Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
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This is not what was supposed to happen.

María was hyperventilating, her nerves wrecked from fear. She was hiding behind a pillar. The sound of flesh being torn apart, the wailing of one her comrades being heard all the way there. This was supposed to be yet another looting quest. A quick in and out 5 hour adventure. Oh, oh how wrong she was.

First, it was Tanaka. Oh, sweet innocent Tanaka. He was the youngest of the group. A young corn fed country boy. He was brave, and not scared of anything. But being so robust and strong doesn't make you invincible. He was the torch carrier, the light in the darkness. His li-


Who gives a fuck. Maria realised that what is done is done. No one cares about them. They wouldn't have let them delve into this gods forsaken dungeon if anyone cared.

She leaned onto the pillar she was hiding around. The horrible creature, a four legged beast with horns for eyes, was rending apart of the poor newbies that were sent with her group. 'They'll get experience if they watch your groups teamwork'. Bullshit.

She slowly calmed herself down. She shouldn't be worried about the poor fucker, she doesn't even remember their name. Anyways, she waited amd waited for the creature to go away. It felt like an eternity, but just as she was beginning to think of a way to distract the beast, it went away. 

Maria slowly approached the newbie's corpse. Their head was missing... well, half the body was missing. She began rummaging through the poor sod's backpack, finding a few dried meats and a matchbox. Great, at least they were somewhat prepared, even if it was for nothing.

Pulling out an old 'map' (It was a crude drawing of the dungeon's first levels.) She began to devise a plan to reach their objective: Some noble bitch that was taken. Honestly, Maria didn't even know if it was possible for their objective to still be alive, but nonetheless, she just had to travel down a few more levels, and then... well, that's something for Future Maria to worry about.

Sorry for the delay, National elections in my country. Very worried about the future... Next chapter will be longer.