught in a bedtime escapade!"


And so, in the midst of the chaos, a comedic tableau unfolded, leaving everyone wondering how they ended up in this hilarious waking nightmare.

Ashwin’s POV


This has got to be the absolute worst day of my life. I open my eyes to chaos, only to find myself next to a girl I don't even know. Is she a witch in disguise from some strange dimension? All I can see is a cascade of long, curly hair covering her entire face. The only thing I know for sure is that this situation is nothing short of a nightmare.


She stretches her arm, yawning, and finally utters, "What happened, Aunt? Why are you shouting?" I wait for Shanta Aunt's response, but instead, a woman in her late 50s with fair skin, a slightly angry expression, and a few gray hairs scattered in her brown locks, steps forward. "Dolly, what the hell are you doing here? Look at what you've done!"


Dolly, still half-asleep, glances around in confusion. Beside her is me, and in front of her is my entire family, along with a few unfamiliar faces, except for Shanta Aunt.


As the tension thickens, the girl named Dolly starts to realize the gravity of the situation. Fear flashes across her face, and like a coiled spring, she catapults herself from the bed. Meanwhile, I'm left in a state of utter confusion, trying to figure out who on earth this girl is. The air crackles with drama, and my mom, with a knowing look, recognizes the girl. It's a scene straight out of a melodramatic play, unfolding before my bewildered eyes.